Imagine Me & You

Dec 18, 2012 16:24

Title Imagine Me & You
Summary: U. In which Peter, Laura and Kate are all alive. Derek and Kate are getting married, Stiles works at the floral shop arranging the flowers for the wedding. Everything is not as it seems
Warnings: anguage, Blow jobs
Rating Mature 
Chapters 9/10 
Notes No beta so mistakes are mine. 

Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5| Chapter 6| Chapter 7| Chapter 8|


Derek was roused out of his sleep the next morning due to Stiles shifting around on the bed.

“What are you doing?” Derek asked shifting on his side to face Stiles.

“Trying to find a cold spot” Stiles answered, exasperated like it was the most obvious thing in the world “You know, when you flip the pillow to get the cool side? You’re like a furnace” Stiles continued when he saw Derek about to question him.

“Sorry” Derek offered, not like there was much he could do about his body temperature, he wasn’t a thermostat.

“You’ll come in handy in winter. Or if we ever get stuck in an avalanche” Stiles yawned.

“Sleep good?” Derek asked to which Stiles nodded his head, closing his eyes and smiling thinking about last night’s escapades.

Both were content to just lie down a little longer, Stiles back in his favourite spot, head on Derek’s chest relaxing, not bothered about getting up or going anywhere. They were soon interrupted by Derek’s stomach growling to which Stiles laughed, lifting up his head placing his mouth on Derek’s stomach, blowing a raspberry.

“Did you just -” Derek started to ask before Stiles interrupted him.

“Food! We worked up quite an appetite” he said, untangling himself from Derek’s body to put on his boxers and pull a t shirt on. Derek stretched his body out, letting his joints crack, putting on his clothes and joining Stiles by the door.


No one could really blame Stiles and his current sex-addled brain as he entered the kitchen coming face-to-face with three betas and the Alpha. He had completely forgotten anyone else was in the house, his stomach instantly dropping. They all looked up from where they were, Erica and Isaac eating at the counter, Boyd leaning against another and Laura making coffee.

“Have a good night?” Laura asked a playful smile across her face.

“Oh my God” Stiles said burying his face in his hands “With the hearing!”

“Oh we heard everything” Erica retorted rolling her eyes, taking a bite out of her toast.

Stiles was about ready to run out of the house and hide his face for days if it were possible. It’s not like he hasn’t had sex when other people were in the house before, but not sex in a house full of people who had super-hearing. Stiles was loud and obnoxious at the best of times, let alone during sex. This was the very definition of the worst kind of walk of shame.

“It’s payback for all the men Laura brought home” Derek shrugged, moving past Stiles further into the kitchen, obviously without a care in the world.

“It was not that many men!” Laura exclaimed shooting her brother a dirty look, even though she clearly wasn’t mad.

“Sit” Derek ordered, looking at Stiles who complied plopping his ass down on the spare stool next to Erica, who winked at him. Well, it was progress he thought.

Derek whizzed around the kitchen, pouring coffee, toasting bread and flipping eggs. Stiles couldn’t help but be pleased at having Derek fuss around him, preparing breakfast and whatnot. Normally it was Stiles taking care of everyone, Stiles look after his father, cooking the dinners and Stiles looking after Scott that one time him and Allison broke up for a little while in high school. Hell, Stiles even cooked and looked after Robert most of the time. Robert did sometimes help in the kitchen, but then easily got distracted by his school work and Stiles never minded. Or at least he thought he hadn’t minded, but seeing Derek want to take care of him for once, he realised how much he needed it.

After everyone had finished breakfast and cleared out of the kitchen, Stiles declared it was time for him to go home despite the look Derek was giving him. As if it were unheard of that Stiles now leave Derek’s side. Stiles protested when Derek tried to convince him to stay, saying he needed a good shower and a change of clothes, declining when Derek offered his clothe to wear. Sometimes it was just nice to shower in your own shower, with your own products, put your own comfy clothes on and pass out on your own bed.


Stiles had to be the unluckiest person known to man, as he took his keys out of the front door as his Dad came down the stairs, giving him a knowing look. Stiles didn’t get to just do one walk of shame this morning, oh no, he got to do two. He lied; this was the very definition of the worst kind of walk of shame.

“While you’re an adult and all, it would be nice to know what nights you’ll be home” Dave said, standing at the base of the stairs.

“I didn’t know I’d be staying, sorry. Got distracted.” Stiles offered, trudging past his fathers to head up the stairs.

