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Awaiting Kuja [Open] a_noble_thief March 5 2008, 17:25:27 UTC
"Lovely." Balthier could not deny, that the castle was absolutely lovely. It almost reminded him of the Empire, though certainly more classical. What wasn't lovely, was the large amount of gardens stationed throughout the place. Not that it had ever stopped him before, but it was always a deterrent ( ... )


Re: Awaiting Kuja [Open] ms_delusive March 6 2008, 00:41:02 UTC
She had only been a resident of the island for a few days, and already there was a ball being held at the castle. It definitely did wonders for her mood. Bela always enjoyed a nice, fancy party, and what was even better was that she could have any dress she desired for free (Alright, so the charity ordeal annoyed her at first, but free gowns for a castle party -- she could not pass that up).

In her room at the Crimson Dragon, Bela had done up her hair, and slipped on her dress, eager for an exquisite night or drinking and dancing. She figured if the Winchesters and Ruby were planning on slaughtering her at the party, at least she'll be a beautiful corpse ( ... )


Re: Awaiting Kuja [Open] a_noble_thief March 6 2008, 01:24:02 UTC
Balthier had been lost in his own thought, staring at an expensive vase. It looked like it could fetch a pretty penny, though petty theft was below him. This place was a thief's wonderland- luxurious items ripe for the picking splashed wontonly hither and thither. However, Balthier had experienced his fair share of large game. Paltry items that would barely fuel his ship for a month did little to tempt him... There had to be something rare, exquisitely beautiful, priceless - that it would even tempt his hands ( ... )


Re: Awaiting Kuja [Open] ms_delusive March 6 2008, 01:58:19 UTC
Kuja must have been this fine man's date. She did not appear to be around though to claim her escort, so it wouldn't hurt to play...pretend for a little while. If she got lucky, the real Kuja won't be able to find them at all, allowing Bela to continue her masquerade in peace; a nice distraction for a final night. Besides, Bela was certain she would be a far better and more entertaining date than his Kuja woman.

She feigned a look of surprise and flattery, taking the sweet lily from his fingers.

"I am. I - I apologize for being late." Bela eyed the flower, finding it rather cute of him to go through all the trouble. Her gaze turned toward the man; sharp and mischievous. "Do you mind helping me with...my hair." She nodded toward the lily in her hands, hoping he was bright enough to get the point.


de_novo_xiii March 6 2008, 01:59:15 UTC
Look for a very smart white blouse. Kuja smiled wryly to himself, preening his hair for a moment in the reflection of a fountain. He smoothed the folds of his dress. The bodice could've been tighter and had he been attending a ball for the purpose of enjoying it, he would've sported an 18 inch waist.

But alas, beneath the extravagant dress he wore a simple blouse and some close-fitting pants that allowed ease of movement. He couldn't dirty this dress whilst exploring now, could he?

"Ah, there you are handsome." Kuja winked at the man reclined against the ballroom doors. He held out his hand expectantly. If the stranger was to play his date, he better play the part well.


de_novo_xiii March 6 2008, 02:01:55 UTC
He stopped suddenly, and narrowed his eyes.

"Excuse me Miss," A dark little smirk, "but I doubt another in this place shares my name Kuja."


a_noble_thief March 6 2008, 02:24:54 UTC
"Why of course, my lady." Balthier had just finished placing the lily in Bela's honey-hued hair, when he heard another voice. The Sky-pirate paused mid action, brows raised in surprise ( ... )


ms_delusive March 6 2008, 02:41:53 UTC
Giggling, she touched the lily gently, now intertwined with her locks. Smart and handsome -- this one was a keeper. Too bad Bela never thought much of commitment. Not to mention the fact that she really wasn't this man's sweetheart.

Speaking of which, danger was coming their way, wearing her dress. Bela had to hide a scowl. The party was only beginning, and already her fun was being spoiled. It wouldn't help to start a scene in the middle of a hall, especially in front of a beautiful man. There was still the possibility that Bela will have some fun with him later.

"It is possible for both of us to be Kuja," she replied, an innocent smile on her pink lips. "Small world, you know."

