PROPHECY: "A Cinderella Story," "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"

Jan 25, 2006 21:18

I was rewatching "A Cinderella Story" with Hilary Duff:
  1. Jennifer Coolidge plays the evil stepmother Fiona:
    1. Her initials are JC for Jesus Christ
    2. Princess Fiona was in "Shrek" by Mike Myers. I said 11/6/2005 that Mike Myers is born 5/25 like Bliss
  2. Chad Michael Murray is CMM, meaning Dominant(C) Mary Magdalene(MM). I said Bliss is Gemini/II and Isabella is a Scorpio(M). M x II = MM
  3. Regina King is for Royalty. Re-G in A = Rabbit(1975/'75-Re/Periodic Table) God(G) in God(A)
  4. Madeline Zima:
    1. She played the evil stepsister "Brianna" is from New Haven, CT.
    2. I said 10/30/2005 that Bliss runs Haven and her Initials are CT :)
    3. I said 11/30/2005 about Brooke Haven in Kylie Ireland's web site
    4. I said 3/31/2005 about Lucille Bliss who played the Voice of the evil stepsister Anastasia in 1950
    5. Madeline is born 9/16, meaning God(I/9) Aquarian Male(P/16=D/4xD/4)
    6. Has been cast to play a teen-aged Lucille Ball in a upcoming movie/mini-series for CBS for 2003. This is a period piece were Madeline will play the "I Love Lucy" star from ages 13 to 18 and is scripted to film a scene with a teen-aged Bette Davis with whom Lucy went to drama school. For the role Madeline will have to cut her long hair in a bob. The movie is tenatively titled the "I Love Lucy" movie or "Redhead": I said my business associate is named Davis. I said 11/3/2005 that Isabella Valentine was Lucy the Bartender.
  5. Paul Rodriguez is the cook:
    1. Pa u L+ Father(Pa) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7). Rod/RI-G u EZ = Rod Rhode Island(RI/5-29) God(G) in Union with(U) Easy(EZ/Sun Aquarius)
    2. Born 1/19 = God(1) Superman(19)
  6. Character Austin Ames:
    1. Au-St./IN = Gold(Au) Saint(St.) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23).
    2. AM/ES = Father(AM/Non-Ma) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW).
  7. Character Shelby Cummings:
    1. I said 1/2/2006 that Isabella Valentine said she wanted a Shelby.
    2. Cumming/S = Orgasming(Cummings) Superman(S)
    3. That's how you get the P.O./ET "e. e. cummings" who doesn't use C/APs in his poetry
When you listen to the Director's Cut where you've got actors and the directors speaking in the background while the movie is playing, that's equivalent to the Subconscious Minds that are explaining what's going on in the background.

I said that all the Conscious Minds and Bodies are like Characters in a Movie that are being played out. The Subconscious Minds are like the Actors that get hired. They know what the script is. They've rehearsed their lines. They know exactly what's going to happen and how they're supposed to interact with people.

When you say Reality T.V. where it's unrehearsed, that's the Planet's way of giving Conscious Minds FREE REIGN to do what they feel like UNSCRIPTED rather than being "controlled" and told what to do.

People will come across this stuff and panic thinking that there's no point to life if everything's all staged. What's the point of living life if you find out that it's all just been scripted?

That's why the Planet is introducing us to Reality T.V. It's so that people can take control of their lives and do what they want on Camera. It's all real. When you're striking out on your own as a Conscious Mind, you're doing Reality TV. It means do whatever you feel like on C-Am/ER-A.

The only reason why it was scripted over the last 2,000 years is because it had to be done correctly. If it wasn't executed properly, people wouldn't understand and just be having sex all the time instead of developing the Social Sciences, Contraception, Technology, Natural Sciences, and Computesr to understand what's going on.

It would've been pointless creating the Human Race only to have them do something stupid that results in their extinction because they didn't understand what they were doing and accidentally exterminate themselves. It takes millions of years and you don't want all these deformed mutant humans walking around.

