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riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 06:03:22 UTC
[Lancer. Lancer. What the hell kind of a name was--]

[--no, he was supposed to answer to that. Where'd he even get a name like that? And who was he talking to?]



...I...what is it?

[At least his voice was steadier than his thoughts, considering the disoriented look on his face. Though the question could have been anything from 'what do you want' to 'what's going on here and what's wrong with me'.]


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riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 22:10:53 UTC
I'm not the only one?

[No, that made sense. Mayfield did stuff like this, didn't it? Why did he remember his hometown doing such weird things?]

[...hometown? No. No, this wasn't even the right country for that.]

An-Nina, I...don't know what's going on. I've always lived here, but...but I know I haven't.


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THAT MUSIC WHY WOULD YOU /EVER/ riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 06:21:49 UTC

'The hell'd she just call me? Don't tell me she's getting it too--'

'...huh, I think I've seen her somewhere before. Can't remember her name, though.'

...I don't actually...know. I can't read whatever's written in them.

[Why did he distinctly feel like that was fundamentally wrong? It was some foreign language he didn't understand, and yet it was as if he'd been looking at something he'd forgotten a long time ago.]


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/CRIES FOREVER riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 06:37:08 UTC
...no, it's-... Don't worry about it.

['I will accept your oath under the name of Lancer'--it was a thought that came out of nowhere, with no context behind it save for the faint yet persistent sense of some kind of attachment.]

Does anything...feel a little off to you today?


A murderpuppy July 4 2011, 16:37:41 UTC
[There is a Connla in the tree above you, Lancer.]

Her name was Emer, daughter of Forgall Monach. Do you forget the name of your wife so quickly, Cu Chulainn?

[He had weird memories, too-- ones of growing up with his family in Mayfield, but they felt foreign, like they had been planted there. It wasn't right and he knew that they were false, but sometimes... sometimes they seemed real as his own memories.]


riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 16:45:27 UTC
O...of course not. I knew that.

[And that was Connla, Rin's brother. ...wasn't he? No, that wasn't right. He knew it wasn't right, so why did he think it was?]


murderpuppy July 4 2011, 17:27:53 UTC
You don't sound very sure.

Do you remember who I am, prince of light?


riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 17:33:50 UTC

'I always hated that title. Made me sound like an idiot. Didn't think anyone but Diarmuid would use it, though-'

'--no. No, this isn't right. Why is he calling me that, it sounds ridiculous.'

I...should, shouldn't I? You're important, someone I said...I swore I'd never forget. But you can't be, I barely even know you. So I remember you, but I don't know how much I'm supposed to remember about you.

...I don't know what's wrong with me.


uberchickmagnet July 4 2011, 20:22:38 UTC
[Unbeknownst to Diarmuid, he had no idea what was going on at the time. If anything, he hardly payed little attention about today, as he was concentrating on his bartending like always.

However, upon passing Lancer, there...was something not quite right. He didn't know what, but a look of concern adorned his face as he approached his blue-haired idol.]

Is something the matter, my good fellowman?


riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 20:27:46 UTC

[Diarmuid. He'd know which was the right set of memories, wouldn't he? But could Lancer really trust his word? What if he was just as wrong as wherever the false set of memories were coming from?]

I...something's wrong. I can't--I know that like I've lived here my whole life, but there's another part of me saying I'm wrong and that I...that there's something else.

..Diarmuid, who exactly am I? You know that much, right?


uberchickmagnet July 4 2011, 20:38:52 UTC
[The Fianna knight raised a brow.]

You are the Prince of Light, Cu Chulainn, the greatest hero of our country, Ireland.

[A simple enough answer that should've sufficed. But, he had a feeling that it wasn't going to be so easy.]

...has something happened to you, Cu Chulainn?


riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 20:46:13 UTC
...I don't know. Something--stupid town has to be doing something to me.

[He remembered Ireland, sure. Remembered his parents, his comrades, the one friend he'd ever had--and at the same time he remembered a completely parallel life in Mayfield. His family,something Lancer knew should have been a foreign concept to him and yet it wasn't.]

[Scowling, Lancer pressed his hands to his head and shut his eyes tightly. He had to focus, he knew Diarmuid was right and yet at the same time believed he must have been wrong.]

I can't--I can't forget. I can't, I--this isn't right, I never lived here.


Action, 25% imaginenumbers July 4 2011, 21:02:54 UTC
*Sakura only has to take one glance at that face. She drops her groceries and runs over to him.*



riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 21:08:44 UTC
[Servant Lancer. Lancer. He was supposed to answer to that. It took a moment or two for that fact to connect before he finally looked up. This was...wait, who was she again? Rin's sister--no, was that right? Couldn't have been, but he wanted to say that was the case.]



imaginenumbers July 5 2011, 04:21:37 UTC
Yes, that's me.


*She kneels down in front of Lancer. He's still huge and intimidating but it seems like he needs help right now.*

What's the matter? Why are you muttering to yourself like that?


riastrad_ridire July 5 2011, 04:30:05 UTC
I don't...really feel like myself today. I keep forgetting and remembering things I shouldn't.

I was just trying to make sure I still remembered what's important.


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