A Comedy of Errors

Aug 01, 2009 11:36

Or: Nishikido Ryo's Life as a Korean Drama. Featuring an annoying cast of practical jokers, Eito with an unhealthy interest in other people's love lives, and compulsive snugglers.

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction.
Pairing: Taguchi Junnosuke / Nishikido Ryo
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex
Betaed by: solo____. Thank you again!
Story notes: Originally ( Read more... )

jpop, fanfic, junno

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Comments 92

c0rin August 1 2009, 10:50:16 UTC
This is so very, very, very awesome. I love your writing style. Thank you.


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 11:10:11 UTC
Yay! I'm very glad you liked it. :-) Thank *you* for letting me know you enjoyed the story!


tellytelly August 1 2009, 11:53:33 UTC
WOW!! i never imagined this pair ..but it's cute!!
i was imagining Ryo and Taguchi from Ganbatte ikimashoi >< the character they have in this story matches those 2's personalities well ^^


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 11:44:48 UTC
It's not the first pairing that comes to most people's minds - but I'm very glad you gave it a chance even so! And that you enjoyed the story. :-)

i was imagining Ryo and Taguchi from Ganbatte ikimashoi >< the character they have in this story matches those 2's personalities well

They definitely did have an interesting dynamic going! I would love to have slash fanfic for Ganbatte.


japanimecrazed August 1 2009, 13:05:22 UTC
This is awesome; I love it!


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 11:43:15 UTC
:-)) I'm very glad! Thank you for letting me know.


speckled_writer August 1 2009, 13:32:36 UTC
Oh, I loved this ~

The whole thing was gorgeous. Especially loved the ending and this line:
So he's a secret cuddler. So what. Nobody's business, is it?


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 12:52:30 UTC
Especially loved the ending and this line

Yay, you liked SecretCuddler!Ryo! *g* I do, too, I confess...

I'm very glad you enjoyed the story! :-)


girlearthless August 1 2009, 15:05:02 UTC
Here to leave proper comment! I love love love how you start the story out with Ryo basically homeless and needing a room to stay in xD And of all rooms, Junno's ;D I love all the punning, and Eito's meddling and playful badgering, and Ryo, who rationalizes so much but gets it right somewhere in the middle, and Junno who is just fabulous and awesome in general.

"'Kay," Taguchi mumbles, and then bedclothes rustle and the mattress shifts and Taguchi wraps himself around Ryo like an octopus.
Oh this image was so very very sweet *__*

Ryo graciously ignores the cuddling. The man's letting Ryo share his bed, after all. It'd be rude to complain.
I really do agree with Ryo's reasoning XD

When he looks up, every single member of Kanjani8 is staring at him with the exact same expression of blank astonishment on their faces.


Oh, my, god this was hilarious. The sense of impending doom, oh poor poor Ryo!

"Good figure," Subaru goes on. "Long legs. Probably very enthusiastic. Energetic, too. Good to go all night! What do you guys ( ... )


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 13:27:15 UTC
Here to leave proper comment!

Wow, when you set out to do something properly, you don't fool around, do you? Thank you so much for your lovely feedback, and for telling me what bits in particular you enjoyed!

with Ryo basically homeless and needing a room to stay in

Pi has a lot to answer for, that's for sure! *g*

I love all the punning, and Eito's meddling and playful badgering

The Eito tease and meddle and badger because they love. And because it's good for Ryo to be kept on his toes.

Ryo, who rationalizes so much but gets it right somewhere in the middle

He can be a little... set in his ways, shall we say? But he knows a good thing when he sees it. Eventually. ;-)

Junno who is just fabulous and awesome in general.


I really do agree with Ryo's reasoning

*g* Well, of course! Why else would Ryo endure being cuddled like that? He's just being a good guest.

You know, I was not surprised that was Junno's reactionGood! :-) And yes, absolutely - to me, Junno also seems like someone who is quite happy to roll with ( ... )


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