Meme: The tvtropes & cliches meme

Nov 24, 2012 00:43

trying out a new meme thing from Awanderingbard...

Give me a number from the list below, a fandom and a character/characters/a pairing and I'll write you a short fic or fic excerpt.

(with brief explanations. Actual fics will probably vary)

1. Christmas/Holiday Episode
(Happy Christmas and/or Generically Theme Festivites, everyone!)2 ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

prochytes November 24 2012, 09:24:39 UTC
5. Visit from Relatives. The Mentalist. Grace's dad, the sports coach, comes to visit. Wackiness follows.


rodlox November 25 2012, 02:39:08 UTC
I see what you did
"Hey boss, I got that file you asked fff....." Grace said, trailing off when, on entering the space where she and her team usually worked, she noticed who was sitting at the pizza table with two of her male coworkers.

"Thanks," Lisbon said, herself having avoided looking at the gathering, and not about to ask what was going on. There was, after all, every chance that it could be perfectly straightforward and simple -- but with Jane at the table, Lisbon wouldn't bet on that being the case.

"Um, what's going on?" Grace asked the guys.

Coming over to hand in what he had found out, Cho said, "Staring contest."

So I was right? Lisbon wondered ( ... )


prochytes November 26 2012, 18:00:41 UTC
Tee hee. I had always assumed, with Rigsby, that Grace inherited her physique from her father - interesting to see a different spin on him.


gelbes_gilatier November 25 2012, 01:22:06 UTC
Have you ever written Being Human? Because I would love to have

1. Christmas Episode, Being Human (UK), something Mitchell/Annie with a (big) dash of George/Nina, if you can manage it? :)

Also, erm, if two requests are okay,

4. Trapped in an elevator, Last Resort, King, Tani and Grace


rodlox November 25 2012, 03:00:07 UTC
The time Tani and Grace laughed together

There were three people in the elevator when it clanked to a stop and didn't show signs of restarting. The overhead light flickered.

"I suppose this happens a lot since we showed up?" Grace asked.

"It happens a lot, full stop," Tani said. "Why did you think most of us use the stairs?" and she set down the box she had been carrying.

Grace followed her lead, putting down her box. We'll install these on the roof as soon as the elevator gets us there.

King didn't set his box on the floor.

Tapping the ventilation grate on one wall, Tani said with a smile, "Could be here hours."

"I'll be fine."

Grace and Tani shared a look that King read as 'men never stop acting tough.'

"You have a lovely island," Grace said. I'm sure at least one of my crewmates, and a certain superior officer, would call that an understatement in their opinion.Tani said one word ( ... )


gelbes_gilatier November 26 2012, 22:12:55 UTC
Love this ♥

Grace and Tani being so chummy and King being flustered about that... aw, that was just so awesome.


"Old High German," Grace said.

Tani nodded. "Part of our educational gift from the Kaiser. Our island's visitors since them - the French, the rest of NATO, and your comrades - are," and she used that word again.



rodlox November 25 2012, 05:01:49 UTC
On the eighth day of Hannukkah, underneath our tree...
I used the UK movie version of annie, though the UK series version of MitchellThe weather outside had finally calmed, ending a week of constant snowfall. Yet even with all of that, a swaddled object had been deposited inside their shared home. And even if one of them hadn't been claustrophobic, even if one of them had an absolutely rubbish nose when not in wolf-form... they had no way of following whomever or whatever had left the swaddled thing under their Christmas tree ( ... )


spacemonkey_27 November 25 2012, 04:49:13 UTC
4. Trapped in an elevator, The Avengers, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers
Have at it! ;)


rodlox November 26 2012, 03:12:42 UTC
To pass the time

Steve looked up at where Tony was pacing back and forth. "Relax."

"I'm thinking."

"Come on, Tony, we'll get out eventually."

"Huh. Says the man who slept through the Sixties. And the Seventies. And -"

"You have your suit, I have rapid regeneration."

"No, that's Banner."

"We both do," Steve said.

"Can't believe I'm going to die without ever having another shwarma," Tony said.

"You're not going to die. I'm not going to die. We're not going to die."

"You know, I think I can see why they didn't ask you to do a guest spot on Sesame Street."

"Are you always this grumpy when you're stuck somewhere without your Swiss Army kit?"

"I'll have you know I never needed a Swiss Army kit," Tony said.

"Jarvis. Your metal suits. That kit," Steve said. "When you can't use them to break out of something, you're pissed."

"I notice you haven't exactly been breaking down the walls yourself."

"Unless somebody teleported us, we're nine stories up. I might survive that fall. You would not. So ( ... )


spacemonkey_27 November 30 2012, 06:43:34 UTC
I love it!!! :) Thank you. This made my day.


awanderingbard November 25 2012, 16:38:18 UTC
Do you write Elementary fanfic? Because I'd love to see number 10, with Sherlock having to work with a temporary not!Joan. I haven't seen the very latest episode (the one after the plane crash one), but everything else is kosher, spoilerwise.

Or Castle, with 2. Castle and Beckett or Castle and Ryan and Espo. Something like that. I'm all caught up with that, so worries on the spoiler front there.


rodlox November 26 2012, 02:32:35 UTC
The other other J.Watson"How was the doctor's?" Bell asked when Sherlock finally arrived at the precinct ( ... )


awanderingbard November 26 2012, 04:59:03 UTC
Oh, I like this! Your Sherlock voice is spot on and I like Janice. Great job with the deductions, too. Thanks so much for writing it!


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