When the poor brain is cracking

May 11, 2010 12:23

Who: Roy's crew! And hecklers.
What: Recruiting! Quicklog. Please crosstag and threadjack; this is about meeting each other!
Where: The docks!
When: Last and this week! Just about anytime from Roy's call until they cast off, before or after Alma goes crazy. Whateva and wheneva you like, bbs.

There's nothing! Like packing / a suitcase / and sailing away )

!quicklog, jan valentine, Ω impulse/bart allen, lestat de lioncourt, lyle dylandy, Ω roy harper, roxas, npc - captain, marcus wright, war, jack kelly, kasandra jill warlock

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cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 02:31:25 UTC
[Wanders to the dock and glances around.]

Not sure what this new obsession with boats is, but hey, I'm up for piloting anything!


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 02:34:18 UTC
[oh hey. is dat sum Lyle? Jan's strolling over almost immediately, pulling up a wide grin just for the occasion.]

Dibs! I call fuckin' dibs, fuckhead can't have you.


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 02:36:08 UTC
Hey bro~!

[Lyle sounded fairly cheerful, although also still a bit confused as to what is going on.]

So what are you calling dibs on me for, eh? It better be something awesome, because things have been boring as hell for me lately.


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 02:41:43 UTC

[He's draping an arm over Lyle's shoulder, steering him toward the thing Ba'ast's been putting together.]

Also, we're fuckin' outta here. You in?


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 02:44:59 UTC
Ehhhh? Are we going to be pirates or something? I was a pirate once for Halloween as a kid, and then this one ex of mine made me wear an eye patch and shit in b-...never mind. Hell yeah I'm in!

[He grinned over at his friend, looking at their ship-to-be.]


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 02:49:19 UTC
[...okay so that earns a flat stare, but it doesn't last long.] You fucking retard.

[A shove, a little harder than it is playful, and he's starting up the walk to it]

'M serious about this shit, bro. We're fucking leaving.


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 02:53:32 UTC
Leaving? [He considered that for a second. It wasn't as if he had a lot to leave behind. Kobato was with Jilly these days...And Jan, well, Jan was right here.]

That's fine with me. But why?


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 02:57:49 UTC
[Jan hops up onto the rail of the ship, looking almost thoughtful for half a second. He could answer this question honestly. He could.


Cuz the stupid shithead thinks he could beat me at a fuckin' boat race.


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 03:03:30 UTC
So...this is just for a race, then we're coming back?

[He shrugged.]

I'm fine with that. Long as there is booze and smokes on board. Might need those if I get stuck out at sea too long with you as the best company.

[Smirking, he pulls Jan into a head lock and grinds his fits into the top of his head playfully, knowing he was going to probably get tossed overboard, but not particularly caring.]


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 03:09:23 UTC
[Genuine irritation. It's rare, but it sparks up just now. Jan grits his teeth, leverages a leg up between them, and shoves. A kick at full vampire-strength, and no holding back.]

Coming back's not in the goddamn plan. You think I was kidding when I said we're outta here?


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 03:14:25 UTC
[As Lyle crashed against the side of the boat, he looked up at Jan. He had thought there was more to this...]

...Usually races end, bro. What is this about?


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 03:17:25 UTC
[Now that he's got his space back, he looks happy enough to aim a frown out at the darkening water.]

Don't tell me you're not tired of this fucking place.


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 03:22:22 UTC
Who isn't tired of this place? [He smirked, stepping back over to the railing and leaning against it.]

Is that all? You're not...in trouble again, are you? No crazy vampire hunters coming to get you?


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 03:24:14 UTC
[okay, that one gets an exasperated glance]

And you think I'd fucking run from that shit? Breakin' my goddamn heart, here.


cherudim_sniper May 12 2010, 03:26:40 UTC
Aw, I forgot, you don't run - you crawl after they beat you to a bloody pulp or take off a limb. There is such a thing as self preservation, but shame on me for thinking you learned what that is.

[He gave Jan a serious look.]

So, this is just because you're tired and bored? That's it?


bitchin_beanie May 12 2010, 03:29:15 UTC
[He looks just about ready to take mock offense at that -- but changes his mind. Just not in the right mood for as much bullshit as usual.]

Yeah, whatever. Close enough.


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