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Comments 659

[ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] dame_tsuna March 5 2008, 06:55:25 UTC
The Tenth and his men entered the Ball, together in their suits, looking like true Mafia. Of course, the people accompanying Tsuna on both sides were much cooler looking than him and he knew it, but together they were dressed to kill.

Tsuna was dressed in a white suit, black undershirt and white tie, his hair a mess as it always was. He looked over at Gokudera who probably was looking tougher than him, and tried to imitate the dynamite user the best he could.

Even if they weren't chosen to speak to the Queen, Tsuna felt they had to try their best to convince her that they should speak. It really wasn't Tsuna being a good leader or even being confident, he just felt like he could understand the Queen more than House could.

"There's a lot of people here," Tsuna said looking around inside, his mouth hanging open a little at grandness of it all.


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] storminbombs March 5 2008, 14:18:56 UTC
Their surroundings were extravagantly breath taking a sight, and Gokudera could not help admiring the beauty of it all. He snapped out of it soon, however, remembering their purpose of attending such a celebration. Walking into the place beside the Tenth, he readjusted his tie and straightened his white suit jacket, which was perhaps a few sizes too big. Underneath, he wore a black shirt, which was slightly baggy; enough to conceal his dynamite. Originally, he would have picked a black one, but since Tsuna had chosen a white suit, he did the same to fit in better ( ... )


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] hitmanmoo March 6 2008, 07:09:18 UTC
Lambo placed his hand on Gokudera's shoulder. "Don't rush, Gokudera-san," he said. "We are in a formal event, after all. I'm sure the queen will appreciate use better if we showed some proper respect." He admired his own reflection on the shiny floor tiles and fixed his cow-print cravat.

He looked at the buffet table and was pleasantly surprised to see bunches upon bunches of grapes.


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] storminbombs March 6 2008, 09:07:43 UTC
Gokudera was not sure if he preferred adult Lambo or kid Lambo. In his opinion, he rather neither. However, he had to admit, adult Lambo was really something during his battle with the Varia's Thunder Guardian. Shooting him a annoyed look, Gokudera brushed Lambo's hand off roughly before turning to face him. It certainly pissed him off to hear such a comment from Lambo; he was not as reckless as others thought he was- not all the time, at least.

"I know that, jerkwad. I'm not going to go around randomly blowing the place up," he retorted, trying not to raise his voice as he spoke. However, it seemed like the fruit on the nearby table had caught Lambo's attention. "Hey we didn't come here just to eat you know. Besides, isn't it rude to eat straight after entering the place?"


[Locked to Peter] fuckingblondie March 5 2008, 10:00:02 UTC
Claire had spent all day getting ready.

Needless to say, she was completely happy with the dress she'd finally picked out with Peter's help (who'd called most of the other selections indecent), and had gotten her hair taken care of and even make up done (with what little she had to work with here on the island) before it was time for the ball to start.

"Peter?" she called out, stepping out of the bathroom in full garb, looking around for where he was. "Are you ready??"


Re: [Locked to Peter] bomba_del_sesso March 5 2008, 16:42:12 UTC
"I look stupid."

Peter was sitting on the elaborate, victorian sofa, fidgeting with his puffy sleeves. It had taken him a while to understand what went where, and he felt like a damn idiot. It was too white, too fancy, too much embroidery, but Claire insisted that it was perfect. Reluctantly, he agreed with her. It was only fair, after all, since he helped choose her gown.

Though he wouldn't call it 'perfect' for her.

His niece stepped out of the bathroom, and Peter had to bite back a cry of protest. Since both of her fathers were not here, Peter felt that it was his duty to care for Claire, and that meant making sure she was not flashing her bosom and out of harm's way. However, already she had a date with a shady man, and was...well, look at the dress.

"You look...nice." It was true, but she really shouldn't be wearing that thing in public.

Whatever. The sooner they get this over with, the better.
Peter stood up, and held out his arm for her to take -- a true gentleman (possibly unlike this...Cross fellow). "Shall we go, m'


Re: [Locked to Peter] fuckingblondie March 5 2008, 19:33:20 UTC
"Oh, you do not, you'll fit right in with me and everyone else on this island," she said, checking to make sure she had everything.

