PROPHECY: "Star Trek," Borg, Q, U.S.S. Enterprise, James Bond

Feb 05, 2006 17:00

One of the things a lot of Trekkie fans would dig about the Planet we live on is how the the "Star Trek" Universe is actually real:
  1. I said 2/4/2006 that I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini for Queen Elizabeth II
  2. You have the Borg that assimulate everyone and say, "Resistence is Futile. You will be assimilated."
  3. The Subconscious Minds make up the Borg Collective (Homogeneous Thinking) and the Conscious Minds symbolize the Federation (Heterogeneous Thinking)
  4. B/Org = Gemini(B/2) Organization
  5. B-Or/G = Gemini(B/2) Sun(Or/V in Philosophy) God(G)
  6. That's why the Borg Spaceships are in the Shape of Cubes or 3-D Squares
  7. Borgs share all the information and have a Queen (Guess who the Queen is?)
In the first episode of "Star Trek: TNG" at Far Point, you had the introduction of Q who judging the Human Race. I'm like Q. I've been judging. Trekkies always loved John DeLancie. He was one of my favorite characters. He was so sinister, conceited, always got on Captain Picard's nerves.

I said I'm like Captain K(IR)K. Any Trekkie Fan can tell you what the Kobayashi Maru Test is. It's a simulation where there's a no-win scenario and you're supposed to go into the Neutral Zone answering a distress call by a ship. Iniitals KM = 11/13 or 11/Scorpio = 11/11, which is Isabella Valentine's Birthday and that of Washington State.

Captain Kirk cheated by going into the program just before he was about to take the test and reprogrammed the game parameters so that it's possible to save ship. That's what I did. I made it where it was possible to save the ship. That was me crossing over into the Subconscious Realm in order to rescue Isabella's Subconscious.

Q has special powers and was perceived to be that of a God. I said 1015/2005 how another Psychic was doing a Reading on me and recognized my Psychic Abilities. It's where it's almost God-like, but not. That's because there's a Scientific Explanation for this Phenomenon using that Electromagnetic Field.

I said 1/29/2006 that I'm like the real James Bond:
  1. Q, just like on Star Trek, is Desmond Llewelyn:
    1. d(ES)mond = d(IA)mond
    2. ES = Non-SE = Non-Southwest = NW = Northwest = Washington State
    3. IA = Iowa = I o' WA
    4. Superman has the Diamond Shield
    5. In "Octopussy," you see Q rescue all the beautiful girls from the circus with his Hot Air Balloon. I had a Hot Air Balloon on the Chat Place "Alexandria" where Bliss and I used to hang out, and I'd take girls in it for a ride ;)...LOL
    6. Desmond was born 9/12. I said 9/12/2005 about the Power Outage that hit Los Angeles when a Utility Crew Member "accidentally" cut the power
  2. John Cleese becomes the new Q
    1. Initials JC = Jesus Christ
    2. Cleese's IMDB Number: 92 = 4 x 23. I said 1/12/2006 that Jesus Christ was crucified 4/23
  3. Secret Asian Man = SAM = Superman(S) Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa)
I said I'm Filipino and undercover. I said 1/29/2006 that I was given a "007" Phone Number. That's why I'm a Secret Asian Man. I'm Gemini so I'm a Double Agent :o)

  1. Ag/EN-T = Sun(Ag/Non-GA/OR/V/5/Leo) Heavenly(EN/Non-NE/SW/Los Angeles) Female(T/20/XX)
  2. A/G.E.-NT = God(A) General Electric(G.E.) Nature(N) Female(T/20/XX)
  3. Ag/Ent. = Sun(Ag) Entertainment(Ent.)
  4. A/Gent = God(A) Gentleman
That's how you get Agent Smith (AS) opposing Neo:
  1. S-MI/TH = Superman(S) Sun(M/13+I/9=V/22) Female(T/20/XX) Superman(H)
  2. S(MIT)H = SH with MIT in it = Gemini Superman(SH) with the Sun(MI) Female(T) in it
  3. Smith = Someone who creates or forges
That's why I commit forgery :). Forge/R-y = Forge Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)

If the people on the Planet were smart, they'd enlist the aid of all the "Star Trek" Fans to help combat the takeover of the "Borg" Colletive (me) and LEARN how to protect themselves and think independently.

