Imagine Me & You

Dec 05, 2012 20:30

Title: Imagine Me & You
Summary: AU. In which Peter, Laura and Kate are all alive. Derek and Kate are getting married, Stiles works at the floral shop arranging the flowers for the wedding. Everything is not as it seems.
Warnings: Language 
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 7/?
Notes: No beta, so mistakes are mine.
PS. AO3 

Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5| Chapter 6|


“This is - not. Taking it slow!” Stiles barely gasped out from where he lay on his back, pushing at Derek’s chest, breaking free from the intense make out/grope session they currently had going on.

Derek pushed himself further up on his arms to look down the length of their tangled bodies, shrugging. “We’ve got clothes on” he stated before going back to work on the hickey at the juncture of Stiles’ neck. He gently bit down causing Stiles to breathe out a little moan trying to decide whether he wanted to press in closer to Derek or push himself deeper into the mattress to get away. Derek continued anyway, pressing the flat of his tongue along the slight puncture marks on Stiles’ neck as if he were lapping up the slight pain he caused. He pressed his lips against the now prominent mark before Stiles once again interrupted.

“Yeah, clothes. Very restricting clothes might I - ah! Add. Does nothing to help my d-dick dude!” Stiles hissed moving his hands up to the nape of Derek’s neck, grabbing hold of his hair giving a not so light tug.

Derek sighed reluctantly allowing himself to be pulled from his new favourite spot on Stiles’ body. “Do you want to stop?” he asked frowning, as if the thought of leaving Stiles’ neck well enough alone was going to be the end of the world.

Stiles rubbed his chapped lips together, deep in concentration as if Derek’s question was a complicated one, because hello? The answer would be no, no he did not want to stop! In both the boys’ defense they had initially taken it slow. The first few days after Derek had shown up in Stiles’ room, they had only communicated through texts. Stiles was busy with work and Derek still busy with whatever pack business Laura had him doing.

Derek had shown up a few nights later to Stiles’ room, the first night they lazily kissed for what seemed like hours but was probably only a few minutes before Stiles was being pulled in close to Derek’s chest and told to go to sleep. They continued this little tradition over the next few nights, Derek always leaving early in the morning once Stiles’ was ready for work so as not to risk running into the Sheriff. They’d deal with that disaster as far away into the future as they could. Tonight, however things seemed to be progressing a lot further than previously before, even with all the clothes they still had on.

They had the initial awkward conversation, well what Stiles considered awkward as Derek just lay there like they were talking about the fucking weather. Stiles brought up his past partners, which were only two other people and how he’d gotten tested after his break up with Robert, and that he was clean. Derek nodded his head saying he trusted Stiles, could tell by his heartbeat that he wasn’t lying. Stiles nodded his head relieved, waiting for Derek to share. Derek sighed saying that it was nearly impossible for werewolves to catch any sort of diseases, and that he’d use condoms with Kate this past time they were together. Derek shuddered at the thought before Stiles was shushing him, placing kisses on his lips.

“No I definitely -“

“Stiles!” Dave yelled from the bottom of the stairs “Can you get down here please?”

Stiles groaned as Derek visibly tensed above him, quickly getting up and off of Stiles to shrug his jacket back on.

“Hey, don’t go!” Stiles pouted “He probably just wants to talk to me, I’ll come right back up.”

“No you won’t.” Derek growled before adding “I’ll see you tomorrow” after seeing Stiles sad face.


Once Stiles had seen Derek out the window, because seeing his boyfriend or whatever they were out the front door just wasn’t a plausible option at the minute, he made his way downstairs.

“Yeah dad?” Stiles asked as he bounded down the stairs, zipping up his hoody to best hide his new hickey.  He hoped his dad didn’t want to give him another lecture they’d been dancing around each other these last few days. Barely talking, and when they did talk it was a strained conversation and definitely no mentions were made about Derek or Gerard’s current case. Even though Stiles was dying to know what was going on.

He got to the bottom of the stairs to see a woman standing behind his father, at the front door. Laura Hale. Stiles didn’t miss the way her nose wrinkled up as he froze in his place, he was also sure  that she didn’t miss the way his face turned bright red, he only hoped his father was oblivious.

