Feb 10, 2010 23:18

WHO: Sylar and open to... pretty much whoever.
WHAT: Sylar is in prison, and has no choice when it comes to visitors.
WHERE: The prisons
WHEN: Some time after he was "killed" again and locked up.

((Feel free to post at any time of the day, any day this week. He'll most likely just be lying down when your character(s) arrive. Multiple threads are ( Read more... )

jan valentine, lestat de lioncourt, gabriel "sylar" gray, oc - jam, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, liz lemon, grell sutcliff

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Comments 62

Midnight chainsaw_juliet February 11 2010, 10:55:00 UTC
The soft, barely audible scrapes of gloved fingers brushing against prison bars. The clack-clack-clacking of heels against stone floors. A playful little giggle, high-pitched and uncontrolled. Glowing golden eyes watching from the darkness.

"Hello~" A voice trilled sweetly.


crazy4pwr February 12 2010, 00:27:37 UTC
The sounds were enough to slowly bring Sylar back from his sleep, but it was the giggling and the voice that woke him all the way up. Why the hell would someone be coming at this hour? He knew he was in prison, but still. Can't a guy get some rest?

"Hi." Sylar responded as he got into a sitting position. Night vision, definitley needed to find someone with that ability. In this darkness all he was able to see were those eyes. He didn't recall anyone with eyes like that, but there were a number of people he had yet to meet.

"What do you want?" The annoyance at being woken up at this hour was tangible in his voice.


chainsaw_juliet February 12 2010, 09:54:45 UTC
He still stayed in the shadows, just out of sight enough so one could only see his faint outline and those glowing eyes. This one was fascinating. This one was one to keep tabs on.

"Compliance." A bright, shrill laugh. "I want to play a game because you've played one by yourself for so very long. I've let you be the lone wolf, but now I want to play too."

"I know what you are and I know what you do. You can hide from everybody but you can't hide from me." Grell giggled. "Every death exposes you to me. Every death leaves a little trail of breadcrumbs for me to find."


crazy4pwr February 13 2010, 05:09:30 UTC
This guy even creeped Sylar out, and that shrilly voice and constant laughter really grated on his nerves. Though at the same time, the things that he said had begun to help relive some of the annoyance Sylar had had at the start of this visit.

He guessed this man wasn't the Shepherd, if he were then he would have said so. Yet he knew things... how much was truth and how much was just information this stranger had picked up before coming here was impossible for Sylar to know at this point. Yet at the same time, this guy didn't seem to be against Sylar at all, if anything he seemed to be on his side. Sylar supposed that at least meant he should hear him out.

"What kind of game are you proposing?" Sylar responded after thinking on the words he had just heard. The annoyance was no longer present in his voice, but he was a little wary of this man's intentions.


Early evening dynast_queen February 12 2010, 03:32:56 UTC
Ashe knew it probably wasn't a great idea to go alone, but it was a matter of principle. This man had tried to kill her. Why? Had he been put up to it? Was she just another random hit? Did he think she had some kind of ability? There was of course the Esper but one needed a pact with the Glyph of the Beast for that. Was it her prowess with magic, then? Her affinity with the Mist granted her the ability to perform the Quickening, but there wasn't any Mist here to aid in the process. There was also no way for him to know any of that, she was sure.

Deep down, though, she knew she was rationalizing. Yes, it was important to know why he had attacked her, but the fact remained that he had gotten the best of her. If nothing else, her pride demanded she know more of this man. And so she came, alone. Again, not the smartest move, but she was known for being rash.

Ashe stood there, looking intently at the man, studying him. He looked like any other man, though that didn't mean much in her experience. There is nothing to gain from this. ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 12 2010, 04:39:46 UTC
A vistor... how wonderful. Sylar hoped that less people would come in the future, he really just wanted to rest up and get out of this place. Disturbances like these were not very welcome. Especially when the visitor seemed upset at him for some reason or another.

"Sorry, have we met?" He slowly opened his eyes to finally look at who this woman was. It took about a minute for him to recognize her. "Oh, it's you." The woman from the alley. The one Adam had saved from him. Now why would she be here?

"Well I would appreciate it if you stop complaining now about seeing me, you're the one who came here after all." Then he thought a little about what she had just said. Something about it was off, but he wasn't sure what it was. Then it occured to him: she knew who he was. How had that happened? He thought most people knew him as Gabriel. When had his real name come out? "How do you know my name?"


dynast_queen February 12 2010, 04:58:27 UTC
Ashe grinned slightly, more to put Sylar on edge than anything else. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying being the one holding the power now, though.

