Imagine Me & You

Nov 14, 2012 16:11

Title: Imagine Me & You
Summary: AU. In which Peter, Laura and Kate are all alive. Derek and Kate are getting married, Stiles works at the floral shop arranging the flowers for the wedding. Everything is not as it seems.
Warnings: Language, Cheating (Derek on Kate), Panic Attack
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 3/?
Notes:  No beta, so mistakes are mine. Also this is loosely based off of the movie Imagine Me & You, very loosely might I add. A major warning will be cheating (Derek on Kate). So if it's not your thing, don't read. 
Chapter 1| Chapter 2|


Stiles followed the directions Kate had given him to get to the Argent house on Wednesday evening. He parked his jeep on the street, double checking that he had the right address, because nothing would be more embarrassing than knocking on the wrong door. The Argent house was a decent sized house, larger than Stiles’ but smaller than some of the other homes in Beacon Hills, like the ones Lydia or Jackson lived in. He walked up the drive way, taking in the balloons outside the front door, a mix of black and red balloons with a “happy birthday!” Mylar balloon blowing in the wind.

He couldn’t actually picture Derek being a fan of balloons; he seemed like the kind of guy who thought he was too cool or too old for balloons and would rather knock back a few beers at a bar, pounding his chest like he was a man, not a 10 year old with a clown at his party. Oh God, there better not be any clowns, one too many nightmares as a child after Meagan Porter’s 8th birthday. Stiles swears the clown was following him around, smiling and trying to make him as many balloon animals as he wanted. The clown was either a pervert or an axe-wielding murder.

Stiles shakes those thoughts out of his mind as he rings the doorbell, stuffing his hands in his pockets trying to warm his hands up from the cool breeze that started to pick up. The door swung open, and Stiles came face-to-face with Chris Argent. He hadn’t seen Chris since his high school graduation, when all the parents went a little camera happy at their children’s graduation.

“Stilinski? What’re you doing here?” he asked stepping to the side to let him in.

“Really Chris? It’s a party; loosen up a little will you! I invited him” Kate replied giving her older brother a little shove as she greeted Stiles.

“Thanks for inviting me” Stiles nodded wincing a little as Kate moved in to give him a hug, he still wasn’t too pleased with her about the disastrous double date and he certainly hadn’t forgotten about the conversation she’d had with her friend at the grocery store.

“Foods in the kitchen on the counter, beers in the fridge” Chris instructed as he made his way farther into the house.

Stiles followed Kate and Chris into the house, looking around like the snoop that he was. It didn’t take him long to notice the giant ass moose head that hung above the fireplace in the family room attached to the kitchen. He was no vegetarian but seeing a dead moose head above a fireplace seemed first off a little tacky and secondly a little cruel. Not that he could say as much considering he was a guest in the Argent household and his father had raised him better than that.

He also knew that the Argent’s were gun freaks; they were gun distributers or something like that. He remembered Allison telling him that back in high school when she first moved to Beacon Hills. Best not insult the Argent’s before his head was hung up next to the moose. A Stiles Stilinski trophy.

“I hate that thing” Derek murmured appearing out of nowhere beside Stiles, a can of beer in his hand.

“What?” Stiles sputtered “I so didn’t say that out loud again did I?”

Derek gave a little smile before saying “No, you didn’t. I saw you looking at it though; your facial expressions are very… expressive. Doesn’t take a genius to realise you’re not a fan”

“I am not expressive!” Stiles ridiculed “I’m a blank canvas, all those years lying to my father, the Sheriff, it takes practice you know!”

Derek snickered taking a sip of his beer before someone called him over and he just gave a nod to Stiles before going to talk to whoever called him over.

Stiles belatedly realised that he hadn’t even wished Derek a happy birthday, what kind of guest was he? He also realised that Derek had read him like a book pretty quickly, and just prayed that Derek wasn’t actually able to tell that Stiles was attracted to him. How fucking awkward would that be?

