I'm so upset right now because once again I had to clean up after someone else's MESS. All my alarms systems went off and I had to go and FIX what Kelly did. On top of that, in the process of adjusting and fixing things, it screws up the balance on my business deals. I have DAVIS and DAVE as colleagues and every time I fiddle with something, you change or ALTER the personalities of the people.
So a business deal I was counting on to close in order to relieve financial stress is now running into a financial hiccup because I had to rotate out Kelly's personality and tinker with everyone named "Dave." So when we tried to close on a particular aspect, Dave was acting like me now that I had rotated my personality back in. In my case, because I'm financially hurting and need money, my demands are where people pay first before they do anything.
This once AGAIN comes back to what happens when you give FREE services to people and where they SCREW IT UP and then you have to clean up the mess. Kelly thinks that it's no big deal. She doesn't even think she had anything to do with this. However, when I brought her into this and was sharing that information, she was doing her own studies and research on Psychic Phenomenon. She was conducting those experiments on my time and it was spilling into my business.
So when that bus crash spun out of control and created that mess, I cleaned it up and in the process cut off circulation of money through me. This comes back to one more grievance on my list of issues I have with the women's special interest group. It makes them look bad because you see how women can screw things up just like men. They always go off on men being deadbeat father that want to have fun with them. However, whe the woman comes back telling the guy she's pregnant, the guy goes into denial and says it's not his child.
You need to have a Paternity Test and show proof that the DNA matches. It's the same thing where I do Paternity Tests that match Psychic DNA. That's why in the song "Flip Fantasia" by Cantaloop it was written by QUINCY Jones. Quince was played by Jack Klugman. There was article the other day on how Fantasia was talking about how she was raped by a popular kid and forced to take care of the child and how she can't read.
Kelly was Fantasia. Then when I yanked Kelly out of the picture and replaced her, it created this ugly anomaly. This is is how you get "
Star Trek: Voyager." It was a newly designed ship that's smaller and faster with gel packs making it alive and that responds faster than normal ships. It's first mission was to go and chase after the Maquis rebels.
That was me as the U.S.S. Voyager being sent into to after Kelly and clean up her mess. When I rotated her out and absorbed her, that's how you get a crew on the U.S.S. Voyager that is part Maquis and part Federation.
- K/athryn Janeway was played by Kate Mulgrew
- M u L Grew = New in Union with Bad Grew
- The Indian 1st Officer was Chakotay played by Robert Beltran.
- He's born 11/19, which is my biological father's birthday.
- Bel/Tran = IsaBELo TRANsvestite. He's transgendered because Sunny Leone is a Female and got converted into Guy the way that I got transformed into a woman.
- They get sucked into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker.
- I had posted in a previoust Entry how I'm the Caretaker who's about to die and trying to fend for the children.
- You have the K/azon who are trying to steal the Replicator Technology of the U.S.S. Voyager because it's something that no one in the Delta Quadrant has.
- The Psychic Abilities I possess is like Replicator Technology or Highly Advanced Technology that no one else has. Everyone in the Alpha Quadrant has it, but not in the Delta Quadrant.
- That's where we find Cesska as the betrayer who goes and has a child.
- You see later on in the episoes where Chakotay's DNA is stolen and Cesska impregnates herself. The K/azon then take the child and escape.
The Indian was supposed to represent Sunny Leone who's (East) Indian:
- Voyager = Voy/Ager
- Voy = "I go" in Spanish
- Voy is derived from "IR"
- IR = My Initials
- I used to complain last year how I'm the Ship. I'm the Living Ship. I'm the U.S.S. Enterprise.
- I'm also the Intrepid-Class Starship U.S.S. Voyager. Notice that Intrepid starts with I like my initial
- It came out in 1995. 95 = 5/Sun x S/19(Superman).
Because the ship by the Maquis was sacrificed and most of the crew from the U.S.S. Voyager had been killed, the Maquis Rebels and the remaining Voyager Crew work together to get home.
- The pilot was Lieutenant Tom Paris, played by Robert Duncan McNeil
- Paris is for France. Fr. = France
- His father Admiral Paris is Karl Malden from the "Streets of San Francisco."
So this is where we're thrust out in the middle of nowhere and have to make our way back. All because I was trying to chase the Maquis Rebels in the Badlands near "Deep Space 9." I'm the Floating Gas Station. I = 9th Letter.
