"Nighttime Threats" ~ ch.3

Nov 17, 2008 23:59

Title: Nighttime Threats
Author: rose_melody2
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Pairing: Tom/Doug
Rating: NC-17 overall, varies by chapter
Warnings: Non-con, angst
Disclaimer: 21 Jump Street does not belong to me and I make no profit.
Summary: After a drug bust gone wrong, how will Tom and Doug’s relationship suffer, and will they get through it without everything falling apart?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

** Chapter 3 **

Doug restlessly shifted around in his chair, waiting for Tom to come out. He sighed and leant forward, resting his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands, thinking. How could this have happened? He’d always had a bad feeling about Jackson whenever he saw him looking at Tom, but he thought it was harmless. He felt his gut wrenching when the image of Tom on the dirty ground, bleeding and shaking, came into his mind.

He felt someone sit next to him, and he turned his head. It was Judy.

“How are you?” she asked sympathetically.

Doug made a shrugging motion and leant back in his chair. He thought for a bit. “Judy?”


“How did everything change after… you know?” he asked quietly.

She took a deep breath. “It’s going to be different for Tom. He has you. I think he’ll be scared for a while, he won’t let anyone touch him… don’t let him push you away from him.” She paused. “He needs to know he’s not alone.”

“Yeah.” Doug nodded his head in agreement. “I’m just so worried about him… you know he hates to cry, and that’s the best way to get it out, right?”

“It’s different for everybody,” she replied quietly. “But trust me, just let him know you’re there for him, and he’ll feel more at ease. After all, you’re the most important person in the world to him, aren’t you?” She smiled lightly.


Doug looked up, startled, and saw Tom, dressed in his regular clothes, a blank look in his eyes.

“Can we go?” the younger officer asked him.

Quickly, Doug and Judy got up, Judy went her own way because her car was parked on the other end of the hospital, and Tom and Doug set off down the hall.

“How was it?” Doug asked once they were waiting for the elevator.

Tom looked down uneasily before he replied, “Fine.”

Doug didn’t want to press the matter, so he let it drop as they entered the elevator.

How was he supposed to deal with this?


“Did Fuller tell you that you can have a few days off?” Doug asked.

Tom nodded his head wearily. “He wanted to give me two weeks, but I just took one,” he said, but he noticed the look of concern that creased itself onto Doug’s face, so he forced a smile and added, “It’d drive me crazy if I was stuck in here for two weeks.”

Nothing had crossed his mind for the entire day other than the fact that he would have to describe everything to a courtroom full of people. It was stupid of him to be thinking about that since it was two weeks away; he knew that, but he hated that everyone had to know what happened.


Tom blinked and looked over at Doug.

“You okay?” he asked quietly, frowning.

The younger man nodded. “I’m gonna go to bed,” he said as he stood up from the couch. “To sleep,” he added, feeling a bit of panic rise up inside him when Doug got up as well.

“I’m not gonna ask for sex after what happened,” Doug said bluntly.

“I know,” the dark-haired officer said. He paused for a few moments, thinking. “Look, it shouldn’t be awkward between us, Doug…”

Doug nodded and gently pushed Tom in the direction of their bedroom, replying, “Then let’s go to bed, because you’re dead tired.”


Something hit Doug hard in the side, and he woke abruptly, turning over to look at Tom, who had apparently elbowed him, but was still sleeping.

Doug was about to close his eyes when he heard Tom cry out quietly.

“Stop…” he gasped out, barely heard.

Doug watched with unease as his lover curled up on his side, his breathing getting weary and torn.

“Tom?” he said quietly, not wanting to startle him.

A pained look crossed the younger man’s features and he gasped out, “Stop…”

Doug reached out and shook Tom’s shoulder, knowing that he was probably having a nightmare about what happened.

“Doug,” Tom mumbled piteously, “Help…”

He began thrashing around in bed, fighting off the imaginary attackers as Doug sat up and grabbed his wrists, shouting, “Tom, wake up!”

Finally, the young man opened his eyes, wildly looking around before realizing that he was in his bedroom. A helpless look grew on his features and he let himself drop back onto the pillows as he let out a shaky, barely-concealed sob.

“You’re okay,” Doug reassured him, lightly squeezing his hand. “You’re okay now, it wasn’t real…”

The words barely got through to Tom. Images flashed through his mind - being thrown at the brick wall, a hand closing over his mouth, the feeling of an unwanted body pressed against his own -

He closed his eyes, forcing himself to concentrate on Doug as the older officer quickly got up and turned on the light, immediately going back to his side.

Tom sat up against the headboard and looked down at the bedsheets tangled all around his body.

“I hated it,” he whispered.

“What?” Doug asked gently.

“When they took me into the exam room,” he replied, not making eye contact with his lover.

When Doug didn’t say anything, Tom went on, “They told me to take off the scrub pants and gown after they looked at the bruise on my face. And I did - I took off the last piece of dignity I had.” He now even refused to face Doug, and so instead tilted his head down until he was looking at his hands fidgeting in his lap. “And they took so many pictures for the medical records, I -“ his voice shook, “I hated it, I hated every second of it. They were just looking and I felt so damn useless, just standing there in front of them all…” He buried his face in his hands, taking a deep, shuddering breath as the memories overtook him.

“Mr. Hanson, now if you could turn around please,” the nurse said.


“Pictures for the medical record,” she explained.

Gritting his teeth to make sure his tears didn’t spill onto his cheeks, he slowly turned, closing his eyes when he heard the ‘Click’ of the camera.

“Now lie down on the table,” the doctor said.

Tom wrapped his arms around himself, wanting the floor to open up and swallow him. He kept his eyes open, though, because he knew what he would be met with if he closed them.

Without a word, Doug retrieved a thick blanket from the closet and draped it around Tom’s body, shifting to sit in the middle of the bed before pulling his lover onto his lap and wrapping his arms around him. Tom put his head on Doug’s chest, exhausted, but keeping his eyes open.

“I hate this,” he murmured brokenly.

Doug only made himself comfortable and ran his hand through the other man’s dark hair. “I know, baby…” he whispered. “I know.”



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