He grabbed a paper plate and started loading it up with sandwiches, a few vegetables for the sake of it and some sausage rolls before he leaned against the counter, eating his food alone. He gathered he didn’t know anyone else at this party besides Kate, Chris and Derek. Chris didn’t seem too pleased that Stiles was here, Derek was off talking to some random person (and it was his birthday so it’s not like Stiles could monopolise Derek’s time) and he really didn’t want to talk to Kate. She was starting to give him the creeps; there was just something about her. Oh yeah, the cheating.

“You must be Stiles, the Sheriff’s son and the one arranging my daughter’s floral arrangements” someone stated, as they made their way to stand in front of Stiles, blocking his view from anyone else, and cornering him into the crook of the kitchen counter.

“That’s me and you are?” Stiles asked looking up from his plate of food, he knew the person must be Kate’s dad but he’d never met him before.

“Gerard. This is my house you’re in” he answered raising his eyebrow a little, as if thinking who the hell does this kid think he is? “And you’re the one that’s going to give my daughter what she wants, am I right?”

“Seems like she always gets what she wants if you ask me” Stiles replied without even thinking before he spoke.

“What does that mean?” Gerard asked stepping in closer to Stiles, voice becoming angrier.

“Oh you know… with the flowers. She has some good taste, fantastic taste really, we’ve discussed it all already… it is her wedding and she should get what she wants right?” Stiles replied back peddling, trying to save his ass.

“Glad there won’t be any problems then son” Gerard sneered clapping his hands on either side of Stiles’ arm.

Stiles peeked around Gerard trying to figure out how the hell to get away from him, what was with the Argent family anyway? Besides Allison, these guys seemed like total creeps. He caught Derek’s eye from across the room, and Derek just nodded his head at Stiles before returning to the conversation he was having with someone.

Stiles sidestepped Gerard, heading to the fridge to get a nice cool beer, trying to calculate how long was an acceptable time to stay before getting the hell out of here. He didn’t want to seem rude, or offend Derek.


He had finally gotten into a nice conversation with some random guy at the party named James who also played fantasy games online and Stiles was so thankful that this guy didn’t make an effort to go talk to anyone else. This guy was Stiles’ lifeline at the minute. He really didn’t want to be the loner at the party, sitting in a corner eating food all by himself all night. He’d done that enough as a child, thanks.

That’s when Stiles heard someone yelling out of nowhere “Yoo-Hoo! Stiles! I can’t believe you’re here! Excuse me” he said shoving James out of the way.

He moved in to kiss Stiles on each cheek before giving a little pinch to Stiles’ bum. He groaned, at least he did on the inside because there was no way he wanted to deal with this. He gave a pleading look to James, as he shrugged and went over to get another beer, leaving Stiles alone with this creep.

“Steve. Kate didn’t tell me you’d be here…”

“I didn’t know if I could make it! Didn’t want to give anyone false hope” he winked “I actually meant to call you but work has been so hectic, at least I get to see you tonight.”

“No worries bro, I’ve been busy too” Stiles replied hoping that he’d catch on to the bro and realise Stiles was so not interested. Turns out this guy didn’t know how to take any hints.

“What do you say we get out of here in a little while, after I’ve made my rounds? I’m sure we can find something to do” he asked with a purely predatory sexual smirk on his face. If they were peacocks, Steve would have his tail wide open, flashing saying he wanted Stiles and he wanted Stiles now.

“I uh… I have… You know -” Stiles sputtered trying to come up with an excuse and for once he was drawing a complete blank.

“Stiles, your car is blocking someone in can you move it?” Derek asked making his way towards Stiles and Steve.

“Who the hell leaves a party this early?” Stiles asked for the second time that night without thinking.

Derek quirked his eyebrow at Stiles as if saying,

“Really? Get there a little faster, Stiles.”

Oh. Derek was totally rescuing Stiles from Steve; he swore he could kiss Derek in that moment. Well he could kiss Derek at any moment, but right now he was an angel sent down from above to protect Stiles.

“Excuse me Steve, sorry” Stiles replied grabbing his keys from his pocket and heading for the front door, Derek in tow.


Stiles didn’t stop walking until he made is to his car, breathing a sigh of relief as he leaned on the hood of his car.

