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Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] storminbombs March 5 2008, 14:18:56 UTC
Their surroundings were extravagantly breath taking a sight, and Gokudera could not help admiring the beauty of it all. He snapped out of it soon, however, remembering their purpose of attending such a celebration. Walking into the place beside the Tenth, he readjusted his tie and straightened his white suit jacket, which was perhaps a few sizes too big. Underneath, he wore a black shirt, which was slightly baggy; enough to conceal his dynamite. Originally, he would have picked a black one, but since Tsuna had chosen a white suit, he did the same to fit in better.

Gokudera honestly thought Tsuna looked very smart, the perfect image of a Vongola Boss, and he felt it was unfortunate that he did not have a camera to capture such a moment.

Nodding at Tsuna's comment, Gokudera surveyed the crowd, hoping to catch a glance of the Queen, the mastermind of it all. He did not think that such a kind hearted person whom "invited" a large group of people into her little country and then gave them such good privileges could exist. She was suspicious, and they would get to the bottom of things.

It would be hard to get near her though, seeing as there were lots of guards posted at various places and others were bound to seek her attention. Well, he figured he would just take care of things then; no one gives the boss a hard time, especially not when Gokudera Hayato was around.

Though they were here not exactly to party, it was hard not to relax in the calming atmosphere.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it, Tenth? We should set up our headquarters like this," Gokudera spoke out of the blue, studying every corner of the castle. "I wonder if the Queen lives here? Speaking of that woman, how dare she not choose to speak with you. But don't worry Tenth, we'll make sure she does!" he added, flashing a smile at Tsuna.


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] hitmanmoo March 6 2008, 07:09:18 UTC
Lambo placed his hand on Gokudera's shoulder. "Don't rush, Gokudera-san," he said. "We are in a formal event, after all. I'm sure the queen will appreciate use better if we showed some proper respect." He admired his own reflection on the shiny floor tiles and fixed his cow-print cravat.

He looked at the buffet table and was pleasantly surprised to see bunches upon bunches of grapes.


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] storminbombs March 6 2008, 09:07:43 UTC
Gokudera was not sure if he preferred adult Lambo or kid Lambo. In his opinion, he rather neither. However, he had to admit, adult Lambo was really something during his battle with the Varia's Thunder Guardian. Shooting him a annoyed look, Gokudera brushed Lambo's hand off roughly before turning to face him. It certainly pissed him off to hear such a comment from Lambo; he was not as reckless as others thought he was- not all the time, at least.

"I know that, jerkwad. I'm not going to go around randomly blowing the place up," he retorted, trying not to raise his voice as he spoke. However, it seemed like the fruit on the nearby table had caught Lambo's attention. "Hey we didn't come here just to eat you know. Besides, isn't it rude to eat straight after entering the place?"


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] mafiaplayer March 6 2008, 14:48:22 UTC
"Hahaha! We stand out!" Yamamoto said cheerfully as he looked around. Everyone else were wearing clothes that matched the era of that place, whatever that was. Still, Yamamoto preferred 'standing out'. It made him feel smug in his black suit.

He couldn't understand why some of his companions seemed more eager to meet the ruler of that place. For him, it would be much better to just enjoy the night. Of course, he said nothing in fear of Gokudera's wrath.

"Hey! Food!" Yamamoto said with a huge grin, and his stomach made a noise. It was as if he hadn't heard a word Gokudera had just said to Lambo.

[ ooc; Sorry I disappeared for a couple of days. >___>; I hope it's okay to post here. Hehe. ]


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] dame_tsuna March 6 2008, 16:49:37 UTC
[ Don't worry about it, glade to have you back<3 ]

Tsuna let Gokudera and Lambo fight over what to do, but Tsuna also felt strangely attracted toward the food table. So while Gokudera and Lambo were talking Tsuna whispered to Yamamoto.

"Wanna go get some food?" he asked, forgetting that he was the one in charge and supposed to be keeping control of the group. Reborn probably would be hurting Tsuna about now. Now that he thought about it Tsuna really missed the Arcobaleno, just because it seemed like he always knew what was going on.


