I could make a joke about my fandom dance card, but I'll spare you.

May 15, 2011 17:14

It's going to be a busy summer for me in terms of fandom.

First, I have Animazement which is HOLY SHIT in two weeks. I really need to a) find my camera b) find a suitcase and c) decide if I'm going to bring the laptop with me, which since I'll be on the train I probably should. azure_raven, aduial_peredhel I'd ask if you'd want me to bring any of my 10 thousand dvds, but ( Read more... )

wbb, tv, animazement, anime, prime suspect, family, grimm, nbc, fandom

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Comments 40

skylilies May 15 2011, 21:34:51 UTC
iiii am debating whether i'll be able to commit to writing something for pacific exchange. I'M EXCITED TO SEE WHAT PEOPLE END UP WRITING THOUGH. this fandom always needs more love.

tim burton is crazy, but he's a crazy genius =D


rivlee May 15 2011, 21:41:23 UTC
I mean, I want you to sign-up, but I know there's a different sort of pressure when it comes to exchanges as opposed to big bangs and mini-bangs. And there's always the chance to do some type of art (graphics, fanmix maybe) if you don't want to write? I am sure if this one goes off without a hitch (or with only a few hitches) there will another though. Nat is ALL about trying to rally the troops, so to speak, and get some more fandom love. Esp. when it comes to Team Leckie. I personally like that the exchange is open to het, gen, and slash, so it really is for everyone in fandom.

Tim Burton is a crazy genius and he's maintained it over decades. Got to admire that.


skylilies May 15 2011, 21:52:43 UTC
part of the problem is i'm a ....drabble, tiny-moments writer. (SO I AVOID BIG BANG EXCHANGES AS WELL BECAUSE THAT WOULD KILL ME LMFAO) so even 1000 words can be a little challenging for me, but... this fandom has been so fun to write for. if my health was in a better place i wouldn't hesistate, but!

ahhh, WHEN I AM LESS HAZY I WILL MAKE A DECISION. (...and, well, fanmixes are always fun to do. /contemplates.) and team leckie always needs more love (: ...and burgin needs more love, too.

he really channels the crazy into such fascinating and beautiful things. augh, i love creative people.


rivlee May 15 2011, 22:06:47 UTC
Yeah, with two history degrees under my belt and being an ultra-verbose, for meeting writing 1,000 words doesn't take more than a couple of hours. Which is why I never go with the whole "but it's only x amount of words" argument, b/c different people are different writers, and at the end of the day it's the quality of the writing that matters over the word count.

And, seriously, your health is the most important thing. Mental issues are the reason why I didn't do FFV this time around b/c pretty much, end of Jan-middle of March was a whole round of family issues and mental strain for me.

So, I'd day think about it, don't go crazy over it, and there's always the art option if you want to do something but don't want to commit to the writing aspect at this time. And if you can't do either, there is ALWAYS room for cheerleaders.

And god, I adore Burgie. His lack of fic makes me weep. Okay, not really, but it's a close thing.


red_ajah May 15 2011, 22:48:53 UTC
I was watching it too! ABC Family I think it was? It HAS been years! Tim Burton? I had no clue. I was freaking out and my sis was just going "what?" so I youtubed the cartoon for her. Memorrriiesss......it's funny, 'cause just a couple days ago I was telling her about the song and dance sequence at the end hahaha~


rivlee May 15 2011, 22:52:30 UTC
Ugh, ABC Family, thank you! I couldn't think of the channel name and I was all, "I can't put "the used to be Family Channel."

And yup, Tim Burton directed it.

God, I love the song and dance sequence at the end. Now the song is STUCK in my head.


uniformly May 15 2011, 23:34:15 UTC
AND NOW I'M WONDERING IF I SHOULD DO WWB AS WELL. I mean, my original plan was not to do it this year (and feel a little ashamed that I never got around to organising HWBB, but there's the Exchange and next year, right?). But now I'm thinking, well, I could always add another 20k to my current TL mod AU (and then realise that IT'LL BE AT LEAST 30K IN LENGTH, LOLWEEPING)

But, omg, Shan. I am so excited for what you will be writing for WBB. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? I KNOW YOU'RE STILL FIGURING OUT ANY SOLID IDEAS, BUT WHAT OF VAGUE ONES?

