Overchay with Me- Chapter Two

Feb 22, 2007 23:41

Chapter One: Life in My Closet

Chapter Title: Chapter Two: Let's Go, Just You and Me
Author: Me
Rating: R, eventually, maybe a smut scene later on. I'm quite a tender smutter, though. Right now it's PG-13ish.
Disclaimer: Not Jo Ro, yo!
Summary: After my  Waiting a Long Time Quadrilogy, teenaged Remus and Sirius must deal with their new relationship.

Chapter Two: Let's Go, Just You and Me

-Random points in July-


My silly little Remulus,

I've just received your letter, and I must confess, your penchant for freaking out is just as unsettling as it is endearing. I suppose that flinging the word 'paranoid' in your face is a hackneyed habit, so I'll refrain. NOT! Calm down, or I will hex you. That ought to keep you in line.

Wormtail didn't tell Prongs; he's not the balls. And besides, James keeps nothing from me. He would've exploded and confronted me about it, as he did when I first admitted to my fancy of the homosexual pursuits. I'm staying at his lovely home, remember.

Just calm down. Everything will set.

Miss you more than I should probably admit,

Sexiest Man Ever.


Dear Sexiest Man Ever,

I'm afraid you mistakenly got the letter I intended for my friend Sirius. Sorry to trouble you.

But since you're reading, I guess I should admit you're right. I really do have nothing to worry about. I'm perfectly calm and will remain as such until our two best friends approach us, exclaim their disdain, and insist that we move out of the dorm. But yes, I'm okay now, now that you've told me I was silly.

Peter hasn't answered any of my letters, Sirius. I'm really worried. He used to write me so much during the summer that I got tired of him. But it was nice at the same time. When he does write, it's sparse. 'Oh, sorry, Remus, you've caught me at a bad time.'

And don't tell me there's no connection between what he saw and his lack of letters because I know there is! I know him like the back of my hand. And don't get that smug look on your face and start thinking about that Memory Charm you suggested because let's face it, while appealing, it wasn't at all rational.

I miss you, too, Sirius.



Dear Moony,

I'm sorry I haven't written sooner. Padfoot and I are having a blast. Maybe you could meet us in Diagon Alley? We’ll be there the same day as usual, I’m pretty sure. Still, I'll alert you when it gets closer to make sure. There's really another reason I'm writing.

I think Sirius may be over you, mate! He's been acting like he does when he's fallen for a girl. And now that he's all funny, I know it must be some boy, though I don't know who he is. Anyway, he's smiling a lot and humming, and tapping his fingers on my bedside table as I write. Tapping! He did that when he fell in love with Diana in Fourth. Though...I guess that didn't work out.

Anyway, things may finally get normal for the Marauders again! At long last!!!

Write back,

Mr. James Q. Potter

(And sorry about my whole name- enchanted parchment, a gift from my grandmother.)


Dear James Q. Potter,

I'd love to meet you guys later. And about Sirius's new love...Don't pry him too much about it, all right? He'll tell us who it is in good time.

Yes, yes. My mum is making that spag bol you like so much. Would you like me to ask her to magically transport it to you? Yes, I know that's silly, but you're silly sometimes. Writing half a page about my mum's cooking.

I haven't really had time to write to Remus. I've been busy. The whole family's moving in with my aunt; she's getting ill. It's all right, though. I like her house. It's much bigger than ours. It'll just be weird to live in that big, spooky place after she's passed. Maybe she'll come back as a ghost? I hope not- ghosts terrify me.

And on the making Lily jealous front, have you thought of Manny Spinnet? She's very pretty, and a Prefect, and I know she likes you. I overheard her once when I was sneaking into the castle.

Talk to you later!



Dear Sexiest Man Ever's Pet,

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you... James is a berk. I want to smack him. He's asleep, you know. He just wrote Manny Spinnet, asking her to meet us in Diagon Alley. Part of his plan to woo Lily without actually wooing her. His new owl Maegera took his note away and boom! His mouth is open and he's drooling a little bit, all over the school papers we were assigned over break. But am I going to wake him and ensure that he can salvage all his work before the ink starts to run?

Probably, but not ‘til after I’m done writing you.

I want to kiss you. A non-sequitur, but so true. You're always so warm when we kiss, you know. And then you smile afterwards, and you're all breathing hard. Granted, we've only kissed so many times that I can count them on one hand, but that's all right. We'll make up for that in the new year. Unless you plan on going all weird and shy on me, and then I'll have to force you to kiss me, using means either magical or physical.

What book are you reading? I really want to know. Tell me everything about it. The author, the contents, tell me down to every detail. I love the way your face glows when you talk about books (or think about them, for that matter).

God, I miss you.

I've never wanted to go back to Hogwarts this much in my life. And that includes horrific summers spent with my family.




Dear Sirius,

I miss you, too. It's late- I'm drifting off. I wasn't planning on writing you tonight, but I just had the strangest feeling as I went to bed. Like I had to talk to you. I wish we'd thought ahead; you could've lent me your mirror, since you and James don't need them right now.

Anyway, I was just lying down, and I thought about your smiling cocky stupid face, and it wouldn't go away. And I know that doesn't sound like a compliment, but it is. I love your face. It's a very comforting thing.

I'll tell you about the book I'm reading if you promise to tell me about your stupid Quidditch team. Because I like your face when you talk about it. You stick your tongue out at James, who swears his team's better, and then Peter and I crack up at your antics and then you smile at me, and nudge me in the ribs and say, 'You know you agree with me, Moony,' even though you know I know nothing of Quidditch teams, nor do I care.

I'm reading The Truth about Banshees: Just Why Do They Scream? Not too informative, I have to say. The author, Caro Caedo seems to care more about talking about her not-so-close encounter with a banshee. She thought she saw one.


Out of the corner of her eye.

I'm so exhausted, Sirius, and all I can think about is if you were here, you'd be jumping on my bed and telling me I was spoiling all the fun, going to sleep like this.

I wish you were here.

And kissing you isn't the worst thing either, I guess.


PS: And I suppose there are worse things I can think of than being your pet.



I'd love to meet you in Diagon Alley! That sounds so cool. I've always wanted to hang with the Marauders. And yeah, getting ice cream might be cool. My mum is major strict about sweets, but whatever. What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

See you then!




How are you? I know the full moon's soon, so I think I may send you some potions. It's really no trouble, I've been practicing. Slughorn thinks I've a future in potions and I know that they're not your strong suit. I've been thinking about you a lot.

Ugh. Manny Spinnet, quite possibly the most annoying girl on the planet, has just informed me that James has asked her to shop with him in Diagon Alley. Not that I care or anything, Remus, because I don't, but just don't let James pursue anything with her. She's not his type. He's arrogant, but he can do better than a flake like her.

I guess I'm writing to say that if you could quite possibly separate yourself from those other three idiots, Manny Spinnet, and whatever girls are hanging all over Sirius, we could go sight shopping and maybe take a prolonged detour at Flourish and Blotts. From what Manny says, I should be in the Alley on the same day.

Hope to hear from you soon, and I hope even more that I'll get to see you before term!


Oh, and whatever you do, don't spend your savings on that new banshee book; it's rubbish.

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