❝the angles were all wrong now❞

Sep 18, 2009 00:25

WHO: Nill [wingsnotwords]. OPEN TO ONLY THE FOLLOWING: Cloud Strife, Rufus Shinra, Inuzuka Kiba, Haine Rammsteiner and Fuyumine Naoto.
WHAT: Nill had her nightmare. :(
WHERE: Nills bedroom.
WHEN: After Nills post.
NOTE: There will be no posting order. You can tag Quicklog or not, I don't care, whatever is easier for you. \o/

she's ripping wings off of butterflies )

!quicklog, Ω cloud strife, Ω rufus shinra, Ω inuzuka kiba, nill

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Comments 17

amongstheclouds September 18 2009, 04:53:41 UTC
Cloud was still wide awake even at the late hour, worrying over Tifa, checking up on the journal, trying to better understand what was happening in Rivelata -- and then came the next terrifying entry.

His reaction had been almost immediate after seeing it.

In seconds he was running from his bedroom into Nill's, not pausing in horror when he turned on the light to see the damage, even though he wanted to. Her name escaped his lips and panic seemed to flash through his eyes as he immediately went to her side, kneeling on the bed. "Nill -- you're bleeding, shit --" Cloud's words were a rushed jumble as he grabbed one of the bedsheets and tried applying pressure to the wound, mimicking what had been done with Tifa only the night before.

"Damnit -- your wings --" He didn't understand what was happening. He knew she had called for help over the journals, but he needed help now. "R-Rufus!" He yelled. "Rufus, Nill's room now!"


shinra_heir September 18 2009, 05:09:42 UTC
Cloud didn't even have to do that. Rufus had seen the entry not two seconds earlier, and quickly moved to Nill's room, trying to call for Cloud's help. Luckily, he was already there for him to yell at.

"What is going on? What in the world..?!" Shinra brought bandages with him, luckily enough. Seeing the blood, he figured he would need them.


oneofthedogs September 18 2009, 11:40:13 UTC
Kiba didn't exactly have many friends around here, other than Akamaru, but Nill was one of those friends. He'd started running soon as he saw the journal, his giant dog following him as they raced out towards the place where he'd pick Nill up to go to that ball just a few days ago. What the hell?

He hammered on the door when he got there, but any response wasn't fast enough for his 0.5 second waiting time, and he shoved it open before charging towards where he could hear voices, Akamaru thundering up behind him.

"Nill!" He looked at the two guys with her. "What happened?"


wingsnotwords September 19 2009, 03:09:13 UTC
Nill looked up -- the best she could, given how her throat had the gash in it -- at Cloud, a horrified, pained expression on her face. She didn't know what to do, or what was happening or why. She felt the sheets being pushed up against her back, and a silent scream escaped her when the pressure caused pain as her wings straightened out, straight up from her back.

She glanced at Rufus out of the corner of her eyes, still grasping at her throat to try to stop the bleeding. Luckily, the blood on her throat was already beginning to clot and slow. It was her wings that were the worst of it, now.

Nill heard Kiba's voice, then. Dizzied from bloodloss, she glanced to the door to see him. Her expression still pained, she opened her mouth to take a deep breath. Unable to say anything, there was nothing she could explain.


amongstheclouds September 19 2009, 03:42:59 UTC
Why was this happening? The same thing had happened to Tifa the day before, waking up screaming in the night, bleeding from a mysterious wound. And from the journals, it looked like there were others experiencing this strange phenomena. Cloud knew strange, horrible things happened in Rivelata, but this... this was...

"We don't know." In the back of his mind he registered Kiba as that boy who had taken Nill to the dance. "Both of you, come here and help me bandage the wounds."

The deja vu was almost... chilling.

His eyes went back to Nill for a moment, vaguely aware of the blood he was getting on his hands from trying to help her. And then, in a softer voice to the girl, he spoke again "I'm sorry, Nill, just hold on." Healing wasn't Cloud's specialty. All he knew was that for something this severe, there needed to be some sort of immediate response, however makeshift and quick it may be.


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