“Laura. What are you doing here?” Stiles belatedly realised this was probably why Derek had tensed up, he sensed his sister coming. Stiles was no werewolf expert but he was starting to learn that their sense were much stronger. Derek would know when another werewolf was near, especially pack and his family; he always knew when Stiles’ dad was home and where he was in the house. Derek had also mentioned something about their sense of smell being extremely strong, so yeah no duh Laura could smell Derek all over him.

“Laura here apparently wants to have a conversation with us” Dave Stilinski said motioning towards the living room, ushering everyone inside. The Sheriff sat on his recliner while Laura sat on the one end of the chair closest to the Sheriff while Stiles’ sat on the same couch as Laura on the other end; the farthest away from his father. Stiles had to hand it to Laura, choosing to sit that close to his father, the man with a gun. She was either stupidly brave, or it was just an Alpha thing.

“So?” the Sheriff asked.

“I feel the need to further explain everything that happened that night at the Argent’s” Laura clarified, interlacing her hands on her lap “I understand that we’ve put you in a rather peculiar situation, arresting the man that set fire to my family” she continued solemnly “but also  hiding my families secret.”

“Make no mistake Miss Hale; I’m not hiding your secret for you or your brother. If my son didn’t go and get himself mixed up in all of this I can assure you your brother’s and your face would be on the five o’clock news.”

“Your son also saved mine and Derek’s life” Laura responded “Had he not been there who knows what Peter or Gerard would have done. I’ve already lost my family; I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Derek as well.”

“At the expense of putting my son at risk?” The Sheriff grunted out.

“I am not some weak -” Stiles began before his father raised his index finger cutting off Stiles.

“Don’t you get started” he interrupted sternly. Stiles huffed out a breath, shutting his mouth. He knew better then to cross his father right now.

“You’re very right Mr. Stilinski” Laura piped in “I never meant for Stiles to get as involved as he did, I just needed him to get Gerard to open up so I could catch him. Had I known Stiles would get as... Involved as he did, I never would have asked.”

“You obviously don’t know my son very well” the Sheriff laughed, for the first time that night. Stiles threw his hands up in the air exasperated, eyes wide at the mention of never listening to do what he was told.

“So I’ve learned” Laura smiled “You should also know that when my family was alive we were raised from very a young age to control ourselves, to control how and when we... turn. We never injured families.”

“Ever?” the Sheriff asked crossing his arms in disbelief.

“Well... I can’t speak for the elders in my family under certain situations... Especially Peter. However my brother and I never have. Not until Peter” she answered lowering her head a little.

“I see. And where is Derek in all of this? I figured his interest in my son that he’d be here as well.”

Laura’s lips quirked into a little smile before she quickly recovered going back to her neutral face, as if she were in court, or you know, trying to save her brother and her ass from getting thrown in jail.

“He’s, sorting himself out” Laura answered.

It was Stiles turn to almost let out an uncontrollable laugh because sort himself out, really? That could be interpreted so many different ways. To Dave Stilinski it probably meant that Derek was sorting his feelings out, or trying to do the right thing and stay away from Stiles. But to Stiles? All he could think about was Derek sorting out that very hard erection that Stiles felt digging into his thigh only about 10 minutes ago.

“If sorting himself out means he’s staying away from Stiles than I’m happy” the Sheriff said.

“She’s not here to ask if I can come out and play!” Stiles scoffed “It’s my decision” Stiles exclaimed to his father.

Before Dave could give Stiles yet another stern look and even sterner lecture, Laura interrupted “My family had an agreement with Miss Hollis about keeping the peace, I intend to keep that. Miss Hollis can attest to that. As for the Argent’s, I’ve spoken to then as well, to Chris at least. We’ve come to an agreement, and there won’t be any more incidents.”

The Sheriff gave Laura a once-over, thinking before he spoke again. Stiles started to fidget in his chair, as much as he loved his dad he couldn’t bear the thought of him still not approving of Derek. Laura gave her best smile as the Sheriff spoke next.

“I take it that smile has gotten you out of a lot of trouble” the Sheriff replied trying to hide a smile.