“I take it that’s not the future Mr Stilinski then?” Derek chuckled.

“Oh my God! That’s not even funny” Stiles sighed dragging his hands over his face “But bonus points for trying to make a joke.”

“Then why’d you agree to the date?”

“I just wanted to try and get over my ex I guess” Stiles lied, partially.

“How’s that going?” Derek asked leaning on the hood of Stiles’ jeep, beside him.

“The rebound sex was a lot better than my date with Steve. Not with Steve I mean!” Stiles quickly added “Jesus why am I talking about my sex life, that’s so awkward. Plus I’m making myself seem like a whore, I’m really not! God, I really need to keep my mouth shut.”

“It’s a guy thing?” Derek added “But yes, you do keep your mouth open, all the time.”

“I - what?” Stiles faltered.

“It’s true” Derek explained “You even chew with your mouth open by the way, which is appalling. Just an observation. Do you have an aversion to closing your mouth or something?”

“Wha- Oh my God dude! Just an observation? What are you Veronica Mars? You’d probably make a good private eye.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Stiles.”

“Who even says you never shut your mouth?” Stiles exclaimed getting up from the hood of the car to face Derek.

“Are you offended? I hardly think I’m the first person to tell you this am I?” Derek asked casually.

“Well no - My dad tells me all the time but he’s my dad!” Stiles exclaimed pacing back and forth, unable to stand still.

“So where’s my present?” Derek asked abruptly changing the topic, crossing his arms over his chest, and whoa talk about muscles.

“Your? OH MY GOD! I haven’t even said happy birthday! Happy birthday dude. Here” Stiles screeched grabbing his wallet and rummaging through it grabbing a card and shoving it at Derek.


“Yeah I think there’s like 5 bucks left on there, I forgot to top it up” offered Stiles.

“So you didn’t even go out and buy me my own card?” Derek grinned; oh he was enjoying this all right.

Stiles looked down at his shoes, scuffing them through some lose pebbles on the ground before he answered.

“I totally didn’t even think about a present man. I didn’t even get a card! Wow what amazing birthday etiquette I have. Bronze medal for effort Stiles.”

“I don’t think you should even get a medal” Derek joked handing Stiles back the Starbucks card “Here, I don’t like Starbucks it’s for pretentious people.”

“WHAT! Are you kidding me? I can’t even with you dude. Starbucks is like an orgasm for your mouth have you not tried their pumpkin spice lattes?” demanded Stiles, because no one trash talked Starbucks, oh no they didn’t.

“An orgasm for your mouth?” mimicked Derek “Now there’s a mental image.”

Stiles froze in his spot, looking at Derek because he hadn’t even realised he said that out loud, but for Derek to bring it up again, talking about mental images? Well Stiles just had about a dozen or so mental images of an orgasm in his mouth, all of which contained Derek and oh god he was turning bright red. This was so embarrassing! He just hoped that Derek couldn’t see his face through the darkness.

He quickly took his place against the hood of his jeep beside Derek, figuring standing next to him rather than in front of him was better, less chance to see his burning red face.

“I was joking about the present anyway” Derek added.

“Heh yeah, sorry ‘bout that” Stiles whispered.

“Well I better get back to the party, it is mine after all” Derek sighed getting up from the jeep, starting to head back to the house “You coming back in?”

“Uhh nah… kinda tired just think I’ll head home. I don’t really want to face Steve again either.”

Derek just nodded, watching Stiles make his way around the car to the driver’s side.

“Hey Stiles?”

“Yeah?” Stiles asked looking up from where he was unlocking his jeep licking his lips that had suddenly gone dry from the cold wind.

“I have a tux fitting on Saturday, want to come? Kate’s going to be pissed if I go by myself, she doesn’t trust me to pick out a tux apparently. I don’t really want to go with Gerard either.”

“Really? Uhh yeah why not” Stiles answered a bit baffled.

“Okay” Derek nodded “I’ll text you then” and then he was gone, walking back up to the house and back to his birthday party.

What the holy hell was all that?