To business, Ashelia. You did come here for a reason other than gloating. She clasped her hands on top of her dress. She'd opted for a rather simple one, to show at least some humility. Despite her act, if Sylar thought her cowed due to her choice of clothing, all the better. She hadn't been allowed her sword into the prison, but that was fine with her; her dagger was still strapped to her thigh under the dress. As if to counterpoint the statement her dress made, she had the shawl that had foiled Sylar's attack draped over her shoulders ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 12 2010, 05:11:20 UTC
Oh so that was how she was going to play this game. The gloating smile she gave didn't bother him too much, though it would make him remember her once he got out of here. Well, he supposed it did bother him a little then. It just didn't make much difference. Neither did the shawl, all it happened to be was luck that had saved her. If they ever met again, he just wouldn't come at her with ice.

"If your sourcese are good enough to find my name, then they should be just as capable at finding that out." With that Sylar layed back down on the bed, he had no reason to answer her questions. Besides, people who were of upper class just annoyed him. Despite her simple attire, there was something about people like her that just screamed royalty.

Generally these people didn't like it when people didn't do whatever they say immediately after they said it. Sylar was a little curious to see how she would react.


Sometime after dark... damndest_prince February 13 2010, 14:17:55 UTC
Lestat looked absently at the walls of the prison. No doubt this place was much nicer than other prisons he'd encountered in the past but it was still obviously just that. If if hadn't been for the journals and his own scrounging about he never would have know that Sylar was in this place. That Robin fellow had also helped confirm Lestat's suspicions that Sylar really was a criminal and by the sounds of it one of the damndest he was lucky enough to find. The very thought sent Lestat's body soaring with the thought of what Sylar's blood might taste like once he got a hold of it, but for now he'd content himself with paying a visit to his recent obssession-at least of the criminal sort ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 14 2010, 05:51:41 UTC
Another late visitor, why was it so hard for people to come at a time of day he'd actually be awake at? Wait, that voice sounded familiar. Opening his eyes, Sylar was able to make out enough of the person through the darkness to recognize the man.

"Lestat, nice to see you again." Well that explained it, a vampire couldn't go out during the day. He supposed he could forgive this late night visit then. At least this was someone who he didn't completely dislike.

"That was nice of you to come all the way here just to visit me." Though the smile made the statement seem genuine, Sylar couldn't help wondering what the vampire wanted. So far everyone who had ever visited him had wanted something, he wouldn't bother thinking Lestat should be any different in that regard.


damndest_prince February 14 2010, 07:05:56 UTC
Oh Lestat did want something alright but it would be very hard to acquire while Sylar was behind bars. Besides, if he rushed things there would be no fun in the chase or the capture for that matter. The thrill of the blood itself would still be there it was always there. Though many of Lestat's abilities had been stifled since his arrival the thirst for the blood had not. Even though Lestat didn't really need the blood anymore the very taste and essence that could be pulled from that delicious elixir was still too muh to pass up.

The blond rogue idly stroked the bars of the one room cell that was housing Sylar and though the other knew what Lestat was the smile he gave the other male still hid his fangs. "Is it wrong to visit the first friend I made here on this quaint port city? Besides it seems you've gotten yourself into a bit o a mess. You wouldn't believe what some people are saying about you on the journals." Lestat tapped his breast pocket where his own journal was currently placed.


crazy4pwr February 15 2010, 03:49:49 UTC
Something was off. Sylar's smile slowly faded as he continued to watch his vampire friend, analyzing him. The smile that hid the tell-tale fangs, the attitude, the smooth speech. Everything seemed normal... except the eyes. It was almost unnoticeable, and no one else probably ever would know what it meant, except for people like them. In those eyes Sylar saw hunger, one he was all too familiar with. He had seen them turned at the maid before, but this time they were aimed at him.

"Of course not, but your affiliation with a criminal may draw unwanted attention." Slowly Sylar stood and walked towards the bars, stopping just out of arms' reach. "So just what sorts of things are these people saying about me?" Well at least Lestat had confirmed his suspicions that the journals had been the cause of everyone's knowledge of him. He just wondered how much had been said.


lifewithlemon February 14 2010, 02:14:49 UTC
Sylar? Really? The whole time he was right there, and she thought of him as Gabriel. Of all the characters from that show... Why did he have to show up? The one villain everyone was actually scared of? Well, it didn't matter, because now he was locked up and doing jailhouse rock.

Stepping near the cell confidently, Liz had a victorious- and slightly smug- smile on her face. Yup, she was enjoying that alright.

"Well, look who's locked away. Bet it stinks in there, doesn't it? You can't go after people with your power... thing." Liz pointed a finger towards him, waving it slightly when she couldn't remember his ability's name.

"I bet you thought you'd get away with it, right? Guess again, nerd! And by the way, I've always thought Hiro is stronger than you. Yeah, I said that. What 'cha going to do about it, huh?"


crazy4pwr February 14 2010, 06:01:35 UTC
Sylar couldn't believe it. He hadn't spoken to Liz in months and she had suddenly just appeared now? What the hell! Had it been broadcast that he was in prison here? Actually with the journals that wasn't an impossible conclusion... But really, why her?

