Imagine Me & You

Nov 25, 2012 16:10

Title: Imagine Me & You
Summary: AU. In which Peter, Laura and Kate are all alive. Derek and Kate are getting married, Stiles works at the floral shop arranging the flowers for the wedding. Everything is not as it seems.
Warning: Language, Violence
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 5/?
Notes: No beta so mistakes are mine. Also this is loosely based off of the movie Imagine Me & You, very loosely might I add. 

Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4|

(This jumps from the past to the present, though it's clearly labelled. And for the love of God I hope this makes sense/flows and you all can keep up. Otherwise, I'm sorry! ha)


“Was that the Sheriff’s kid, Stilinski?” Peter asked emerging from the top of the stairs the moment Stiles left the Hale residence, making his way to Derek.

“It was nothing” Derek shrugged hoping that was enough to end the conversation, he should have known better.

“Oh it seemed like everything Derek. What you choose to do once you marry Kate and have children with her is up to you. But before that, I suggest you keep your mind focused. We have a deal; I’d hate to have to carry out my threat.”

“I said it was nothing” Derek gritted out once again.

“Could have fooled me nephew. By the way, this Stiles is quite the cutie I take it since it was “nothing” Peter continued emphasizing on the nothing “that he’s available? Aside from kissing you of course.”

“Just leave him out of this” Derek roared inching closer to Peter, ready to fight. Even though he knew he didn’t stand a chance, Peter could take him down in an instant “I’m sticking to your fucking plan, I’m marrying Kate. Stick to your goddamn plan and leave Laura out if it, Stiles too.”

Peter closed the distance between himself and his nephew, swiftly placing his leg behind Derek and pushing him so that he fell to the ground.

“You’re hardly in any place to be making any demands Derek. Marry Kate, breed me some good little werewolves. Kate is smart, strong and beautiful if you’re into the whole woman thing and I’ll handle the betas I already turned. I want the strongest pack. Do you understand?” Peter sneered as he bent down to Derek sprawled on the floor, gripping his hair and pulling his head back to expose his neck.

“Yes” Derek grated out between clenched teeth as he closed his eyes waiting for Peter to leave.

“Good then I’ll leave that nosy no good sister of yours alone. As for Stiles, well he would make an excellent wolf, might have to consider him especially now that he knows about us” Peter retorted as he made his way out of the Hale house and into the woods.



“Peter?” Laura gasped at the same time Derek tried to make his way towards Stiles, crumpled on the floor.

“Not a chance” Peter said as he grabbed Derek by his jacket flinging him into the wall before he could get an inch closer to Stiles.

“What are you doing here?” Laura demanded.

“More importantly, it’s what are you doing here dear Laura? You always know how to ruin a perfectly laid out plan.”

“It doesn’t matter. Whatever the fuck is going on it ends now.” Laura spit out.

“Derek would never have been stupid enough to call you.” Peter queried, tapping his finger on his chin as if he were contemplating the pros and cons of quantum physics.

“It was me” Stiles whispered into his sleeve from his place on the floor.

“You?” Peter snarled dragging Stiles up by the back of his shirt as he placed Stiles in front of him as a protective shield as both Laura and Derek stepped closer. “I’d think very closely you two. You kill me and you kill him” he said referring to Stiles.

“It was you Stiles?” Derek asked with a distressed look on his face.

“Partially” Stiles answered as he tried to wriggle out of Peter’s hold which only got stronger.

“This is all my fault” Laura whispered.



It was Thursday morning, the day after Stiles had confronted Derek about his furry little situation when the house phone was ringing off the hook. He grumbled under his breath to himself as he made his way downstairs to answer the phone located in the kitchen.

“’ello?” Stiles slurred into the phone as he flipped on the coffee machine.

“Shit I’m sorry I always forget about the time difference” a woman said by way of greeting into the phone.

“Who’s this?” Stiles asked ready to unleash his fury to whoever woke him up at 7am when he didn’t need to be in to work until 11 that morning.

“Oh I’m sorry” the woman giggled “It’s Laura. Derek Hale’s sister…”

“What?” Stiles demanded as he froze midway reaching for his batman mug, coffee be damned when Derek’s sister was on the phone. What the fuck?

“I’m so sorry to call, I must seem like such a stalker” she sighed “I happened to be on the phone with Derek yesterday when you went to his house…I only heard the beginning of the conversation, but it got me worried” she rushed on.

“I… Um” Stiles replied as he pulled out the kitchen chair and plopped down on it, too stunned to say anything “You’re a… werewolf too?”