There are 12 Signs in the Zodiac.We're finally reaching the next stage. That's why Alcoholics Anonymous (AA/II/Gemini) is a 12-Step Program :).

Get it? Program? Software? Program? :o).

14 minutes and 15 seconds into the movie
"Darth Vader was Framed"

SAM: At least he looks happy
CARTER: Happy? The guy lives in another world.
SAM: Sometimes fantasy is better than reality

818 = Final(H) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II). It's an area code in Los Angeles
I said 11/5/2005 about all the Celebrities born 8/18
Area Code 213 is Wendy Iwaszuk's B-Day
Area Code 310 is my best friend Scott's B-Day

NOMAD: You're not a guy right? Because if you are, I'll kick your butt
B u TT = Gemini(B) in Union with Male(TT/Non-T/Non-Female)

21 minutes into the movie:
Hilary Duff is wearing Blue and the two evil Stepsisters are wearing Green and Red. Last year, I said:
  1. Erin was Green
  2. Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone was Red for Valentine's Day
  3. SensualSky using pictures of Brittney Skye, was Blue because of the "Blue Sky"
I remember watching this in the Theatre House. In fact, it's the Krikorian Theatre in Chino Hills. I said 1/25/2006 about an article with Mark Krikorian

REGINA KING: It must be Halloween. Look what just flew in. The Wicked Witch of the Valley

VA-LL/E-y = Virgin/IA Good(LL/Non-L/7) Sun(E) Male(Y)
V-All/E-y = Sun All Sun Male
You have a VA-LL/E-y G-IRL

27 minutes into the movie
CARTER: Have no fear, Zorro is here
I said Clark Kent dressed up as Zorro for Halloween during the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode October 2005

28 minutes
REGINA KING: Sam, your dad didn't leave this Earth so you could be unhappy. It's time you find your own Bliss.

I said Bliss is Christine.

31 minutes
REGINA KING:That dress has been in the box so long it deserves a night out
I said my Subconscious is Fe-Male. I'd be the D/Re-SS, meaning the Leo Female(D/500/5XX) Rabbit(1975/'75-Re/Periodic Table) Gemini Superman(SS)

BRIANNA: I can't believe I put you in charge of a costume. I said Siamese Twins, no Siamese Cats
GABRIELLA: Are we having a Cat Fight?

Bryanna was Bliss' former online handle.

FRIEND: You get to be Prince Charming and we're the two wimps in wigs

34 minutes
SHELBY: Love her dress. Hate her.

CARTER: Oh yeah? Well, I saw Pirates of Penzance 3 times three summers in a row. Say hello to Act 2: Scene 1.
  1. Kevin Kline (KK/11-11) was in "Pirates of Penzance." Isabella is born 11/11
  2. He married Phoebe Cates. Phoebe Buffay on "Friends" dressed up as Supergirl. I said Bliss is Supergirl
  3. C-At/ES = Dominant(C) Superman(At/20-1/19/S) Northwest(ES/Non-SE)
  4. That's why she was hot in that Red Bi/K in I in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" stepping out of the P.O./OL, meaning the Port Orchard Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) in slow motion
  5. Sunny Leone looks like Phoebe Cates.
  6. I said 12/17/2005 how Brooke Burns knocked herself out in a pool and was hospitalized 11/11/2005
  7. She ended up being pregnant in the movie if I"m not mistaken.
  8. Sean Penn was the one who was getting on the nerves of Ra-y WA/L-St.On, meaning Egyptian Sun God(Ra) Male(Y) of the Washington(WA) Bad(L/Non-7) Saint(St.) Activated(On)
  9. Judge Re in Ho/LD = God(Judge) Rabbit(75-Re/Periodic Table) in Slutty(Ho) Upload(LD/Non-DL/Non-Download)
In Summer 1992, Roman Linsao and I were in the Orchestra Pit.