“Hey Tilly?” Stiles gestured to Matilda Hollis as he entered the flower shop the next morning to start his shift “I was wondering if I could leave early on Saturday if it’s not too much trouble?”

“Have you got big plans?”

“Not really just a tux fitting, for Derek.” He answered.

Mrs Hollis started rearranging the flowers making herself busy before she spoke again.

“I’d be careful if I were you Stiles. I’m not one to turn away business, but there’s more going on than you know” she said ominously.

Stiles was a little slow on the uptake, more concerned with having to possibly bail on Derek and the tux fitting. His plan to stay away was failing miserably.

“So that’s a no?” Stiles almost whined.

Mrs Hollis let out a little laugh before answering “Of course that’s not a no darling. You’ve more than helped around the store these past few months, leaving a little early isn’t going to break my back. I’m old not incompetent.”

Stiles was about ready to do a little happy dance, but he really wasn’t that pathetic. He fist pumped the air yelling yes! In his head before making his way to fill out all the orders that needed to be filled, because he was going to make damn sure he worked hard just to please Mrs Hollis.


Stiles had perfectly timed his journey to actually meet Derek at the tux shop on time, but the line was a little longer at Starbucks than he’d expected. At least this time he was only a few minutes late.

“You were late because you needed your coffee?” Derek ground out from the bench he was sitting on outside the tux shop.

“I was at work all morning! I had five bucks left on my card since you didn’t take it and I wanted my damn pumpkin spice latte, I earned it. Jesus what’s with you and time management?” Stiles retorted taking a sip from his cup.

“I see you’ve bought me a drink” Derek replied eyebrow quirked.

“You just went on a rant the other night about how you thought Starbucks was for pretentious people!” Stiles scoffed “No way was I paying 5 dollars for a coffee that you’d have just throw in the trash. One that’s rude. Two that’s the equivalent of killing a puppy. Lastly, I’m a poor graduated student trying to pay back my loans.”

“Well I’ve never tried a pumpkin spice latte have I? How would I know if I’d like it or not?” Derek asked as he got up from the bunch, making his way towards Stiles.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Stiles screeched as Derek snatched the cup out of his hand “You can’t just take my fucking drink!”

Derek took a few steps back, holding the drink out of Stiles’ reach before shaking the cup a little to give it a little stir, moving it to his lips to take a long slow sip. He tilted his head to the side looking at the cup before taking another quick sip and handing the cup back to Stiles.

“Not bad” said Derek.

“Now that you’ve drunk half my coffee!” Stiles exclaimed looking at the cup in his hand, the one that Derek just had his lips on. Oh what else I’d love to have those lips on Stiles contemplated.

“No drinks inside” Derek gestured to the tux shop door where there was the no food or drinks allowed sign, along with the usual no shirt no shoes sign either “Hurry up.”

“Alright, alright. So demanding” Stiles muttered as he quickly drank the rest of his coffee, with little butterflies in his stomach knowing that Derek had drank from the same cup. Jesus you’d think he was in high school all over again, no worse than that, in middle school.

He dropped the cup into the trash can beside the bench, not before he contemplated if it were possible to use the DNA on the cup from Derek to recreate his very own Derek Hale. If you can’t have the real thing, why not have the next best? He thought. Science wasn’t his forte, but maybe Lydia and her genius brain could think of something. It’s better than a blow up doll right?


They made their way to the door; as Derek held it open gesturing for Stiles to enter first, where they were met by an elder man with greying hair in a very sharp looking suit.

“Mr Hale, it’s nice to see you” the man said “I’m Henry. I’ve taken the liberty of pulling some styles for you to look at. We’ll just get your measurements first. If you two will follow me.”

Derek nodded and followed the man to the back of the store with Stiles in tow, to a little platform that stood in front of a mirror. The elder man motioned for Derek to step on the platform saying he’d go get the seamstress to take the measurements.

The seamstress came over, introducing himself as Michael before he got to work taking Derek’s measurements. Stiles couldn’t help but let out a little laugh as Michael started to take the inseam measurements on a very uncomfortable Derek, whose jaw was clenched, his arms crossed over his chest. He shot Stiles what he considered was a warning glare when Michael interrupted telling him the correct sizes and pointing him in the direction of suits that were in his size.