That's how you get the Female Captain Kathryn Janeway:
- Janeway = Jane/WA-y
- I'd mentioned about "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 taken from the soundtrack "Songs about JANE"
- WA-y = Washington Male
- Janeway always stuck to her principles
- Janeway always had problems with relationshps because she was the Captain and couldn't get involved with any of the crew. So she was alone, which is my problem. I'm the Female Captain and I can't get involved with any of the crew else it will result in favoritism
- That's why you kind of saw something spark between Captain Janeway (Female Rod) and Chakotay (Subconscious Mind Sunny Leone)
That's why everyone SCREWS UP and does something selfish where I have to clean it up, I always earn a new Title.
From: Rod
To: Kelly
I should've known something nasty like this would've happened.
I got a call from Davis at 12:21 pm. While I was talking to him on the phone Kirstie with a K confessed she's pregnant.
I told you that Karma comes around and hits everybody. Just as I denied last week that Deva was my child with the Hercules Prophecy, there's now a mirror image where you got me pregnant and now YOU are just walking off like it's not your child.
I had to clean up your mess.
That's the reason why the SNL news article was talking about how Tina Fey is pregnant by Jeff.
That's because in the Civil War, you had Jefferson DAVIS leading the Conferate States of America vs. the U.S.
I know exactly why you turned me down and tried to block me. It was because you wanted to contend that YOUR Subconscious Mind is YOUR property and part of you.
So therefore, your logic and reasoning was that I was trying to force myself on you.
However, that's not how it is. The Subconscious Minds are being treated like SLAVES. That's why in today's Bulletin I was reading about Sex Slaves. S/Ex Slaves.
Your Subconscious is a separate individual. However, you're treating it like an extension of you as if it's a limb. The Subconscious Mind can function independently of you. That's why it's its own entity.
However, you tried to pawn it off as if you were getting violated or someone was trying to move in on your territory. So you made a decision to block that resulted in that bus crash in Poland.
I had to go and fix that shit up.
And because you don't want to confess up to it, you just up and left like a deadbeat dad.
This comes back to what I said where WOMEN can be just as guilty as men about getting someone pregnant and then just up and leaving.
You started your training. That's what that dream was about with your daughter studying and where McKay was trying to tear up the homework. However, you didn't want it.
So you let that idea grow. Then when that idea set wildfires, you are completely ignorant or don't want to believe that you had anything to do with that.
You've been STUDYING my research and you've been feeding off my ideas. When you do that, you're getting PREGNANT WITH THOUGHT.
Then when you don't like the results of what's happening, you think you can just walk away by ending your Subscription and just wipe your hands off of it.
It's not that simple. When you get someone pregnant, you either ABORT the pregnancy or you stick around.
This is the reason why you got pregnant with Deva. I don't know where the father of that child is, but if he's not around, he left or abandoned you the same way you ditched and left me with a child that I have to take care of.
Your thought got impregnated me and it spilled over. So I'm the one who got stiffed with taking care of it.
This is how Karma is punishing you and punishing me.
So which one is it? Are you a deadbeat dad that is just going to walk away from it and completely deny it's your kid or are you going to be mature about it?
If you don't want to claim it's your kid, that's fine by me. I can take care of it on my own. I don't need your help. I raised for God Children last year. So it's not like I need you.
I just want to make sure you realize that you were sloppy with your thoughts.
Did you really think you could study the Psychic Realm and do whatever you wanted and that it wouldn't cause problems?
The whole reason why I backpedaled is last month is because I didn't want to be held responsible for a child. Your Subconscious planted that thought about it being a Herculean child, and I said no.
I wanted that shit aborted.
Even in this case, I have no problem with cutting you off from that again if you're not even mature enough accept when you accidentally get someone pregnant with thought and it kills people.
That's why if you just walk away like this, you're no better than all the other deadbeat fathers that that get women knocked up and don't even support the woman and the kids.
This is just a whole shitload of Karma coming back on the WOMEN that bitch and complain about guys that get them knocked up and then split.
That's what you did.
That's why between us you had the Miramac vs. Monitor of the two Iron Clad Ships. I already know the outcome as the U.S. vs. Confederates, and we eventually defeated you.
That's why you have the U.S starting with U for Ewe/Submissive and the Confederate with C representing the Dom.
You tried to Dom me. That's why I fought back when you tried to belittle my experience level.
You are so experienced you didn't even realize you set off a chain of events. That's why it galls me that you even ATTEMPT to match yourself to my level of intelligence and experience.