“Yes. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about -”

“I won’t tell anyone” Stiles cut in “So you don’t need to go all protective over your dumbass of a brother, no offence. No threats needed here, no sir-ee. Might I add that my dad’s the Sheriff so you know…”

Laura let out a little laugh into the phone before answering “I know who your father is Stiles. I’m also not here to threaten you by any means. In fact I need your help.”

“My help? Now I’m confused, well even more confused.”

“How did you find out Derek was a werewolf?”

“Lucky guess?” Stiles shrugged, even though Laura couldn’t see his gesture.

“Want to try again?” she laughed into the phone.

“He kissed me after he totally rejected me and this liquid which was apparently brewed by a witch! I didn’t even know I was working for one, I mean I know people called her an old witch around town but I thought that was just because she was old, and had a cat and a little on the crazy side and -”

“Stiles” Laura interrupted.

“Right sorry. Anyway when the glass broke and the liquid started dripping some fell on his arm, and it sort of burned him and then it healed!”

“That’s when he told you?”

“Ha! Your brother isn’t really the talkative type. No, I went home thinking I was going to have to check myself into a mental institution or something, when I started researching everything I’d witnessed and that’s when I found out. Why do you need my help?” Stiles asked changing the topic.

Laura sighed into the phone before answering “I don’t know if my brother told you I’m not the biggest fan of Kate Argent. They dated a few years back, they broke up and when we moved to New York I thought he’d move on. When she came back into his life, and they got engaged I had a funny feeling something was going on. Derek became even more closed off than he used to be and I didn’t understand why, I still don’t.”

“Okay…” Stiles drawled on.

“That’s when I started working with some other packs here in New York, trying to find out as much as I could about Kate and her family. That’s when I found some stuff out and that’s why I’m calling you.”

“Me? What can I do?” Stiles asked finally getting up grab the milk out of the fridge and seriously contemplating about having a beer, even though it was 7am.

“I don’t know if you’ve met Gerard, her father? I need you to spook him” Laura stated.

Stiles nearly dropped the milk on the ground, ready to burst out laughing at where this conversation was going.

“I’m not the werewolf” Stiles laughed out “I can’t spook anyone. You’re the ones that are monsters that go bump in the night. No offence” he added on.

“Thanks” she replied sarcastically “Your father is the Sheriff Stiles. I know you’re arranging the flowers for their wedding. I need to find out why this wedding is going on, and for that to happen I need to spook Gerard. There’s no way he’ll open up otherwise. There’s also no way Derek will open up to me, not anymore, not about Kate. I just need you to drop a few hints to Kate or someone in her family about your father re-opening the investigation into my families’ deaths. The thing is, Derek can’t know.”

This time Stiles did drop his spoon onto the floor as it clattered against the hard surface, he supposed he should be thankful it wasn’t his favourite mug.

“You think they had something to do with your families’ death?”

There was a moment of hesitation on the other end before Laura finally answered.

“Yes. But I don’t understand why. Why they would do what they did but then have Kate marry my brother… There seems to be a million different puzzle pieces missing. I know this is a lot to ask of someone I’ve never met, but are you willing? I’m desperate” Laura pleaded.

“I’ll help anyway I can” Stiles breathed into the phone.

“Even if it means not telling Derek?”

“He’s not talking to me at the minute anyway” Stiles answered “Don’t think he likes me at all.”

“I think he likes you too much” chuckled Laura.

Stiles and Laura talked for about another 20 minutes going over the plan, with Laura clearly reiterating Stiles’ role and not to take it any further than what they discussed, because she didn’t know what they were walking in to.

After Stiles hung up, he shook his head wondering how the hell he got himself into this mess but wasn’t all that surprised because these things just seemed to happen to him. He wondered what his life would have been like if he were in London with Robert living a blissfully unaware life, eating fish and chips and drinking beers at the pub.

Later that night he set the plan into motion, texting Derek telling him to not come to the next floral meeting because he didn’t want to have to face him. He just hoped it would work.



“Your fault?” Peter smirked “Should have just stayed out of it Laura. Ever since you were little you always got a head of yourself.”

“I told you to stay out of this” Derek roared in Laura’s direction.

“You really should have listened niece. Derek’s only doing this to protect you. I told him if he didn’t cooperate I’d make sure to kill you. Seems like Derek here couldn’t bear to lose any more family.”

“But why marry Kate?” Laura asked “and why does Gerard want to kill you?” she continued gesturing towards Gerard who still stood by the desk, no way of escaping with three werewolves in the room.