“Of course not” she answered sweetly going in for the kill “I’ve made sure to keep myself out of trouble.”

“I’ll have a talk with Matilda. I may not be pleased with the situation, but I’ll learn to deal. The minute I hear of any trouble, werewolf related or not I assure you I will not hesitate to take action” The Sheriff said as he stood extending his hand to Laura who also rose to her feet.

“Sweet!” Stiles piped in jumping up from his seat.

Laura turned to give Stiles a little wink before she exited through the front door. Well at least one Hale knew how to use one.


The following morning before Stiles was about to head off to work he had a few minutes to kill so he decided to call Derek.

“Stiles, what’s wrong?” Derek answered almost on the first ring.

“Nothing! Jeez can’t a guy just call another guy?” Stiles retorted.

“Stiles -”

“We should go on a date” Stiles interrupted before Derek could finish whatever he had to say.

“A date?” Derek asked puzzled.

“You know dinner and a movie. Or just dinner, something that doesn’t take place in my bedroom at odd hours of the night.”

“A date” Derek stated again, less of a question more of a statement.

“I know full well you understand the concept of a -”

“Okay. I’ll pick you up tonight, what time do you finish work?” Derek said his turn to interrupt whatever snarky comment Stiles was ready to make.

“Hey I can totally pick you up you know. Unless you moved. Hey are you still at your house or what?” Stiles babbled on.

“I’ll pick you up” Derek sighed into the phone.

“I do own my own car you know” Stiles pointed out.

“One that looks like it’s about to fall apart.”

“Hey you don’t talk about my baby like that! But fine, we’re at least going half-sies on the dinner then.”

“I’ll see you tonight.”

“Hey I’m totally serious. Hello? Derek -”

The asshole hung up on me. Stiles thought as he made a mental note that clearly Derek was not a morning person. Well he did howl to the moon right? Stiles chuckled to himself as he exited the house ready to head off to work; he was just such a funny one.

All day at work Stiles was completely stoked for his dinner that night, this would be their first real date. Going to a lacrosse game didn’t really count did it? God that felt like years ago. His double date at Jimmy Dean’s definitely didn’t count considering they were with their own respective dates. Steve. Man he hadn’t heard from him since Derek’s party and Stiles prayed to the God’s on that one. Steve had probably heard or read in the paper about everything that went on with Gerard and the Argent’s. He more than likely didn’t want to get in a relationship with Stiles lest he turn out to be crazy himself. Hey if one good thing came out of all of this it was at least that Steve was out of the picture. Oh yeah, and Derek was more than in the picture now.

He got home a little later than expected because Miss Hollis needed help with a particularly large order and Stiles didn’t have the heart to tell her that he had somewhere to be. First off, she had hired him. Second off, she hadn’t fired him when he’d gotten himself into one hell of a mess and thirdly she was old. It didn’t matter that she was witch and could probably wave a wand or something and have the orders finished. He was taught better than to leave an old lady stranded to do some work.

Stiles shouted a quick “hi dad, bye dad” as he ran up the stairs to jump in the shower and get ready. He hadn’t forgotten how anal Derek is about time management, since the last 2out of 3 times they met he’d been late. Not his fault though, really.

He was out of the shower drying himself off and putting his boxers on when he heard the doorbell ring. Shit, Derek was early. And then it hit Stiles.

“Nooooooo!” He shouted as he tripped over his own legs trying to get his boxers on and running down the stairs. Only he was too late, his father had already answered the door, to find Derek standing on the front porch with dark slim-fitting slacks on, leather belt and a white Henley with the last two buttons undone. Yum.

“Derek” the Sheriff said nodding his head, opening the door further to let him in. Well at least he hadn’t shut the door in Derek’s face, that had to count for something right? Stiles had completely forgotten to tell his dad that he had a date, a date with Derek Hale. His dad didn’t know that they’d been seeing each other, if only in the confines of Stiles’ room. In Stiles defense he’d asked Derek out only this morning and he hadn’t properly seen his dad until right now.

“Sheriff” Derek replied nodding his head back as he stepped in the door.

