✖ he never had a chance ✖

May 15, 2011 18:34

Who: Santa and June
Where: Goldenrod. Some... where.
When: Now!
Summary: Two *spoilers* are tried of running away from everything :c
Rating: PG-13 for dark themes and possible bad language.
Warning: MAJOR 999 SPOILERS 
 ( it was really only you, it was really only you )

santa | 999, akane kurashiki | 999

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usedtroll May 16 2011, 00:13:13 UTC
[ At first, she's frowning.

Seeing Santa look so... depressed was extremely rare, which meant this was a big deal to him. And it hurt her because -- well, his pain was her pain, right? If Snake's arrival hadn't already made her upset her for obvious reasons, seeing her brother's darkened expression would have done the job. They're intertwined enough that June can't help but feel whatever he's feeling ( ... )


usedtroll June 25 2011, 11:36:57 UTC
[ She does feel bad, in a way, that this new sort of "enlightenment" has arrived to her, and not to him. Had it been her way... yeah, she'd rather Aoi get better. Because... because he's the best person she knows. Because he's always been the best brother who's ever lived, and what has the world given him in return for that?

Nothing. ]

Sure thing!

[ But, she has faith. Something she hasn't had for a very long time. She has faith that, with her luck, Aoi can be whole again. That he can be as happy-as truly happy-as she is right now. Really, she can only hope that her love will be enough to guide him in the right direction.

And if it isn't? Oh well. Akane has decided a long time ago that she loves Aoi more than words-that she will always accept him because he's the only one she can really be herself with. He's the only one where are barriers are crossed-all walls are broken down.

And perhaps that is why she refuses to give up on him. ]


cynicizing June 26 2011, 01:47:15 UTC
Let's go, then.

[In some ways, he thinks he's lucky (or as lucky as he can be, because fuck, he knows they've had pretty crappy luck) to have Akane as his sister. For, as cruel as she can be, she's still kind enough to stay with him-or rather, let him stay with her.

In all honesty, just having her back for good is enough for him. She's his little sister, after all. He'd rather live his fucked up little life with her than a normal life without.

This is the price to pay for saving her, and no matter what, he won't regret it.]


usedtroll July 4 2011, 02:00:31 UTC
[ And this time, she doesn't take his hand, because she doesn't need physical expressions of support. June's reassured that he's here for her, now and forever, and that's more than enough for her. June's well aware that even with recent developments, Santa will always be the most important, most trustworthy of all her allies. He's her brother, her friend, and her world. And even though she does tease him about it sometimes, she does, genuinely, love him.

She smiles over in his direction, before nodding, and starting to walk back the way they came. ]


cynicizing July 7 2011, 16:26:21 UTC
[And eventually, they're back at the inn, before heading over to Santa's room. His bag's on the bed, which he walks over to, before rummaging through.]

C'mon, I know it's somewhere in here...

[-There. Two things, actually, but for now he only holds up one to June-a stone.]

You know what this is?


usedtroll July 16 2011, 05:02:01 UTC
[ She waits patiently, maybe playing with a few nick nacks around his room, before going back to look what's in his hand. She stares at it, like she's really analyzing, before looking back to Santa, a confused look on her face. ]

A rock?


cynicizing July 22 2011, 20:15:09 UTC
Yes, Akane, I'm giving you a rock for the hell of it-no.

[A pause]

Well, okay, yes. I guess you could say it's a rock. But it's called an everstone. Ever heard of it?


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