Imagine Me & You

Nov 30, 2012 14:18

Title: Imagine Me & You
Summary: AU. In which Peter, Laura and Kate are all alive. Derek and Kate are getting married, Stiles works at the floral shop arranging the flowers for the wedding. Everything is not as it seems.
Warning: Mentions of violence, Language
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 6/?
Notes: No beta so mistakes are mine. 
Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5|


“So you’re telling me, you all just happen to be here?” The sheriff sighed standing outside the Argent house flipping through Gerard’s leather book “What are you two doing back?” he asked, talking to Allison and Scott.

“Just wanted to have a little family bonding time” Allison lied, a sheepish grin on her face.

“And that involves having your grandfather arrested?” Dave asked looking up from the book.

“Dad you should be happy! This has got to be about a dozen cold case files that you can officially close, right?” Stiles interrupted, trying to save Allison from having to answer any more questions.

“And you” said Stiles’ father “I thought you grew out of showing up at crime scenes when you were in high school. Don’t think we’re not going to talk about this later on, not to mention those cuts on your face.”

“I - It wasn’t -” Stiles tried to get out.

“Sheriff, it was my fault, honestly” Laura interjected, trying to save Stiles. Seems like they were all tag-teaming it “I had a hunch that Gerard was the one that set the fire and I confronted him at his house, that’s when I found the book.”

“You confronted? Meaning, you what, trespassed? Punishable by law Miss Hale. But please don’t all try and insult my intelligence, there’s obviously a big chunk of the puzzle that I’m missing and I intend to get it” the Sheriff stated making a point to look at each of them in the eye “But for now I’ll take Gerard in, do you know who hired him to set the fire?”

“He said it was my uncle, Peter. I haven’t seen him in years, he must have run away once everything happened” Laura lied.

Dave Stilinski nodded resigned from trying to get the truth out of any of these miscreants at the minute opting to radio into the office to tell them he was bringing in Gerard.

“They killed him! They’re werewolves!” Gerard yelled from the back on the police cruiser.

Everyone froze in place as Gerard kept yelling “Check the house, there are more werewolves and in my fucking house! I’ll hunt them all down, shoot them! Filthy creatures.”

“What the -?” the Sheriff started to ask at the same time Stiles answered.

“He’s on medication, got cancer. Making him a bit loopy, apparently! Talking about werewolves. Ha, this isn’t Little Red Riding Hood is it?  Nope. So yeah dad might wanna get him into the station. Get him checked out” Stiles whistled as he made the little crazy sign.

“It’s true, he does have cancer” Allison confirmed.

“I’m starting to regret the day I ever decided to become a cop” Dave Stilinski exhaled making his way back to his police cruiser.


“I so have a first class trip with a deluxe suite reserved in hell” Stiles complained making his way back into the Argent house “Lying to my dad like I’m a teenager again, stealing his whisky.”

“You only ever stole the whisky so he wouldn’t drink it” Scott replied slinging his arm around Stiles neck “You know why? Because you were protecting him, just like you are now. You did the right thing Stiles.”

“Huh, how very profound of you Scott. I think I could use that whisky now though.”

Laura, Stiles, Scott and Allison all made their way back into the office that was once a very gruesome crime scene but now was starting to resemble somewhat of a normal room. Even if it was stripped bare as Erica, Isaac and Boyd were scrubbing at the floors and walls removing any lingering traces of blood. Derek leaning against the desk, arms crossed scowling at the betas.

Derek had insisted that he be there when the Sheriff showed up to arrest Gerard, if only for the reason that he wanted to be near Stiles, make sure he was okay. Laura had other plans though. She insisted that Derek stay with the betas in here, because how were they to explain these three new people? She also pointed out that although she talked to them, and they seemed somewhat willing to be part of her pack, that didn’t mean she trusted them enough to leave them in the house alone. Laura used her Alpha voice and that’s how Derek got to be in charge of babysitting duty.

“Stiles” said Derek, uncrossing his arms as he made his way towards Stiles, tension leaving his body “What the fuck is wrong with you? With both of you?” he growled looking between Stiles and Laura.

