A Comedy of Errors

Aug 01, 2009 11:36

Or: Nishikido Ryo's Life as a Korean Drama. Featuring an annoying cast of practical jokers, Eito with an unhealthy interest in other people's love lives, and compulsive snugglers.

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction.
Pairing: Taguchi Junnosuke / Nishikido Ryo
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex
Betaed by: solo____. Thank you again!
Story notes: Originally ( Read more... )

jpop, fanfic, junno

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Comments 92

tatoeba August 1 2009, 16:03:06 UTC
ajhgvlkjfadsghfd I absolutely adored this one when it was first posted at je_fqfest, it was one of my favorites. ♥ And re-reading it now just made me love it all the more. Meming this forever now. :D Thank you for writing and sharing this wonderful fic! ♥ :))


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 13:30:28 UTC
I'm very glad you enjoy the story so much! Thank you for letting me know, and for meming. :-)

je_fqfest was actually the first fic exchange I ever took part in. I'm really glad I did, because it was a lot of fun, and I would probably never have written this story without it! /randomness


(The comment has been removed)

rheasilvia August 2 2009, 13:31:06 UTC
I'm very glad you liked the story - thank you for letting me know! :-)


ravyn_ashling August 1 2009, 17:20:37 UTC
o-o-oh! honey, honey! i didn't think you could make me love anything more than first contact but you just DID, a-a-and dsjkfhs. this. this. it's NOT AU and makes it all the more exciting to imagine and again, the characterisations are SPOT ON: ryo-- this being in his perspective makes me want to squish him forever, bastard who isn't really much of one after all; ohkura deserves a special mention because OH BUT HE'S A DOLL all concerned about and protective over junno and ohkura ilyyyy; and JUNNO. OHMYGOD JUNNO. i think your junno might be my favourite of all junnos in fandom because he's absolutely wonderful so complex completely adorable and I LOVE HIM probably as much as i do the real thing, and i guess it's because of YOUR love for the man that he's so entirely lovable in your fics, too ( ... )


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 15:39:23 UTC
*blush* Wow, thank you! I am very very happy that you enjoyed the story so much! :-)

ryo-- this being in his perspective makes me want to squish him forever, bastard who isn't really much of one after all
No, Ryo really isn't a bastard at all... he's very squishable. He just can't show his soft fluffy core without a lot of kicked-up fuss and diversionary gruffness.

ohkura deserves a special mention because OH BUT HE'S A DOLL all concerned about and protective over junno and ohkura ilyyyy
Ohkura is a really great friend to have! He wants Junno to be happy, so Ryo'd better watch himself. Ryo isn't mean-spirited in the least, but - well, let's just say he's not necessarily the first on the clue bus when it comes to people, most of the time. ;-)

JUNNO. ... I LOVE HIM probably as much as i do the real thing
That's an amazing compliment, and just wonderful to hear!

i guess it's because of YOUR love for the man that he's so entirely lovable in your fics, tooI certainly do think he's awesome, and fascinating, and multi-faceted and ( ... )


ravyn_ashling August 5 2009, 10:11:11 UTC
Ryo really isn't a bastard at all... he's very squishable.
SO TINY, I KNOOW! >3< i mean. :)) junno's squishy, mmph!

Ohkura is a really great friend to have!
i want him for my GIRLfriend

he's awesome, and fascinating, and multi-faceted and sweet and sharp and dorky and complex and so much more than he may seem at first glance
yes! yes! and a million times, yes! ;_; ♥

I usually find porn one of the most difficult things to get right
it is. so many people tend to make it sound either bland or ridiculous with all their abuse of euphemisms but you did everything just right, it's wonderful. you have every right to be conceited. ;D

I've been addicted to those two for what seems like a long, long time
mine started while watching Ganbatte Ikimasshoi (i might've only enjoyed the drama for nakata and sekino, aa) i think. one of my good friends just looked at me funny for suggesting it so i let it go at that time; kept a tag for the ship on my LJ, though.

But why does it remind you of Junda and/or Ryoda? ueda = totally obsessed with ( ... )


rheasilvia August 9 2009, 18:29:32 UTC
mine started while watching Ganbatte Ikimasshoi (i might've only enjoyed the drama for nakata and sekino, aa) i think.

They were SO slashy in that drama. Unfortunately, I didn't really find the drama interesting apart from the two of them - but their relationship? Yes. That definitely had that certain spark. *g*

Just one thing... how Seki kept complaining about Nakata and pouting at him and blowing up at him and so forth, but somehow they always seemed to hang together when the team was doing anything - sharing a room, sitting and standing next to each other, and so on. And Seki was always so interested in everything Nakata did, and so deeply offended when he didn't do things the way Seki thought he ought to. *g* Yeah, right, Seki, you really don't like that bothersome sports star at all, do you...

ueda = totally obsessed with dolphins

Oh, right! I recently read an interview from that phase, I think. But is it still going on? I thought it was from the "I see fairies" phase. *g*

THANK YOU for being so fantastic.*blush ( ... )


snow_meow August 1 2009, 17:25:04 UTC
Unusual pairing but it was a really well written fic.
it is interesting how one simple thing develops into something more.

I like how their relationship progressed. It felt so natural.


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 13:47:48 UTC
Yes, the pairing really is unusual (which I personally find very sad, but then, I'm biased *g*). I'm very glad you gave the story a chance anyway, and liked it when you did! Thank you for letting me know. :-)


the_trishness August 1 2009, 20:48:45 UTC
When he looks up, every single member of Kanjani8 is staring at him with the exact same expression of blank astonishment on their faces.



That. is. glorious.

Basically this was amazing...and HOTTTT...


rheasilvia August 2 2009, 13:33:03 UTC
:-)) Thank you very much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. And that it was hot! *g*


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