When the poor brain is cracking

May 11, 2010 12:23

Who: Roy's crew! And hecklers.
What: Recruiting! Quicklog. Please crosstag and threadjack; this is about meeting each other!
Where: The docks!
When: Last and this week! Just about anytime from Roy's call until they cast off, before or after Alma goes crazy. Whateva and wheneva you like, bbs.

[Sky's getting overcast, day by day. They better not be prepping just in time for summer storms.

Big redhead in long trenchcoat can be found all over the place; negotiating with shipowners, arguing with Red, haggling with suppliers. Sometimes he'll be perched on a pier reading through a book or two he picked up at Knight and Page. He's srs about this shit.]

!quicklog, jan valentine, Ω impulse/bart allen, lestat de lioncourt, lyle dylandy, Ω roy harper, roxas, npc - captain, marcus wright, war, jack kelly, kasandra jill warlock

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