"Nighttime Threats" ~ ch. 5

Nov 23, 2008 01:13

Title: Nighttime Threats
Author: rose_melody2
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Pairing: Tom/Doug
Rating: NC-17 overall, varies by chapter
Warnings: Non-con, angst
Disclaimer: 21 Jump Street does not belong to me and I make no profit.
Summary: After a drug bust gone wrong, how will Tom and Doug’s relationship suffer, and will they get through it without everything falling apart?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

** Chapter 5 **

He stood in the shower for what felt like ages that morning, wanting to wash away every thought that had been racing through his mind for the past few days. The feeling of uncleanliness was plaguing him, and his skin had turned red from where he had scrubbed it so much.

There was a knock at the bathroom door.

“Tom?” He heard Doug’s voice call out.

“Yeah?” Tom answered.

“Do you want me to wait so we can drive over together?”

“No, you can go ahead. I don’t wanna make you late.”

“Alright,” Doug replied. “See you later.”

Tom waited until he was sure Doug had exited the apartment before he turned the shower off and stepped out of the tub, wrapping a towel around his waist. He wiped off the steam that had collected on the bathroom mirror and surveyed himself again; the bruise under his eye was almost completely gone, but the bite mark on his neck was still there, reminding him of Jackson’s rough hands pushing him against the wall; hot, rancid breath against his ear…

He looked away from his reflection, feeling shame boil up inside him again. Quickly, he walked out of the bathroom and dressed, not casting one more look at another mirror as he made his way out of his apartment and drove to the chapel.


Doug tiredly looked over the report on his desk, distracted whenever anyone walked into the chapel, hoping it was Tom.

“Damn it, Tommy; where are you?” he mumbled to himself.

He’d noticed how closed-off his lover was; he understood if he didn’t want to jump into things too soon, but what troubled him was the way that Tom never told him anything. Nothing about his nightmares, doctor appointments, nothing. The thought that maybe Tom didn’t love him anymore had been nagging him for a few days; Doug refused to admit it, but it was quickly overtaking his thoughts.

He sighed and put his head in his hands, feeling his heart jump into his throat as he contemplated the fact that Tom could leave him at any moment.

“Hey Penhall, you alright?”

He looked up and stared at Judy as she sat at the edge of his desk, a concerned look on her face.

“This whole thing… it’s really shaken up our relationship. Now I’m thinkin’ he doesn’t want to be with me anymore, Jude. He’s pulling away from me…”

She gave him a sympathetic look and replied, “It might feel like that now, but just make sure that he knows you’ll be there for him.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Doug saw Tom walk into the chapel. Judy went back to her work and Doug smiled at Tom as he walked past him to get to his own desk. The younger cop briefly returned the smile before his eyes seemed to fill with the familiar hurt and fear when he let his thoughts swallow him whole.

He felt wretched for not being more understanding, but how was he supposed to if Tom didn’t tell him anything?

Knowing it would eat him alive unless he talked to his lover, Doug made his way towards Tom’s desk and said, “Hey. Uh, can we talk?”

Tom looked up, putting his report back onto the desk. “Sure.”

They walked up the stairs that led to the lockers and, after making sure they were alone, Tom sat down on a bench and looked up at Doug.

The older officer began pacing, trying to think. “Look, I -… it seems like you don’t trust me anymore, Tom.”

The dark haired young man looked down at the floor. “What do you mean?”

“You’re not telling me anything,” Doug stated, not bothering keeping the hurt out of his voice. “And I care about you so much, Tommy - you know that. You know I love you -“

“Stop, Doug. Just -“ Tom put his head in his hands, and Doug could hear him trying not to sob. “Please,” the younger cop begged, “Don’t think I don’t trust you, I just… don’t know how to deal with this…”

“That’s why I’m trying to help you,” Doug replied, “And I get it, I understand what you’re going through -“

“No, you fucking don’t get it!” Tom suddenly cried out, standing up and glaring at his lover. “You don’t get that every time I close my eyes, I see him ripping my clothes off me! You don’t ‘get’ that every time someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I want to cry because it reminds me of him, and you don’t understand that I don’t know how to deal with this!”

Doug, instead of feeling angry, as he had expected, found that the words echoed in his head - he never realized that whenever he slid his arm around Tom’s waist or took his hand, that he was scared.

“Okay,” he said softly, noticing that Tom was now angrily wiping his cheeks. “It’s obvious we both need some time to think, so I’m gonna spend the night at Judy’s.”

With that, he turned and made his way down the stairs, not noticing the helpless look that flashed across Tom’s features.


He couldn’t concentrate on anything for the rest of the day; it was worse that now Doug was avoiding him, and Tom knew very well that he couldn’t live without Doug Penhall, the goofball who was funny, sweet, romantic, and utterly perfect for him.


“I’m so stupid,” Tom said aloud to himself. He was lying under the covers in bed, it was almost 3 o’clock in the morning, and he hadn’t slept at all. Doug was the one who would gently wrap his arm around his waist and get him to finally fall asleep, and Doug was the only one who could calm him down after having a nightmare…

And he hurt him. He hurt Doug, the only person who really mattered to him.

Tears formed in his eyes, and he whispered, “I’m sorry…” before turning onto his side and admitting that he’d never calm down without him.

He finally got out of bed and made up his mind to call Doug, who was probably sleeping on Judy’s couch at the moment. He pulled up the blinds of his bedroom window and looked out at the dark street outside, wondering if he should drive over to Judy’s instead of calling her and waking her up. The night was quiet, there were only a few cars parked on the street, and there was nobody in sight.

But then a figure leaning against the hood of a car caught Tom’s eye. He leant closer to the window and studied the figure of a man seemingly waiting for something. Then he turned.

Tom’s heart almost stopped dead in his chest.




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