“Your father was a useless Alpha” Peter sneered “Wanted the family to be tame, coexist with humans. Minimal to no hunting. What kind of life is that? A pathetic one if you ask me. I’ve already turned three people, part of my pack they should be here any minute actually. As for Derek marrying Kate, well I want the Hale family to prosper, but do I want children of my own? Of course not. I don’t want cubs from another pack either, sharing power? I don’t share” he scoffed.

“And Gerard?” Laura asked.

“He wants the bestiary and now to be turned” Peter answered “Not that I intend to give him either.”

“It wouldn’t work anyways” Stiles gasped out, re-joining the conversation from the confines of Peter’s grip on him.

“What?” Peter and Gerard asked at the same time.

Stiles just smiled while he explained, as Gerard was ready to charge at Stiles before being slammed to the ground by Derek.

Everything became a blur after that, as three new people entered the room.



“Hey Tilly?” said Stiles during his lunch break on Friday.

She just looked up from her position in the kitchen, while she continued to stir her cup of tea.

“So… You know. I’ve kinda heard some things” he continued when Miss Hollis didn’t answer, running his hand over his head.

“We all hear things Stiles” Miss Hollis replied, taking a seat at the small table adjacent to the counter.

“How very philosophical” he quipped.

“Stiles, what is it you want?” Miss Hollis asked growing impatient.

“Oh God, okay” he said as he sat down across from his boss “So as you know I went to school and majored in folklore?” he asked to which Miss Hollis just nodded her head in agreement.

“Well… Do you, you know… Believe in that stuff?” he stuttered out, looking away.

“If you’re asking me, I take it you already know the answer” Miss Hollis answered cryptically “I also assume that means you’ve learned about the Hale’s?”

“So Derek was right! You are a witch?” he blurted out.

“If you want to be technical, yes” she answered.

“Is that why you don’t like taking Kate and Derek’s business, because he’s a werewolf?”

“Oh no!” Tilly replied taking a sip of her tea “I’ve been very close to the Hale family, particularly his parents. I’ve had problems with other werewolves, but the Hale’s and I have never had any issues. It’s Kate I have a problem with.”

“About that” Stiles sighed “I think the Argent’s are up to something…”

“Yes?” Miss Hollis prompted.

“Isn’t there like a truth spell or something you could use?” he finally blabbed out.

Miss Hollis let out a little laugh before turning serious again “Stiles, I may be able to use magic, and do so on a regular basis. I may also not trust the Argent’s, but that doesn’t mean I go on a crusade using my powers to figure out every wrong thing someone does. I’m sorry.”

“But what if Derek is in danger!” Stiles pleaded.

“He’s quite capable of taking care of himself.”

Stiles tried really hard not to look like he was a child who was just told he couldn’t have any more cookies, but he really couldn’t help it. Okay, so Laura hadn’t asked Stiles to do this, she in fact insisted he not stray from the plan. And yeah, so what Derek didn’t seem to be all that interested in Stiles, except Stiles didn’t really believe him. He just needed to figure out what the hell was going on, and fix it. He at least thought Miss Hollis would be willing to help.

“Oh Stiles” Miss Hollis exhaled finally giving into Stiles and his big brown eyes “I won’t use any sort of truth spell, but if the Argent’s are up to something I have something you can use, place in a drink that will prevent them from trying anything that may use any sort of supernatural power. It won’t protect you or Derek from mundane things such as guns, which I know they carry.”

“I’ll try anything” exclaimed Stiles, grasping at any sign of help that’s offered to him.

“As for you” Tilly sighed “We’ll need to find something for you, if you insist on getting yourself mixed into this mess, I don’t need you getting hurt. I can only imagine what it will do to your father. That’s about as much as I can help you with.”

“Oh - thanks” Stiles gulped, he hadn’t even thought about using magic to protect himself, he wouldn’t need it would he? Better to be safe than sorry.

After Matilda Hollis finished her tea, she took Stiles back into her restricted room, which Stiles had already seen. But last time he was in this room he wasn’t really paying attention to the contents considering he was busy with other, activities. He felt a blush creep up his face as he tried to hide it from Tilly.

She spent the better part of an hour showing Stiles different herbs and how to use them. She showed him what mountain ash was and how to use it, he was to use that on Kate and Gerard, placing it in their tea which would render any supernatural magic or powers that they might try and use useless. She then showed him how to use horehound and explained how it would help protect him.

