My head is still spinning a little bit from this episode, but here are my thoughts...
1) Well, I think we can conclusively say that this episode was set during the summer - when else would you get a drought in England? :)
2) I'm going to start off talking about Isabella. She's a bit of a minx, really, isn't she? I think she's quite a well-developed character (as opposed to, say, Kate - for whom see below!), and it's interesting to see how desperately she tries to clings to the things she wants from life (her dream of being with Robin), and how passionate she is about getting revenge (by killing her brother), and yet how strong her sense of self preservation is (spotting Prince John's weakness for flattery and shows of loyalty and exploiting it to the maximum).
3) It's nice that we finally had some mention of Marian this week. The thing is, Robin actually said he's trying to forget her, doesn't he? I don't think I misheard that? Well, I can understand why, but moving on to a new girlfriend still seems like betrayal in my book. At least Guy's hissed 'Shut it!' suggested he's still painfully attached to her. Oh dear, I do miss Marian.
4) But this week also brought something I liked about Robin's portrayal! At the beginning, and at the end, and indeed in the middle, he was very upset that, being a hero as he is, he can't just settle down and have a normal family life. This reminded me a bit of Dr Who, in a way - e.g. in 'Father's Day' (Ninth Doctor episode) where he tells the couple who are getting married and have a baby on the way that he could never have a life like that. This idea really adds some depth to Robin's character (which regular readers will know I've never been a great fan of), I think. I hope to see more on that theme.
5) This brought about a sweet moment between Robin and Much (finally!), where Much sympathised with Robin but concluded, 'We've got each other.' But of course, this wasn't good enough for Robin, because 'It's not the same'. It never is, is it? Come on Robin, you should know how lucky you are having Much - treat him right!
6) I wonder whether Much really is getting over Robin. He didn't even seem terribly upset with Robin not thinking their relationship is enough for him - he just sort of accepted it. Later on, however, he declared that he would do anything for Kate. Oh dear. Rebound, maybe? I just can't bear thinking how hurt he's going to be by his infatuation with her.
7) Much didn't really have much time with Allan in this episode, did he? :( I think there was one moment or two where they were standing next to each other, and that was about it. I'm quite disappointed!
8) But I was thrilled to see how big a hug Much got from Robin at the end! It was all tight and squeezy and perfect. I really do wish Robin would appreciate Much more...
9) Now then, on to Kate. She's a bit of a liability, isn't she? She doesn't do much except get injured or captured and then need rescuing. I think she needs to shape up a bit if she's going to be a useful member of the gang.
10) And Kate is infatuated with Robin. Even Prince John noticed her jealousy over Isabella, and we could all see how delighted she was that that didn't work out. I think, like Much, she might be heading for heartbreak too.
11) While I'm going through the gang, I have to stop and say that Allan was terribly good, as always, pretending to be a thirsty villager and cheekily deceiving the guards. Well back to old form. I do love Allan!
12) And Tuck squeezed reeds and things to get something to drink for people. This seems quite typical of him.
13) And John didn't have much to do, yet again.
14) Random Medieval economy (sort of) moment: I wondered whether there might have been any beer or wine or mead lying around in places. Or fruit - after all, Robin got those strawberries from somewhere! They looked recently picked and perfectly plump and juicy, so perhaps Tuck might have thought of things like that...
15) Anyway, time to talk about Guy. He wet the bed when he was twelve? TMI, Isabella!
16) Is it me, or did the two complex fighting scenes (Guy/Robin/Isabella in the forest, and Guy/Robin/Isabella/Prince John/Kate in the castle) remind anyone else of Pirates of the Caribbean? You know, the stuff on Isla Cruces in Dead Man's Chest. It was quite amusing, but hard to keep track of, so I'm not sure if I've really 'read' those scenes, as it were.
17) I'm feeling a bit worried about Guy. First he ended up taking his rage out on Prince John (note: taking out your rage on a mad *and* powerful person is a bad idea) and declaring him a pretender, and then in the trailer for the next episode he only seemed to have one mini-clip with Isabella. He really should be more careful!
18) But he looked lovely while watching Isabella meeting up with Robin. The bit where he went back round behind the tree with a little bit of tongue showing was quite a turn-on, actually.
19) Oh, and I meant to say - what a cursory little mention of the Sheriff's death at the beginning! I would have thought the gang would have had a more emotional response to the news. Especially Robin, who always had a soft spot for him (in my little world, anyway!).
20) And finally, major complaint: there is no episode next week thanks to... the Eurovision Song Contest. WHAT??!! Eurovision is thought more important than Robin Hood? That's ridiculous! I'm very very angry. Grrrrrrrrrr...
21) When Prince John told Guy he would have to kill Isabella, Guy seemed rather reluctant. It wasn't quite the emotional bond between them that I wanted to see, but still - it was a moment!