(no subject)

Jul 03, 2008 23:53

To help jog a bit of inspiration for some of my crossover challenges. (I'm a like a fiend, guys, I've gotten nine ficlets written since yesterday) I'm watching The Boondock Saints for the first time in - it has to be four years. And it's a really weird experience.

You know how this movie is one of those flicks that makes a certain percentage of its viewers go bugfuck insane and take it completely and obsessively to heart? Hi! That was me. I never went so far as to, like, get tattoos, but I do have a navy peacoat that I asked for for my twentieth birthday just because of BDS. (This coat is the best thing that came out of that particular obsession. It's the best winter jacket I've ever had, no contest. It needs replacing this year, and I'm gonna do it. I never want to be without one again.)

But yeah. So, this is me, nineteen, twenty years old, just loving the shit out of this movie. I completely bought into its mythos. I mean, you know how it is.

And now I'm twenty-five, I have more experience in watching movies and being told stories, I don't take things with quite the same measure of painfully earnest sincerity, and oh my god this movie is so camp. It is RIDIC. (And Troy Duffy has serious issues about women. Jesus.) I still love it, just - on a completely different level. There are so many things wrong with it, and it makes NO sense, but it's awesome anyway, in part because you can tell how everyone involved was totally committed to it. Even when it got ridiculous.

The Boondock Saints: Not quite the way of life I once thought it was, but still a damn good time.

movies, i am a geek

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