Numb3rs drabble: "is & isn't"

Jan 14, 2010 04:20

Written for numb3rs100 Holiday Drabble Remixathon - Remix of In the In Between by Jelsemium.

Title: Is & Isn't.
Author: Keenir
Dedicated to: Jelsemium.
prompt: #140: Generations
Characters: Colby.
Summary: In Afghanistan, Colby was and wasn't killed.
Warnings: AU and not-AU.

Rating: M
Word Count: 160
Spoilers: any and all references to D.Carter and Afghanistan.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.

There wasn't sufficient time to notice being weightless, much less to savor it. Not that he could savor anything, falling into the black abyss agonizing moments after striking onto what was under him.

Colby was gone now, having joined those who had gone before in the long line of duty.

Not with all the Grangers, only those who had fallen in the line of duty, for some still lived.

He never heard the cursing.


There wasn't sufficient time to notice being weightless, much less to savor it. But then, even if he had, it would have made him wary around astronauts and the subject of space. As it was, he teetered on the edge of the abyss...from which there would be no return, he knew.

Colby was wounded but alive, having joined the long line of his forefathers.

Not with all the Grangers, only those who had settled into retirement, for some had died.

Colby took a breath, feeling hands grabbing him. No, not grabbing - pulling.

The End

numb3rs fanfiction, 2010 fanfiction, numb3rs, drabble

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