Stephen Silver versus Colm Horkan.

Jun 19, 2020 16:16

These are the established facts in the case ( Read more... )

hibernia, ward, judo

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Comments 9

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alexeyberegovoy June 19 2020, 17:11:57 UTC
anti traveller
in russian АНТИ
А Нет Такого Имени = And No Such Name - traveller


False rape allegations, Duffy. ron_broxted June 19 2020, 17:35:47 UTC
Izvinitye! Traveller etat Irlandski argot - tsiganski.


alexeyberegovoy June 19 2020, 19:05:57 UTC
- Ты коня украл?
- Я его даром взял.
- Вот ты даром взял, вот ты даром и вези

- You stole a horse?
- I took it for nothing.
- So you took it for nothing, here you are for nothing and take it


alexeyberegovoy June 19 2020, 17:15:06 UTC
The system does not know this.
unique indefinable


Grace Millane and Jesse Shane Kempson. ron_broxted June 19 2020, 17:36:57 UTC
Sorry, my mistake, in Ireland "traveller" is the term for "tsigan". Etnichskii.


alexeyberegovoy June 19 2020, 19:02:10 UTC
Цыгане это отцы пути, дороги, странствий, движения - по русски.

Gypsies are the fathers of road, road, wandering, movement - in Russian.


Jemma Beale and Jean Hatchet (Yvonne Radstone). ron_broxted June 19 2020, 19:42:43 UTC
Da. In Russia, gypsies are from India originally, in Ireland, ethnic, blonde hair. Sinii sinii glaza.


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