I looked up Jessica Jaymes' B-Day. It's just another indicator of her significance and you see why the Planet had her specifically born in Alaska on 3/8.
To: Jessica Jaymes
From: Rod
Date: 1/23/2006
Subject: Mathematical Aspect of Your Name, Your B-Day on 3/8
Here's a great example of your name and your place in history.
That name you got wasn't random, nor was your profession.
You were given a background in Astrology and the Subconscious Mind because your own Subconscious is steering you toward that path.
You're going to need that experience later on in the future when it comes to interpreting information in the future.
I don't know what your level of Math Skills are, but if you understand basic Algebra and fuse it with Planetary Alignment, you'll understand the name breakdowns of yours as well as others.
That's why I know all the Adult Stars:
- Te/Ra Pa/T-RI/CK,
- JA/Nine L in De M u LL-ER
- R/On JE-Re/M-y
- H u GH He-F/NE-R
- Ma-RI/L-YN M on Ro-E
- El-V/IS P-Re/S-Le-Y
A name says a lot about you. When you align it with your birthdate and transcribe the Numbers in the birthdate to Letters in the Alphabet or the Astrological Signs, you'll understand why certain people were born on certain days and why they died on certain days.
You can do the same thing with all the Astrological Signs:
- T/A u R u S
- G.E./Mini
- C-An/C-ER
- Le-O
- V-IR/Go
- Li/B-Ra
- S/C-Or/Pi-O
- S/Ag-IT/AR-IR u S
- CA/P-RI/C-Or/N
- A/Q u AR-I u S
- Pi-S/C-ES
Align the body parts they represent and the Planets and you've got a
road map to the Astral Plane.
That's why the
Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB.com) is my favorite Divination Tool because you can cross-reference Celebrities DOB, Deaths, Spouses, Children, and movies they were in.
- IMDB says your B-day is on 3/8
- 3/8 = 38
- 38 = 2 x 19
- 2 = Pa/IR or God the Father
- S = 19th Letter
- S = Superman Symbol
- I said 1/23/2006 about CHRISTopher Reeve who played Superman
- You're a Pisces
- Feet = Pisces' Ruling Body Part
- Fe/ET = Iron(Fe-Periodic Table) Alien(ET)
- Iron Alien = Man of Steel
- Superman = Man of Steel
That's why you were born on 3/8 in Alaska, which is White with Snow representing Justice.
Alaska has S/No-W, meaning Superman(S) No Final(Omega/W).
Pisces is the Final Sign representing Mutable/Adaptable Water (Knowledge).