“What kind of suit did you have in mind Mr Hale? Single breasted, double breasted, a tuxedo?” Henry asked returning after Michael had taken the measurements.

Before Derek could answer Stiles piped in “What about a zoot suit? I hear those are coming back in style?”

Now Derek really was giving him the death stare but this was hardly payback for stealing his coffee, he’d just have to deal.

“Hmm. Well why don’t I go get those suits I pulled out first, you can give them a try and we can go from there?” indicated Henry as he made his way to grab a few suits.


For the next half hour Derek tried on suit after suit and becoming more fed up by the minute every time Stiles’ said absolutely not to every suit Derek came out of the dressing room in.

“This is my wedding Stiles, not yours” he reminded Stiles “I’ll just stick with this one.”

“Do you want Kate running from the alter on you? I don’t think so! This isn’t Runaway Bride, one of Julia Roberts’ more questionable movies might I add” Stiles interjected.

Derek didn’t answer as Stiles kept on babbling but he could have sworn he saw Derek shrug his shoulders a little at the mention of Kate running away. But there was no way Stiles actually saw that. He needed to get his eyes tested and soon.

“Let me pick out a suit, just one and then you can decide” Stiles said as he made his way around the shop picking up certain jackets and waistcoats and putting them back, before finally landing on one he really liked. He came back with pieces of clothing draped over his arms.

“What is it with you and plaid?” Derek asked as he took in the grey suit that Stiles was holding out to him.

“Just try it on dude! It’s hardly plaid like you’re at a lumber yard.”

Derek grumbled before grabbing the suit out of Stiles’ hand and retreating back to the dressing room, shutting the door with a loud bang.

Stiles whistled to himself, sitting on one of the chairs outside the fitting room waiting for Derek to come out with the suit he chose. If Stiles were being honest with himself, any one of the other suits that Derek tried on would have been just fine for the wedding. He only kept saying no to each of them because he wanted to spend more time with Derek, and if he chose the first suit he tried on, then their day would be over. So sue Stiles okay? Beside it’s not like Derek was actually complaining, he was only being mildly dramatic.

Finally Derek came out of the fitting room in the suit that Stiles picked out, and when Stiles looked up his mouth went absolutely bone dry. He was in grey lightly plaid pants that were on the right side of tight without showing off all the assets Stiles would love to see. He had on a white long-sleeved dress shirt, buttoned to the top with a matching grey plaid waistcoat that stopped just over the top of his trousers. Over the waistcoat was the final matching double breasted suit jacket that fitted Derek in all the right places.

Stiles visibly gulped trying to get some oxygen back to his brain before he spoke “Uh I’d say that’s the suit. If you know, you like it” he added on at the end.

Derek stepped in front of the mirror, tilting his head to the side taking in the ensemble that he was in.

“There’s no way I would have ever chosen something like that” Derek answered.

“Oh well -”

“But I like it. Better than a typical black suit, like I’m going to a funeral…” he whispered.

“Let me find a tie then?” Stiles asked making his way back onto the shop floor choosing to ignore Derek’s remark about funerals, because what can you even say. Sorry? Stiles had heard that enough in his lifetime to know it doesn’t help anything.

Stiles came back with a black skinny silk tie with little flecks of silver stripes along it, handing it to Derek. He took the tie in his hand and looked at it, then back up to his suit with a confused look on his face.

“Oh come on dude! That tie totally matches” Stiles complained but Derek didn’t answer him “Oh are you serious? You’re how old and you can’t tie a tie?” Stiles asked finally catching on.

“We had a stupid clip on tie for work as a bouncer” Derek huffed out “Just in case someone got a little rough, they couldn’t strangle us” he clarified.

“Pfft. You could probably take them anyway” Stiles replied taking the tie out of Derek’s hand and making his way to face him to put it on.

He deftly tied Derek’s tie in a Windsor knot, before fixing it in place so that it was straight before looking up the last half an inch that separated them in height. He found Derek just staring him, first at his eyes, then down to his lips, never blinking.