43 minutes:
SAM: Maybe youwere looking, but you weren't realling seeing
  1. LO/OK = Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) O-K/L.A.-Ho/Ma
  2. Loo/K = Toilet(Loo) Aquarius(K)
  3. See = Superman(S) Gemini Sun(EE)
CARTER: Hi, Mrs. Montgomery
SAM: Did she see me?
CARTER: No, but the wannabe Olsen Twins might have

OL/S-EN Twins = Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) Superman(S) Heaven(EN/Non-NE/SW/Los Angeles/Heaven)

47 minutes:
SAM: Carter, I know you want to take care of this car, but please can you step on it???
CARTER: In case you haven't noticed, I'm already going 38 in a 35 mph zone

I said 1/23/2006 that Jessica Jaymes is born 3/8

48 minutes:
SAM: Carter! You could've totally made that light.
CARTER: Uh, FYI, Yellow means slow down, okay? Not speed up.
SAM: (frustrated) I need "Fast and the Furious" not Driving Miss Daisy

I always refer to movies when explaining concepts.

51 minutes
CARTER: Mrs. Montgomery, your sign hit my car
(Carter faints)

I said you have Signs. I said 1/4/2006 the human mind is like a Car
Mercedes = M.E./RC-Ed/ES = Mother Earth(M.E.) Remote Control(RC) Education(Ed) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)

53 minutes, 53 seconds
SAM: Isn't it just better to cling to the dream of what might've been instead of ruining everything with reality?

I'm like Cinderalla.
Austin is the Capital of Texas, which is the Lone Star State
Sunny Leone is the Sun and a Star

55 minutes:
SHELBY: (raving about Zorro to her friends) He was so mysterious! But really obvious at the same time! Like kind of dangerous. But really safe! And wild...but tame!
SAM: I cannot believe you're going to tell Shelby it was you.
CARTER: Sam, once she realizes that she's found her Zorro, okay, she'll be thrilled! Now watch...and learn.
Carter walks over to Shelby.
SHELBY: (still raving about Zorro to her friends by the pool) And OMG, when I kissed him--
MADISON: Enough already!
SHELBY: Ah, Madison. I think someone's got a Green Monster on her Ba/CK called Mr. Jealousy :)
Carter strides up to Shelby confidently.
CARTER: Shelby! Baby ;). What's up?
SHELBY: (taking on a snooty) And you are...?
Carter laughs jauntily
CARTER: Allow me to refresh your memory...
Carter takes Shelby's hand and kisses it romantically.
CARTER: Zorro...
SHELBY: (withdrawing her hand) Ugh! You mean Z(ER)O [ER(IR/5-18) = ORR, Sun(Or/V) Gemini/R]
Shelby looks over at her friends in disguist.
SHELBY: Who is he?
MADISON: That's Carter Farrell. He's the guy whom you cheated off of in Algebra 2
SHELBY: (grossed out) The freak who hummed show tunes?
Her friends nod in unison.
Shelby drags Carter off to the side.
SHELBY: Listen... Last night, I had a very bad cold, and I drank a whole bottle of NyQuil. I just wasn't myself. [Ny/Q u Il = Nature Male(NY) God(Q-Star Trek) in Union with(U) Definite(Il-The/Italian)]
CARTER: But I thought we had a kind of connection...?
SHELBY: Okay... We... don't have anything. We are from completely different classes of human. Now let's just go back to our usual lives of where we only mingle when I copy off of you in Algebra 2, okay?

That scene is an example of Re/AL-I/T-y, meaning the Rabbit(1975/75-Re/Periodic Table) IR(1-12/A-L) God(I) Female(T) Male(Y). That scene was in Chapter 16. P = 16th Letter. When they say about copying in AL/G.E./B-Ra 2, it means the IR General Electric Gemini Egyptian Sun God Gemini. People mimic whatever is being fed to them through the Electromagnetic Field.

I said 12/31/2005 that I had assigned Subconscious Isabella Valentine as Goddess Danu and "Mother of All." I gave her instructions or let her "copy off of my Algebra 2 Homework" teaching her how to do it. She wasn't the one who figured it out.