“Why don’t we sit and have a chat?” Dave asked as he moved into the living room. This was total déjà vu only with Derek in Laura’s place from yesterday.

“Nope. No time for that! Sorry dad” Stiles said trying to intervene.

The Sheriff crossed his arms from where he stood at the entrance of the living room, Derek still at the door, Stiles at the base of the stairs.

“You’re in your boxers” Dave pointed out.

“I - shit” Stiles replied looking down to see his bare feet and boxers.

“What you get up to on your date is your business. But for the love of God you’re not leaving the house in your boxers” the Sheriff sighed.

“No shit dad! You think gay guys date differently? Sheesh. I’ll be two minutes!” Stiles said as he ran back up the stairs.

Dave nodded his head towards the couch in the living room, watching Derek making his way to sit down. He sat in the middle of the couch, not exactly close to the Sheriff but not a ridiculous distance away either, he leaned forward arms rested on his thighs, as the Sheriff sat opposite him.

“There’s not much for me to say” the Sheriff began “You probably know by now that your sister was here yesterday and explained everything, as well as she could.” Derek nodded his head in agreement “As for Stiles, well he’s Stiles. So all I can say is good luck” the Sheriff laughed out.

“-Thanks” Derek responded, this was not at all how he thought the conversation was going to go. He thought the Sheriff would give him a few choice words, explain that he had a gun and knew how to use it. Though it wouldn’t even affect Derek. He was not expecting the Sheriff to say good luck.

The Sheriff rolled his eyes before speaking again “Stiles is an adult. I can’t forbid him to see you; he’s still a teenager in that sense. I’d only be pushing him right to you. He has the heart of gold and trusts too easily, but he’s a smart man. He wouldn’t waste his time with you if he didn’t think it worth his time. So…” Dave shrugged “all I really can do is say good luck -”

“Ready!” Stiles yelled out as he jumped down the last few stairs with a loud thud, landing in the front foyer “Let’s go, come on!” Stiles said gesturing towards the front door.

“Have a good night” Stiles’ dad replied standing up letting Derek pass by as the two men made their way towards the front door.

“Got it, thanks dad. Night” Stiles shouted back as he made his down outside towards Derek’s car.


“So what’d my dad say?” Stiles questioned as he opened the passenger door of Derek’s Camaro.

“Nothing” Derek answered as he ducked into the driver’s seat.

“Yeah, right. When my dad feels like it he’s the King of talking. Especially when he’s in full Sheriff-mode” Stiles countered as he buckled himself in.

“He told me good luck” Derek shrugged.

“Good luck! You? Yeah right, I’m the one that needs the luck, look at you” Stiles sighed as looked out the window.

They drove for a little while in silence, not even any music to distract Stiles from his thoughts. He couldn’t stay quiet for long.

“So where we going?” Stiles asked fidgeting in his seat.

Derek accelerated on the gas, not bothering to answer. They drove for about another 10 minutes before they entered the town and pulled into the parking lot of the local steak house. Stiles was tempted to make a snarky remark about a restaurant that gives you a bib with your meal is hardly date material. But if he were being honest with himself, he was going to be on a date, with Derek. They could go to a fucking Mc Donald’s and Stiles would be happy about it. Derek was out of the car making his way around to the passenger side where Stiles was already exiting, Derek grabbed hold of the door opening it further for Stiles who was already half-way out.

“Oh, thanks” Stiles blushed stuffing his hands in his pocket, moving out of the way so Derek could shut the door.

“No problem” Derek mumbled back, gesturing his hand out towards the restaurant door, allowing to Stiles to pass in front of him.

Once inside, they were greeted by a blonde hostess in a plaid shirt, short shorts and cowboy boots. Stiles couldn’t help but notice the lack of buttons done up on her shirt, and what was obviously a push up bra in full effect. Talk about putting it all out there. She took an appreciative gaze over Stiles before quickly turning her vulture eyes on Derek, slowly appraising everything he had. Derek ignored her looks, saying his name and that he had a reservation. That broke Blondie out of her Derek induced daze as she looked back towards Stiles, then Derek then back again to Stiles before she finally seemed to catch on. She mumbled something looking down at the list of reservations before leading them to their table.