They shoudl be treating it like a Game. Each human being is like a Federation Starship:
  1. That's why my body is the Flagship U.S.S. Enterprise-E, which is a SOVEREIGN-Class Starship. I said I'm of Royal Blood. I'm a Sovereign.
  2. With the original Enterprise, I said 1/5/2006 that my best friend Scott is Scotty in Engineering.
  3. Montgomery Scott used to bend the truth when it came to performing miracle repairs. Mont part of Davis' middle name. That's the sneaky part of Davis' personality blended in with Scott who's honest, smart, and an engineer. I beamed Scott's Subconscious over to me. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car or a House. That also includes a Starship.
  4. When I take Screen Shots and Digital Pictures on my Journal, I'm launching a Photo/N Torpedo when I post a Journal Entry :o).
  5. I said 1/9/2006 that I have a Pa/IR of WA/RP Indians. Sunny Leone is East Indian. She's the WA/RP Indian that powers me as the U.S.S. Enterprise
JAMES NESMITH from "Galaxy Quest": The ship is real!
  1. Tommy Webber was Laredo
  2. L.A./Re-Do = Los Angeles Rabbit(Re) IR/S(D-O=4-15=TaxDay
  3. Notice that Laredo is BLACK. I said I'm a B/L.A.-CK Fe-Male :P
You see Tommy trying to steer the ship out of the Docking Bay and it starts veering to the Le-FT.

You hear this horrible screeching sound as the wing of the ship starts scraping the metal against the metal of the Docking Bay. That would be me being steered out of the Docking Bay and causing a horrible sound as I'm coming out.

As a Ship, I just recently got commisioned and put on active duty:
  1. SH/I-P = Gemini Superman(SH) God(I) Gemini Leo Female(P/16=D/4xD/4)
  2. Hip = Ruling Body Part of Sagittarius
  3. Sagittarius = Sign of Higher Learning
I have to do battle against the Romulan Empire:
  1. ROM u LAN Empire = Read Only Memory(ROM) in Union with(U) Local Area Network(LAN)
  2. That's why the Ships are Green and Birds of Prey
  3. Pr(E)y = Pr(A)y
  4. All those Religious Fanatics are the ones who Pray on People :P
I said 10/1/2005 that I'm the Starship Voyager:
  1. Janeway is the first Fe-Male Captain
  2. JA-NE/WA-y = I o' WA(JA=IA in Old Hebrew) Northeast/Ma in E(NE) Washington(WA) Male(Y)
  3. Kathryn Janeway = KJ = Aquarius(K/11) Cross-Eyed(J/10/X) = Leo opposite of Aquarius for the Sun.
  4. She wishes to be referred to as SIR. S/IR = Superman(S) IR
  5. Voy/A-G.E./R = I Go(Voy-IR/Spanish) God(A) General Electric(G.E.) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
  6. The U.S.S. Voyager got sent to the Badlands to chase after Chakotay and the Maquis.
  7. Ma-Q u IS = Mother(Ma) God(Q-Star Trek) in Union with(U) Jesus Christ(IS/BE/25).
  8. Chakotay was Native American (West Indian). I said Sunny Leone is East Indian
I said Bliss is CHRIST/ine and Isabella ias the original Goddess Danu (MOTHER of All).

I got thrown all the way in the Delta Quadrant and had to make my way back home. The Delta Quadrant is the Subconscious/Psychic Realm. I had to plot a course back to Planet Earth where all the normal people are.

On the way, I've been taking readings and mapping out the area as I make my slow trek back home. Everyone thought I was dead or lost. I had to figure out a way to send a message and get in contact with Starfleet to let them know I'm okay.