Miss Hollis explained that horehound was used as protection which could also help ward off any other sorts of sorcery or supernatural forces. He was to place it in his drink, whether it be water, tea or coffee and it would help clear, promote and strengthen his thinking. He could totally use this when his brain went off on a tangent.

To be entirely thorough as Miss Hollis was taking no risks she also explained the use of borage which Stiles was to keep with him in his pocket at all times which helped him when it came to courage, he thought that was a good one. If anything were going to happen to him, he sure as hell was going to need the courage, otherwise he’d end up a pile of goo on the floor. Or worse yet, faint, because that wouldn’t be embarrassing or anything.



“Well looks like my Betas are here” Peter smirked “Meet Erica, Boyd and Isaac” he said nodding his head towards the three new people at the entrance to the office.

“Take care of them” Peter ordered to his betas “I need to have a little alone time with Stiles” as he started walking backwards, dragging Stiles out of the room.

Both Derek and Laura lunged trying to grab at Stiles and pull him away from the firm grip of Peter, but Peter’s betas were on them in an instant as Erica lunged towards Laura while Boyd and Isaac were on Derek.

“Looks like we need to have ourselves a little talk Stiles” Peter smirked as he pulled Stiles out of the room and caged him in against the stairs that lead upstairs.

“About?” Stiles asked feigning innocence.

“Your interest in Derek” he stated.

Stiles had no idea what to say to that, so he lifted his chin trying to act defiant like Peter didn’t scare him.

“You see, I need him alive” Peter continued removing his hand from the banister of the stairs and grasping as Stiles chin so Stiles had to stare Peter in the eye. “I’d hate to have to kill him and risk not being able to carry on the Hale family name.”

“Why not have your own goddamn kids” Stiles spit out.

“Well you see” Peter laughed “I want to be leader of my own pack, I can order around the betas all I want. But taking care of children, diaper changes and all that? Hardly my thing. Besides, I’m interested in men and you intrigue me Stiles.”

“Hate to break it to you dude” Stiles wisecracked “But it seems that Derek is also interested in men.”

“Semantics!” Peter answered “He can get it up for girls. Me, not so much” he smirked “But you on the other hand…”

“Why wouldn’t you have just made Laura do it then?” Stiles asked as he tried to crane his head around to see what was going on behind him.

Stiles could hear snarls and roars from in the office, but he couldn’t tell who was hurt, who was winning and who the hell was alive or dead. He just hoped Laura and Derek were winning.

“Because, she’s too suspicious and soft-hearted. I knew I could exploit Derek’s weakness for his family more than I could Laura, and Kate was already interested in Derek even if it’s superficial. It all fell into place” Peter answered.

“But that’s now why I brought you out here, Stiles.” Peter leered “I have a proposition for you. I call off my betas, Laura and Derek live and all I need you to do is accept.”

“Accept?” Stiles gulped.

“My offer, the bite. You’d make a good werewolf Stiles; I’d love to have you by my side. I can give you everything you want.”

“What is it with old men being interested in me?” Stiles huffed out “I much prefer my men closer to my own age, not to mention I don’t need a sugar daddy.”

“Just accept” Peter demanded as he grabbed Stiles wrist, bringing it closer to his mouth.

“No!” Stiles yelled as he tried to pull free his hand “No way do I want to be like you, you delusional psychotic pervert!”

He couldn’t get his wrist free of Peter’s grip, but he quickly lifted his knee up to knee Peter right in the groin as hard as he could. Peter staggered back, surprised by the contact Stiles made, instantly releasing his grip on Stiles’ wrist.

Stiles knew he had to make a run for it; he scrambled towards the front door, throwing it open and stumbling over himself as he tripped down the stairs on the porch landing on the hard concrete, scratching his hands and the side of his face that connected with the hard ground.

Peter, supernatural strength and healing in effect quickly recovered making his way after Stiles, but only made it as far as the porch before he was propelled backwards. He tried again to get off the porch to where Stiles lay, bleeding but he couldn’t get to Stiles.

“What is this?” Peter snarled.

“Protection” Miss Hollis said stepping out from behind a tree.

“Matilda” Peter spat out “Should have taken care of you when I had the chance. Creating peace with my brother.”

“I should have trusted my instinct from the day I met you Peter. I wanted to believe you were good, that you were more like your brother. I didn’t want to break any agreements with them though.”

“You missed your shot” he sneered backing away into the house.

“But I won’t” another woman said as she stepped out from where Miss Hollis was previously hiding, shooting an arrow straight towards Peter. As the arrow hit Peter in the chest, he staggered backwards, starting to lose his balance.

