On The Third Day Of Ficmas My True Love Gave To Me...

Dec 15, 2006 14:20

Authoress: ria_chan
Title: Icing Sugar
Fandom-Pairing: Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE - Kurogane/Fai
Disclaimer: CLAMP ownz all.
Rating-Warnings: M - Lemon, Slash, Brief Language, Whip-Cream Fettish, ect; Crack-ish of sorts?
Prompt: 30sexyfics; #19; I'd eat that _____ off his/her ______. 100moods; #56; Kinky. ficalbum; #13; Icing Sugar.
A/N: I'd like to say this is my first attempt at chest-on-chest smut but I think I wrote one before... I can't remember. And I was going to dedicate this to drunkenshoe before I realized it was complete smut. Ja, I write and say, 'this would be great for yadda-ya!' and realize it's the exact opposite they asked for. (=_=) So yeah.
Summary: And they said Kurogane didn't like sweets...

If there was one thing Kurogane hated, it was that damnable mage's sex. Ironically, this also happened to be his favorite thing. Now, Kurogane wasn't one to complain, but when he didn't have his way, things got messy. The ninja, who protested that he neither pouted nor threw temper-tantrums, did, in fact, do so. Things got to the escalading point that he could no longer take it and would end up confirming what he denied. And that, of course, was everything and anything ado about Fai.

"Cherry," Fai teased, slicking a line of pink whipped cream down the tanned man's bare chest. Kurogane's eyes were closed and he didn't really give a damn what that blond was up to. It wasn't like that warm lining of fluffy taste was distracting him to lead onto a fetish rant or anything. But damn, all he needed now were some bananas and two cherries and he could pin the bastard down for some banana-split Fai. "Do you like it, Kuro-Pon...? It looks so good; it's hard just to restrain myself from licking you top to bottom..."

Kurogane groaned, feeling a slick tongue run over the creamy paste, finding its way to a lonesome nipple and teasing it. He found that motion was comforting and disturbing; both awakening his innermost desires and unsettling his physical exterior.

"Mmmm! It's delicious, Kuro-Sama! Maybe...you could smear some over me and find out for yourself what it's like?"

Now there was an offer the ninja couldn't refuse. He was tired of being on the bottom anyways. Kurogane pinned the slender frame beneath him, managing to rip his shirt off in the process, and grabbed the can off the top of the nightstand. He flipped the can up and now in haste, eventually pressing the top down and smearing lines across Fai's chest. With a wolfish grin, the ninja bowed down, lapping the cream off in broad gestures pleasingly pleasant. Fai moaned softly as Kurogane held him there, pinned, unyielding. Kurogane was just about to move onto some more daring moves requiring Fai's pants be thrown aside when Fai gasped.

“Kuro-Wan! I forgot we need a condom!”

Kurogane groaned as Fai shoved him off, patting himself down and cleaning the whip cream off. Fai grinned in a way that promised the kinkiest sort of fucking when he returned, buttoning his shirt back up and proceeded downstairs. Kurognae couldn't fathom why the mage had forgotten such an important necessity when they had been setting aside prime screwing time for late-night hours for the longest time. There was nothing he could do about it at this point so he let it go.

A few minutes later, Kurogane overheard the mage, rustling through the bathroom drawers.

Damn it, he hated that bastard's sex. And yet he couldn't go without it. Damn that bastard.

Fai returned to the room, closing the door behind him and locking its knob gently. He grinned widely, jumping on the fluffy dark green sheets and cuddling up. Kurogane began shaking the canned condiment again. The ninja sat atop the figure once more and worked at opening the button-up shirt. He stubbornly released some cream onto his hand with a burning glare. Fai looked up as if he was going crazy.

"Kuro-Chan stills wants to fuck?" Fai teased, restraining the inner giggles.

Kurogane blushed, gruff and angry. "Did you think I was going to let you go?" As if. Kurogane was going to make sure to lick every inch of whip cream off Fai's body by the time the night was over and damn it, he was determined. “I’m going to lick you clean when this is all over.” The growl was low in his throat filled with seduction, and he was now working at the black pants the blond wore with one hand and the other smearing the cream over the flaxen male's chest. Fai, this time, let the giggles go and sighed airily.

