(no subject)

Jul 02, 2008 11:24

So. I require a bit of a distraction from the fact that Doctor Who airs on Saturday and it's only WEDNESDAY. And I figure, while I'm all ridiculous-crossover-y lately, it might be a good time for a sort of informal challenge request.

Below the cut, you will find a list of fandoms. Ask for crossovers. I will do my best to provide at least a scenario, if not a snippet into the bargain. These are fandoms I'm comfortable with dabbling in at the moment, so I'd appreciate it if you stuck to the list, though of course if I've forgotten something you know I can do, ask for it. And if there's something you really want to see but you're not sure, ask me about it. I might be able to do it anyway. (But no baseball RPS, ALEX. I'd prefer fictional crossovers.) Feel free to ask for more than one; I will do my best to accommodate. Though if you nail me with a huge list I reserve the right to pick and choose. ALEX.

Boondock Saints
Dead and Breakfast
Doctor Who
Gossip Girl
Iron Man
Jeeves and Wooster
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Lois and Clark
No Country for Old Men
Pirates of the Caribbean
Red Dwarf
Sarah Jane Adventures

fic, torchwood, gossip girl, sarah jane adventures, house, dexter, no country for old men, doctor who, crossover challenge request, i am a geek, jeeves and wooster

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