Meme of Procrastination!

Sep 20, 2008 18:16

The Hypothetical AU Meme: Take any one of the fandoms you know I write in (or think I should), and give me a type of AU (space opera AU, pirate AU, superhero AU, Ancient Rome, etc). I will then explain what story from your chosen fandom I would write for your chosen type of AU.

meme, writing

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Comments 27

solo September 20 2008, 16:36:25 UTC
'Think you should'? Really? Are you sure? Because... I may make you think about pairings you may not wish to think about. ;-)

Cute Ryo pic...


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 16:43:05 UTC
You don't frighten me! *g* This meme mentions fandoms and AU universes, but it doesn't let you specify pairings, so go ahead, do your worst. :-)

Yes, isn't it!


solo September 20 2008, 19:37:59 UTC
Akame is totally a fandom. I'd like Wild West, please. :-)


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 20:18:40 UTC
Sorry, Akame is a pairing in the JE fandom, or perhaps KAT-TUN fandom. Just because it's the dominant pairing doesn't make it a fandom. *g* Try again. :-)


jo_lasalle September 20 2008, 16:48:28 UTC
I do not approve of procrastination when sparkly boys are waiting for their happy ending! *g*

But if you're so inclined: the JE slavefic AU! (Can I hope there's at least an Akame subplot in it?)


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 17:53:48 UTC
Oh, yes, the slavefic AU! :-) (I really should have guessed you'd choose this, shouldn't I. *g ( ... )


solo September 20 2008, 19:42:05 UTC
Oh, yes, the slavefic AU! :-) (I really should have guessed you'd choose this, shouldn't I. *g*)

Some people are rather predictable, aren't they...

Ryo finds himself left with the too tall, too thin, too awkward one with the mysterious scars, who seems to have no clue how a proper slave should behave, and who doesn't seem to be particularly accomplished at anything except acrobatics...

:-) You might find yourself writing this.

why he seems to know more about the dreaded space pirates than he wants to let on...

Shouldn't it be 'dread space pirates'? Or am I just weird? The Dread Space Pirate Gackt... maybe?


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 20:29:31 UTC
who doesn't seem to be particularly accomplished at anything except acrobatics.

You know... in zero G, what looks like remarkable but useless skill in acrobatics might suddenly turn out to be... something else entirely. *g*

You might find yourself writing this.

Would I ever write something this silly? Me? Ever?


Shouldn't it be 'dread space pirates'? Or am I just weird?

If it's a part of their name, then Dread sounds more dreadful. :-) But in this instance I was merely exptressing the general attitude of prospectors like Ryo towards them...

The Dread Space Pirate Gackt... maybe?

Gackt is the Dread Space Pirate General - too much time spent in too shoddily shielded ships has bleached his eyes and hair and rendered him slightly insane, but hasn't slowed him down any.


without_me September 20 2008, 17:03:12 UTC
Supernatural, and slave AU (because OMG I am such a whore for good ones).


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 18:17:39 UTC
Slave AUs seem enormously popular! :-)

Sam has certain expectations of his masters - he doesn't think it's too much to ask that they maintain an ordered household, for example, with a proper staff to uphold appearances. So when Hunter General Dean Winchester buys him, he is aghast to find the man's circumstances are entirely unacceptable. Cheap motel rooms? Ghost hunting?? Greasy diner food that will give Sam pimples and ruin his figure??? The man doesn't even have any other slaves at all, despite his status as the most senior hunter in the country!

Sam sees immediately that he will have to make some changes around here, and proceeds to turn the Hunter General's life around. *g*

(Sorry... it turned into a bit of a parody. *g*)


without_me September 20 2008, 19:29:41 UTC
::grabby hands::

Bonus points if slave!Sam ends up in a (ripped) bodice in the, um, climactic scene!


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 20:39:41 UTC
Sam refuses to wears bodices. It doesn't flatter his figure. Whenever one of his masters suggested such a thing, Sam found himself absolutely unable to get away from his urgent other duties, and by the time he had finally filed the essential paperwork at the slave holder's union, the bodices in question had always mysteriouzsly disappeared.

Sometimes it is necessary to be quite firm with masters. But fortunately, most learn where the line is fairly quickly. ;-)


cathybites September 20 2008, 17:13:54 UTC
Harry Potter! Viking AU! :D


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 18:35:12 UTC
LOL! Good one. :-)

After half a lifetime of raiding coastal villages in the company of his horde of bloodthirsty comrades, Seffuric Stoneheart finally meets his match - in a young man with blazing green eyes who rallies the villagers into a spirited defence, almost sinks Stoneheart's dragonboat, and calls curses after him as he sails off to patch up his sails and gather his wits.

Because this youth is the spitting image of Stoneheart's hated, long-dead enemy, Jamur the Jokester, who died before Stoneheart could avenge the grievous wrongs done him. Could it be that there is yet a chance at revenge - through the Jokesters's bastard son?

But one thing is already clear: The young man will not be an easy opponent to defeat.

Good thing Stoneheart loves a challenge.


louiselux September 20 2008, 18:17:12 UTC
I think I know what hooker AU you'd write for Saiyuki. But! I'd love to know what sort of Ancient Rome AU you'd come up with.


rheasilvia September 20 2008, 18:55:45 UTC
I think I know what hooker AU you'd write for Saiyuki. Yeah, I am rather predictable, aren't I... :-) And ooohh, Saiyuki in Ancient Rome! Cool ( ... )


louiselux September 21 2008, 09:28:31 UTC
Omg write it now!! It's almost painful how much I want to read about him leaving Rome and meeting the barbarian rebel leader, who I feel will be hot and sexy and shirtless, and possibly gleaming with some sort of oil.


rheasilvia September 21 2008, 13:16:08 UTC

I mean, I really really want to read this story too, now, but I have way too many unfinished fics gathering dust on my harddrive already! And this would be far too long! And... *whimper*

who I feel will be hot and sexy and shirtless, and possibly gleaming with some sort of oil.

The hotness and sex appeal is part of his charm, the shirtlessness just more comfortable in summer. The oil - well. You never know what meetings with strange Roman people who imagine they have some right to your land will lead to, and it's never a mistake to be prepared. (For battle. What else?)

For his part, Gaius finds himself rather distracted by that impossible hair color. And the brashness. And the barbarian's remarkable uncouthness and lack of civilized manners.

It's all rather... appalling. Yes. That was the word he was looking for. Quite.


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