"My, Kuro-Chi, you're such a man!"

"And you're one, too," Kurogane scoffed, doubling the cream's height atop the pale chest. Actually, he didn't know how much of a man he wanted Fai to act for him. Brushign that thought aside, he smirked inwardly to himself as he emptied the can further, down Fai's torso, just drizzling down the inside of Fai's thigh, and, finally, slicking Fai's erection with the paste. He threw the can aside, working his belt off and inhaled with anticipation. He scanned Fai's body, observing that the whipped-cream was beginning to melt, leaving Fai's body slick and glossy. Kurogane licked his lips, deciding where to start as if it were a difficult decision.

Fai moaned, feeling an intense pressure at his neck. Slender arms wrapped around the thick frame holding him, causing cream to stick to Kurogane's back. "Mmm." Fai tensed up as teeth nipped at the first layer of skin. "Ku-Kuro-Sama... I'm covered with cream. If you just concentrate on one spot...we'll get the sheets all sticky."

"Worry about that in the morning," Kurogane demanded hoarsely into Fai's ear, biting at the lobe slightly. Fai sighed with a giggle - his sensitive spot, he claimed. The ninja listened however, and instead of taking his time, found it necessary to find out how fast he could get rid off all the whip-cream. Fai made jerks, whines, pleasurable moans as the ninja worked himself down.

Fai gasped, his cheeks flustering up, as Kurogane licked his inner thigh softly in small, sensitive laps. He writhed underneath the warmth, Kurogane now kissing his leg inwardly before taking him whole. Fai struggled for breath again as Kurogane made no qualms to tease him. The ninja's rough, experienced tongue ran over his erection's slit. Fai trembled underneath the touch, whispering soft pleas into the thick air. Kurogane placed his palms on Fai's hips, lifting them up to shove Fai's assets further into his mouth when he wanted it. After a few more desperate begs Kurogane broke the contact off and crushed his mouth into Fai's.

Kurogane kissed Fai harshly, commanding his tongue into his mouth. Fai followed obediently and Kurogane clasped it there, biting down on the tip. He pulled a little bit his own way as Fai tugged the other in this perverted waltz of tug-o-war. Fai's nails dug into Kurogane's back out of slight pain. He grabbed Fai's penis again, the other hand fumbling for the almost-empty can of whip-cream. "Do we have...a cherry jar...?"

"Uh, don't ask that, Kuro-Chan!" Fai complained, pulling his tongue out. He whined some more before Kurogane coaxed him into wrapping those long legs around his hips. Fai complied in amusement, eagerly waiting for Kurogane to open him up. "Took you long enough, Kuro-Yan..."

"Beggars don't get to be choosers," Kurogane growled, smirking widely as Fai's face cringed upon his opening. Kurogane stuck in a third finger, grinning as his boy-toy writhed underneath his scissoring motions. Kurogane entered Fai quickly, not even gently as most days, and quickly jerked Fai to a side. Fai choked at the sudden movement before screaming in pleasure. Kurogane groaned, trying to tone the volume down a notch but finding himself just as loud as Fai.

"Ku...Kuro...Kuro...Ah, Kuro-Sama!" Kurogane ignored Fai's ranting and took haste in finding Fai's spot. The blond arched his back perfectly with knitted eyebrows as Kurogane thrust inwardly again, hitting his spot. Fai's voice became shrill and high-pitched. He could only hold onto Kurogane harder and press his head into the ninja's chest out of pain and ecstasy.

Kurogane groaned in fulfillment, determining that his time was expiring. Fai inhaled deeply, biting his bottom lip and clenching his hand into raven hair as Kurogane thrust in one last time before collapsing onto Fai. The blond sighed contently, running fingers through the short strands of hair with a racing heartbeat. Kurogane groaned something or another, his words muffled by the pillow he was talking into. Fai just smiled and patted his lover - his grumpy, jealous, stubborn, adorably protective ninja.

