Feb 10, 2010 23:18

WHO: Sylar and open to... pretty much whoever.
WHAT: Sylar is in prison, and has no choice when it comes to visitors.
WHERE: The prisons
WHEN: Some time after he was "killed" again and locked up.

((Feel free to post at any time of the day, any day this week. He'll most likely just be lying down when your character(s) arrive. Multiple threads are ( Read more... )

jan valentine, lestat de lioncourt, gabriel "sylar" gray, oc - jam, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, liz lemon, grell sutcliff

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Early evening dynast_queen February 12 2010, 03:32:56 UTC
Ashe knew it probably wasn't a great idea to go alone, but it was a matter of principle. This man had tried to kill her. Why? Had he been put up to it? Was she just another random hit? Did he think she had some kind of ability? There was of course the Esper but one needed a pact with the Glyph of the Beast for that. Was it her prowess with magic, then? Her affinity with the Mist granted her the ability to perform the Quickening, but there wasn't any Mist here to aid in the process. There was also no way for him to know any of that, she was sure.

Deep down, though, she knew she was rationalizing. Yes, it was important to know why he had attacked her, but the fact remained that he had gotten the best of her. If nothing else, her pride demanded she know more of this man. And so she came, alone. Again, not the smartest move, but she was known for being rash.

Ashe stood there, looking intently at the man, studying him. He looked like any other man, though that didn't mean much in her experience. There is nothing to gain from this. ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 12 2010, 04:39:46 UTC
A vistor... how wonderful. Sylar hoped that less people would come in the future, he really just wanted to rest up and get out of this place. Disturbances like these were not very welcome. Especially when the visitor seemed upset at him for some reason or another.

"Sorry, have we met?" He slowly opened his eyes to finally look at who this woman was. It took about a minute for him to recognize her. "Oh, it's you." The woman from the alley. The one Adam had saved from him. Now why would she be here?

"Well I would appreciate it if you stop complaining now about seeing me, you're the one who came here after all." Then he thought a little about what she had just said. Something about it was off, but he wasn't sure what it was. Then it occured to him: she knew who he was. How had that happened? He thought most people knew him as Gabriel. When had his real name come out? "How do you know my name?"


dynast_queen February 12 2010, 04:58:27 UTC
Ashe grinned slightly, more to put Sylar on edge than anything else. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying being the one holding the power now, though.

To business, Ashelia. You did come here for a reason other than gloating. She clasped her hands on top of her dress. She'd opted for a rather simple one, to show at least some humility. Despite her act, if Sylar thought her cowed due to her choice of clothing, all the better. She hadn't been allowed her sword into the prison, but that was fine with her; her dagger was still strapped to her thigh under the dress. As if to counterpoint the statement her dress made, she had the shawl that had foiled Sylar's attack draped over her shoulders ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 12 2010, 05:11:20 UTC
Oh so that was how she was going to play this game. The gloating smile she gave didn't bother him too much, though it would make him remember her once he got out of here. Well, he supposed it did bother him a little then. It just didn't make much difference. Neither did the shawl, all it happened to be was luck that had saved her. If they ever met again, he just wouldn't come at her with ice.

"If your sourcese are good enough to find my name, then they should be just as capable at finding that out." With that Sylar layed back down on the bed, he had no reason to answer her questions. Besides, people who were of upper class just annoyed him. Despite her simple attire, there was something about people like her that just screamed royalty.

Generally these people didn't like it when people didn't do whatever they say immediately after they said it. Sylar was a little curious to see how she would react.


dynast_queen February 12 2010, 05:34:13 UTC
Ashe's eyebrows furrowed. His reaction told her a lot about him; in short, he was smart. He wasn't one to be provoked.

Ashe adjusted the shawl on her shoulders, changing tact despite her offense. In a lot of ways, Ashe was like traditional royalty. She expected respect from others, and most of the time returned it. She had very little patience in general, though. She rationalized that, if she were to be in charge of keeping tabs on the underground of Rivelata, this would be as good a place as any to start. If she thought of it that way, she could keep herself from exploding in indignation at Sylar's behavior.