The trio made their way throughout the buzzing restaurant near to the back where they had their own little booth, Blondie placing their menus down saying something about their server being there shortly to take their drink orders. Stiles gave his best smile to the hostess as she walked away, turning his gaze down to the drink menu rolling his eyes. Derek couldn’t help but let out a little huff of laughter.

Their server came to their table introducing herself as Michelle and Stiles was pleased to see that although she was in a similar getup as Blondie she at least had the decency to be professional, and not rake her eyes over Derek like he were a piece of meat. Whether Blondie had said something or Michelle was just a good person Stiles didn’t know, or care. Considering he used to be one of those people that stared at Derek like he were a piece of cake.

They both ordered their drinks, a beer each, moving on to the menu. Derek ordered a steak, medium rare (Stiles was pleased to see he didn’t order it rare. Not that he thought Derek would do that, he really didn’t) and Stiles ordered a burger. Once the hostess left Stiles and Derek on their own, they were engulfed in silence one again.

“Sooo…” Stiles drew out “You made reservations.”

“This is a date” Derek quirked his eyebrow.

“Right” Stiles replied nodding his head “Why is this awkward? This is awkward isn’t it?”

“You’re the one making it awkward” Derek pointed out.

“I am not! You’re the one that’s been in my room every night these past few days with your tongue down my throat and now we’re sitting here like we’re being chaperoned” Stiles hissed out, looking up and turning a light shade of red as Michelle came back with their beers. She smiled, placing their drinks in front of them before leaving again.

“We’re in a restaurant” Derek noted “I’m not about to shove my tongue down your throat right now.”

“Well no duh” Stiles replied rolling his eyes, letting his mind wander to Derek and his tongue though.

After getting over their initial bump in the road of their first date they fell into an easy conversation. Of course Stiles holding more than his fair share of the conversation, but Derek listened intently, answering and making remarks when required of him and soon enough their food had arrived. Although Derek was the werewolf and Stiles a human, Derek dug into his food tactfully, cutting up his steak into small pieces before taking any bites. Stiles on the other hand grabbed his burger in both hands, pressing the buns firmly together before shoving it into his mouth, taking out a huge chunk.

Derek’s phone started to beep on the table, but he studiously ignored it taking another bite of his steak, watching Stiles eat his burger.

“Mmm this is delicious!” Stiles mouthed through a mouth full of food.

“I believe we had a conversation before about your talking with food in your mouth” Derek joked, taking a sip of his beer.

“I remember you telling me that I never shut my mouth” Stiles countered wiping his mouth with his napkin.

Derek was about to reply, but his phone beeped interrupting him. Stiles looked at Derek’s phone off to the side, then back again at Derek. “Popular guy huh?”

“I’m ignoring it” Derek shrugged as his phone once again went off.

Stiles rolled his eyes “Just answer it dude.”


His phone once again beeped, Stiles fed up went to reach for it before Derek snatched it up quickly. “I said I was ignoring it” Derek gritted out.

“Well you might as well answer it, I don’t mind” Stiles replied “I will mind if it keeps going off. It could be important” he pointed out.

Derek nodded his head looking down at his phone to read the messages that had been sent. His face immediately went blank as he continued reading.

“What’s wrong?” Stiles asked concerned.

“It’s Laura. She said they found Kate” Derek ground out.

“What, where?” Stiles asked dropping the French fry midway to his mouth on the table.

“New York.”

“And you’re going?” Stiles questioned, leaning back against the hard wood of the booth.

“I - I have to” Derek answered.

“You don’t have to” Stiles pointed out, grabbing his beer.

“You don’t understand” Derek growled.

“What I understand” Stiles hesitated, picking at the label on his beer bottle “Is that she’s already ruined your life. Twice. And now you’re willing to go to New York to -” Stiles pulled a face as he drew a line across his neck, mimicking killing someone. He didn’t even want to think about how he just seemed okay with the concept of someone getting killed that was a whole other issue.

“Yes” Derek replied curtly.