“You put him in danger” Derek stated.

“I didn’t mean to” Laura sighed “I asked him to do one simple little task for me, he took the ball and rolled with it, without informing me.”

“Should have known better” snickered Scott, which earned him a smack in the head from Stiles.

“Look I’m fine” Stiles responded sweeping his hands up and down his body “In perfect working condition.”

Derek let out a little breath as he pulled Stiles forward by the neck of his shirt to place his lips on Stiles. He only meant for it to be a chaste little kiss, but Stiles had other plans. He grabbed the hem of Derek’s shirt, pulling Derek as close to himself as he could, responding to the kiss. He opened up for Derek more, letting him slip in his tongue taking it slow, like they had all the time in the world.

Only they were interrupted by Scott groaning, Allison giggling and Erica making gagging noises.

“Okay, that’s enough for now” Laura interrupted pulling Derek by the back of his shirt so that he was wretched away from Stiles.

“Hey!” Stiles groaned, rubbing his lips together his brown eyes wide and sad.

“Oh none of that Stiles!” Laura laughed “You’ll have plenty of time for that. But for now I need to deal with my pack, Derek included. If you guys haven’t noticed Kate is still on the loose.”

At the mention of Kate’s name Derek let out a low growl from the back of his throat, whole body seizing up with tension. He swore if he ever saw her again he’d make sure to kill her, rip her limb from limb killing her slowly.

“Exactly” Laura said, rubbing soothing circles into her younger brother’s back “Not only do we have to deal with her, but we have these three to deal with” referring to the betas.

Isaac let out a little whimper, Erica pouting with her hands on her hips while Boyd lifted his head up as if in defiance before he spoke “We won’t be a problem. We’ll join your pack.”

“As for you three, we’ll also need to talk. Not now, but later” Laura explained speaking to Stiles, Scott and Allison who nodded their heads.

Laura was the first to exit the room, Isaac Boyd and Erica closed behind while Derek hung back, staring at Stiles. He looked as if he were a kicked puppy, not wanting to leave Stiles’ side. As if he walked away he wouldn’t ever see Stiles again, he’d slip through unnoticed.

“Derek, now” Laura ordered from outside the house.


“I have no idea what I’m supposed to tell my father” Allison sighed, sitting on the stool by the island in the kitchen of her family house.

“That makes two of us” Stiles groaned, elbows on the counter on the opposite side of Allison, head resting on his hands.

“I have no idea what I’m supposed to think at all!” Scott exclaimed.

“Old news” Stiles yawned, small smirk across his face.

“Hey! I meant about all this fairy tale crap. Oh my God! Are vampires real?” Scott exclaimed.

“I was wondering the same thing actually” Stiles added, standing up a little straighter as they both stared at Allison, waiting for an answer.

“I don’t know!” Allison laughed “We only dealt with werewolves. Ugh, can we please talk about something more pleasant? Something normal.”

So Stiles asked about their engagement and any ideas on a date to get married. Allison became a lot more animated, telling Stiles all her ideas from colour schemes, to locations. Scott was beaming when it came to his story time. He told Stiles’ that he got accepted to the four year program he applied to, to become a veterinarian. The program also happened to be about forty or so minutes outside of Beacon Hills.

Stiles congratulated his best friend, excited by the news that his best friends were going to be moving back closer to home. Not only would it make him happy, but he also knew that Mellissa would be happy that her only son would be closer as well. He could only imagine all the wedding planning that’s going to go on between Allison and Melissa.

Stiles also hoped that Allison would become closer with her family, well the non-crazies at least. Which pretty much only left Chris and Allison’s mom, unless they still decide to be werewolf hunters, then he really had no idea what the hell was going to happen.


Stiles left shortly after his and Allison and Scott’s normal conversation, at Allison’s request. Her parents were going to be home soon, and if they hadn’t already heard about Gerard getting arrested and everything else that ensued than she was going to have to explain. Scott has insisted that he stay with Allison, for moral support, but she thought it would be better if she explained everything on her own; it was her family after all.