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] mafiaplayer March 7 2008, 03:35:51 UTC
"Okay!" Yamamoto replied loudly as he led the way to the buffet table. It looked great. There were so many different kinds of food and he grabbed a plate and handed one to Tsuna, and proceeded to fill his own with whatever he could get his hands on.

"Oi! Gokudera! Lambo! Hurry up!" He called out, ignoring their conversation. "Hurry, before Tsuna and I finish it all! Haha!"


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] storminbombs March 7 2008, 04:18:04 UTC
Gokudera had not noticed that the Tenth and Yamamoto had headed off towards the food area while he was just speaking to Lambo. It was only when the Rain Guardian called out to them did he realize they had already gone to help themselves with the buffet. Gokudera was not all that enthusiastic about the wide spread of food, but he hurried anyway. Glancing over at the food warily, he voiced out, "Hey shouldn't we wait and see if the few others who have eaten have any weird side effects?" Gokudera doubted the Queen would poison or drug them after taking the trouble of preparing such an event, but still, he just wanted to be sure. "Besides, it's really not very polite to grab the food just after arriving, much less finish it!"


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] hitmanmoo March 7 2008, 13:48:11 UTC
"Come now, Gokudera-san," said Lambo, who was already pouring himself a glass of wine. "Live a little. We're in a party, after all. The least we can do is have a bit of fun. Besides, I don't see any reason for the queen to gather up people she's never seen before just to poison them."

After getting his share of food, he decided to lead his friends to an empty table so that they may begin eating.

[YEY FOOD!!!!]


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] dame_tsuna March 7 2008, 14:30:21 UTC
As much as Tsuna felt that Gokudera could be right, which was fair, considering he spent his whole life trying to avoid being poisoned. Tsuna took a hard look at the food, saw no purple gasses or bugs and deemed the food edible when he took a bite of some kind of pie.

Tsuna looked around at all the people dancing, and half wished Reborn had actually shown him how to dance. If only Kyoko-chan were here, his life would be complete.

"I hope you're okay Kyoko-chan.." he whispered to himself, as he watched the dancers.

After he stopped daydreaming Tsuna headed over to the table with the rest.


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] hitmanmoo March 7 2008, 18:04:44 UTC
"It's been so long since I've been with you guys," Lambo said, popping a grape into his mouth. "It's almost nostalgic."


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] storminbombs March 8 2008, 03:39:00 UTC
Gokudera frowned but said nothing to Lambo's comment. As much as he hated agreeing with the other, he knew Lambo was right. Besides, there was not much else they could do at the moment.

The Tenth seemed to have something occupying his thoughts, and Gokudera wondered if he was thinking about the others back in Japan. Thinking of a way to cheer Tsuna up, He grabbed some punch before following the others over to the table.

"Tenth! You want a dance? It doesn't necessarily have to be with your date, you can dance solo too! But if you prefer women then I'll start looking for some that are suitable," Gokudera chimed in, before reaching a hand to sample some of Lambo's grapes. "Che. I just saw you several days ago with that Varia's scowl face," he added in response to Lambo's comment.


Re: [ Closed to Tsuna's Group ] dame_tsuna March 9 2008, 00:39:50 UTC
"D-Dance?" Tsuna asked, looking utterly frightened. He had never been taught how to dance, and was way to scared to just get up and start dancing around people he didn't know, especially some of the weird characters he saw on the dance floor.

"It's okay Gokudera-kun, I'm uh, not really good at dancing." Tsuna told him, trying to smile awkwardly. He was reminded of a elementary school dance where a girl asked him to dance and Tsuna stepped on her foot, which made the entire dance laugh at "No Good Tsuna" being no good at dancing. He would rather not live that memory again.

"You were helping Haru and Kyoko-chan in the Future when I saw your 15 year old self Lambo. I think you're in the Base under Namimori right now as a 5 year old..." Tsuna said, just catching them up on his whereabouts.

"You may get called on if something happens..." he admitted, feeling terrible for putting little Lambo in danger again.

[ Right, so Tsuna's gonna go post down in the bloodbath thingie if you guys wanna join too. ]


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