That's why I said that the Shelby Mustang represents Isabella. SH-El/B-y = Gemini Superman(SH) Definite(El-The/Spanish) Gemini(B/2) Male(Y). Isabella told me 2/14/2005 that she wanted a Shelby Mustang and a Ho u SE/Bo-AT with a Grand Pi/An-O that she could Pa-in-T different C-OL/Or-S.

Everyone's watching a Black and White TV (Female Sun), and I'm using a C-OL/Or T.V., meaning the Dominant(C) Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) Sun(Or/V in Philosophy/5).

This is what would REALLY happen if I told Sunny Leone about who I was.
I said 10/15/2005 that Prince Charming was played by Rupert Everett(RE) born 5/29 like me
Everett is a city in Washington State
I said 4/6/2005 that Prince Rainier died last year. He's named after a Mountain in Washington State
That's why in the acceptance letter for Sam it says she lives on West Mountain

People say that they aren't finicky or picky, but they are. That scene what true reality is like and how people would behave. It's the glossy version that you see in Magazines where all the faces are perfect and airbrushed with no pimples, blemishes, and perfect hair.

57 Minutes into the movie:
The two sisters fall off the diving board into the P.O./OL dousing C-AR/T-ER in WA/T-ER
SAM: Are you alright?
CARTER: If she still thinks she's cheating off me, she's crazy

57 = LA on the Periodic Table

59 Minutes:
The address on the Princeton University:

Samantha Montgomery
122 West Mountain Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91601
  1. I said 11/1/2005 that 122 = Adult Film Star Harmony Bliss
  2. I said Bliss is Wiccan, which is a Witch
  3. I said about Elizabeth Montgomery who was Samantha on Bewitched
  4. 1/22 = A/V = AV = Non-VA = Non-Virgin/IA
1 hour and 3 minutes:
AUSTIN: The girl I met at the dance: She dropped something on the way out. What was it?
GABRIELLA: Oh, it's easy! A wallet!
GABIRELLA: Uh, um, I meant a wallet-purse.
BRIANNA: Oh! A fish!
BRIANNA: Oh! A fish!
Austin gives her a strange look
GABRIELLA: (wryly) A fish?
BRIANNA: It was the first thing that popped into my head and you said Wallet.

All those answers are true:
  1. WA/LL-ET = Washington(WA) Good(LL/Non-L/7) Alien(ET). I said I'm Superman, who's an Alien, from Washington State
  2. FI/SH = Unconditional(FI/Non-If) Gemini Superman(S-H) because S = Superman and H = Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel
  3. C-E/LL P-Ho/NE = Dominant(C) Sun(E) Good(LL/Non-L/7) of the Aquarian Male(P) Slutty(Ho) Nature(N) Sun(E)
I said I'm Filipino. We're referred to as Flips. That's why I'm a Flip P-Ho/NE :o).

GABRIELLA: Look what you did! See??? You always ruin everything!!! I was supposed to be Cinderella!!! I'm the oldest!!!
BRIANNA: Ugh, by a minute and 26 seconds! And you never let me forget it!!!

1 hour, 4 minutes:
When they come out of the Car Wash, the License Plate on the car they're laying on is 2CQN654.

2-C/Q/N-65/4 = Gemini(2) Dominant(C) God(Q-Star Trek) Nature(N) Sunny Leone(65/5x13) Isabella Valentine(4/IV)

1 hour, 6 minutes
AUSTIN: Do you ever feel that if you show people who you really are, they won't accept you?
SAM: Yeah, I do. Like being yourself isn't good enough
SAM: Like you're wearing a mask
AUSTIN: That's exactly how I feel
SAM: You just want to be honest with this person and tell him "It's me. I'm the one that you've been looking for"

Ma/SK = Mother(Ma) Gemini Superman(S-19th Letter/K-19th Element)
I said 1/10/2006 that I graduated from SK High School
The mascot is the Frog. Fr./Og = Father Non-Green. That's how you get the Fr./Og Prince
I said I'm of Royal Blood and a real Prince
If Superman is a Prince and a Gemini, he'd be a Prince/SS :)

I once designed a Wolf for the Letterman's Jacket of Kathryn Cordero(KC). She told me they removed my name. KC = Opposite of Clark Kent.