“Well for next time.”

“As in you want me to call right before?” Stiles asked stopping half way up the stairs to look at his father.

“Stiles, seriously? A text at a decent hour will suffice. I don’t need the gory details.”

Stiles muttered something about it not being gory; it’s not a bloodbath making his way up the rest of the stairs. Once Stiles had finished his shower he headed back downstairs hoping his father was still home because there was something he needed to talk to him about, he figured there’d be some begging involved, or some serious unhealthy food bribes going on.

“Heeey daddy-o” Stiles said at the entrance to his father’s office.

“What could you have possibly done between your shower and now?” the Sheriff asked, taking his glasses off to give Stiles a good long hard stare.

“Oh no, it’s not what I did, it’s what you did”

“What I -” the Sheriff started.

“About that ticket you gave Derek...Think you could drop it?” he asked with his best smile.

“Oh hell no, Stiles. He wants to sneak into my house at these ungodly hours like he’s some man of the night than he can pay the ticket. I’ll continue to distribute tickets for various misdemeanours until he learns to use the door like a proper man” Dave explained.

“I thought you didn’t approve of him! That’s why I told him to avoid you at all costs.”

“Sit down, kid” the Sheriff sighed, gesturing to the other empty chair in the room “I’m only going to say this once. I don’t like how any of this went down, how you two got to be in this relationship. I don’t know him very well at all, and quite frankly not one to trust someone who would cheat. Given the circumstances of his previous relationship I realise it wasn’t conventional. So we’re going to start with a clean slate, he can spend time here during sane hours, so I can get to know him, Laura and the rest of the pack? Jesus, whatever or whoever they are, if they’re going to be in your life. However, the ticket still stands” he finished putting his glasses back on.

“I - well. I guess, thanks Dad. Really, I know I’ve put a lot of strain on you these past few weeks. Fuck, since I was a kid but you know what I mean” Stiles tried to get out; it wasn’t like they had these heart-to-hearts very often.

“Now then, since that’s settled. You can invite them all around for dinner next Sunday” Dave beamed.

Oh God Stiles thought, imagining how that night was going to go.


Although Dave had made plans for next Sunday with Derek and the rest of the pack, that didn’t stop Stiles from seeing Derek during the week. Although Derek still seemed partial to the window, for whatever reason.

“One of these days you’re going to give me a fucking heart attack or a neighbour if they see you climbing in my window. And then my dad is going to have to charge you with second degree murder, and I’m really not into the whole conjugal visits might I add” Stiles complained as he was shrugging out of his clothes that he’d had on at work. Derek was lounging on the bed with a book, as to whether he was reading it or not, Stiles had no idea.

“Also” Stiles continued “What the fuck do you do with your days? Because I swear I see you lurking outside the shop sometimes, and you’ve visited me every day for lunch. Please tell me you run a secret werewolf blog or something.”

“Laura’s going full throttle ahead with gutting and re-doing the house” Derek explained “I said I’d help some, she knows some contractors.”

“Oh please God, tell me it’s not Steve!” Stiles exclaimed dropping face down on the bed, half on top of Derek. The Sheriff really hadn’t changed Stiles’ room once he moved out to go to school, the single bed still there and rather unpractical at this point.

Derek growled from his position on the bed before speaking “If I see that idiot again and he touches you I’ll rip him apart.”

“Little excessive don’t you think?” Stiles asked, turning his head to face Derek.

“The idiot pinched your butt” Derek explained, if that could even be considered an explanation.

“Perish the thought!” Stiles joked “Granted yes, I didn’t want him touching me with a ten foot pole. I was in fact single and had gone on a date with him so...”

Derek pulled Stiles up the bed in a haste crashing their mouths together as he settled Stiles on the bed where he wanted him, straddling his lap. He placed his hands on either side of Stiles’ face, holding him still as he pressed his tongue into Stiles’ mouth, exploring every last inch, Stiles’ tongue eagerly matching Derek’s.

“Gotta say if this is the reaction I get to your jealousy, I like” Stiles moaned in between kisses from Derek, who ignored him continuing to kiss him.

He moved his hand down to Stiles’ boxers, pulling it down slightly so that he could slip his hand inside grabbing hold of Stiles’ cock. Stiles obliged pushing up a little off of Derek’s lap so that Derek could pull the boxers down as far as they could go without having Stiles actually get off of his lap, no time for that. The boxers trapped on Stiles’ thighs, restricting his legs rather uncomfortably, but not about to complain as he felt Derek’s warm hand wrap around his cock starting to give it a few tugs.

