Another RP anon meme has been posted, and so now is the time for another
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There is a LOT of wiggle room when it comes to Mitsuru and her father. Just why is he so distant now, what he was like when she was growing up (covering everything from birthdays to if he spent a lot of time with her when she was an ickle kid.) to just how he thinks of her now. I would say that he does still care about her daughter, to the point that he is willing to give up his life if it means that she and the others won't have to carry the weight of the Dark Hour anymore. (And which Mitsuru REALLY doesn't want him to do. They listen to each other's wishes and concerns so well, don't they?)
Another thing to think about is just how the Kirijo Family is related to the Nanjo Group. That's more of a head canon exercise, and probably more for you if you like/are interested in the past Persona games as well, but still a good one to consider when it comes to Mitsuru's background.
There's also a lot of other good headcanon to play with; Mitsuru is one of those characters that has just enough details in her background to start with, but a lot of wiggle room when it comes to fleshing it out. For starters, there's just what sort of role she played in the experiments (Ikutski's dialogue is, post Kirijo reveal, that "Under the pretense that she was assisting the Group, she was subjected to the experiment for many years. So, Mitsuru wasn't born with the ability to summon a Persona; she was forced to learn how." If that isn't an invitation to make up lots and lots of background story, I don't know what is.)
Also, there's just what sort of family she has outside her father. What exactly happened to her mother still is up in the air, along with what sort of uncles and aunts she has. Another thing to consider is just what she thinks of her grandfather, since the game doesn't do much other then hint at what she thinks of him via expressions in the cutscenes.
Either way, lots of good, fertile ground there.
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