❝the angles were all wrong now❞

Sep 18, 2009 00:25

WHO: Nill [wingsnotwords]. OPEN TO ONLY THE FOLLOWING: Cloud Strife, Rufus Shinra, Inuzuka Kiba, Haine Rammsteiner and Fuyumine Naoto.
WHAT: Nill had her nightmare. :(
WHERE: Nills bedroom.
WHEN: After Nills post.
NOTE: There will be no posting order. You can tag Quicklog or not, I don't care, whatever is easier for you. \o/

It was an unexpected nightmare. One that even now, right after waking up, she couldn't remember clearly. But it had none the less left her shaken. She woke up to the wounds from the nightmare, but unstitched, unclean, unbandaged. Her throat was cut just over her vocal cords, not deep -- almost, rather, symbolic. When she touched her neck, feeling the pain, her hand came came back covered in blood. Her eyes widened. When she tried to move, pain shot through her entire back. Forcing herself up despite the pain that made her choke, her breathing became more ragged and choked the more paniced she became.

There was blood all over the bed, all over her. She panicked, one hand flying to her neck and the other(as she winced, every movement made the gashes at the base of her wings hurt) grabbed for her journal under the pillow. Blood smeared all over the pages as she wrote, trying to catch her breath, trying to breathe evenly but it wasn't working. Each breath was short, wheezed, and heavy.

She slumped down against the wall her bed was up against, pressing the side of her head to the wall as she held her eyes shut tight, a silent sob escaping her. Why was this happening? She shook, holding both her hands to her neck, falling still despite the shuddering movements of her chest.

!quicklog, Ω cloud strife, Ω rufus shinra, Ω inuzuka kiba, nill

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