“Stiles!” Scott yelled making his way towards where Stiles was still sprawled out on the concrete in and out of consciousness.

“Scott? What’ya doing here? ‘m I dreaming?” Stiles garbled.

“Nah man you’re here, conscious. I’m here. Everything’s going to be okay” Scott reassured as Allison ran past the two men on the concrete making her way into the house.

“Allison?” Stiles called as he saw her run past her “No! Don’t go in there” he yelled as he tried to get up and go after her.

“It’s okay, Stiles” Scott tried to comfort.

Stiles ignored Scott’s attempts to keep Stiles where he was, as he pushed himself out of Scott’s grip and made his way into the house, chasing after Allison trying to warn her, Scott in quick succession.



After Stiles’ shift on Friday, he sat at his familiar computer chair with all the herbs Tilly had given him sprawled out all over his desk. He looked through each of the herbs, remembering what each of them did and how to use them. He tried to distract himself, doing his own research on the computer about each of the herbs but he couldn’t chase away that nagging feeling in the back of his mind. He found himself dialling an all too familiar number.

“Hey Stiles” Allison greeted as she picked up her cell.

“Tell me you know nothing” Stiles demanded, forgoing any sort of hellos.

“What?” Allison answered.

“Tell me you know nothing” he repeated.

“I - can’t” Allison finally whispered, Stiles barely heard her by how quite her voice was.

“Jesus Christ Allison!” he yelled into the phone “How long have you… How long has your family?” he tried to get out.

“For as long as I can remember” she answered giving up on trying to hide her families past.

“For fuck sakes, does Scott know? Oh god, am I the only one that’s been in the dark?”

“He doesn’t know anything, I swear” Allison responded so quickly.

“How could you do this?” he demanded.

“You don’t get it Stiles! This is my families past, I got away from it. Why do you think I hardly talk to my family anymore, it’s not only about them not liking Scott” she explained.

“And have you ever…?” Stiles couldn’t even finish his question, but he knew Allison would know what he was asking.

“…Yes” she finally answered, after a moment’s hesitation.

Stiles was actually at a loss of words, finding out about the innocent Allison he’d met in high school who had seemed like he sweetest most caring person. Now he found out she was a murderer, he was ready to hang up before Allison spoke up again.

“Stiles” she whispered “You have to understand, I was brought up to think that they were… the monsters, the murders. I didn’t know any better, I was young and naïve. I’ve only done it once, and after that I swore I’d never do it again. And I haven’t. I swear” she pleaded.

“I have to go” Stiles sighed; he really didn’t know what else he could say to Allison. It was his own fault for calling and asking it would have been better if he’d just pretended like Allison had no idea what her family did.

Later that night, once Scott got home from work Allison had their bags packed saying they were going back to Beacon Hills for the weekend. Scott was excited at the prospect of seeing his best friend again, and his mom, but Allison had a distressed look on her face. When he asked her what was wrong, she just shook her head and loaded the bags into the car, getting ready for the few hours they had to drive.

Once in the car and she was behind the wheel, she explained to Scott everything. About her past, what she’d done, what her family does, and about Stiles apparently getting mixed up in all of this. Scott was silent for the rest of the trip, trying to digest all this new information he’d just learned. Allison only hoped that at the end of the day, Scott would still want to marry her.



Stiles stumbled back into the Argent House apparently forgetting all the danger that lay ahead to get to Allison. He had to get to her before any of the werewolves did. Yes Stiles had called her, yes he had made her feel bad and yes he was probably the reason she was back here. But no, no way was he going to allow Allison to put herself in harm’s way for Stiles, or for anyone else. He had to get her out of there and back to safety. He wouldn’t be able to handle the guilt if something happened to her, he couldn’t even imagine what Scott would say.

Only Stiles entered the Argent office to witness Allison firing off her arrows in quick succession that could easily rival that of Katniss Everdeen Stiles noted. She fired her arrows into every person in the room, even Laura and Derek because she couldn’t be sure who was a threat and who wasn’t. She didn’t however shoot an arrow at her grandfather, but she had her bow and arrow pointed at him, like she was seriously contemplating it.

Peter’s three betas lay on the ground, withering in pain from the multiple arrows that were lodged into their body as they tried to get them out. Laura and Derek apparently being able to stand more pain, or have at least dealt with wolfs bane before were able to quickly remove the arrows lodged in their chests, Laura faster than Derek.