Stiles started to harden with each of Derek’s pulls on his cock, losing any train of thought as he moaned looking down to the quick work Derek was making of his cock “God I’ve been so horny all day” Stiles babbled “Can witches sense arousal like werewolves? God that would be so embarrassing!” Stiles babbled on, only shutting up on a particularly hard squeeze to his cock from Derek.

Derek flipped them so that Stiles was on his back instead of straddling his hips, pulling off his boxers so that they were no longer trapped around Stiles’ thighs. He hovered his mouth over Stiles’ cock, letting his breath ghost over the head as Stiles started moving about growing more restless and needy. “Come on - Oh yeah kay, perfect, shit” Stiles moaned out the instant Derek wrapped his lips around Stiles’ cock.

As much as Stiles was a cock whore and loved the feeling of Derek’s cock in his mouth, hearing the grunts and heaving breathing that he wrangled out of Derek, there was much to be desired when he could look down the length of his body and see Derek with his mouth full of Stiles’ cock. He loved the noises Derek’s mouth made as Derek pushed his cock further down his throat, getting all of Stiles’ cock in his mouth, nose brushing up against his hairs.

He looked down to see Derek moving up and down his length and he couldn’t help but love the way Derek’s cheeks look when he hollows out his mouth, with his stupid perfectly defined jaw line. There wasn’t a single flaw about Derek, least of all with his mouth. Stiles soon forgot any thoughts filtering through his head, Derek related or not, fisting his hands in Derek’s hair and slowly moving his hips up to match the rhythm of Derek moving back down his cock.

He slowly started to fuck into Derek’s mouth, who made no protest whatsoever, and yeah that was definitely another turn on for Stiles, fucking Derek’s mouth. This then led him to think of the other place he could fuck Derek, and that train of thought was going to make him come, very soon.

Derek released Stiles’ dick from his mouth, spit and drool everywhere and held firmly onto the base of Stiles’ dick. Stiles not so shamelessly let out a whine of protest as he felt his pending orgasm start to subside, whole body going lax under Derek’s.

“What the hell -” he started only shutting up after he felt Derek’s grip become firmer. Right talking was not an option right now.

“You have me Stiles” Derek rumbled “You’re not to make me jealous. You want something, you ask” obviously referring to Stiles’ previous comment about jealousy, which he only meant as a joke.

Stiles nodded his head frantically just wanting so desperately to come, except Derek’s grip got even firmer, and if he went any tighter Stiles’ cock would definitely snap in half. Guess talking was an option.

“Y-yeah. Yes” Stiles panted out looking down at Derek.

“Are you mine?” Derek asked loosening his grip marginally.

“Fuck of course. Completely” Stiles moaned making direct eye contact with Derek.

“Are you sure?” Derek taunted.

“Not if you don’t fucking let me come” Stiles hissed out.

Derek loosened his grip, giving Stiles a few jerks before placing his mouth back over Stiles and started to suck again. It didn’t take long before Stiles was coming down Derek’s throat, who was swallowing it like was the perfect crisp beer on a summers evening.

Derek nuzzled his face on Stiles’ hip relishing in the feeling of Stiles running his hands through his hair. He was pretty sure he could fall asleep from that feeling alone. Stiles chuckled as he stilled his moving hand to get Derek’s attention.

“I was only kidding about the jealousy thing. I try very hard to forget your past with, you know who. Not that I’m even the type to cause someone to get jealous because hello? So not a line of people waiting to - Hey! No biting!” Stiles scolded as he felt Derek nip at his hip

“It’s okay” Derek said into Stiles’ stomach.


Sunday came around a lot quicker than Stiles wanted it to. On the bright side, he had the day off of work, on the down side he had a group of werewolves coming to dinner, with his father. He spent the morning cleaning the whole house, from his room to the laundry room only choosing not to clean his fathers’ room. It’s not like he was planning on giving everyone the grand tour of the Stilinski household but cleaning cleared his mind, and gave him something to keep busy.

He went to the grocery store early enough to pick up the food to cook later on, rolling his eyes at the food money his father had given him. That wasn’t even going to cover half of it, knowing how much they ate. He chipped in for the rest of the bill, double and triple checking that he hadn’t forgotten anything.

“What are you doing here!?” Stiles screeched when he opened the front door to see Derek standing on the front porch at 5:00 pm. everyone was supposed to show up at 6.

