If I kiss you where it's sore...

Jul 27, 2008 23:52

WHO: Penelo {danceofrapture}, Larsa {solidor_heir} BATTRAP {darkknightfall}, Dr. Wilson {sanctioning}
WHAT: Treating the fallen little Emperor-in-waiting
WHERE: House Bunansa
WHEN: Late 127/Early 128

Will you feel better, better, better? )

Ω batman, place - housing district, Ω james wilson, larsa ferrinas solidor, penelo

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Comments 21

sanctioning July 29 2008, 14:48:43 UTC
This was exactly what he had hoped wouldn't happen.

The boy needed the blood, needed it as fast as he could get it, but his body couldn't take the rate of it. And yet if they slowed the transfusion to a speed in which he could adjust the blood would go bad in that time. So he had to make a decision, and fast.

Because this boy was going to live.

"Can you start a fire and get me some warm water?" he asked Penelo, knowing that the water was needed with all urgency.

They had to warm the core of his chest first, of else his heart would stop. Blankets didn't transfer heat well enough. So gently, gently- careful to avoid the tube in Larsa's arm, he pressed him against his own chest. His heart needed to be warmed up, and now.

The boy was so limp- like a ragdoll in his arms. He looked up at the man standing in the corner. "He needs body heat." Wilson said simply. "Can you help?"

[OOC- OHDOGHDOI HE IS NO A PEDOOOOOO. Seriously while I was writing this I thought; CRAP THE TREATMENT'S GONNA MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE A PEDO. So I thought, WHY NOT ( ... )


danceofrapture July 29 2008, 14:54:54 UTC
A fire already roared in the fireplace, but Penelo obediently slid off of the bed, her skirts making a disgusting 'slosh' sound from the blood that had so soaked it. She padded to the fireplace and heaped more wood onto the fire, working it up into a full blaze, crackling away. She disappeared around the corner to the bath to fetch the warm water in a basin.

She soon returned with a basin of almost hot, but not quite, water in a large bowl and a washcloth already soaking inside. She stood beside the bed, her hands trembling. She had never felt so helpless in her life, watching someone she so cherished dying before her, and she could do nothing.

{{ooc: It wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't SEND THE GIRL OUT OF THE ROOM FIRST. XDDD}}


darkknightfall July 30 2008, 01:10:08 UTC
"Let me try something first."

He had used the devices before against Danny, but Larsa wasn't anywhere near that cold, so he took a second to tune down the device's heat output before setting it down beside the shivering boy and activating it.

Originally, it had been meant to be used against Mr. Freeze, setting up a heat-barrier perimeter to negate otherwise lethally low temperatures, but, in practical terms, it could also work as a heating device as well.

If it seemed to work well enough, he'd leave it at that, and if it only seemed to affect one side, he'd deploy another on the other side. If all else failed, he'd take the boy up in his arms.


sanctioning July 30 2008, 01:31:59 UTC

He watched Batman work, putting heaters up near the boy, and breathed a sigh of relief, gently laying the boy down again. Those should work- and if all else failed, he could use the warm water and inject a little bit straight into his blood, warming up his internal body in that way. But right now he seemed to be okay- fingers crossed.

Wilson made sure Larsa was warm before simply watching him for new symptoms if they occurred. Hopefully the hypothermia had been the end of it. Hopefully he wouldn't go into cardiac arrhythmia, because Wilson had no defibrillator, and so he'd have to rely on his hands.

He turned to Batman with a grateful sort of look. "Thanks."


solidor_heir July 30 2008, 01:52:27 UTC
Blueberry lips murmured something as Larsa curled closer against the doctor.
Heat... The slightest color now warmed his deathly pallor, and with the added heat of the thermal devices the boy's system coped better.

As he was laid down, the knit in his brow unwound and the Heir relaxed into a gentler sleep. His hands twitched, as if searching for the toy that had been dropped in the hasty attempt to treat him.

The barest smile touched his now pale pink lips. His energy had been drained, his body exhausted and his guardian almost killed. But the Crown Heir would live to see another day.

{{Smooth moves there Bruce 8D Wilson ILU but stay away from the underage boy XD}}


danceofrapture July 30 2008, 02:07:05 UTC
Penelo crept closer to the bedside, offering the toy rabbit to his grasping fingers. She ran her fingers through his sweat-damp hair, eased as color reentered his skintone. She sighed as if her entire body held air, and hung her head in relief. The covers were again draped over his shoulders with care, so not to disturb his precious, much-needed sleep.

Twisting her fingers, the girl looked to both men, eyes brimming with weary and relieved tears.

"Thank you... Thank you so much." Her voice shook, "You are angels..."

Her slender hand rested atop his covers, "We're both grateful."

She shifted her bare, bloodstained feet nervously. "How can I ever repay you?"

{{LOL, Annay. Message for Wilson on the subject of underage boys:
Courtesy of his guardians. x3}}


darkknightfall July 30 2008, 02:13:39 UTC

"You don't need to. If anything, I'm just repaying him for what he's done for me."

Bruce watched Larsa with dark eyes, vigilant against the slightest sign of a problem. This had been a long and horrible day, perhaps the worst in quite some time, and somehow he knew it would only get worse from here on out.

His eyes moved back to the boy's young guardian, barely more than a girl herself.

"Go. Wash up. Sleep. You need it. I'll keep watch over him."


sanctioning July 30 2008, 02:24:44 UTC

Wilson breathed a sigh of relief and proceeded to check the boy's vitals first. His breathing was regular, he was exhausted but that wasn't anything sleep and good food wouldn't cure. But all the same- there was a chance the symptoms could come back.

He looked over at the girl and felt a pang of sympathy for her. She was far too young to be acting as a mother, and she looked so very tired. "He's right. You're going to over work your body. The boy's going to be just fine. He'll need iron rich foods later on and lots of citrus to boost his immune system, but he should be healthy in a few days."

"I'll stay here for the night, make sure he's fine. And you don't need to repay me, just promise me you'll get some sleep." he gave a tired sort of smile, feeling utterly worn out from giving so much of his own blood, but other than the bags under his eyes he gave no sign of it at all.


danceofrapture July 30 2008, 02:36:06 UTC
{{OOC: SURE, BATTRAP, SURE. And you just so HAPPEN to like repelling down walls with Robin backed nicely up against you. SURE. <333 ILU BATMAN~~~}}

Penelo was a slip of a girl, seventeen at her oldest, unsteady on her feet, woozy as her adrenaline wore thin. But she was a hardy one, no stranger to war or bloodshed, even at her age. Her chest heaved as she calmed herself to take steady breaths. She clutched the bedpost and murmured an affirmative sound to Bruce and Dr. Wilson, and shot another nervous glance to Larsa.

Hesitantly, she stagged off to wash up and scrub the blood off her body.

Under the rush of the shower, she finally allowed herself to sob, scrubbing at the blood so hard she scratched herself with her nails.

A half hour or so later, she reemerged, in a clean nightgown and thick robe to keep her own chills away. She perched herself beside Wilson, arms around her small body.

"What happened with everyone else?"


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