
Jul 02, 2008 11:24

So. I require a bit of a distraction from the fact that Doctor Who airs on Saturday and it's only WEDNESDAY. And I figure, while I'm all ridiculous-crossover-y lately, it might be a good time for a sort of informal challenge request ( Read more... )

fic, torchwood, gossip girl, sarah jane adventures, house, dexter, no country for old men, doctor who, crossover challenge request, i am a geek, jeeves and wooster

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Comments 71

fiareynne July 2 2008, 16:09:12 UTC
Oh my god, Red Dwarf and Torchwood. And and and. And House and Torchwood. Yes.


remindmeofthe July 2 2008, 20:47:48 UTC
I'm going to gather these up and post them all together eventually, but I won't make you wait. I have your House/Torchwood. In two comments ( ... )


remindmeofthe July 2 2008, 20:48:40 UTC
"Robert Chase! Been a while. To what do I owe?"

"You've got to do something about that hold music, Jack," Chase couldn't help saying.

"Why? I like it. It's fun."

Of course. Chase rolled his eyes and got to the point. "I've got an interesting case. Think it might be one of yours."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." Chase outlined the details briefly. He heard Jack sigh when he was done.

"Nostravites? Again? Can't seem to get rid of those fucking thi - oh, hey," he interrupted himself brightly, "you're working for Gregory House these days?"

Chase blinked, taken aback even though he knew he probably shouldn't be. "Yes."

"Great," said Jack, very possibly establishing himself as the first person on the planet to react in such a manner to news of House's involvement. "He's there, right? Put me on speakerphone."

"Okay," Chase said slowly. He did so and set his phone on the table.

"Hey, Greg," said Jack's cheerful, tinny voice.

"Hello, Harkness," answered House, not sounding half so pleased.

Chase stared.


eryaforsthye August 11 2008, 07:41:50 UTC
I would *die* from delight if you would continue this.

Really, it is awesome and brilliant and I may have fallen in love with it.

(Here through a link from who_tw_recs. Loved your amazing fic 'Lucky Streak' and decided to investigate your other fics. :) )

*mems fic post under 'Best' and prays for more*


littlestclouds July 2 2008, 16:40:49 UTC
Boo on you! Who doesn't want a Tigers/House crossover? >:[ And I really should give you a big list now except I can't because I'm in a hurry. You got lucky. :P



remindmeofthe July 2 2008, 23:12:10 UTC
Planning to put these all together later, but posting in replies as I go for now.

House/Supernatural. Spoilers for the House finale. Not that you care at this point. *g ( ... )


littlestclouds July 8 2008, 01:31:02 UTC
Oh, I love that it's Jo and House. She could totally handle him. I really like the final few paragraphs.

And, uh, I didn't see the finale of House, so. :P I'm just guessing on what happened from various flist posts and such.


remindmeofthe July 8 2008, 01:37:21 UTC
Yeah, I was having a hard time coming up with a different angle for this particular crossover, since it's been done (and done well at least once), but once I thought of House in a bar, I knew right away who he'd run into and I was all set from there.

Now I want to see House take on Ellen. That would be epic.

And yes, I know you didn't. That's why I warned for spoilers. Even though I know you're spoiled. Because I'm a dork. :D


cacopheny July 2 2008, 17:08:48 UTC
Dogma and Iron Man!

I'm curious to see how that turns out XD :: snickering ::

Wow, uh, can we pick two? XD Dogma and Pirates, too?

Can you tell I love Dogma fandom? :P


remindmeofthe July 2 2008, 21:23:38 UTC
I love Dogma, too! God, it's been years since I've written Dogma fic.

Anyway, I'm gonna put these together in one post, but right now I'm posting them in replies so you don't have to wait. *g*

Iron Man/DogmaTony claims he's gotten every stripper he's ever propositioned into bed - for free - because what guy with his reputation wouldn't? But, like everyone, Tony could tell a story about the one that got away ( ... )


cacopheny July 4 2008, 07:12:31 UTC
That was just EXCELLENT. Oh man XD Tony talks with a muse. THE muse. Heee! I do so love your fic, man. Especially when I know the characters and can recognize how well you write them :)


remindmeofthe July 4 2008, 20:56:31 UTC
Thanks! I do love the idea of Tony being so entranced with Serendipity's intelligence that he doesn't try to pick her up (or maybe he does, as a matter of course, but doesn't mind when she shoots him down). And then maybe, a few months later, he hires Pepper because she's got that intelligent spark in her eyes and doesn't respond when he tries to flirt.


phantomas July 2 2008, 18:35:23 UTC
Dead and Breakfast!!! And..uhm...Iron Man!

Oh oh, and DeaD & Breakfast AND HOUSE!!!!

ALso! Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Torchwood *gggg*


remindmeofthe July 2 2008, 20:49:55 UTC
I'm going to pull these all together into a post, but for now I'm putting them up in replies as I go.

Dead and Breakfast/House.

See, this is why Thirteen never talks about herself. The simplest questions are landmines. What do your parents do? What are your long-term plans? Where are you from?"Never mind where I'm from," she says. She can feel herself going all ice princess, which isn't fair with someone as hopelessly inoffensive and young-seeming as Kutner, especially over an innocent pleasantry. She doesn't try to curb it, though, because another thing that isn't fair is the way people look at her when they hear the answer, all clawing curiosity dressed up in pity ( ... )


phantomas July 9 2008, 19:31:11 UTC
OHHHH. I like it! Suspence!
thank you.


remindmeofthe July 9 2008, 19:39:34 UTC
Heh. It just seemed to fit nicely with Thirteen's aura of supermystery. If MY town had been all but destroyed in a zombie plague, I'd keep myself to myself too. XD

Having a bit of a struggle with the others, not least because I am (in theory) already writing a TW/KKBB fic, but I'll get there.


apiphile July 2 2008, 21:22:58 UTC
Boondock Saints/Torchwood
Dexter/Dr Who


remindmeofthe July 2 2008, 21:56:41 UTC
Maybe I should disallow crossovers I'm already working on. *g*

Anyway, gonna make a big post, but putting these up in replies as I get round to them. Dexter/Doctor Who.

The first clue that this situation isn't quite right is the sedative failing to take effect. Dexter always triple-checks to make sure he's put the right dose in the syringe. He has no intention of being tripped up by a foolish rookie error.

The second clue is when Kilpatrick turns sharply around and sees him there with the syringe and, instead of looking shocked or angry or any number of reactions Dexter would have anticipated, he smiles and puts his hand to his forehead.

"Foolish human," he says. Then Dexter wonders if he didn't somehow ingest a hallucinogen of some kind by mistake, because the third and most alarming clue seems to be Kilpatrick unzipping his forehead. Light spills out instead of blood, but that's not Dexter's primary concern at the moment ( ... )


apiphile July 3 2008, 05:51:25 UTC
Oh you are magnificent and sublime! :D


remindmeofthe July 3 2008, 05:53:59 UTC
Why, yes I am. But what did you think of the ficlet? ;D


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