"And which power thing are you talking about, Liz? The one that let's me cut people's heads open or the one that lets me take their abilities?" He couldn't help but laugh at her mention of Hiro. It had been a while since he had thought about the guy who had nearly impaled him with a sword. Still, she seemed to overlook the fact that he had survived that encounter. Along with so many others that Hiro never would have been able to.

"Now, now Liz. If you know me so well, then shouldn't you know that nothing can hold me forever?" Sylar got up and just stared at the woman through the bars. "I always find some way to escape. It's just a matter of time." He would just let that little fact sink in.


lifewithlemon February 15 2010, 04:57:47 UTC
Liz thought a moment about his powers. Did he have two? It had been almost a year since she saw the show...

"...Both, of them." She finally said, nodding. Nope, she wouldn't let him get to her. He was the one behind bars.

"Except when you don't find a way. And I bet that disease hit you pretty hard, huh?" Her confidence didn't waver. For once, watching television had really paid off. She felt like she really accomplished something all those Monday nights in front of the TV by herself in her apartment. Yep.

"I'm just gonna go out and run around, maybe get some food. Boy, I could go for a sandwich right now. Too bad you can't do those things."


crazy4pwr February 15 2010, 05:31:45 UTC
She certainly did know a lot... that disease had been a pain to get through. "I found a way through that as well, or do you not remember that I got the cure from Suresh? Sure I lost a few abilities, but after that I got Claire." That familiar creepy smile returned to his face. "After that nothing could hold me for long."

Oh Liz... did you really think that food would have much of an effect on him? "You and food... that seems to be all you ever think about." Sylar settled back on his bed. "Well go on, run and get it."


just after sylar's brought in! bitchin_beanie February 16 2010, 03:36:27 UTC
Jan didn't look up at first to hear the stirring of motion around him. The changing of the guard, he figured, or, hell, someone had brought one of the guys a sandwich. Something mundane and not worth either his time or energy. But when he heard the clang of a cell door slamming shut, Jan didn't have much of a choice but to sit up and take a little notice.

Company. The thought didn't resister at first, and Jan had to repeat it for himself. Company. He had fucking company again. The grin was spreading across his face before he was even at his feet, and by the time he'd come to stand at the bars it was in full force.

"Sup, bro?" he asked, head tilting and amusement already pouring in. Fuck if he didn't recognize the guy beyond a vague from the journals lable, it was goddamn company. "Welcome to my humble fuckin' abode! Sweet digs, huh?"


crazy4pwr February 16 2010, 04:09:30 UTC
There was no way this could be happening. Sylar had just settled down to get some rest when he heard that voice. Anyone who had a journal would recognize it and immediately know the owner, but he truly hoped that his ears had somehow been mistaken. Looking up, his sight confirmed what his hearing had already told him.

"Jan Valentine..." He had just come back from the dead to see this idiot. Someone really had a sense of humor somewhere. Sylar just wasn't in the mood to laugh. "Yeah, they're great."

Sylar suddenly realized that this was the first time he and Jan had actually met face to face. They had had some brief conversations here and there since his arrival, but had never really spoken personally. "Well I guess I should introduce myself." He took a moment to sit up and look back at the vampire. "I'm Sylar."


bitchin_beanie February 16 2010, 04:23:02 UTC
Sylar. Didn't really ring a bell. Normally Jan would shrug it off, but in this case -- well, whoever Sylar was, he'd done something interesting enough to get his ass thrown in a place like this. So Jan grinned instead, leaned up against the bars, and studied the guy.

"Well, since you already know me-- " A little bit of pleasure in that -- fuck, who was he kidding? A whole lot of pleasure in that; it felt good to be fucking infamous. " --Guess that leaves me with the pleased ta make your fuckin' acquaintance line ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 17 2010, 03:37:05 UTC
"I guess it does." He had no idea how long he'd be stuck here, but it would definitely be too long. Something about the guy seemed somehow less... sarcastic? That was close enough, it didn't really matter much. The point was that Jan was acting differently than usual, and even Sylar noticed.

Jan's following statment made it all make sense though. The guy was hungry. "What? They don't feed your kind in here?" Raising his arm a little so Jan could see, Sylar slowly cut into his skin with one of his fingernails. The wound bled for a second before almost all of the blood was sucked back into the cut it had escaped from. Then it sealed closed, healed like nothing had happened. "Afraid that trick of mine won't let me do that."

Laying with his head against the wall for a minute, Sylar figured it couldn't hurt to try to make some small talk. After all, they were both stuck in here, might as well kill the time somehow. "So how did they get you?"


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