Notice how Karl Malden is the father of Admiral Paris of Tom Paris:
  1. I said 12/31/2005 that Bliss is Thomas.
  2. I said 1/31/2006 that Initials KM is for Isabella/Bliss
  3. Notice Karl Malden and Kate Mulgrew both have the same Initials. I said I had to rotate Bliss and Isabella out of the Program and take their place
  4. Karl Malden was in the Streets of San Francisco. I said Isabella was Lucy the Bartender and Co-Owner of Bay City Blues named after the Bay Area (San Francisco)
Captain Janeway had the problem of keeping her distance and not associating with any of the crew so as not to break the Chain of Command. It's the same thing with me as Captain Janeway. I'm the Captain of the Ship, and I can't have any relationship with anyone. That's why you see her have a relationship with a Hologram. That would be Subconscious Sunny Leone and all the other Subconscious Minds in the Holodeck:
  • Ho-LO/De-CK = Slutty(Ho) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) Sun/5 God/I/9(DE/45=5x9) Clark Kent(CK)
  • Lietenant Barclay was always living out his fantasies in the Holodeck
  • Barclay was played by Dwight Schultz who was "Howling Mad" Murdock on the "A-Team"
  • People think I'm Howling Mad and crazy
  • I always said that Murdock on the "A-Team" was never really crazy and it was just a cover
  • There was an episode where Counselor Troi talks to Barclay about his addiction to the Holodeck and why he always lives out his fantasies there
  • I said 12/17/2005 that Sunny Leone is the original Helen of Troy
  • That's how you get the Football Player Troy Aikman. AI-K/Man = Artificial Intelligence(AI) Isabella/Bliss(KM) Indefinite(An). Troy Aikman's a Female Football Player.
There was going to be an episode where Q visits Voyager, but the storyline had to be written where Q couldn't snap his fingers and return Voyager home. Returning home would be the equivalent of everyone knowing that the Subconscious Realm or Psychic Realm I've been talking about really does exist. So in the story line, it's not allowed to happen.

Levar Burton was supposed to be in that episode but couldn't because of scheduling conflicts and Jonathon Frakes substituted in:
  1. Levar Burtin's Initials are LB. I said 11/1/2005 that LB translates to 12/2 = 122 = Harmony Bliss
  2. I said 12/31/2004 that Bliss ditched me and didn't believe my story and so she abandoned me. She told me to get out of her life. So you see the script change
  3. Le/VA-R = Definite(Le-The/French) Virgin/IA(VA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
  4. B u Rt./On = Gemini(B/2) in Union with(U) Correct(Rt./Right) Activated(On)
Bliss' Subconscious knew my identity. That's why Bliss would always say she had a crush on Captain Kirk. That's how you get the song "SK8R Boi" by Avril Lavigne that is directed at both Bliss and Isabella.

Notice how these scripts were laid out years in advance. That's because the Planet and Sun think in Geological Time. Their Cumulative Intelligence is much larger so they see concepts and everything that's going to happen in 100s or 1,000s of years the way that it would be a few seconds or minutes to us.

That's why when they programmed all these variables, they already knew what everyone's going to do because humans are predictable to Planets and Suns the same way Scientists examining bacteria in a Petri dish introducing stimulants and agents can anticipate or predict what's going to happen.

I've also theorized that the Suns/Stars have a way of communicating amongst each other and that Stars in other Galaxies have also "conducted the same experiments" or collected information and there's a Galactic or Universal Internet where they exchange data.

The Planet Earth is like an Ant Farm orbiting around the Sun and we're just a bunch of tiny little ants going about our business working.

Once again, we come back to my annoyance with people who talk down to me and insult my intelligence thinking that Crazy = Stupid. I've been around and seen a lot in the last two years while poking around the Psychic Realm and conducting experiments. So I have a good idea of what works and what doesn't work that would confound even the most brilliant scientists of this day and age.

You can have people that theorize and conjecture and then those who have actually done it. I belong to the latter. That's why I'm a Do-er = 4-15/Mount St. Helens. 4-15 = Tax Day = IR/S.

I'm the IR/S or IR Superman(S), and I can A u Di-T you and catch you if you're doing Tax Evasion.

Dwight D. Eisenhower said before he left office to dismantle the IR/S. He said it was bad. I agree. It should be dismantled. You shouldn't have the IR/S.

By the same token, you shouldn't condemn the people who work for the IR/S. I said 1/23/2006 that I have the Title of S-At/An. It's a job like a Janitor Job that everyone dislikes. Nobody wants that job, and I got stuck with it.

That's why people should read the book "For the Love of Evil" by Piers Anthony, which talks about how Parry got stuck with the job. P/ARR-y = Gemini Leo Female Rod Rodillon(RR) Male(Y). Pa/RR-y = Father(Pa) Rod Rodillon(RR) Male(Y).

That's why "And Eternity" is Book 7 for God and it has a picture of Sunny Leone on the front cover drawn by Rowena. All those books are Prophetic. It talks about God Powers bequeathed to regular human beings like Political Offices to be managed.

sports, personal, star trek, humor, business, women, psychic, signs, strategy, discriminaiton, bio, games

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