If I kiss you where it's sore...

Jul 27, 2008 23:52

WHO: Penelo {danceofrapture}, Larsa {solidor_heir} BATTRAP {darkknightfall}, Dr. Wilson {sanctioning}
WHAT: Treating the fallen little Emperor-in-waiting
WHERE: House Bunansa
WHEN: Late 127/Early 128

Will you feel better, better, better? )

Ω batman, place - housing district, Ω james wilson, larsa ferrinas solidor, penelo

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sanctioning July 28 2008, 16:13:57 UTC
He'd had to stop by the clinic first for supplies and to quickly do the procedure, but luckily Penelo's home wasn't far from there anyways. All the same, Wilson ran. It had been a long time. In one hand he carried a large back, inside being all the sterilized equipment he needed for a blood transfusion, plus two bags of his own blood, packed in ice to keep it from ruining on the way.

There was no way around it- the boy needed blood, and fast. And they would use his, because it was simply easier. He was compatible, his blood didn't carry any infections, and besides- the girl looked too young to give the amount of blood he probably needed.

Wilson reached the house, found the door ajar so he simply stepped inside and hurried forward, inspecting the boy with a furrowed brow. The wounds were already bandaged up, and disinfected- for that he probably had to thank...Batman?

Shaking his head for a moment, he had to think. Wilson had nothing. No drugs, no equipment. He was lucky to have the sterilized blood bags, but without acetaminophen or diphenhydramine, there was a chance he might have heart failure, and he had no defibrillator, either.

But it didn't matter- they had to do this. Improvise, improvise.

"I'm going to need you to hold his arm still." he said, removing a cannula from his bag. But the boy's arms looked so thin, he was so young. They were going to have to find a major artery. He examined his arm- there. Right there. He inserted the tube into the boy's arm, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

"We're going to use my blood. It's o negative, universal. Less chance of infection. But- I need to tell you this; normally doctors induce a drug that lessens the risk of heart failure. I don't have them here- so there is a chance of that. Because things are more or less sterile, we've lessened the risk for infection." he said, using the voice he normally used with patients, soft and comforting.

He hung the first bag on a collapsible stand. Watched as the scarlet slowly began to flow into the tubes connected to Larsa's arm. Breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his eyes. He felt tired, woozy- after all he'd just given about one and a half pints of his own blood, and that was pushing the limit. Standard procedure was less than one pint.

This boy was going to live. It didn't matter about the equipment, Wilson would make sure of it. There was no way that a boy this young was going to die on his watch. He didn't care about the 'puzzle', he cared about the life.


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