“Relax, it’s just me” Derek sighed, stepping into the house.

“Oh” Stiles breathed a sigh of relief; he was nowhere ready to entertain “Then why are you here?” he repeated himself.

“Figured I could help. I knew you’d be nervous. You’re radiating it.”

“Oh you are so trying to gain points with my father by showing up early” Stiles said narrowing his eyes at Derek “You’re lucky I could use the help anyway.”

Stiles wasted no time putting Derek to work, chopping this, slicing that and making sure the beer was in the fridge. Stiles busied himself seasoning the steaks and taking the cake out of the freezer to thaw. So sue him, he wasn’t Martha Stewart and didn’t have time to bake a desert like he’d originally planned.

6:00 on the dot the rest of the pack were at the front door being greeted by the Sheriff who smiled at seeing Laura and paid close attention to the three new betas who he’d yet to meet. He ushered them all into the kitchen, handing out the beers as they all got to know each other. Or rather, the Sheriff interrogating them according to Stiles, but to the Sheriff, he was just making polite conversation. Dave raised his eyebrow when he found out that none of them had a job remarking he never thought he’d see the day when his son would be the main provider. The rest of the pack got a good laugh at that while his son did the obligatory “Dad!”

Soon after the hiccup of Dave getting to know everyone, they all settled into a decent conversation around the dinner table, all remarking on Stiles’ excellent cooking skills. Stiles at least had the decency to say that Derek helped, a little. Laura, ever the angel that she was, answered some of the same questions the Sheriff had that Stiles had previously asked at their BBQ, about being a werewolf and what it entailed. Stiles had to hand it to his father; he was taking it all in stride.

Stiles couldn’t get over the fact that his father was smiling all night, a real genuine smile. It had been a long time since they’ve had people over the house, let alone a whole group. Granted they were all considerably younger than the Sheriff, he was laughing, joking, drinking and eating keeping up with the best of them. Stiles remembered his parents use to have dinner parties for “adults” only, and Stiles usually stuck in his room or at Scott’s. The times he’d stayed home he used to sneak part-way down the stairs at night to see his parents sitting around the table, empty bottles of alcohol and half-eaten deserts as they all laughed and talked. This was almost the same and Stiles vowed to make this happen as often as possible.


After the successful Sunday night dinner, Derek made it habit to start using the front door, to which the Sheriff thoroughly approved. He started spending more time at the Stilinski household, sometimes during the early evening, sometimes staying the night, alternating between his place and the Stilinski’s. Stiles often complained because either house they went to, there was bound to be someone there which made having sex somewhat awkward. At least at the Stilinski household, Dave didn’t have super-hearing, and sometimes worked the late shift.

Derek even started hanging out at Stiles’ house when he was at work, and the sheriff had the day off. It gave them time to spend some time alone, get to know each other, and for Derek to gain the Sheriff’s approval. It seemed to be working, he noted, which made him feel a thousand times more at ease. He knew how close Stiles and his father were, and if he were the reason they had a strained relationship, he wouldn’t be able to bear it.


Stiles still had to work on Derek in terms of what he called “normal people dating.” Derek often preferred to stay in and watch TV (well Stiles watch TV, Derek grope Stiles inappropriately) which Stiles didn’t mind, at all. But sometimes he wanted to go out in public, go to dinner, a movie just do something, anything outside of the house. Derek often complained saying what was the point? Stiles sometimes relented, agreeing to stay home, but sometimes he just had to push it. Tonight was one of these nights.

He dragged Derek to the best burger joint in Beacon Hills, a family-run business that’s been open for as long as Stiles can remember. Derek complained and said he could easily make some burgers at home and save the money, Stiles rolled his eyes, he was not getting out of it that easy. They not only had the best burgers but the best Oreo milkshakes, and he was seriously craving one.  So there they sat, Stiles enjoying his burger and delicious milkshake while Derek ate his burger, trying to pretend like it wasn’t all that great.

“I want to fuck you” Stiles blurted out chewing on the last of his French fry.

“Here?” Derek asked looking around the restaurant at all the full tables, most full with families consisting of little children, as if he were seriously contemplating where they could go.

“What? No not here! Jesus” Stiles exclaimed although he paused as if contemplating the merits of public sex “I meant I want to fuck you” he continued emphasizing on the I.

Derek finished off his burger, chewing slowly before he spoke again “Okay.”

“Okay? That’s it?” Stiles asked.

