Jan 22, 2011 14:10

Okay, now I'm basically just doing this for amusement :-).  I found a German review of the Rizzoli & Isles pilot, and put it through both Google Translate and Reverso.net.  The translations are even worse than for the French review I posted a couple of days ago, but the hilarity factor is proportionately higher!  However, if any real German speakers want to provide better renditions, please feel free.   As we know by now, what's important is that the subtext comes through in multiple languages ...

Original German review

Rizzoli & Isles: Review zum Piloten
Hanna Huge, Serienjunkies - Mittwoch, 14.Juli 2010 18.00 Uhr

Angie Harmon und Sasha Alexander melden sich mit Rizzoli & Isles im TV zurück. Die Quoten der neuen Serie waren für TNT zum Auftakt äußerst gut. Aber hat das Crime-Procedural diese auch verdient? Durchaus, meint Reviewerin Hanna Huge.

Die Rechnung des amerikanischen Kabelsenders TNT ist aufgegangen: „The Closer“, das starke Lead-in mit Kyra Sedgwick in der Hauptrolle, verhalf der neuen Krimiserie „Rizzoli & Isles“ am Montag zu einem fulminanten Start. Fast 7,6 Millionen Zuschauer sahen den Staffelauftakt der neuen Crime-Serie basierend auf den erfolgreichen Romanen von Tess Gerritsen.

Worum es geht

Jane Rizzoli ist Ermittlerin bei der Bostoner Mordkommission. Sie ist knallhart, ihr Auftritt eher rabiat. Grantig erscheint sie in der Pilotepisode am Tatort eines Mordes, nachdem sie sich beim wöchentlichen Basketballspiel mit ihrem jüngeren Bruder fast die Nase gebrochen hätte. Dass ihr neuer Partner sich beim Anblick von Leichen übergeben muss, ist Rizzolis Laune nicht gerade förderlich. Zur Seite steht ihr jedoch die hübsch zurechtgemachte Doktorin Maura Isles, die als Gerichtsmedizinerin den Mordfall untersucht. Ein wiederkehrendes Tatmuster liefert die Vermutung, dass ein Serienkiller, der einst Rizzoli in seiner Gewalt hatte, aber derzeit im Gefängnis sitzt, einen Nachahmer gefunden hat.

Der Hintergrund

Ein solider Krimi erwartet den Zuschauer beim Anblick des Piloten von „Rizzoli & Isles“. Mit einer ähnlichen Brutalität, wie wir sie aus „The Closer“ kennen, untersuchen diesmal zwei weibliche Charaktere die Mordfälle in Boston. Jedoch wird nicht etwa die Gerichtsmedizinern dem knallharten Detective zugeteilt; die beiden Damen kennen sich bereits eine geraume Zeit und wissen mit den jeweiligen Macken des anderen umzugehen.

Rizzoli zieht sich unvorteilhaft an, benutzt fast nie Lippenstift, adoptiert einen stinkenden Hund, hat bezeichnende Klingeltöne für verschiedenen Anrufer und eine Mutter, die sich ständig einmischt. Isles hingegen ist immer perfekt gekleidet, trägt hohe Absätze zum Aufräumen, Rüschenblusen beim Abhängen und besitzt auch noch ein ungewöhnliches Haustier. Angie Harmon spielt in diesem ungleichen Duo wieder einmal den harten Cop, Jane Rizzoli. Im Vergleich zu ihrer Rolle bei „Women's Murder Club“ ist sie jedoch schlechter gekleidet und etwas in die Jahre gekommen. Warum das Ex-Model immer die Toughe mimen muss, bleibt ein Rätsel. Zumindest macht sie ihre Rolle recht überzeugend und scheint an diesem „Typecasting“ ihre Freude zu haben.

Sasha Alexander versucht, etwas ruhiger in die Herzen der Zuschauer zu gelangen und schafft es mit den zarten Blicken der allwissenden Gerichtsmedizinerin nicht ganz, gegen die Präsenz von Harmon anzukommen. Die Chemie der beiden stimmt jedoch. Und wäre da nicht noch der eingeschaltete FBI-Agent Gabriel Dean (Billy Burke, derzeit auch in „Eclipse“ in den Kinos zu sehen), könnte es sich auch um eine lesbische Crime-Serie handeln, was Rizzoli neben Isles im Bett liegend so andeutet: „Are we having a sleepover, or is this your way of telling me you're attracted to me?“

Google Translate

Rizzoli & Isles: Pilot Review
Cagney and Lacey 2.0

Hanna Huge, Serienjunkies - Wednesday, 14 July 2010 18.00 clock

Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander login with Rizzoli & Isles back on TV. The odds of the new series for TNT were to start very well. But the Crime-Procedural, this also deserves? Absolutely, says reviewer Hanna Huge.

The account of the American cable channel TNT has risen, "The Closer", the strong lead-in with Kyra Sedgwick in the title role, helped the new crime series "Rizzoli & Isles" on Monday to a brilliant start. Nearly 7.6 million viewers watched the season opener of the new crime series based on the successful novels of Tess Gerritsen.

What is

Jane Rizzoli is a Boston homicide detective with. She is tough, rough her appearance sooner. Grumpy it appears in the pilot episode at the scene of a murder, after she had broken the weekly basketball game with her younger brother almost nose. That their new partner to vomit at the sight of dead bodies, but is not exactly conducive Rizzolis mood. To her side stands, however, the prettily restored Doctor Maura Isles, the forensic doctor examined as the murder case. A recurring Tatmuster provides the presumption that a serial killer who had once Rizzoli in his power, but currently is in prison, has found an imitator.

