Title: Breaking Away Characters: Rogue/Gambit, Mystique Rating: R Word Count: 290 Warning: Some spoilers for X-men 207 Disclaimer: Marvel owns. AN: For 10_themes, #1-rough
Title: One Last Time Characters: Catwoman/Batman (post-Hush), Rogue/Gambit (during X-treme X-men), Lex Luthor, Oracle, various X-men Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 3948 Disclaimer: Marvel owns the X-men. Everyone else belongs to DC. AN: For
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Title: Not Alone Characters: Rogue, Peter Petrelli Rating: PG Word Count: 980 Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. AN: For weirdofromafar. Hope you have a great day! Oh, and takes place during X3 and Heroes: Season 1.