Stiles let go of Derek’s tie, stepping in to close that last little distance that separated them before he was moving his face in closer to Derek’s, ready to kiss him.

“Stiles” Derek tensed, staggering back a little before Stiles’ lips could meet his own, a pained look on his face.

“I - Uh” Stiles gulped “I have to go” Stiles whispered, face hot red with embarrassment before he was running through the store and out the front doors, making his way to the car. He didn’t look back to see Derek standing there stalk still watching Stiles’ retreating form.


Stiles barely made it out of the parking lot before he had to pull over on the side of the road as he felt a panic attack coming. His heart was being so fast and so hard it felt as if it were going to jump straight out of his chest, his palms were so sweaty he kept wiping them over his jeans as his whole body was trembling, his ears ringing loudly. He felt the shortness of breath coming, as he tried to gasp in as much air as he could, shutting his eyes and trying to regain his self-control. His stomach started to churn as if he were going to be sick as he opened the door, scrambling to get out of the car as he was still confined in his seat belt before be tumbled out and was dry heaving on the side of the road.

He shut his eyes tight, hands fisted in his eyes trying to take calming breaths and stop the trembling and churning in his stomach as he sat on the gravel, on the side of the road leaning against the door of his jeep. He took some more calming breaths trying to think of things that made him happy, namely his father, and thoughts of his mother when he was younger and how she used to sing to him, read him stories, bake with him, letting him eat the batter off of the spoon.

Stiles felt his panic attack starting to subside as the churning stopped, no longer feeling dizzy and his heartbeat was starting to return to normal. He sat on the ground for a few more minutes, making sure he was under control before he got up, dusting the loose pebbles and dirt off his pants and got back in the car. He rummaged around in the back seat to find a bottle of water, taking a sip and started the car to head home.

By the time he got home he felt slightly better, at least knowing the panic attack was gone. He went upstairs, stripped out of his clothes and hopped in the shower, to clean off the sheen of sweat that stuck to his body, from the sweating and trembling. Once out of the shower, he put his boxers on and passed out on the top of his bed, trying to forget this disastrous day. He didn’t care if it was only 5 pm. He just wanted to sleep, and never wake up.

Stiles didn’t get a restful night sleep; he kept picturing Derek back away as Stiles moved in closer to press his lips against Derek’s. All he could keep thinking was, rejected. He couldn’t believe that he’d ever tried to do such a thing, he was against cheating, he hated himself for letting it get as far as it did, he should have been able to control himself better than that.

He had no idea how he was supposed to face Derek or Kate for that matter ever again. He was going to have to find a way to convince Miss Hollis to take over their floral arrangements, he just had no idea how he was going to do that without telling her everything, and he really couldn’t do that. He couldn’t afford to lose his job, he needed the money.

He’d gladly quit though if it came to it, if it meant he’d never have to face Derek again.


Over the next few days Stiles managed to actually continue on with his life if only because he didn’t have any more panic attacks, not that it stopped him from fretting over the pathetic mess he got himself in. He hadn’t worked up the courage to talk to Miss Hollis about her taking over the Hale-Argent arrangement, mainly because he had no idea what lie he could come up with that would be acceptable and not completely transparent. He had a few days anyway, before the next meeting to look over the arrangements with Kate and Derek.

It was Tuesday morning around 10:00, day three of not seeing Derek Hale, when Stiles was confronted with him in the flesh when he walked into the store saying

“Can we talk?” he at least had the decency for once in his life to look a little uneasy, not his usual stoic self.

“Not much to talk about” mumbled Stiles looking down at the notepad he was doodling on, avoiding any sort of eye contact.

“Stiles. Please” Derek said with a hint of desperation in his voice and Stiles couldn’t resist looking up, seeing how miserable Derek looked. He was at least slightly happy about that.

“You look like shit man. You might want to consider eye cream for those bags under your eyes” Stiles sighed, getting up from the stool, looking around at the few customers milling about the store.