It was such a HUGE INSULT you talking to me like I'm "learning" just like you.
Yeah, whatever. You don't even have a clue what's going on. That's why in the marriage between Ashton Kutcher (AK) and Demi Moore who is older I'm DEMI MOORE. You're Kutcher.
That's why the DJs were insulting Kutcher talking about how Demi Moore is so much smarter than Kutcher, which is YOU.
You and your Letter K.
You have the nerve to play a Miss Bitch attitude with me because you don't like the idea of the Psychic Sex and take it as a personal affront to you not realizing that you're extending yourself over to things you don't even understand.
That's why you got pregnant with Deva and why Deva and your last name points back to me.
It's because you're derived from me. That's why in Spanish, VA translates to "IR" (My Initials) in Spanish.
I've put in the work and research. I live and breathe this.
I spent day after day for four monts from June 2004 - September 2004 tracking the birthdates of celebrities born every day, and it ALWAYS matched my readings.
So if you want to walk away like nothing happened, that's fine by me. You won't see me bothering you or nagging you for any help.
I've got it taken care of. I've survived this long with other people ditching and abandoning me and you're no different.
However, you should be ashamed of yourself. It'll just get worse and worse. I bet that if you use the Decryption Code on the father of your child, I bet it will also point back to something I already prophecized. Same with your whatever your parents' names are.
As I said, I'm Karma is a bitch. It will always come back on you. So you can go on and be in your happy little world refusing to take responsibility for what happened.
However, mark my words. When I get out of this financial mess caused by other people and write a book, YOU will be in it.
It will point DIRECTLY at you and use you as an example of how women can also be just like men, getting other people knocked up, and then walking away.
You didn't like the readings or what I was saying, so you just unsubscribed like it was nothing at all.
That's why I get disgusted with the world and their lack of morals and values. Where is the decency?
Like I said, I already know why I have to go through this SHIT. It's so that when women go off on me claiming I don't know what it's like to be a woman, I can now go off on them and talk about how a WOMAN got me knocked up, pregnant, and just left.
You were mind-fucking me and enjoying the research comparing it to your data while it was "fun." However, as soon as you started getting wind of bad things happening, you just LEFT.
That's how it is men who like to fucking around with a woman with unprotected sex and then when the woman turns around telling the guy she's pregnant, they back off and leave.
When I told you that the bus crash was because of you, that was an IDEA/CHILD and you didn't want to take credit for YOUR child. So I had to go and clean up and take care of YOUR MESS.
The whole thing may already have come to pass because time doesn't function the same way in the Psychic Realm as it does in Normal Space. However, it still happened.
That's why I feel quite JUSTIFIED in chewing your ass out because of your half-assed thought and then refusing to be held accountable for that mess.
This is why I'd get so furious last year when my other God Children WOULD FUCK UP the same way, and I'd have to clean up their SHIT.
That's why when it comes to the Psychic realm or even Motherhood, you really have no right to even compare yourself to my level of experience.
Age has nothing to do with it. That's why the Planet is run like a Corporation. When there's crisis or disaster, you have to know how to clean it up.
If you were doing my job, you wouldn't even know where to begin and would most likely FUCK IT UP and get people killed the same way that other guy last year who was in his 40s thought he was a know-it-all and knew more than me.
Because of his STUPIDITY, it resulted in 150,000 deaths in India because of that stupid Earthquake in Christmas.
I have a right to go off on people when they kill people due to negligence. That's why if you're not going to listen to me when I tell you something about the Psychic Realm and what you should and shouldn't be doing, you really are better off leaving and never coming back the Psychic Realm and should completely stop your studies until you're MATURE enough to start taking responsibility for your actions.
When someone or groups of people get killed off, I have no qualms of putting on that Queen Elizabeth II title and chewing a person's ass out because when you kill people and you have families that suffer the loss of loved ones, THAT is OFFENSIVE to me.
If your child got killed off because of negligence or flat out murder, you'd be pissed and grieving. You'd want someone like me going after the guilty party who took your child away from you because I wouldn't let it go and see to it that the person who took your child's life would pay for their crimes and be brought to Justice.
So you can get all bitchy on me, but you should be THANKFUL that I'm the way that I am and the one looking after you and the rest of the Planet the way I do in spite of the SHITTY TREATMENT and lack of respect I get for the hard work I put in keeping all of you safe.