"Hnn...Kuro-Chan...I can't live without you..." Fai gently sighed, twisting a finger out of the hair. It traveled down and rested on a shoulder. Cerulean eyes closed as the magician drifted into sweet dreams. Kurogane blushed a moment, holding the figure close and warmly. He tucked the head of golden locks beneath his own and contently drifted into his own slumber.

"Uhn. I can't live without whipped-cream."


That morning, the two adult males woke up to find Syaoran catching Sakura once again as she tumbled down the wooden stairs. This world required women to wear shoes with heels so high it was almost impossible not to fall down at all hours of the day. The poor boy had spent the entire day catching his princess yesterday and it seemed today would be no different. Fai stretched out his arms and back before glancing at the bed with a groan. If he thought the futons three worlds ago were a bitch to clean, this was the mother of all post-sex messes.

Kurogane shifted awake and glared at Fai through the slit of his eyes. He stretched slightly, making no advance to move very much. "Are you going to make breakfast...?" he asked groggily, batting his eyes shut and seemingly falling into a light wake-up nap as always.

Fai sighed, hearing the silent snores coming from the ninja. He stretched a tidbit more before getting up and grabbing the night-garments he didn't wear last night. He hopped out of the room, bouncing down the stairs, and decided he was rather bored with this old-married-couple routine. He'd have to teach his old doggy a new trick.

Sakura immediately ran up to Fai, tripping as she attempted to do so and fell into Syaoran's arms. "Fai-San! Good morning! Did you sleep well last night? I heard noises coming from Kurogane-San's room last night! I poked into your bedroom but you weren't there and Kurogane-San has been locking his door ever since Syaoran visited his room that one day..." The brunet blushed deeply, determined to hold his princess even if she stripped him of his last inch of pride. "But Moko-Chan told me that I should just sleep, so..."

Mokona popped out from the tresses of lace and fabric of Sakura's pink dress and jumped into Fai’s arms. "Syaoran said he had never seen something so scary before!"

Fai's eyes sharpened slightly, his smile unfading. "Oh really? Well then, it's a good thing Sakura didn't interrupt whatever Kuro-Chan was doing then!" Fai smiled brightly, glancing to Syaoran. "By the way Syaoran-Kun, Sakura-Chan, Mokona, and I will be going out today. Kuro-Rin doesn't listen to me when I tell him to do chores so will you do the laundry?"

Syaoran nodded with a gulp, retreating to see what horror lay ahead him. Fai's smile seemed to stretch even farther, if it was possible, as he bounced into the kitchen. Fai began pulling out random ingredients, deciding what exactly he was going to prepare for his family's nutritious breakfast... Ah! Chocolate-chip pancakes, bacon, and hash-browns! It was the perfectly balanced meal to start the day! Sakura rummaged through the refrigerator, handing Fai eggs and milk.

"Would you like me to get any butter for the pancakes?" Sakura asked, opening the butter-compartment of the fridge.

Fai smiled to himself; inwardly, of course, because the kind of smile he was making could only be seen by Kuro-Ranran. He'd like that - one buttered up Kurogane. But that might depend on the butter - melted so it emphasizes every muscle on that toned body or cold so that it melts on his hot, sexy form? Well, that was a give-me - the melted butter would help him enter Kurogane easier. But cold butter had its perks, too, like, "Oh yes, I'd like to lick that off his big sword."

"Excuse me, Fai-San?"

Afterthoughts: I wanna write some Saku-Torture because Syao-Kun is feeling all alone... (heh) Well, I hope you enjoyed. (bows) Yeah…after editing this, I feel like it’s so black-and-white…it lacks bite. Oh well, I like how it came out. Next is Shameless Fai-Seme and I still have to fill out chocolate smut-scene, too...

~B.T.A. Ria-Chan loves Ficmas~! ^^

challenge: 30_sexyfics, ship: kurogane/fai, work: fan-fiction, fandom, challenge: ficalbum, challenge: 100moods

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