"My sources," she said, still keeping her tone light, "leave more than a little to be desired, I'll be the first to admit. I would like the information straight from you." She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. "If you cooperate, there will be compensation. Dalmasca remembers kindness and cruelty both."


crazy4pwr February 12 2010, 05:49:00 UTC
A quiet laugh came from Sylar as soon as she finished. She sounded sincere, but it still sounded funny to him. "So my telling you why I tried to kill you is going to make up for me trying to kill you in the first place?"

That just... sounded unlikely. Either she was very easy to forgive people, or she wanted to use him for something. In his experince, it was nearly always the latter. Even here, people had just been using him for one reason or another. Jam had never cashed in on the favor Sylar owed him, but the Shepherd, who was the one Ashe seemed to want to know about, had used him a few time. If the heroes hadn't stopped him, then he would have added a few more victims thanks to that mysterious person.

He turned to look at Ashe, still lying on the bed but with a smile of his own now. "Besides, I really doubt you have anything I want. From my encounter with you it didn't seem like you had anything worth taking."

"Or is there some hidden ability that I didn't see that night?" The smile never left his face, and his eyes never left


dynast_queen February 12 2010, 06:13:47 UTC
Ashe held her smile and his gaze, though she was thoroughly unnerved. So there had been a rationale to his attacking her. He thought she had some kind of ability. He wasn't exactly wrong, one except Basch, Penelo and Larsa could have known about any of that. Something was off.

Best to make it seem that way. If Sylar was following information given to him about whatever abilities they thought she had worth taking...well. It inferred something quite scary, to put it simply. There was more to ponder along those lines, but she let it rest for now.

"There is no ability," Ashe replied, her voice becoming more serious. "Hence my curiosity. You had hoped to gain something by killing me. Had you succeeded, you would have gained nothing." She let that hang, waiting to see which bit Sylar would chomp at; her offer of compensation, or the hint she had laid that his information had been incorrect.

He was an elusive mark, to say the least.


crazy4pwr February 12 2010, 06:37:33 UTC
She kept her feelings hidden very well, so well that he wasn't completely sure if what he was saying was impacting her at all. He'd just have to try a little harder then to throw her off guard. "Before I arrived here I had acquired a number of rather interesting little powers, one of them being able to know if someone was lying." He deliberately left out the fact that he no longer had that ability for some reason or another. There were a number of abilities he couldn't use any more, but he had also stolen a number of new ones that were just as good as the ones he had lost.

Sylar suddenly jumped up and brought himself as close as he could to her, pushing against the bars in front of him. The smug smile had never left his face, if anything it had gotten even more conceited. "You're lying." It was a bluff, but her next reaction would show him if it worked or not.


dynast_queen February 12 2010, 15:42:47 UTC
Ashe hadn't been ready for the sudden burst of movement. A foot shifted back in reaction as she got ready to fight without realizing. She righted her posture pretty quickly, laughing, making sure to keep her voice from shaking. Her mind was racing with the implications of what he said. Before he arrived here on the island, or before he arrived here in this cell? She would have to pick one and run with it.

He was so fast. So much...faster. That was it. "As are you," she replied evenly, going over her reasoning in her head. The guards wouldn't have let her anywhere near this man if there was any real danger, royalty or not. As it had stood, Ashe wasn't about to let a couple guards keep her away when she had stumbled upon her attacker like this. It was a tenuous link, but it did make sense.

"So, which shall it be? Cooperation or silence?" If he didn't tell her what she wanted to know...well, she could always tell that Robin fellow that Sylar was not, in fact, dead, Nonsense, you should tell him regardless. This man is dangerous, and ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 13 2010, 05:38:01 UTC
Was the slip-up intentional or had she actually just admitted to having an ability? Sylar did everything he could to keep the mixture of shock and joy from showing past the grin he already wore. "Now I'm sure I haven't lied about anything. At least not yet." The smile wasn't showing any sign of leaving.