“I just wanted to say sorry” Stiles sighed standing on the front porch as Scott waited for him in the car.

“For what?” Allison asked.

“When I called you, I was rude and harsh. I was only thinking about Derek, and not what you went through, what you are going through. I should have been more sympathetic. And then you got yourself into this whole mess, and your grandfather is arrested, your aunt is a psychotic bitch and you hardly speak to your parents” Stiles explained.

“Oh Stiles, it wasn’t your fault. None of it was. My grandfather was obviously corrupt, yes my parents are hunters but they always followed a code, they never killed children. That fire killed an entire family, children and humans included. I didn’t know about the fire, if my parents did, well I just really hope they didn’t…”


“But whatever happens” she continued on “You’re still my best friend and I’m glad you called, I’m glad you kicked my ass in gear. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t been here, who knows what would have happened if Gerard was still on the loose. So thank you, Stiles.”

“At least we’re not in peril danger anymore” Stiles laughed as he brought Allison in for a tight hug, only letting go after Scott yelled “hey!” out the window, as if Stiles were inappropriately groping his best friends fiancée.


Scott dropped Stiles off to an empty house, before heading to his moms. Stiles noted his father wasn’t home due to the lack of his car in the driveway so he made his way into the house going over everything that happened earlier.

He flicked on the TV flipping through different channels not really paying attention. He couldn’t stop going over and replaying every little detail. Even though it only happened a few hours ago, it felt like it happened days, months, years ago, it was like one giant blur.

Why Gerard would do what he did, kill innocent people, humans, and children? Why was Kate so willing to go along with this plan? Was she that delusional that she thought she could live a happy life with Derek? Not to mention Peter, why did he want to bite Stiles? Why would he kill his own family? Stiles didn’t even want to try and open up that bag of crazy.

But thinking about Peter while inwardly cringing, led him to think about Miss Hollis. She said she’d help Stiles with the herbs but he vaguely remembers her being there, sure it was a little fuzzy he face planted into a fucking concrete pathway, but he remembers hearing her voice.


Stiles grabbed his keys trudging out to his jeep and headed to the flower shop hoping that Miss Hollis was still there.

“Back here Stiles” Miss Hollis hollered from her restricted room.

“Witch senses in play?” Stiles asked as he stood at the entrance of Miss Hollis’ room, not wanting to enter without her permission, he know how uptight she was about her room.

“There’s a bell on the door” she sighed resting whatever plant she was tending to on the counter “What can I do for you?”

“Oh right” Stiles laughed, embarrassed. He’d had a bit of a hectic day, sue him for not remembering the bell on the door “I came to say thanks... and also ask why?”


“Well you said you were only going to help by giving me those herbs and that you weren’t going to do anymore. But I distinctly remember seeing you outside, when I you know, did my solo face dive.”

“I did say that, yes. But when I realised that Peter was in the picture, I knew you lot had gotten yourselves into a lot more trouble than you all had initially anticipated. I couldn’t stand by and watch you get hurt, any of you. I could only imagine your father’s reaction.”

“Uh yeah what was up with Peter?” Stiles asked biting his lip, shuddering.

“That’s something you’re better off asking the Hale family, it’s not my place to say anything. My problem with him began many years ago; he was always up to mischief and causing problems between humans and werewolves.”


“I’m glad to see that you’re alright, that you’re all okay. I’m also glad to see that Allison is on the right side of this mess, as for the rest of her family we’ll have to wait and see.”

“Well I just wanted to say thank you, again. I know you didn’t have to do any of this and you put yourself at risk.”

“I am more than capable of taking care of myself” laughed Miss Hollis.

Stiles was glad that he’d gotten that out of the way as he got back into his jeep heading home, next was to deal with his father which was probably going to be the worse. A close second would be seeing Derek again, figuring everything out. Lastly dealing  with Scott and Allison, mainly Allison and what’s going to happen with her family.


By the time the Sheriff got home that night, his son had long since passed out sleeping. He had intended to get home earlier, to check on his son and those cuts across his face. Not to mention getting an actual explanation about what really happened, none of this half-ass explanations. Things back at headquarters took a lot longer to deal with though.