“Should I announce it to the restaurant?” Derek answered sarcastically, looks like Stiles was rubbing off on Derek, in more ways than one.

“I just thought, I thought that it would be more work than that! I’ve been thinking about it for ages, but was too scared to ask!” Stiles babbled on turning on slightly red.

“I told you Stiles, you want something, you ask.”

“Well, I didn’t think it’d be that easy” Stiles said, a huge smile on his face.

“I am not easy” Derek countered.

“Ha” Stiles snorted.


It had been a little while since Stiles first brought up him topping and they still hadn’t done anything about it. Stiles didn’t know whether Derek would let him know when he was ready, or if Stiles should bring it up again. He always meant to, but then when he was in the presence of Derek, it’s like all sense ran loose. Besides, he could wait no sense in rushing it.

“Pack your bags” Derek ordered barging in through Stiles’ bedroom door.

“Dude! I totally could have been having some alone time here! Respect the privacy” Stiles slurred from the warmth of his bed.

“You don’t think I wouldn’t have heard?” Derek snorted “Besides if you need alone time, especially after last night than I’m clearly not doing my job right. Pack your bags.”

“Oh heh, yeah” Stiles blushed at the mention of last night’s activities like he was a 12 year old “Wait, what why?”

“Going on a road trip” Derek answered making his way to Stiles’ closet trying to locate a suitcase or bag that Stiles could pack his stuff in.

“Really, where? Disney World? Oh please say it’s Disney World!” Stiles exclaimed untangling himself from his bed sheets.

Derek turned to face Stiles, giving up on finding a bag in the mess of Stiles’ closet, staring at him with a blank expression. Stiles rolled his eyes having now grown used to the idea of Derek ignoring him whenever he got a little excited, or said something stupid. Which seemed to be all the time.

“Oh c’mon!” said Stiles “Don’t tell me the big bad wolf is scared of a little mouse? You do realise he’s not real right?” Stiles joked pushing past Derek to dig around in the back of his closet, extracting a ratty worn out black suitcase

“So where are we going?” Stiles sighed “I need to know what kind of clothes to pack.”

“Oregon” Derek answered sitting down on Stiles’ computer chair.

“No. Why?” Stiles asked frozen in place, suitcase still in hand.

It was Derek’s turn to roll his eyes at Stiles, getting tired of this conversation already.

“Because I believe you got accepted into a program and we’re going to see about you actually going” Derek answered as if it were the most obvious explanation in the world.

“Uh, growing tired of me already?” Stiles asked nervously “And if you haven’t realised I was accepted for this year, not next year. They might not even make me an offer.”

“That’s why we’re going.”

“I’m confused” Stiles replied sitting on the edge of his bed “I chose not to go so why are you forcing this now?”

“You chose not to go because you broke up with your ex” Derek answered with a low growl at the mention of Robert, as if Stiles weren’t allowed to have a relationship past “And because you were worried about your father. Between you getting over your ex and your father in caring hands of Scott’s mom and Laura” Derek continued, rolling his eyes at the mention of Laura like it were in the realm of possibility that the Sheriff and Laura would become an item “I see no reason why you can’t go to Oregon and see what opportunities are out there. I’m not forcing it” Derek finished.

“So you are trying to get rid of me?” Stiles answered completely ignoring the rest of Derek’s speech.

“If I were trying to get rid of you would I be going with you? Would I be ready to look for places out there to rent?” Derek answered making his way towards where Stiles sat on the edge of the bed. He put it hand on Stiles’ chest, pushing him lightly down onto the bed, crowding into Stiles’ personal space, putting his mouth right by Stiles’ ear.

“You’ve done enough for everyone else, Stiles. Now it’s time that you do what you want to do, and if that involves going to Oregon, than we’re going to Oregon” Derek whispered into his ear gently sucking on the lobe of Stiles’ ear, causing Stiles to let out a quite moan.

“You’re serious about coming with me?” Stiles asked pushing at Derek’s chest so that they were face to face “What about Laura and the pack?”

“That’s what cars are for” Derek snorted “We can come back and visit some weekends, holidays and other times they can come out there.”

“Oh my God!” Stiles exclaimed pushing Derek off of him “I have to pack!” he said as he hurried around his room picking random clothes out of drawers and off the floor and shoving them into his suitcase. He didn’t worry about folding any clothes or what he packed, he was just too excited. He’s finished packing in about five minutes only pausing to ask about work, which he completely forgot about. Derek told him he took care of it, Miss Hollis said he could have a few days holiday.

