If I kiss you where it's sore...

Jul 27, 2008 23:52

WHO: Penelo {danceofrapture}, Larsa {solidor_heir} BATTRAP {darkknightfall}, Dr. Wilson {sanctioning}
WHAT: Treating the fallen little Emperor-in-waiting
WHERE: House Bunansa
WHEN: Late 127/Early 128

Will you feel better, better, better? )

Ω batman, place - housing district, Ω james wilson, larsa ferrinas solidor, penelo

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Comments 21

darkknightfall July 28 2008, 05:52:19 UTC
Batman moved quickly. He had just met with Monroe, so he had a ways to go. Still, he had been among the first to respond, and by now knew how to navigate the streets of Rivelata almost as well as he knew how to move through the streets of Gotham, and so it didn't take him long to reach Larsa and Penelo. Entering the building without bothering to knock-- knowing that time was of the essence, Bruce moved towards the two, nodding once, curtly, to Penelo, before kneeling beside the young Councilor. Another attack. It couldn't have had worse timing, either, with him having to deal with the Joker as well ( ... )


danceofrapture July 28 2008, 06:05:49 UTC
It was carried out in silence. Penelo had laid Larsa on his back, his head atop her knees. She stared blankly ahead and stroked his hair with the tips of her fingers. She had been wearing an innocent white gown, but she was now splattered in blood all over, it had gotten onto her face, in her hair, under her nails, and soaked her to the core. She sat still. Her eyes were empty.

Something of her resembled the statues of the pieta, the emptiness on her face and the lost expression in her eyes.

Silently, she slipped her hand beneath Larsa's and just held his little digits in her own. Her head bowed to watch Bruce work on the surreality before her. Every now and then a tear dripped down her cheek, but her expressionless face did not change.


solidor_heir July 28 2008, 06:45:38 UTC
It was like trying to grasp a ribbon being buffeted by the wind. Sometimes you caught it- the next moment it slipped from your grasp.

He tried to speak, words nothing more than strained breath from his wearied lungs.

Larsa suddenly arched his back, choking on a mouthful of blood that soon bubbled from his lips. He coughed violently, hands childishly reaching for anything to hold.

Frightened of death. A boy of twelve could not have built any resolve against mortality yet, and so faced with his own dying body Larsa could do naught but cry.

The thought of his Rivelatan guardian injured pained him worse than his wounds.
"My fault."


danceofrapture July 28 2008, 06:52:08 UTC
Penelo cupped a hand over Larsa's mouth so the blood wouldn't spray onto Bruce. She caught the sticky, still-hot blood in her fingers and smeared it on an untouched spot on her skirt. His grasping fingers reminded her so of the soldiers who would reach for comforts.

Her hand closed around the ear of a plush toy that resembled a rabbit, a creature from their homeworld. She wrapped it in a washcloth so none of the decorative stitches would irritate his raw wounds, and placed it in his arms securely.

"It's alright," she crooned, stroking his tears away and leaning over to kiss his cheeks, "Hush now. None of this is your fault. You didn't ask for any of this. Shhh..."


sanctioning July 28 2008, 16:13:57 UTC
He'd had to stop by the clinic first for supplies and to quickly do the procedure, but luckily Penelo's home wasn't far from there anyways. All the same, Wilson ran. It had been a long time. In one hand he carried a large back, inside being all the sterilized equipment he needed for a blood transfusion, plus two bags of his own blood, packed in ice to keep it from ruining on the way.

There was no way around it- the boy needed blood, and fast. And they would use his, because it was simply easier. He was compatible, his blood didn't carry any infections, and besides- the girl looked too young to give the amount of blood he probably needed.

Wilson reached the house, found the door ajar so he simply stepped inside and hurried forward, inspecting the boy with a furrowed brow. The wounds were already bandaged up, and disinfected- for that he probably had to thank...Batman?

Shaking his head for a moment, he had to think. Wilson had nothing. No drugs, no equipment. He was lucky to have the sterilized blood bags, but without acetaminophen ( ... )


darkknightfall July 29 2008, 00:58:07 UTC
"It's not. It's theirs."

Bruce's voice was flat, cold as he answered Larsa's whispered words. It was their fault, and they would pay. The prison he had been secretly constructing for the Rebellion was almost complete-- though the critical finishing touches had been delayed by the Joker's arrival-- and soon, their hunt would begin for the Keheitai, scourge of the city. He had no doubt that the Queen and her own Council was making similar arrangements, creating prisons that could not be as easily defeated as the first, but which one the dangerous group ended up in did not matter to him-- simply that they were dealt with.

As the doctor arrived, Bruce stood back, his black shirt and pants stained with blood. Nodding once to the man, he stood and retreated a few steps to let the man do his work, and he did it well. The Dark Knight only hoped that it would be enough.


Once more, without typos plz 83 solidor_heir July 29 2008, 03:40:20 UTC
If the Senators hear of this, I will no longer be the Crown Heir. Detached and mindless, Larsa felt as though he were comfortably sitting on a chaise instead of suffering within his own body.
I've lost so much of my blood, my Solidor blood, I now have no right to rule. Excellent.

He managed a weak, lazy smile.
Happily I will leave the duty to my far more capable brother. He is a man remarkable enough for the duty.

Then suddenly he was no longer blissfully watching his own body, but jerked back inside it. The onset of fever seemed to grip him, body trembling as it tried to cope with the influx of blood. His hands feebly grasped at the plush toy placed in his embrace.

The trembling grew stronger and his teeth began to chatter. Too small and too young, the rapid transfusion was too much for his system to handle. The boy's temperature stopped rising, and instead plummeted into hypothermia.
"S-o c-cco-"

"COLD!" He gasped.


Re: Once more, without typos plz 83 danceofrapture July 29 2008, 04:13:56 UTC
Penelo took deep, gasping breaths to keep herself from panicking.

"Shh, shhh, I know, honey," She crooned, and wrapped another quilt about him.

She had to be slow. She saw the soldiers that she cared for go through this, and knew that immediate heat would only send him into further shock, and that shock could stop his little heart. Penelo evenly rubbed the quilts against his uninjured skin, hoping to generate heat around him. She shuffled herself closer, hoping her body heat would be close enough to aid his weakened form.

"It's okay, lamb. Save your strength. A hand stroked his hair back, and another kiss was pressed against his brow.

A desperate glance to Doctor Wilson. Her once-empty eyes were filled with horror and panic and heartbreak all at once. She didn't want to make it worse by fussing, but every part of her wanted to comfort this boy, to cradle him close and kiss all of his wounds better, to embrace him and keep him safe from all of the harm the world wanted to break him with.

Please help, she mouthed.


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