"Thank you." Well, that had been unexpected. Claire had been certain he'd go on and on again about how she was flashing the whole city, though, admittedly, this was a whole lot better than just about any other outfit she tried on, unless she was going to go in that bear suit.

Or dressed as a nun.

"We most certainly shall!" she said, grinning as she took his arm, making her way out the door with him.


[OPEN] bomba_del_sesso March 5 2008, 19:49:07 UTC
"Alright," he muttered under his breath, and off they went.

A reasonable time later, and they finally reached their destination -- the palace. Immediately, the pair was ushered to the Châteaubriant Ballroom.

It was fancier than any Petrelli extravaganza Peter had ever been to. Exquisite, beautiful, and breathtaking. It was like they were traveled back in time -- or maybe they did.

Peter felt uncomfortable once more, like his clothes weren't the right size, or people were looking at him oddly. He glanced at Claire for reassurance, anything, but she'd probably be off looking for her *date* soon. Might as well help.

"Is he here?"


[Open] oldclock March 5 2008, 12:28:56 UTC
Long dresses she was used to; she wore them all the time in Germany. Of course, that didn't stop Miranda from tripping on them, but it was better than it would been if she hadn't worn a dress in her entire life before. She walked slowly, trying to avoid that possible problem. A Ball, she figured, was not an ideal place she would like to make a fool of herself. So Miranda Lotto took her time as she walked into the Ball room, and took in the antique-like decor. It was beautiful and breathtaking; she hadn't seen anything like it before other than in books.

She lifted her dress, dress just an inch off the ground, and walked forward. She began to circle the room, eying the paintings and details on the wall. She stumbled over her feet at one point, a small yelp escaping her, but she managed to catch herself, to her own relief.

Every now and then, Miranda glanced around the room in patient wait of anybody she knew. Rinali, Allen, Rabi... Anybody. Just somebody she knew. Poor Miranda didn't want to be alone here.


Re: [Open] comme_ilfaut March 6 2008, 00:23:53 UTC
Tamaki had entered the ball room relatively quietly. For him, anyway. No rose petals, sparkles or flamboyance. Just a regal walk and a rose tucked in his jacket. It was always good to have a rose on hand.

He took a quick scan of the room, not seeing anyone he was immediately familiar with. He did, however, see a very uncomfortable young lady wandering around. He walked over to her - it was time for some magic.

"Lady," Tamaki said softly while producing the rose, "would you care to dance?"


Re: [Open] oldclock March 6 2008, 01:16:55 UTC
She didn't even hear anyone approach her, which resulted in her squealing as she was suddenly spoken to. Easily surprised; that was Miranda. She covered her mouth with her hands quickly, a red blush coming to her cheeks. The German girl hadn't expected anyone to approach her; only her friends.

"I.. I can't dance that well..." She said, stuttering slightly. Her hands dropped back to her sides, subconsciously gripping the black fabric of her dress. In all honesty, she'd never danced before; she was pretty sure she'd just trip and fall.


Re: [Open] comme_ilfaut March 6 2008, 01:52:02 UTC
This was just like home, at the host club. Squealing girls, denying of rights . . . Etcetera. He gave her a smile and offered the rose to her.

"All ladies can dance. Skill doesn't matter, having fun is what's important. Don't be shy."


Awaiting Kuja [Open] a_noble_thief March 5 2008, 17:25:27 UTC
"Lovely." Balthier could not deny, that the castle was absolutely lovely. It almost reminded him of the Empire, though certainly more classical. What wasn't lovely, was the large amount of gardens stationed throughout the place. Not that it had ever stopped him before, but it was always a deterrent ( ... )


Re: Awaiting Kuja [Open] ms_delusive March 6 2008, 00:41:02 UTC
She had only been a resident of the island for a few days, and already there was a ball being held at the castle. It definitely did wonders for her mood. Bela always enjoyed a nice, fancy party, and what was even better was that she could have any dress she desired for free (Alright, so the charity ordeal annoyed her at first, but free gowns for a castle party -- she could not pass that up).