She lunged herself at Peter who was crumpled in the corner of the room where he also successfully managed to remove the arrows wedged into his body. They instantly crashed together, rolling around loud snarls echoing off the bookshelves throughout the room. Erica, who managed to stager to her feet, let out a loud snarl at witnessing her Alpha being attacked by another wolf tried to make her way to protect Peter only to be attacked by Derek. He grabbed her by the back of the neck, letting out an incoherent jumble of noises as he rammed her into the desk, her head smacking off the edge where she just slumped to the ground, rendered unconscious.

Stiles, for all the magic herbs that Miss Hollis had given him seemed to no longer have a clear mind as he stood at the entrance of the room, Scott behind him, transfixed by the fight taking place. In the back of his mind he knew he shouldn’t be in here, he only came to get Allison, to get her out. He could hear Scott swearing behind him, asking what the fuck was going on and “Stiles we should get the fuck out of here.”

Turns out though, Allison is actually pretty handy and apparently an ally to Team Derek/Laura as she steadily aimed her arrow in the general direction of where Laura and Peter were still fighting, blood being splattered everywhere. She moved her bow in one direction, than in another, trying to get a clear shot to Peter without hitting Laura. She eventually got her shot, and let go on the arrow watching it sail forward to pin Peter right in the shoulder.

He was momentarily stunned at the contact, but that’s all that Laura needed as she lunged for Peter’s neck with her fangs extended biting down hard on Peter’s throat before she brought her hands up to snap his neck. His body crumpled to the floor as blood was spraying everywhere from his neck where Laura had bitten.

Laura turned around, to face everyone in the room, wiping her mouth with her sleeve removing any lingering blood, eyes glowing red.

“I’m the Alpha now.”


“Stiles! Are you okay?” Derek demanded striding across the room to where Stiles stood, completely ignoring his sisters declaration.

“I’m… Yeah good. Got my handy herbs” Stiles replied retrieving the borage nestled in his pocket.

“Your what -?” Derek started to ask before there was a low moan by the office desk where Erica lay “We need to kill them, all of them” Derek hissed, turning around to where the three betas were huddled around each other, than looking up to where Gerard was, looking like he was on the verge of a heart attack.

“No, Derek” Laura replied as she squatted by the betas who instinctively flinched away.  Laura started saying something to them in hushed tones, not to be heard by anyone else besides those who were werewolves.

“And him?” Derek snarled nodding his head towards Gerard.

“Stiles, call your father” Allison requested, bow and arrow still aimed at her grandfather.

“My what? Are you fucking insane?” Stiles sputtered.

“I’m got to agree with Stiles on this one” Scott interjected.

“Don’t move Derek” Allison ordered, repositioning her arrow on Derek “He’s my grandfather.”

“And you want to protect him?” Derek yelled.

“No. But I don’t want him dead either, at least not by one of you. Stiles, call your father. Tell him to get here, he can arrest him. Put him away for everyone he’s ever killed. Just leave my father and mom out of this. Please” Allison pleaded.

“What about Kate?” Stiles queried.

“She can go to hell for all I care” Allison retorted.

“Jail? You want Gerard to go to fucking jail, what good will that do?” Derek yelled.

“He has cancer, he’s dying anyway” Allison answered.

“Derek, relax” ordered Laura standing up, placing herself between Derek and the betas and Derek and Gerard “I have the book, the one that documents every person Gerard has ever killed, there’s no other names of who else participated. We’ll give it to the Sheriff, enough evidence to lock him away. Allison here didn’t have to help, in fact I’m not sure how she even knew to come here” she continued pointedly looking at Stiles who had the decency to blush “Gerard is her family, they’ll handle it how they please. We handled our family how we pleased” Laura finished nodding her head to where Peter lay bloodied and dead.

“Um hello!” squeaked Stiles “Do we really have to get my father involved in all of this? He’ll have a fucking heart attack and then I’ll be in orphan. I so can’t afford to be an orphan right about now, I’m no Annie.”

“We’ll clean everything up, have him arrest Gerard outside. Stiles?” Laura suggested.

“Oh fine!” Stiles sighed in defeat “I’ll call him. But when my ass ends up in jail alongside this psycho” indicated to Gerard “I hope you all pitch in for my bail money, because there’s no way this pretty face can survive in jail.”

Stiles fished his cell phone out of his pocket and hit number 1 on his speed dial, waiting for his father to answer.

Chapter 6|

Further Note: I'm not witch therefore claim to not know anything about witchcraft/herbs. I did however, do my research so hopefully it's all correct. Or as correct as it can be. :)

stiles stilinski, sterek, teen wolf, derek hale

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