Twenty-Second Victim

Apr 21, 2009 17:50

Oh my, have I been dreadfully busy recently! SO many deaths to log and process and then now this. Honestly, I have enough work to do without you lot going about ruining everything, unable to keep your artist shenanigans to yourself. This is, what, the fourth time we've had to close of the Market Square to investigate and clean up?

You're all running out of ideas, darlings. You'll have to get more creative than that if you want to impress the Reaper. If Will ever caught on about all this he'd have a bloody conniption, the poor dear. All the extra paperwork he'd have to do.

Mmm, but Sebastian would just smile that devilish smile of his because yes you've just reaffirmed what we already know.

You're all the same no matter your disguises.

{change of tone, have some happy 8D}

Now. We have notes to compare about work, Des you delightful darling you!

Private Tea Room.
French windows overlooking Rivelata in the rain.
This afternoon.
Won't take no for an answer.

grell sutcliff

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