On my Letterman Jacket, I created my own Logo where it's a Wolf with a Crown on it. However, I said that I put a QUEEN's crown on it instead of a King's Crown representing Chess because the Queen is more powerful than the King and has more range. A King in Chess only moves one space at a time.

I also said that the Wolf on my Jacket looks Cross-Eyed.

1 hour, 7 minutes = 107 = 10/7 = Alison from the "Notebook" born 10/7, meaning the Cross-Eyed(10/X) God(7)
BRIANNA: (sobbing) Our stepsister has always been jealous of you
SHELBY: (sympathetic) Go on
GABRIELLA: Well, that's when she invented this whole Cinderella plot. She got a hold of Austin's E-mail address, and that's when she started the whole affair
BRIANNA: I wanted to tell you sooner, but she threatened to kill us. She's such a monster.
GABRIELLA: Look, if you don't believe us, look at the E-mails

Those two evil stepsisters:
  1. I said Bliss is a Gemini, which is II
  2. I said 3/31/2005 about Lucille Bliss who played the Voice of the evil stepsister Anastasia in 1950
  3. In 1995, I was communicating with someone named Anastasia Romanov in New York. On 4th of July, she sent me an E-mail before she committed suicide. I was the last person she wrote because she had been abducted months earlier and raped. The post-traumatic stress got to her.
  4. I said in a previous post that you can follow the threads because the people commit suicide is Bliss and the the ones who go crazy are associated with me who has been deemed insane.
  5. I said 1/24/2006 that Bliss' mother tried to commit suicide because of Bliss' decision. However, I rotated Bliss out in time to keep her mother from succeeding. However, that's why you see how Jessica Jaymes' dad shot himself
In that scene, you see thet two evil stepsisters. Two is for Gemini, which is Bliss and me. The three cheerleaders with Shelby represents another variation of Bliss because her favorite number is 3. I said that SensualSky sent a nasty letter about me to Bliss claiming I was a Psychotic Stalker harassing both her and Isabella.

This was the after effect of both Isabella and Sky being brainwashed by Charlie who convinced them that I'm dangerous and shouldn't be trusted. I had said that Charlie's motives were suspect because he was trying to cover up his rash behavior where he just stormed with guns blazing between me and Isabella without conferring with her. Rather than look stupid in front of his employees, he stuck by his story and pushed it through so that he wouldn't look dumb.

That particular scene is where you see that sneaky behavior when you combine Bliss, Isabella, and peel all the personalities apart.

Notice I mention about Anastasia from "Cinderella" in 1950. That was way before any of the people involved in this incident were even born. It just goes to show that this something even larger than us.

What you're looking at is how the Planet was scripting things and laying the foundation for what was to come.

Chapter 20, 1 hour, 12 minutes = 1:12 = I/R = My Initials
SAM: (crying) I can't believe they're reading my E-mails
SHELBY: She wasn't Royalty at all. A geek. A loser. A servant girl

Ro/Y-AL/T-y = Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V) Male(Y) IR(1-12/A-L) Female(T/20/XX) Male(Y)
Ser/VA-NT = Exist(Be-Ser/Spanish) Virgin/IA(VA) Nature(N) Female(T)
Ser-V/An-T = Exist(Be-Ser/Spanish) Sun(V/5/Leo) Indefinite(An) Female(T)

When you see everyone laughing, it's the people who have been following along in my Journal, which is all public. I said 10/25/2005 that RobynZ blasted me on the WTF Community.

1 hour, 12 minutes, and 6 seconds, you see the Football Jersey is 65:
65 = 5 x 13 = Sunny Leone's B-Day
6 = Sex
Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone. She laughed along with everyone else.

