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THAT MUSIC WHY WOULD YOU /EVER/ riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 06:21:49 UTC

'The hell'd she just call me? Don't tell me she's getting it too--'

'...huh, I think I've seen her somewhere before. Can't remember her name, though.'

...I don't actually...know. I can't read whatever's written in them.

[Why did he distinctly feel like that was fundamentally wrong? It was some foreign language he didn't understand, and yet it was as if he'd been looking at something he'd forgotten a long time ago.]


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/CRIES FOREVER riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 06:37:08 UTC
...no, it's-... Don't worry about it.

['I will accept your oath under the name of Lancer'--it was a thought that came out of nowhere, with no context behind it save for the faint yet persistent sense of some kind of attachment.]

Does anything...feel a little off to you today?


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riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 06:52:29 UTC
[That always had been the rumor, hadn't it? Not that there was no basis in fact, of course--that was why half of Ulster had insisted he get married-]

[...wait, what? That wasn't...that wasn't right, was it? Why, how could he vividly remember traveling to a foreign land and risking death just to be with the woman he'd loved? That couldn't have happened.]

[So how did he know that it had?]



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riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 06:57:44 UTC
...what? Oh, I...

[what the hell was going on? Was he completely losing it?]

I'm...sorry, I should probably get going.

['...I have to figure out whether or not I've finally cracked. And why seeing her is just bothering me. I forgot something important, but what the hell was it?']


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riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 07:10:17 UTC
[He picked up the notebooks with god-only-knew-what written in them, standing up and giving her an awkward smile.]

Yeah, you too.

[All he managed to do was take two steps before he hesitated. This was wrong, this was so wrong and he didn't understand how it was wrong or what was even real anymore.]

Rin, just...take care of your brother, okay?

[But he knew saying that was important somehow.]


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riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 07:30:42 UTC
[...Lancer was certain that he wasn't insane. That something was very wrong here. That small flicker on her face only proved it. Why were there two parallel sets of conflicting memories for him now? This girl was just that family's daughter--]

['I shall accept you as my Master, Rin.']

[--and he hardly even knew her brother-]

['If I were among you to the end of five years, I should vanquish the men of the world before you on every side and you would hold kingship as far as Rome.']

[...why? Why was he remembering all of these insane, impossible things? Why did they seem just as real as the ground he was standing on?]

I'll...keep that in mind.


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riastrad_ridire July 4 2011, 08:10:58 UTC
[He was no less confused than before she'd spoken to him--in fact, now he was confused and feeling distinctly lost. It took a moment for him to turn and walk away as well; automatically he'd wanted to follow her, to be at her side like some kind of knight or-]

[-or a guard dog, he thought suddenly, not quite sure why he'd chosen that particular phrasing. No, that...was what they called him. That was his name. Culann's Hound, defender of Ulster and Servant of Rin Tohsaka.]

[...but that couldn't be right. That wasn't her last name, and what the hell did he mean by 'Servant'?]

['This place brings you misery, doesn't it? Why would you want to remember it?']

[He had known the answer the moment she had asked that question--because there were things worth remembering. Had any of that day even really happened? Was it some delusion of his possibly slipping sanity?]

[What was he supposed to remember now?]


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