I came across a French review of Rizzoli & Isles, and Google Translate gives me gems like "Jane Rizzoli, emeritus at Boston cop, is not the type to let him walk on his feet." I tried another online translation site, and have come up with a kind of composite, self-edited translation, but can a real French speaker enlighten me/us as to the proper translation for the puzzling parts? Thanks!
January 21, 2011: I've amended my translation to incorporate suggestions from sarastar43 and French speakers styx63 and frenchflotus.
Original French review Série créée par Janet Tamaro (saison 1, 1 et 2/10, USA, 2010). 2 x 50 mn. VM. Inédit. Avec Angie Harmon Jane Rizzoli. Sasha Alexander : Maura Isles. Lorraine Bracco : Angela Rizzoli.
Jane Rizzoli, flic émérite à Boston, n'est pas du genre à se laisser marcher sur les pieds. Accro au boulot, elle n'a qu'une seule vraie amie, Maura Isles, experte légiste fascinée par la mort, qui passe son temps à diagnostiquer les pires malformations aux hommes qu'elle rencontre. Rien ne vaut un crime mystérieux pour égayer les journées de ces deux enquêtrices. Rizzoli joue avec le feu, Isles s'amuse avec son scalpel. Pourtant, quand elles découvrent une série de meurtres copiés sur ceux de leur pire ennemi - pourtant derrière les barreaux -, l'heure n'est plus à la rigolade.
Adaptée de romans à succès, Rizzoli and Isles surfe sur la vague des héroïnes flics - The Closer, Cold Case - sans vraiment chercher à la renouveler. Sans prétentions, elle préfère assumer son statut de polar grand public, osant des méchants grimaçants et des intrigues parfois cousues de fil blanc, tout en faisant le pari qu'on s'attachera à ses héroïnes, régulièrement mises en scène dans leur vie privée. Leur relation un rien ambiguë - beaucoup y ont vu un sous-texte lesbien - ne manque ni d'humour ni de tendresse, et permet en effet d'épicer cet honnête divertissement, au ton suffisamment enlevé pour sortir du tout-venant.
Google Translate
Series created by Janet Tamaro (season 1, 1 and 2 / 10, USA, 2010). 2 x 50 min. VM. Unpublished. Angie Harmon Jane Rizzoli. Sasha Alexander: Maura Isles. Lorraine Bracco: Angela Rizzoli.
Jane Rizzoli, emeritus at Boston cop, is not the type to let him walk on his feet. Addicted to work, she has only one true friend, Maura Isles, forensic expert fascinated by death, who spends his time diagnosing the worst birth to men she meets. Nothing beats a mysterious crime to brighten the days of these two investigators. Rizzoli is playing with fire, playing with his scalpel Isles. Yet when they discover a series of murders patterned after those of their worst enemy - yet behind bars - time is no longer a joke.
Adapted from successful novels, Rizzoli and Isles riding the wave of the heroines cops - The Closer, Cold Case - without really trying to renew it. Unassuming, she prefers to assume status of polar general public, daring grimacing villains and plots sometimes flimsy, while betting that we will focus on its heroine, regularly staged in their private lives. Their relationship a trifle ambiguous - many have seen a lesbian subtext - no lack of humor and tenderness, makes it possible to spice this honest entertainment, tone enough removed to escape the all-comers.
http://www.reverso.net/ Jane Rizzoli, highly skilled cop in Boston, is not of the kind(genre) to be allowed walk(work) on feet. Hooked on the job(work), she(it) has only the only real friend, Maura Isles, expert jurist fascinated by the death, which spends time diagnosing the worst deformations to the men(people) whom it meets. Nothing is worth a mysterious crime(murder) to cheer up the days of these two investigators. Rizzoli cheek with the fire(light), Isles has fun with its scalpel. Nevertheless, when they discover a series of murders copied to those of their worst enemy - nevertheless behind bars-, the hour is not any more for the fun.
Adapted by successful novels, Rizzoli and Isles surfs on the wave of the heroines(heroin) cops - The Closer, Cold Case - without trying really to renew her(it). Unpretentious, she prefers to assume her status of consumer whodunit, daring miserable contorted and intrigues sometimes sewn by white thread, while making the bet that we shall become attached to his(her) heroines(heroin), regularly staged in their private life. Their relation a mere nothing ambiguous - Many people saw a lesbian sub-text there - do not miss either a humor or tenderness, and indeed allows to spice this fair entertainment, in the tone enough removed(kidnapped) to go out of some run-of-the-mill(raw coal).
My composite translation
** Edited January 21, 2011, with thanks especially to sarastar43 and French speakers styx63 and frenchflotus **
Jane Rizzoli, experienced Boston cop, is not the type to let people walk all over her. Addicted to work, she has only one true friend, Maura Isles, a forensic expert fascinated by death, who spends her time diagnosing the worst medical conditions in the men she meets. Nothing beats a mysterious crime to brighten the days of these two investigators. Rizzoli is playing with fire, Isles with her scalpel. Yet when they discover a series of murders patterned after those of their worst enemy - still behind bars - there's no more time to laugh.
Adapted from successful novels, Rizzoli & Isles is riding the wave of cop heroines - The Closer, Cold Case - without really trying to reinvent the wheel. Unpretentious, it prefers to assume the status of a generic whodunit, with grimacing villains and sometimes flimsy plots, while betting that we will focus on its heroines, whose private lives are regularly featured. Their relationship - a trifle ambiguous (many have seen a lesbian subtext), with no lack of humor and tenderness - spices up this solid entertainment, with its light and witty tone, enough to stand out from the crowd.
How'd I do?
In any case:
- Maura is Jane's only true friend? Awww ... but also perhaps a bit sad? And isn't this usually assumed in reverse, i.e. Jane is Maura's only friend?
- "Their relationship - a trifle ambiguous (many have seen a lesbian subtext), with no lack of humor and tenderness" ... yes, this :-).