“We can talk in the back room” Stiles murmured as he made his way back to Miss Hollis’ private room as Derek followed closely behind, like a lost puppy.

“It smells in here” noted Derek wrinkling his nose as he made his way further into the room as Stiles shut the door behind him.

“Pretty sure Miss Hollis grows weed back here, I don’t ask she doesn’t tell” replied Stiles leaning against the door “What do you want?”

“I should apologise.”

“Should? Does that mean you’re not going to?” Stiles quipped.

“No - That’s not what I meant…” Derek sighed clenching his fists at his side.

“Apologise what for anyway? Flirting with me talking about mental images of orgasms in mouths, leading me on by stealing my coffee and drinking it. Or to say hey sorry I’m not actually gay? Or maybe I am just you’re not my type Stiles? Not that I blame you. Look at you” he said sweeping his hands up and down the length of Derek’s body “And look at me? Totally understood. We’ll never mention this again, so you can leave” Stiles muttered going to open the door.

Derek was on Stiles in a heartbeat using his hand to shut the door that Stiles was trying to open and pushed him up against the door.

“That’s not it Stiles…” was all he whispered before his lips were on Stiles.

His hands were on either side of Stiles face, tilting his head where he wanted as he used his tongue to coax Stiles’ mouth open more, slipping his tongue in trying to get all of Stiles’. Neither of them cared about the finesse of the kiss, they were a clash of tongues and teeth as Stiles moaned at Derek biting down lightly on his lower lip.

He wrapped his hands around Derek, pushing off of the door Derek allowing him to move them backwards as Stiles tried to get more of Derek, anyway he could. He grabbed the hair at the nape of Derek’s neck, pulling him in closer to the kiss at the same time Derek’s foot got tangled in something on the floor as he fell backwards bringing Stiles with him as they landed on a pile of flattened boxes topped with scraps of fabric used for colour swatches.

Stiles broke away with the kiss breathing out a soft laugh as Derek ran his hands up and down Stiles sides before he brought Stiles’ head forward to persuade another kiss out of him. In the next minute Stiles was being flipped so that Derek was on top, and his back was against the scarps of fabric, the breath knocked out of him.

“Dude-” Stiles started to say as they heard a crash and the break of glass from the table adjacent to them, as a puddle of small liquid starting dripping off of the table “Shit-”

“Fuck!” Derek roared jumping off of Stiles backing away looking at his arm, where some of the liquid had landed on him.

“What?” Stiles asked trying to get up a little confused “It was only a little glass, don’t sweat it I’ll clean it - What is that?” Stiles asked eyes blown wide at the burn on Derek’s arm.

Only the burn didn’t last much longer as it started to disappear right before Stiles’ eyes.

“What the holy fuck dude?!” Stiles yelped making his way to closer to Derek.

“I - Stop. I’ve gotta go” Derek whispered looking down at his now healed arm back up to Stiles before he was the one running out the store and out the door, leaving Stiles on his own.


Stiles was still trying to understand what the hell had just happened as he grabbed a broom to collect the pieces of glass that had fallen and some paper towel to clean up the liquid that had spilled. Stiles knew that Miss Hollis made her own candles and figured that the liquid was some of the scents or colours she added, and that she wouldn’t miss one being broken too badly. He of course wouldn’t tell her that he was in here with Derek.

As he was cleaning up the glass, he saw a piece of paper that had obviously been the label on the glass and he could only barely read what was written on it as it was getting drenched in the liquid it read, Ilex Aquifolium and Aconitum. He knew enough from some of his classes that Ilex Aquifolium was commonly referred to as Holly and Aconitum was referred to as wolfs bane.

He continued mopping up the liquid with the paper towel.

It affected Derek.

It burned him.

He healed.

He bolted the fuck out of there.

There was no way… Stiles thought.

No fucking way.


Chapter 4|

Further Notes: Because I love a man in a suit (yum!), here's a somewhat visual of what I was trying to get at with Derek's suit at the tux shop. It's a mix between two.
Suit 1|Suit 2|

stiles, stiles stilinski, sterek, teen wolf, derek, derek hale

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