Title: Lessons Author: alesh101 Characters & Pairings: Isabella/Robin Rating & Warnings: PG Word Count: 207 Disclaimer: I own nothing, Tiger Aspect and BBC own. Summary: Isabella learns a lesson A/N: written for day_by_drabble Blue Skies drabblethon
So, I'm supposed to be busy writing for intercomm studying for university. But I took a not so well earned break to make this little banner of our favorite pairing.
Thanks to the awesome macro posted by an_lagat_glas, my mind goes over the sizzling Robz/Izzy possibilities. Here's a few thoughts I've had about this couple:
This was originally intended for the lovely snowystingray as part of a Christmas present. Unfortunately, circumstances intervened, and I wasn't able to get it to you quite as I had envisioned! I kept working on it anyway, and so here it is. Better late than never?
Title: Let Go Raiting: PG Warnings: Character death, angst Spoilers: season 3 episode 7 Pairing: Robin/Isabella (of course) Also posted at isabella_giz and rh_intercomm so sorry if you've already seen this. Wordcount: 690 Summary: An AU end for episode 7 (Too Hot To Handle). Isabella makes a choice.
A quick question for y'all. Do you think Robin/Isabella could have worked without Marian's death? This isn't a question of whether Robin would have left Marian for Isabella or something--it's that the more I think about these two, the more I wonder if Robin needs that edge that he has in S3 to "get" Isabella. Or do you think it could work (as
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