In her room at the Crimson Dragon, Bela had done up her hair, and slipped on her dress, eager for an exquisite night or drinking and dancing. She figured if the Winchesters and Ruby were planning on slaughtering her at the party, at least she'll be a beautiful corpse ( ... )


Re: Awaiting Kuja [Open] a_noble_thief March 6 2008, 01:24:02 UTC
Balthier had been lost in his own thought, staring at an expensive vase. It looked like it could fetch a pretty penny, though petty theft was below him. This place was a thief's wonderland- luxurious items ripe for the picking splashed wontonly hither and thither. However, Balthier had experienced his fair share of large game. Paltry items that would barely fuel his ship for a month did little to tempt him... There had to be something rare, exquisitely beautiful, priceless - that it would even tempt his hands ( ... )


Re: Awaiting Kuja [Open] ms_delusive March 6 2008, 01:58:19 UTC
Kuja must have been this fine man's date. She did not appear to be around though to claim her escort, so it wouldn't hurt to play...pretend for a little while. If she got lucky, the real Kuja won't be able to find them at all, allowing Bela to continue her masquerade in peace; a nice distraction for a final night. Besides, Bela was certain she would be a far better and more entertaining date than his Kuja woman.

She feigned a look of surprise and flattery, taking the sweet lily from his fingers.

"I am. I - I apologize for being late." Bela eyed the flower, finding it rather cute of him to go through all the trouble. Her gaze turned toward the man; sharp and mischievous. "Do you mind helping me with...my hair." She nodded toward the lily in her hands, hoping he was bright enough to get the point.


[Closed to Asch] fonfabrulous March 5 2008, 17:33:26 UTC
To say that Luke was pretty nervous would be an understatement. He'd gone and found a tailor that had understood his crazed hand gestures and child-like sketches of the only formal clothing he'd ever worn, the clothes he'd had to dress in while accepting the Light of Lanvaldear title. He'd known they were right when he'd put them on and immediately felt like he was being strangled.

Formal clothes were always too tight. High collar, stiff, knee-high boots. He didn't know how he was supposed to fight in these clothes, if it came to that. It probably wouldn't, but who knew, with this many of the new residents of Rivelata together in one place?

Besides, there was Asch to consider. Just thinking about Asch was enough to make Luke want to sink into one of the shadowy alcoves and never come out again. Well, maybe he'd come out for one or two of those puffy-looking pastry things, he thought, as a waiter glided by with a tray. Still. He'd thought they were coming close to some kind of understanding--at least a mild detente--before Van had ( ... )


Re: [Closed to Asch] not_about_logic March 5 2008, 22:51:57 UTC
This was the only clothing he'd ever worn for ceremony, and though it grated on his nerves-already frayed to the snapping point after his meeting with Van, which had given him much to think about and little faculties with which to process those thoughts-he was forced to make himself presentable. His gloves, black, were bulky over the bandages wrapped around his hands. His palms were still stiff and sore and he held them awkwardly by his side, where they throbbed dully, aching sharp and sudden from time to time ( ... )


[Closed to Asch] fonfabrulous March 6 2008, 01:09:19 UTC
Luke jumped slightly, unable to help himself, banging his elbow against the column he’d been leaning against. “Asch!” Asch.

All the words he’d been reliving in his head all night, everything he’d written to Asch, came floating up to the surface. He’d gone too far, and he knew it. He’d made threats, but they’d been threatening each other as long as they’d known each other. This had been different. This had been Luke-telling Asch what it came down to. Making the difference between them as clear as he possibly could. If Asch sided with Van, then they were enemies. It was as simple as that. He’d as good as drawn a line in the sand. Then Asch had written… That thing, and Luke was confused all over again ( ... )


Re: [Closed to Asch] not_about_logic March 6 2008, 01:22:57 UTC
Maybe the replica didn't need it. But Asch did. Asch sized him up, gaze narrowed around a slight curiosity. If you could say one thing about the replica, it was that he was always changing. You could never predict him. Another reason why he was better for the task of defeating Van--even Van, who had created him, couldn't possibly have known him. The replica didn't yet know himself.

It could work against him. It could work for him. Asch had staked so much on it already that he had to trust it, despite all he shouted, despite all he protested, despite all he said. The worst part about him was that he refused to depend on anyone. Not since Van--

Not since Van.

"You had the plan," he snapped, jaw tightening, expression hardening, locking the replica out. The moment of thoughtfulness had disappeared, leaving only his unforgiving, unreadable features behind. The last thing he was going to do was let the replica see him waver. The replica needed an example. "So what was it."


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