"Nighttime Threats" ~ ch. 6

Nov 27, 2008 22:51

Title: Nighttime Threats
Author: rose_melody2
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Pairing: Tom/Doug
Rating: NC-17 overall, varies by chapter
Warnings: Non-con, angst
Disclaimer: 21 Jump Street does not belong to me and I make no profit.
Summary: After a drug bust gone wrong, how will Tom and Doug’s relationship suffer, and will they get through it without everything falling apart?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

** Chapter 6 **

“Court is in order, everybody please sit.”

Tom nervously sat next to his lawyer in the nearly full courtroom, making eye contact with nobody. Doug was sitting with Fuller, Judy, and Ioki in the row right behind his chair, and Jackson and his lawyer were a few meters away from them, sitting at their own table.

After everybody had been sworn in, the judge read out the charges, and Jackson’s lawyer, a sharply-dressed man in his forties with cold, impassive eyes, stood up.

“Officer Hanson, could you please take the stand?”

Tom stood and made his way behind the wooden platform and sat, turning his eyes onto the man now in front of him.

“Is it true, Officer Hanson, that you made a drug deal with my client?”

Tom looked at him. “Yes. I’m an undercover off-“

“Thank you,” the lawyer interrupted him firmly.

“Objection, your honor,” Tom’s lawyer said, standing up and looking imploringly towards the judge. “My client has the right to say that since he is an undercover officer, in order to make a drug arrest, he has to ‘buy’ drugs from the suspect.”

The judge nodded and turned towards the other lawyer. “I’ll trust you not to interrupt the people on the stand, is that understood?”

Angrily, the man nodded before turning back to Tom. “My client has filed charges against you for entrapment, and in reality, is that not what you did? Lure my client into a trap set against him?”

“No, I didn’t. He approached me and my partner with drugs and offered them to us. He set the time and place, and it was his choice to do so.”

“But don’t you agree that if he knew you were police officers, he wouldn’t have done it?” the man asked.

Tom’s mouth dropped open in disbelief, and he heard Doug snort quietly from his seat next to Fuller, who looked annoyed.

Before Tom could answer, Tom’s lawyer stood and approached the bench.

“Please describe what happened, Mr. Hanson.”

Tom momentarily closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he opened them, he made the mistake of finding Jackson’s eyes maliciously staring at him. He looked away.

“I went to the alley where we agreed to do the drug deal. Two of them attacked me and punched me in the face and stomach before pinning me to the wall. I had no opportunity to defend myself, and he -“ he flicked his gaze over Jackson - “sexually assaulted me.”

There were a few murmurs heard inside the courtroom before Jackson’s lawyer rounded on him again. “But were you not with your partner?” He swept his hand over the room to point at Doug.

“No, I was not. Jackson had specifically asked for me to be there alone.”

“Were you armed?”


“Surely,” the man smirked at him, “a trained police officer such as yourself could defend himself against a high school boy.”

Tom glowered at him, but kept his mouth shut when his lawyer began to talk. “According to my records, the accused client is over five inches taller than Officer Hanson, and over thirty pounds heavier. Not to mention that he was with a group of other ‘high school boys’ of the same build.”

Jackson’s lawyer seemed undeterred by this statement, and he said, “You insist that my client sexually assaulted you, Mr. Hanson?”

“I don’t insist that he did it, he did do it,” Tom practically growled.

“We have an eyewitness that says he did not,” the man proclaimed.

Before anyone had a chance to react, Doug jumped up from his seat and yelled, “That’s bullshit! Ten police officers saw him running from the alley that night!”

“Order in my court!” the judge called out, pounding his gavel upon the surface of his desk a few times. Judy pulled Doug back down, scolding him quietly.

“Now,” the judge said, “Why hasn’t this been brought to my attention in the charges stated?”

“The witness refuses to appear in public.”

This statement almost made Tom laugh; Jackson really had no defense. The judge seemed to be thinking the same thing, for he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before announcing, “Michael Williams, Terry McGrath, and Joseph Wells, I sentence you to six months in prison for assault on a police officer and illegal handling of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.”

He calmly put his papers down and finished with, “We will resume trial tomorrow at noon.” He banged his gavel twice on the surface of the bench and stood, as did everyone else in the courtroom.

A huge weight had been lifted off Tom’s chest; relief flooded through him and he smiled as he walked back around the bench and towards Doug. But then anxiety and guilt washed through him when he remembered that he hadn’t told anyone about seeing Jackson outside his apartment building.

“This is great!” Doug said to him, sounding happy as he watched the three high school boys - more like 20 year-olds who had failed one too many times - being led out of the courtroom. “After the trial tomorrow, they’ll all be behind bars and we can get our lives back on track.”

Tom gave a small, uneasy smile and looked down at the floor. Doug scratched the back of his neck and added, “Look, uh… do you wanna go home and talk?”

The younger cop nodded gratefully. Living without Doug had been hell in more ways than one. He looked up at his lover and replied, “Alright. The Mustang’s parked in the back, so I’ll -“

“I’ll just come out when I’m finished with Fuller,” Doug said, gesturing to their Captain.

Tom nodded again, and Doug turned to go. “Wait, Doug,” he suddenly called out.

The older cop turned back around.

“Thank you.”

He knew he’d be better once he talked to Doug; it was as if the other cop was his other half, and he hated pushing him away and hurting him.

Tom exited the courtroom, feeling as if things were finally beginning to work themselves out.

He walked across the deserted parking lot, feeling around his pockets for his keys, not hearing the hurried footsteps approaching him until it was too late. An arm wrapped itself around Tom’s waist and a hand closed over his mouth. Tom yelled in surprise and struggled fiercely, but Jackson’s voice growled, “You made a lot of mistakes in that courtroom today, Hanson.”

Tom’s eyes widened in fear, and he cried out as Jackson threw him against the hood of his car, still keeping his grip tight on him. Tom kicked, trying to aim for Jackson’s stomach, but the other male easily overpowered him, closing his hand over the young cop’s throat and forcing his thighs apart with his knee.

“No, get off -“ Tom cried out, feeling the sickeningly familiar feeling grab hold of him again. “Get off me!”

“No way, Hanson - I’ve been thinking about how good I felt that night,” Jackson snarled while ripping Tom’s belt away from his pants. “How good I felt pressed against your -“

Tom suddenly twisted one arm out of Jackson’s grip and aimed a punch at his face; his fist connected with Jackson’s cheek, but the bigger of the two merely pushed Tom back down onto the hood of the car, using all his body weight to keep him pinned.

Tom couldn’t find his voice anymore; he couldn’t handle it again, he knew he couldn’t. Silent tears made their way down his face, and he hated himself even more. He couldn’t defend himself against the person who haunted his dreams every night. Doug’s face appeared in his mind, and Tom felt guilty - he could never ask Doug to put up with any of this anymore.

He closed his eyes and braced himself, knowing he was completely alone.



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