Gerard kept rambling about werewolves and hunting in the initial interview, no one knew what the hell to make of him. His lawyer finally showed up and tried to cover for him saying he was going crazy, Dave either thought the lawyer knew more of what was really going on, or he was trying to save his clients ass from getting thrown into jail. Gerard is an old man, after all. Chris Argent and his wife finally showed up a few hours later, confirming Stiles and Allison’s first declaration that Gerard was a little loopy from all the medication.

The Sheriff decided to book and process him, leave him in one of the holding cells overnight, with a deputy keeping a close eye on him until morning. When everyone had a fresh mind to deal with this case, it was going to take ages to process all those names in the book and close some case files, especially since some were in other jurisdictions.

Dave headed to his own bedroom to try and get a decent night’s sleep before talking to Stiles tomorrow then head back into the station. He was getting too old for this shit.

“Wake up kid” Stiles’ father said banging on his sons door early the next morning “coffee is on and I expect an explanation. Be downstairs in 10 minutes or else.”

Stiles groaned into his pillow, damp with drool as he rolled out of bed wiping the dried drool around his mouth. It was too early, his bones ached, his face felt like it was on fire, he could feel some bruises forming and he was not at all equipped to handle his father right now. He didn’t know how to tell his dad about werewolves let alone what Derek and Laura might think of him telling his father, the Sheriff.

He trudged down the stairs as slowly as he could, making his way into the kitchen where his father sat with the Sunday newspaper folded in front of him and a mug of coffee in hand. Stiles noted the picture of Gerard, some random one a reporter had obviously dug up with the headline about “Rogue Assassin” or something like that.

“So?” Dave asked putting his coffee cup down on the table, hand still wrapped around the mug.

Stiles blew out a puff of air, making his way around the kitchen table to make his cup of coffee. He sat down across the table from his father and explained, everything. He started from the minute Kate and Derek entered the store, when he tried to kiss Derek, when Derek kissed him in Miss Hollis’ restricted room, when Laura called and then when the fight ensued. He explained about the werewolves, about Peter and the other betas, about psychotic Kate being on the loose, he even mentioned Allison and her apparently amazing bow and arrow skills and lastly about old Miss Hollis, the witch.

Dave was kind enough not to interrupt Stiles throughout his story, making mental notes of points he clearly wanted to refer back to when Stiles was done. He only shook his head “no” throughout the whole story in disbelief, this was not his life.

“So you’re telling me there are werewolves? Like Michael J. Fox?” Dave asked rubbing at his eyes.

“Yes, that’s what I’m telling you” Stiles answered fidgeting around in his chair “But you have to believe me the Hale’s are a good family, they don’t harm humans, only Peter. You can ask Miss Hollis!”

“And you’re telling me” Dave continued, drumming his fingers on the table “That you all took part in a crime, in the killing of Peter Hale? Jesus Stiles! I’m the Sheriff of this god damn town and my son is running around with murders!”

“They’re not murders! You’ve gotta understand they had to do it. Peter couldn’t go to jail, he could easily escape, kill inmates, kill guards, kill you!”

“And he damn near almost killed you!” Dave yelled banging his hand on the table, making Stiles jump at the unexpected noise.

“But they took care of it” Stiles whispered “And they could have killed Gerard, but they didn’t! He was a human and we called you, and now he can spend the rest of his life in jail.”

“God dammit Stiles. I’m the sheriff and now I have to cover a part of the largest cases in Beacon Hills because I don’t want my son and his friends implicated! You are not to see the Hale’s again, stay the hell away from them.”

“I’m not a child anymore! I’m over 18, you can’t tell me who to stay away from” Stiles yelled.

“The hell I can, you’re in my house and they’re criminals.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me" Stiles grumbled getting up from the table "not happening."


Despite telling his father to "fuck off" in the nicest way possible, because no way was he going to actually be that rude to his father, and there was no way he was going to stay away from Derek. It seemed like it didn't matter what he wanted though. It's been a few days since the whole mess happened at the Argent household and he still hadn't heard from Derek. He contemplated texting Derek but thought better of it; it was Derek's turn to come to him.