They're all chanting "Diner Girl"

D in ER = Leo Female(D/500/5XX) in IR(ER)
D in ER = Leo Female(D) in Mount St. Helens(5-18/E-R)
G-IRL = God(G) In Real Life(IRL)
G/IR-L = God(G) IR Bad(L/Non-7)

You see Brianna wearing a Number 2 Jersey. I said Bliss used the alias Bryanna online when we were together and that she's a Gemini(2). Bliss joined in with the group making fun of me as well evem though she should've known better.

1 hour 13 minutes:
The evil stepmother writes a fake rejection Letter from Princeton.
113 = 11/3 = K/C = Opposite of CK (Clark Kent)
She wants Sam to continue being her slave.

1 hour, 15 minutes.
SHELBY: People like her don't belong in our world, Austin

Regina King is born 1/15
1/15 = A/O = God(A/1) Sun(O)
11/5 = Brittney Skye's Birthday

Chapter 22: 1 hour, 16 minutes
The Elvis Presley Guitar falls off the wall ripping a hole in the wallpaper
GABRIELLA: Mother! Sam just ruined your wall!

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"

Fe/AR = Iron(Fe) IR(AR)
St.RI-King = Saint(St.) Rhode Island(5-29/RI) King

I said Davis is an Aquarian Male.

"Rod" means Ruler, which is a King
If I'm King and he's the Letter P, that's how you get P u King :)

When I work with Davis, we're PUKING :)

That's why I keep saying thaty ou shouldn't listen to Davis all the time. He's sneaky and the Planet made it obvious because he's Black. We all know that the Black Community is going to be up in arms and claiming I'm intentionally trying to make Black People look bad, which isn't true.

That's why in "Scary Movie 3," you see the White Rapper George who wins in the Rapping Contest. However, he puts his White Ho/OD on and looks like a White Supremacist pissing off all the Blacks.

Ho/OD = Slut(Ho) Overdose(OD)

That's how you get Little Red Ho/OD and the Big Bad Wolf who ate Grandma.
I said 12/29/2005 that Isabella Valentine got her name from her Grandmother
Little R(E)D R-Id in G Ho/OD = Little R(O)D R-Id in G Ho/OD, meaning Little Penis(Rod) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Self(Id) in God(G) Slutty(Ho) Overdose(OD)

That's why you always C-He/CK un-Der the Ho/OD of Yo u R C/AR to see if something's W-R on G.

1 hour 25 minutes:
Austin leaves the game. His Jersey is 2 for Gemini like mine. He lets the Football Player Brian replace him with the Jersey 23, which is W (Omega/Final).

As soon as Austin kisses Sam, it starts to rain.

R-A/IN = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) God(A/1) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23).

That's why it R-A/INs all the time in SE/At/T-Le.
Washington is the 42nd State inducted into the Union 11/11.

The Planet made it symbolic.

1 hour 28 minutes:
FIONA: Wait! I can pay for all those Parking Tickets

I said Davis has a whole bunch Parking Tickets in San Diego. That's how you can tell who the Evil Stepmother is.

Pa-R/King T-I/CK-ET = Father(Pa) Gemini(R) Ruler(King) Female(T) God(I) Clark Kent(CK) Alien(ET)
I said my name "Isabelo Rod" = Ruler Consecrated by God
Learning How to Read Signs
This is an example of how the Planet made it easy for people to read Signs without needing the help of a Psychic. All the Nouns are ACRONYMS. So when something happens around you, that's the way of the Planet and other Subconscious Minds or even your own communicaitng with you.

This same Decryption Code can also be used when interpreting your Dreams. When you see object that are in your Dreams, you can decrypt the Nouns and the Verbs to decipher what your Subconscious Mind is trying to tell you.

In the "A Cinderella Story" DVD, you have the song "Our Lips are Sealed," which is a remake of the Go-Gos.

Go-Go = Gemini(II) IR(Go-Spanish)

history, scott, isabella, dreams, bliss, law, personal, movies, humor, family, psychic, technology, legal, signs, fairy tales, bio, science

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