The background

A solid thriller awaits the audience at the sight of the pilot of "Rizzoli & Isles". With a similar brutality, as we know from "The Closer", this time investigating the murders of two female characters in Boston. But not the forensic experts the tough Detective is assigned, the two ladies have known each other for a long time and know the quirks of each other deal with it.

Rizzoli is putting on unfavorable, almost never used lipstick, adopted a smelly dog, significant ringtones for different callers and a mother who constantly interferes. Isles, however, is always immaculately dressed, with high heels to clean up, ruffled blouses with slopes and he has also got an unusual pet. Angie Harmon plays in this unequal duo once again the tough cop Jane Rizzoli. In comparison with their role in "Women's Murder Club" but it is badly dressed and somewhat long in the tooth. Why is the ex-model always mimic the tough must remain a mystery. At least she makes her role quite convincingly and seems at this "type-casting" to have their joy.

Sasha Alexander tried to get a little quieter in the hearts of viewers and creates it with the soft eyes of the coroner not quite omniscient, to cope with the presence of Harmon. The chemistry of the two is true, however. Act And there would not have the intermediary FBI agent Gabriel Dean (Billy Burke, currently on view in "Eclipse" in theaters), it might also be a lesbian crime series, which Rizzoli suggests lying beside Isles in bed as "Are we having a sleepover, or is this your way of telling me you're attracted to me?"


Rizzoli and Isles: Review to the pilot
Cagney and Lacey 2.0

Hanna Huge, series junkie - Wednesday 14th July, 2010 18.00 o'clock

Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander report back with Rizzoli and Isles in the TV. The ratios of the new series were extremely good for TNT at the beginning. However, has the Crime-Procedural also earned this? Absolutely, believes Reviewerin Hanna Huge.

The bill of the American cable broadcasting station TNT has risen: "The Closer", strong Lead in with Kyra Sedgwick in the leading part, helped the new crime film series "Rizzoli and Isles" on Monday to a brilliant start. Almost 7.6 million spectators saw the relay prelude of the new Crime series basing on the successful novels of Tess Gerritsen.

What it is about

Jane Rizzoli is an investigator with the Bostoner murder squad. She(it) is hard as rock, their(her) scene rather aggressively. Grantig appears them(her,it) in the pilot's episode in the scene of a murder, after she(it) would have broken almost the nose with the weekly basketball game with their(her) younger brother. The fact that their(her) new partner must vomit while seeing from corpses, Rizzolis mood is not just favorable. However, to the side(page) you stand the beautifully prepared doctor Maura Isles who examines the murder case as a forensic pathologist. A returning act sample supplies the assumption that a series killer, the Rizzoli once had in his(its) authority(violence), but at present sits in the prison, a follower has found.

The background

A solid crime film expects the spectator while seeing the pilot from "Rizzoli and Isles". This time with a similar brutality how we know them(her,it) from "The Closer" two feminine characters examine the murder cases in Boston. But it is not assigned possibly the forensic doctors to the hard as rock Detective; both ladies already know themselves a some time and know how to handle with the respective flaws of the other.

Rizzoli dresses unbecoming, almost never uses lipstick, adopts a stinking dog, has characteristic bell sounds for different caller and a mother who interferes constantly. However, Isles is dressed always perfectly, carries high sales to the rangement, frill blouses on depending and possesses still an unusual pet. Angie Harmon plays in this unequal duet one more time the hard Cop, Jane Rizzoli. However, compared to their(her) roll(role) with "Women's Murder club" she(it) is worse dressed and something in them year come. Why the ex-model must always act the Toughe, a puzzle remains. At least she(it) makes their(her) roll(role) rather convincing and seems to have in this "Typecasting" their(her) joy.

Sasha Alexander tries to get little bit quieter in the hearts of the spectators and it does not get with the delicate looks of the omniscient forensic pathologist completely to arrive against the presence of Harmon. However, the chemistry of the both votes. And if was not there still the turned on FBI agent Gabriel Dean (Billy Burke to see at present also in "Eclipse" in the cinemas), it could also be about a lesbian Crime series what suggests Rizzoli near Isles in the bed lying so: "Are we having a sleepover, or is this your way of telling me you're attracted to me?"


Okay, now that I've managed to pick myself off the floor and apologized for scaring my neighbor with the guffawing, a few thoughts:

- Bostoner murder squad.  Uh, that sounds like something more up Patrick Doyle's alley?!  Or a great suggestion for an AU fic ...

- the prettily restored Doctor Maura Isles.  Hmm, like a Queen Anne chair?  A 14th century painting?? But then, the beautifully prepared doctor Maura Isles calls to mind that fish that Maura was trying to get Jane to eat in 1.05 ...

- In comparison with their role in "Women's Murder Club" but it is badly dressed and somewhat long in the tooth.  Oh harsh, Google Translate - or is that really what the German says as well?  Reverso.net, you're even more incomprehensible with compared to their(her) roll(role) with "Women's Murder club" she(it) is worse dressed and something in them year come.

- The chemistry of the two is true, however.  Finally something that Google Translate seems to have gotten right!

- And if was not there still the turned on FBI agent Gabriel Dean (Billy Burke to see at present also in "Eclipse" in the cinemas), it could also be about a lesbian Crime series what suggests Rizzoli near Isles in the bed lying so: "Are we having a sleepover, or is this your way of telling me you're attracted to me?"
Uh, a "turned on" Agent Dean, Reverso.net, I did not need to think about.  But yes, would that Dean was not there still, and we got instead "a lesbian Crime series" :-).

- Grumpy it appears in the pilot episode at the scene of a murder, after she had broken the weekly basketball game with her younger brother almost nose. Google Translate, you seriously get a D for grammar (and a C- for Reverso.net, I think).  A+ for entertainment value though!

rizzoli & isles, crack translations, press

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