Stiles at the very least helped Derek get away from that psychotic bitch Kate so if he didn't want to be with Stiles he could at least have the decency to say "hey thanks" but seemed like avoidance was Derek's tactic. Stiles wasn't going to pout about it, no siree. Well maybe a little.

He instead opted to resort to his initial plan from a few weeks ago of "operation ignore Derek" and he focused more on work and anything else he could distract himself with. Even Stiles' dad seemed to be avoiding him, coming home later than usual from work and being unusually quite.

At least Stiles still had his job at the flower shop and Miss Hollis hadn't thrown his ass out on the front step. If only for the reason that she couldn't be bothered to hire and train anyone else. She at least, wasn't avoiding or ignoring Stiles and was back to her usual self, only now Stiles knew her true identity.


A little over a week after the whole debacle Stiles still hadn't heard from Derek and had his usual Sunday off. He signed into his Skype at the usual time to talk to Scott, who had gone back with Allison to their place, they wouldn't be moving back for a little while. Stiles was surprised to see that his best friend wasn't on, he knew things were still a little off between him and Allison since everything came out, which is to be understood, so he stayed logged on to give Scott a few more minutes before he'd sign out.

He left Skype on in the background while he messed around on the internet for a few minutes before he heard the tell-tale sign of a Skype call coming through, what Stiles hadn't expected was for it to be from Robert.

"Hey?" Stiles answered with a little smile on his face, slightly confused as he waited for the camera to load.

"Hey Stiles" Robert answered, shifting in his seat "Where are you?"

"At home" Stiles replied quirking his eyebrow, what a random question.

"Oh... I thought you'd be in Oregon. I thought you'd accepted your offer in that program"

"Nope, decided to come home and spend some quality time with the old man. Just don't tell him I called him old, he's about ready to kick me out anyway" said Stiles only slightly joking, he was on edge just waiting for his dad to tell him to move on out.

"I thought that's why you didn't come to London with me Stiles, was because you were going to Oregon. Not because you were moving home." Robert emphasized.

"No, I didn't move to London with you because you didn't ask me Robert. You told me you were going to London without actually talking to me. Did you expect me to just pack up and move?" Stiles asked getting angrier. He didn't want to talk about this, stir up a bunch of drama he'd worked hard to get over.

"I thought you'd be excited and you'd just come along. I'm sorry if it seemed like I didn't consider what you wanted. I really did. Remember when you made me watch your whole James Bond marathon?" Robert laughed at the same time Stiles nodded his head, remembering that weekend perfectly "and that time you made us drive 40 minutes out just to get the best Fish and Chips? You always used to talk about all the places you wanted to visit in London."

"I remember" Stiles agreed "I guess I just expected you to put more consideration into what I wanted before you made plans" Stiles shrugged "Do you like it out there at least?"

"I love it! I have this great little apartment that's near to everything, I've met some pretty cool people. Still miss my family... and you. Do you like it?"

"What? Beacon Hills?" Stiles couldn't help but let out a loud laugh at that, it was Beacon Hills after all "Nothing like home right?"

"Remember that first place we got together? It was a complete shit hole but you insisted we get it and it was all we could afford?"

"And I made that place look gorgeous! I'm telling you if I fail in my line of work I have one in interior design" Stiles scoffed.

It didn't take Stiles and Robert long to fall back into their old pattern of talking; it came so easily to them. They talked about old memories, new things Robert was experiencing out there, Stiles’ oh so interesting job at the flower shop and what he's been up to. Stiles pointedly left out the whole Derek mess, there was no use in bringing that up and throwing it in Robert's face. If Robert had met anyone, he hadn't brought it up either. It was the one subject they both seemed content to leave well enough alone.

"I can't believe I even got you to agree - oh holy shit" Stiles screeched bringing his hand up to his chest to slow his now thundering heartbeat down "Uh Robert, sorry something came up. We'll talk later okay?" Stiles said as he brought his free hand up to shut his laptop closed.

"Um... Okay bye-" Robert barely got out before he was cut off.