Will re-read that ficlet! I caught it last night right before bed and reveled in the glory of Ray-Ray for a second before falling asleep (go self).

You should take a trip back up to NY sometime, when you manange. Y'know, without the requirement of stockings and heels.


rivlee May 15 2011, 23:43:44 UTC
I THINK YOU SHOULD DO IT! (And you know that mod AU is going to be huge anyway, in for a penny, in for a pound I say!) (And the Exchange shall be awesome. As will a chance for the HWBB next year. I just hope more Pacific/BoB people show up for WBB this year.)

I have NO CLUE what I'll be writing. I know it will be AU, b/c of my whole "issues" and I really, really, want to showcase The Pacific crew, but know it will probably crossover with BoB. I've had one very vague idea about a Supernatural Cop AU thing, but I don't know if that will be too left field. I really need to have a brain storming session about it.

I always try to make plans to go up to NY and stay with my godmother, but something always falls through. At least least I passed by the area on the move down from Boston. Le sigh.


uniformly May 15 2011, 23:59:06 UTC
YOU KNOW I HAVE NO RESISTANCE WHEN IT COMES TO CAPS, SHAN /SIGNS UP. (And, hey, even if I don't get the entry finished, I think I'd be def close to wrapping up once it's over anyway, so win-win how's I see it.) (And def agreeing on more TP/BoB representation this year. At least I know there's you'n me!)

Supernatural Cop AU thing does sound pretty interesting. Kind of like, say, Dresden Files-esque? Either way, I know whatever you'll come up with'll be awesome and I can't wait.

Ah, well. It sucks, but one day, right!


rivlee May 16 2011, 00:04:34 UTC
ALL HAIL THE POWER OF THE CAPS LOCK. (Also, eeeeee!) And yeah, if you don't finish, at least you'll get a ton of work done on it.

See, I'm debating of doing something Dresden Files-esque, something Buffy-esque, or something that's just an Alt. World where magic and all those things is these norm and this is just your normal police force or something.

As I said, I still need to think/stew about it. I'm going to give myself until after I come back from the anime con weekend and then start plotting things out.


uniformly May 15 2011, 23:37:13 UTC
PS. My other job is the Pacific fandom, ngl 8|


rivlee May 15 2011, 23:44:23 UTC
Pretty much. But you do it SO well and we adore you for it.


aduial_peredhel May 16 2011, 00:26:24 UTC
Oh yes, it will be Animal Planet and USA all the way. I loves me some NCIS...and chewing out the idiocy on Animal Cops.

And don't remind me of the time schedule. I still have one cosplay to finish, and I don't have the time to put the big detail I want onto it. Of course it's not for craftsmanship so I should suck it up.

Reminds me, I need to drop out of that.

I cannot wait to see you!!!


rivlee May 16 2011, 00:41:40 UTC
Yeah, I really shouldn't bitch about the time crunch since all I pretty much have to do is pack. But damn it, I'm a good bag holder!

Why are you dropping after craftsmanship? Time crunch?

I cannot wait to see you too! And Holley! I am so looking forward to this.


aduial_peredhel May 16 2011, 01:00:03 UTC
I had that mishap with the sleeves and the stains, and no time to go get more fabric to replace it (not to mention the dying process). It's also just less stressful. I've been woefully unmotivated and haven't really produced anything worthy (in my opinion) of craftsmanship. So...yeah. :3


rivlee May 16 2011, 01:05:36 UTC
Yes, I couldn't remember if the sleeve/stain mysterious gremlin problems were also the cosplay you were going to enter for craftsmanship. Still, always another con, I suppose. And seriously, with all the stress from your job, I can only imagine how "blah" you must be near the end of the semester.


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