So she was giving him an ultimatum? Well that wasn't much fun. Oh well, he'd just have to find some way to make it interesting. He seemed to think about her offer for a minute before finally reaching a decision. "How about this? If you tell me what your ability is, I'll tell you why I targeted you."

Then again, he might as well be a little thoughtful. She had come all the way down here after all. "I'll even tell you a little tidbit: Attacking you had nothing to do with your ability."

Her turn.


dynast_queen February 14 2010, 04:52:10 UTC
Ashe was having a hard time absorbing all the information this conversation was providing her with. Unfortunately, nothing she could infer gave her any definite answers. Sylar was a tricky one ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 14 2010, 05:46:05 UTC
Someone gifted in the art of magic. Not only that, but in many different forms of it. Definitely a target that Sylar would want to visit at a later time. Unfortunately, it would have to be a later time since he was still unable to escape from this imprisonment. Just a matter of time though ( ... )


dynast_queen February 14 2010, 18:17:08 UTC
Ashe took a minute or two to digest all of that. It was a lot of information. That last part struck her as the most interesting. Was Adam in league with Sylar and the Shepherd? Was Adam himself the Shepherd? Nonsense, she thought. He was a simple silversmith, not some snake in the grass. He was a friend. He had saved her. No, it was more likely that Adam was actively trying to foil this Shepherd's plans, whatever they were. That, or it really was just a coincidence. The simplest answer is most often the correct one. The easiest way would be to approach Adam about it openly. Then, at least, they could pool their resources against the Shepherd. Sylar was imprisoned, but the mastermind behind the murders was still at large ( ... )


crazy4pwr February 15 2010, 04:15:52 UTC
Sylar could tell how much she was processing all this information, and when she finally spoke again his smile only grew bigger. "If I was content then I never would have told you anything. I hate being used, but if I benefit from it then I can usually tolerate it." Even in his own world he'd been nothing but a pawn that people used.

None of them had gotten away with it unscathed though. "Honestly though..." Sylar leaned forward again and dropped his voice to a whisper. "I deal with people like the Shepherd because they have what I want. As soon as they stop giving it to me, then I just take it by force."

He dropped his voice even lower at what he said next. "As for keeping me dead... I honestly doubt that very much." What no one else, maybe not even the Shepherd, knew was that there were more bad guys than just them. Sylar had other allies that needed him for some reason or another. That was one good thing about being used, sometimes you became indespensible.


dynast_queen February 15 2010, 18:42:52 UTC
"Do you?" Ashe sighed slightly, shaking her head. "I would not be so sure, Sylar. None, save a very select few apparently including you and the Shepherd, know of my abilities. There is no conceivable way the man could know. " Of that, she was certain. "No one is as safe as they feel they are in this city, Sylar. You would do well to remember that."

As would you, she reminded herself.

She cleared her throat, turning away from the cell. "I can provide shelter. A roof. Comforts I doubt you've had since arriving here." She didn't think it would be enough to deter Sylar from hunting her down, but that wasn't her concern anymore. "Seek me out upon your emancipation. Perhaps we shall be able to come to a more mutually beneficial arrangement."


Sorry about that! LJlogin didn't register for some reason dynast_queen February 15 2010, 18:43:49 UTC
"Do you?" Ashe sighed slightly, shaking her head. "I would not be so sure, Sylar. None, save a very select few apparently including you and the Shepherd, know of my abilities. There is no conceivable way the man could know. " Of that, she was certain. "No one is as safe as they feel they are in this city, Sylar. You would do well to remember that."

As would you, she reminded herself.

She cleared her throat, turning away from the cell. "I can provide shelter. A roof. Comforts I doubt you've had since arriving here." She didn't think it would be enough to deter Sylar from hunting her down, but that wasn't her concern anymore. "Seek me out upon your emancipation. Perhaps we shall be able to come to a more mutually beneficial arrangement."


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