“By the way, I hope you’re ready to be trapped in a car with me for hours on end. You know how bored I get and how I start to ramble about anything when I get bored” Stiles smirked watching Derek’s face fall. Oh this was going to be a fun trip alright, their first trip at that.

“Just let me grab my camera and let’s get some breakfast and go!” Stiles exclaimed.

What had Derek gotten himself into?


Once Stiles and Derek said their goodbyes to Stiles’ father and the rest of the pack (who all already knew about the road trip) of course Stiles was always the last to know they headed off for Oregon. Derek driving, of course.

“So should we play some road trip games?” Stiles asked about half an hour into their journey “I spy? The license plate game? 99 bottles? Though I guess that’s not directly a road trip game, is it even considered a game actually? Or is it just a song?”

Derek put the radio on, turning up the volume in answer to Stiles. Of course Stiles is never one to take a hint.

“I can totally drive when you get tired too.”

“You’re not driving my car” Derek finally relenting to Stiles and his babbling.

“Oh c’mon!” Stiles complained throwing his hands up in the air “So I hit that persons’ bumper one time, doesn’t mean I’m doomed to repeat it again. Not to mention that was my car, it can totally take a beating, much like the owner apparently. I’ll be extra careful with your car; I just want to drive it one time!”

“You’re not driving my car” Derek repeated.

“Grumpy wolf. Should have had extra ice cream with your pancakes, I think you’re running low on sugar” Stiles muttered, crossing his arms and looking out the window, pouting like a 10 year old.

Two hours into the drive Stiles was getting more restless by the minute, hands fiddling with the radio, playing with the heating and AC. Sitting in an enclosed space for long periods of times are not fun, not even when you have a boy boyfriend next to you.

“Dude we have like six more hours to go, I’m bored and hungry!” Stiles complained.

“I told you to pack snacks” Derek replied.

“I ate them all” Stiles explained as he held up all the empty chip wrappers, as crumbs fell out around him, dirtying Derek’s car. If the look Derek was giving him was anything to go by Stiles was going to have a solo date at the nearest gas station with one of those portal vacuums scrubbing Derek’s car clean, inside and out. He was so touchy about his precious little car.

“Hey what are you going to do when I have my meeting with this guy?” Stiles asked trying to distract Derek from the mess he’d created “Because I don’t think you can creep around any doors or windows that might run the risk of me ever securing a future job.”

“Stiles” Derek sighed “I’m going to look at places to rent, you can just call me when you’re finished.”

“Wait! The fate of where we are going to live rests in your hands? Have you seen where you live?” Stiles ridiculed.

“Look” Derek emphasized “I’ll narrow down the good ones and then you can choose.”

“Huh, living together is a pretty big step you know?” Stiles asked “Especially so soon.”

“Are you not ready?” Derek asked, taking his eyes off of the road. Always answering a question with a question.

“No I’m ready” Stiles answered shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. Even though he was secretly excited at the prospect of living with Derek, in Oregon and that it was Derek’s idea. If that didn’t scream commitment, Stiles didn’t know what did.

A few hours later Derek finally relented, pulling in to the nearest service station so that they could stretch their legs and Stiles could get some real food. Though from the looks of the little dingy restaurant located next to the gas station was any indication of what the food would taste like, Derek would rather starve. Stiles said it was no bother, apparently not concerned for his health, making his way to the front door, ignoring the missing letters from the restaurant name, and blown out light bulbs. Stiles ordered a grilled cheese sandwich, as they took their place at the counter, Derek just ordering a glass of coke.

“If you get sick from this food, I’m not taking care of you” Derek whispered, eyeing the man that was preparing the food, as if to make sure he wasn’t dropping the food on the floor, or spitting in it.

“You’re such a pessimist” Stiles scoffed “It’s places like these that have the best food, and no one knows about it!”

“Because you have no idea what they’re putting in the food.”

“You watch too much TV” Stiles mocked, digging into his grilled cheese that the man brought over. If you asked Stiles, it looked like any other grilled cheese, no bugs or parasites in sight.

Derek rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his coke. He’d rather starve than eat here, hell he’d rather go hunt and catch his own dinner.

A few more hours in the car after their impromptu stop, Derek was nudging Stiles awake, announcing they were at the hotel.


Chapter 10|

Further Notes: There's going to be one more chapter after this, I don't know what it is about me and 10 chapters! Ha, but just a heads up.

stiles stilinski, sterek, teen wolf, derek hale

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