She turned her gaze to the man, producing another flower for the real Kuja. Bela was mildly impressed. The poor man...caught between two beautiful women, but he was playing it safely. Bela ought to play it safely too. If Kuja admitted it was her diary, and offered proof ( ... )


de_novo_xiii March 6 2008, 02:54:00 UTC
A charming one eh? He turned to hide the fact he rolled his eyes. He had designed this dress. He had gone to the Eagle's Spelndour to pick it up. How dare she turn up in the very same dress? Ooooh, he smoldered, he was going to have a word with those Hitachiin brothers.

Kuja accepted the orchid, and managed a smile. He actually liked orchids. And this one was purple. His date got a bonus point for that.

It would be too too easy to procure his journal and declare himself the real Kuja, but that would spoil all the fun. He was a villain of course.
"Now Balthier, listen to what...Miss Kuja has to say." He giggled, it was too amusing! "We both can't afford to catch a cold."

He fussed over his bodice, and drew out something. It was a filigree lapel pin with a blue gem the color of his eyes. Smirking at the 'imposter', he tucked it into Balthier's collar.

"Shall we?"


a_noble_thief March 6 2008, 03:09:51 UTC
Balthier had been expecting much less from this ball. What he had expected to be mostly business, seemed to be taking a turn towards pleasure. Balthier would of felt guilty, if Fran and himself didn't have such an open relationship. The two cared deeply for one another, but it transcended being lovers. As long as they had their ship, and they had their shared dream- the faith and loyalty was there. The stern Viera cared little if he bedded a hume female once in a while, it had gotten them a delicious tidbit of information on more than one occasion. The same went for Fran, though she took a bit more sadistic pleasure when it came to playing with hume men ( ... )


ms_delusive March 6 2008, 03:22:15 UTC
Thankfully the real Kuja was playing along for now. She can claw Bela's eyes out later, or wait in line, considering there were plenty of other people -- men and women alike -- who would love their turn. What was not thankful was the little precious gift Kuja had bestowed upon Balthier (What a name.). Bela would have to one up the gift.

Balthier was a true gentleman, taking both ladies in his arms, and kissing their hands. Bela smiled to herself, very pleased, even if she was sharing her new escort with another. She pulled herself closer to Balthier, brushing his hip, and puffed out her chest to accentuate her - ahem - assets.

"And I - we are lucky to have you. And they said chivalry was dead."


de_novo_xiii March 6 2008, 04:45:39 UTC
Breasts, Kuja almost snorted. Leverage that usually worked on undesirable men, and 'their' date was hardly undesirable company. He seemed as elegant and eloquent as they come.

He didn't feel the need to rub up against Balthier, though he did note the man was rather dashing, complete with the almost smarmy grin.

As they walked into the ballroom, he shoved aside all other thoughts and began to profile the people here. Potential allies, potential enemies and those whose neutrality he'd have to sway.

"We'll need to excuse ourselves a little later. Exit to the far far left of the ballroom." He batted his lashes and lilted his speech. "So we can escape to somewhere private to discuss many things."

He'd seen the gardens and private courtyards on his way here. A little socializing to placate the masses, and then escape to explore.


a_noble_thief March 6 2008, 05:00:56 UTC
He was much warmer- his body well aware of the figures pressed up against him. The sky-pirate knew at least he certainly wouldn't be catching a chill as the evening wore on ( ... )


ms_delusive March 7 2008, 21:14:46 UTC
Already planning a private rendezvous? Bela tried not to glare daggers at Kuja, and kept herself warm by Balthier's side. If anything, she was not going to be left as a wallflower that night. There may have been other men on the dance floor, but Bela had her sights on Balthier and she was not going to give this one up. It was like her job in a way. No matter what, she was going to obtain that magical relic through any means necessary.

"And what shall we be discussing?" She asked innocently before turning her attention to the music. Bela smirked to herself, and grabbed Balthier's hand. "Shall we dance?"


de_novo_xiii March 8 2008, 00:22:21 UTC
{{So my fellow ball-goers: do we enter the fray? Or more precisely- are we ready to use it as a distraction?

Miss Bela will you come along with us? The Winchesters are already in the fray, so you're welcome to dash off to find them. I'll delete this post and repost a proper reply}}


ms_delusive March 8 2008, 17:35:29 UTC
((We definitely should! And Bela will go with Kuja and Balthier since she is not exactly on good terms with the Winchester boys. They'd more than likely kill her on the spot. X) ))


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