When the poor brain is cracking

May 11, 2010 12:23

Who: Roy's crew! And hecklers.
What: Recruiting! Quicklog. Please crosstag and threadjack; this is about meeting each other!
Where: The docks!
When: Last and this week! Just about anytime from Roy's call until they cast off, before or after Alma goes crazy. Whateva and wheneva you like, bbs.

There's nothing! Like packing / a suitcase / and sailing away )

!quicklog, jan valentine, Ω impulse/bart allen, lestat de lioncourt, lyle dylandy, Ω roy harper, roxas, npc - captain, marcus wright, war, jack kelly, kasandra jill warlock

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Comments 203

bitchin_beanie May 11 2010, 16:31:27 UTC
[And of course here's Jan, just as soon as the sun sets, strolling up to the docks with hands pocketed and stride long and swaggering. The toothy grin is permanently in place from the moment he spots that particular redhead.]

Ready t'fucking lose, shithead?


So taking up that threadjacking invitation. carmined May 11 2010, 18:52:22 UTC
[Well, well, well. If there's anyone a few months in jail wouldn't dampen, it's this bastard, isn't it? She glances over with a sharp grin - so he wanted one redhead and got the other.]

Not likely. I don't take kindly to losing - never have, never will.


ALWAYS A PLEASURE <3 bitchin_beanie May 11 2010, 22:43:01 UTC
[Not the attention Jan had intended to get, but hey. He could live with it. This might even be better, actually. Certainly hotter.]

Yeah? Well, sometimes you just can't do anything about it! Real fuckin' shame, I know, but someone's gotta do it.


carmined May 12 2010, 00:05:00 UTC
[Have a rather derisive snort in return, Jan, along with some bared teeth.]

Why not have it be the natural losers, then? Seems there's plenty of those around.


carmined May 11 2010, 18:50:14 UTC
[She's mostly letting proceedings go on - she figures Roy's got a pretty good handle on this, and damned if she knows what she's doing. But she does step in now and again to put a little force behind Roy's negotiations, either by way of seduction or of a flash of that broadsword on her back - which is really the only thing she's bringing along with her.

When she gets a moment, though, she hops up onto the pier next to Roy, and peers over his shoulder, her hair brushing against his neck.]

So, Mr.I'm-Serious-About-This-Whole-Thing. Who else have you managed to pull together for our...what's the term? 'Motley crew'?


[before the freakout] eatshootsnleves May 12 2010, 17:38:41 UTC
[He leans into that - smells nice.] Impulse. Marcus, if you can believe it. Kid called Alma - little weird. Jimmy's old boss, that lady Kasa. Larsa and Penelo, from the royal house.



carmined May 13 2010, 01:02:16 UTC
[Have a rather incredulous look.]

If I'm not mistaken, most of them are children. Plan on playing babysitter for this whole adventure?


eatshootsnleves May 13 2010, 06:20:51 UTC
And if I'm not mistaken, most of these children could babysit me. We can always hire some extras if we need a few strong hands.


agoodheart May 11 2010, 23:59:48 UTC
[Marcus come up toting a simple bag with just the basics and his shotgun slung over one shoulder. He's not sure how to feel about going. A little sad he's leaving some friends, relieved because he could get away from all the memories for a while, and just a little bit scared. He'd never admit that though.

He'll give Roy a half-hearted salute before dropping his stuff. Marcus hadn't been 'training' with the man for long, but he had already come to like him.]

Need help with anything?


eatshootsnleves May 13 2010, 06:19:16 UTC
Good timing. [Aaahhh, when did he start to put up with this one? He claps Marcus on the shoulder and raises an eyebrow at the gun.] You bring ammo for that?


agoodheart May 13 2010, 21:05:52 UTC
[Kicks the bag. The sound of shells knocking against each other are heard.]

All that I had. Can't say I use the thing much, but better to have it and not need it right?

[Glances to see who else he can recognize.]

So who else is here?


eatshootsnleves May 14 2010, 05:53:49 UTC
[Tilts his head.] Good. You know Red, and Kasa - from Hades? The vicious one. Aside from them it's mostly the midget brigade... [a wince.]

... think we've lost most of our serious fighters.


speedintraining May 12 2010, 02:21:48 UTC
[And here's Bart Impulse, whizzing madly around the docks, moving things here and there, packing, getting ready (possibly even just moving the same thing to eight different locations in one minute). He could probably have the entire voyage packed and ready in two minutes, but most of this is just nervous energy being spent.

But hey! If you can catch him in one place for long enough, he'd be glad to talk. 8D]


bratwonder May 14 2010, 04:10:16 UTC
[He'll just drop his small bag in with Impulse's stuff then.]


speedintraining May 15 2010, 05:02:16 UTC
[wh--hey! That's not his stuff. Impulse pauses to scrutinize it for a whole eighth of a second before he places it, and then he's happy to move it with the rest of his stuff. The owner of that particular bag is always welcome.]


bratwonder May 15 2010, 05:22:02 UTC
[He's also down in crew's quarters inspecting the digs, since he knows Impulse is the only one who'll catch him here. Anybody else, he'd hear coming.

He braces himself a little bit. Bart hasn't seen the new duds yet.]


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 02:31:25 UTC
[Wanders to the dock and glances around.]

Not sure what this new obsession with boats is, but hey, I'm up for piloting anything!


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 02:34:18 UTC
[oh hey. is dat sum Lyle? Jan's strolling over almost immediately, pulling up a wide grin just for the occasion.]

Dibs! I call fuckin' dibs, fuckhead can't have you.


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 02:36:08 UTC
Hey bro~!

[Lyle sounded fairly cheerful, although also still a bit confused as to what is going on.]

So what are you calling dibs on me for, eh? It better be something awesome, because things have been boring as hell for me lately.


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 02:41:43 UTC

[He's draping an arm over Lyle's shoulder, steering him toward the thing Ba'ast's been putting together.]

Also, we're fuckin' outta here. You in?


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