Title: Bruises and Bitemarks
masanamiCharacter(s): Hotsuma/Shusei, mentions of Senshirou/Kuroto, Tsukumo/Touko, Takashiro, Tachibana
Word Count: 6,282
Rating: R
Warnings: Host AU. Suggestive material.
Summary: Shusei's the perfect host and Hotsuma's the perfect person to ruin everything for him.
Author's Note: Honestly, this is probably my
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Comments 18
By the way, can you tell me the manga picture that is on your first page. The one at the top? What manga is it from? I really wanna know. :))
Thank you:)
Update soon.
And the manga from my header is Kirai Ja Nai Kedo by Sakuraga Mei ♥ It's a really good BL manga!
Yeah I think the title means I Don't Dislike You or something like that. It's a really good little series (all of Sakuraga Mei's work is really good--I totally recommend her stuff!)
Just finished reading the latest chapter of Uraboku(Ch.48),【Spoiler Alert!】 Shusei is injured, bleeding badly. Still no one has found him yet. Just like the situation in this story chapter.
Thank you and please keep writing!
To me Shusei always has a tendency to put the burden on his shoulders no matter the circumstances--but especially so in regards to Hotsuma. He'll always do whatever it takes to save Hotsuma--something I really wanted to bring into this story.
gah I know!! Chapter 48 is killing me. Especially since we know he's too weak to run any further based on...I think it was chapter 44 or 45...either way I didn't intentionally plan that but it seemed to just happen that way^^
ohhh and I have to ask...where is that lovely icon from?? Such a delicious image^^
"Delicious"..yes it is.^^ That's how I wanted it to look like~
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