Stiles looked back over to his window which was the cause of his near heart attack. Well not the window so much as the man currently prying it open.

"Jesus fuck dude!" Stiles yelled scrambling up from his chair as Derek straightened himself once he'd gotten through the window.

"Your dad's home and I'm well aware that he's not so fond of me" Derek retorted as if that explained flinging himself in through a window "Who was that?" Derek continued nodding his head towards the laptop.

"Huh? Oh. Robert" Stiles shrugged nonchalantly.

"Your ex?"


Derek nodded his head shoving his hands in his pocket, as if he weren't quite sure what to say despite him being the one to barge in.

"Listen, if you're here to break it off or whatever, fine. I mean now that we were ever together or anything" Stiles rambled on "and you're welcome" he finished.

"For what?" Derek asked confused.

"Saving you for your crazed ex-girlfriend. Though you guys are the one that did the well, killing. But still I'd say my actions were a contributing factor, so. You're welcome" he repeated.

"I didn't ask for your help" Derek growled.

"Oh. Well than I'm sorry" Stiles replied sarcastically throwing his hands up in the air "Next time a guy kisses me and I find out his fiancées family are a bunch of fucking hunting killers, I'll mind my own damn business and let everything go to hell."

"That's not what I meant" Derek sighed "You could have gotten hurt, you did get hurt" pointedly looking at the slowly fading bruises along Stiles' face "I won't forgive Laura for putting you in harm’s way."

"I'd say you did that quite well on your own, the whole kissing me and having your crazy uncle after me" Stiles pointed out "Where have you been?"

"I haven't been avoiding you" Derek lied; Stiles crossed his arms over his chest a silent yeah? Fuck you dude.

"Laura called a pack meeting. We had to get everything settled with the other werewolves" Derek continued on "Kate's still on the loose as well, we've been looking for her. We needed to get everything in order."

"She's still on the loose?" Stiles asked hesitantly.

"Yes. She's a trained hunter, she knows how to stay hidden if she wants. That won't stop us, we'll find her one day. She'll be sorry" Derek growled letting the threat hang loosely in the air between the two of them. He didn't have to say it, but Stiles knew what he  meant. He knew Derek would kill Kate if he ever saw her again.

"I - I don't know how to do this well Stiles" Derek hesitated "I've never had a proper relationship. Kate fucked me up a long time ago and this time around I got so use to faking it, not wanting to feel any real happiness..."

"She's out of the picture now though" Stiles whispered "You don't ever have to worry about being with her again."

"I know and I'm thankful for that. It doesn't mean I want to rush into anything... Not that I don't want to be with you, I do" Derek rushed on as he saw Stiles about to interrupt "I just  need this to go, slow. I need to build back my relationship with Laura, she's hurt I thought I couldn't go to her. I need to sort myself out as well."

"I'm the master of taking it slow!" Stiles exclaimed "I had like a 10 year one-sided relationship with this girl Lydia. I think I can wait this one out" Stiles smiled.

"I'm not asking for 10 years" Derek laughed "Hanging out, getting to know my sister. I'd like for you to do all that, before anything else" said Derek.

Stiles knew Derek meant sex and although sex involving Derek has filtered through Stiles mind on more than one occasion, he wasn't the perpetually horny teenager he used to be. He knew how to control himself.

"Deal" Stiles said extending his hand.

Derek rolled his eyes before closing the last little distance to press his lips against Stiles in the quickest kiss known to man before he was heading back to the window.

"Hey!" Stiles called out, as Derek froze halfway out through the window "Warn a guy next time. Or you know, use the front door."

"Don't talk to your ex" Derek growled.

"Oooh, possessive" Stiles joked "Deal, again."

Before he finished Derek was out the window and Stiles was left once again alone. Except this time he didn't feel so alone, like he had the past week. He smiled to himself now knowing without a doubt that Derek did want him. He didn't care how slow they had to take it.


Further note: I promise they won't take it that slow, we'll get to the porn soon. ;)

Chapter 7|

stiles, stiles stilinski, teen wolf, derek hale

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