“What I mean” Stiles sighed, growing more uncomfortable “Look I don’t want to be some whiny bitch here or something. But she ruined your life already, like I said. Why are you going to let her do it again now? You’re just setting yourself up. I mean, I know we’re not like serious or anything… But ditching your current boyfriend or whatever” Stiles mumbled that last little bit out “To you know off your ex just seems oh I don’t know, unhealthy?”

Derek closely watched Stiles as he fidgeted in his seat, tearing the label off his beer bottle, cheeks tinged red from either being embarrassed or scared shitless of the way Derek was going to react. Derek begrudgingly had to admit that Stiles had a point.

“She’s crazy Stiles. What if she came back here? She knows how to hide well…”

Stiles nodded his head, because he also had to admit that Derek had a point. Stiles was not exactly interested in seeing Derek get shot or some crazy shit by Kate, or Laura, Stiles could only imagine the devastation Derek would face.

“I’ll text Laura” Derek stated “I’ll tell her to handle it. Okay?” Derek asked ducking his head a little lower to catch Stiles downturned gaze.

“’Kay” Stiles replied finally looking up to catch Derek’s gaze “Sorry.”

“Don’t be” Derek answered as he quickly typed out a text message.

They soon finished their meals, more somber than when they first got here. Stiles, true to his word when the bill came snatched it away to pay his half as Derek let out a little grunt as if he were offended Stiles even wanted to pay. He didn’t say anything though, letting Stiles lay out a few bills covering his own half of the bill before Derek put his own down.


“Thanks for dinner” Stiles said as he got out of Derek’s car once they were back at Stiles’ house.

“Shh” Derek replied, perking up as he stood in front of his car.


“Shh, come on” Derek ordered making his way towards Stiles’ front door.

“Dude, while I am well aware that you were gifted with super-sonic hearing and super-sonic everything else, it would be nice to have a heads up or something you know” Stiles complained as he fumbled with his house keys, entering the house “It’s just common curtsey when dating a meager - Laura?” Stiles asked face scrunched up in confusion as he entered his house.

Laura was sitting on the couch she had been on the night before, only this time she seemed a lot more comfortable. His father was in his usual spot on the recliner, the TV on, on some documentary.

“Oh hi Stiles. Derek” Laura smiled sitting up a little straighter on the couch.

“You guys are home early” the Sheriff replied looking away from the TV to the two men standing in the hallway.

“What’re you doing here? Oh god. Are you going to be my new step-mom? Because that would make Derek my - and oh god. The therapy!” Stiles babbled on covering his eyes with his hands.

“Stiles” The Sheriff said affronted while Laura just laughed.

“What? The whole men are into younger woman and you know, younger woman into older “distinguished” men. It’s a totally legitimate question” Stiles cried out.

“Thanks for the back-handed compliment kid.”

“I forgot that you and Derek had a date tonight” Laura explained “I thought you guys were just… hanging out here. I came over to talk to Derek, and your dad pulled into the driveway as I just got here. He invited me in.”

“Oh” Stiles answered.

“Well I should be going. Thanks for letting me” Laura smiled at Dave as she got up “C’mon Derek” she said grabbing her brother’s jacket as she sauntered out the door. Stiles following closely behind.

“What the hell Laura?” Derek asked as the three of them stood on the porch.

“I’m serious” Laura answered “I came to tell you about, Kate. When you weren’t here I texted you.”

“Yeah, so sorry about calling you my future step mother then. That’s embarrassing” Stiles piped in.

“It’s no problem” Laura chuckled “Well, I’ll get going. Gotta head to New York, I’ll let you two say goodnight” as she winked at Stiles, walking away.

“Well that’s one way to end a date” Stiles laughed.

Derek groaned before pulling Stiles in by the nape of the neck to place a kiss on Stiles’ lips. He didn’t linger on the kiss, as much as he wanted to. He knew Laura was around, and they had to talk.

“I’ll see you later” Derek breathed, pulling away from the kiss.

“That’s becoming your motto y’know” Stiles responded.

“Soon” Derek whispered “Everything will be sorted.”


Chapter 8|

Further note: I promise the next chapter contains the porn! It's already done so. :)

stiles stilinski, sterek, teen wolf, derek hale

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