Failure to Appear

Apr 15, 2013 18:48

Title: Failure To Appear
Summary: All human AU set in the future. Derek is a bounty hunter & Stiles failed to appear on his court date. Derek accepts the job of tracking down Stiles; despite their history together.
Warnings: Anal sex, blow jobs, fingering
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 13/13
Notes: No beta, so mistakes are mine as per usual.


Chapters 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12|


Three Years Later:

“That’s the lasts of it," Stiles heaved wiping his brow to rid the sweat. He’d just finished taping up one of the many boxes scattered across their apartment living room.

“How does one even accumulate this much shit?” Derek asked trying to pile the boxes on top of each other so they could at least move around the room.

Isaac was currently at pre-school which he hated at first, cried and threw a tantrum clinging to Stiles or Derek when they tried to leave. They still had the occasional days where Isaac would try and keep whoever dropped him off around but for the most part Isaac started to deal with being without his parents a little better. He even made a few friends who were shy just like him; he even got better at play dates, and interacted with the other kids.

Without Isaac running around the house causing mayhem like the little monster that he was, allowed Stiles and Derek to finish packing up the last of their bits. The moving company were to show up sometime tomorrow morning, to start shipping everything back - to California.

Isaac would be turning five in a few months, meaning this coming September he’d be old enough to start kindergarten. Stiles and Derek stayed up late a few nights going back and forth about enrolling in a New York school, or going back to their hometown and enrolling Isaac in a Beacon Hills school. They consulted Judy, their faithful social worker and close friend asking if it would hinder Isaac’s progressing uprooting him to a whole new town.

Judy assured them that she believed Isaac would be more than okay. It wasn’t like Isaac hasn’t been to Beacon Hills multiple times before. When Stiles’ dad couldn’t come up, they’d fly down there. Isaac even got along with Scott’s kids, although a little older than Isaac - but Scott’s kids protected Isaac in that “loving brother and sister way.”

Plus Stiles’ dad didn’t get to come up very often, and although he was due to retire in the upcoming year, he was hesitant about moving out to New York, even if it meant being closer to his son and grandson. His mortgage was paid off first of all, and he didn’t like the idea of selling the house where his son had grown up, where he’d lived with his wife. Even though Stiles’ mom was deceased, she was buried in Beacon Hills and although morbid Papa Stilinski wanted to stick around, should he die he could be easily buried next to his wife.

When Stiles told Mr Gilmore - his boss - that he’d be resigning, was moving back to Beacon Hills, he flipped his shit. He asked how Stiles was going to find a job in Beacon Hills, what the hell kind of crime went on there, and how was he supposed to survive without his best crime reporter? Stiles had chuckled saying Mr Gilmore would be more than surprised about the interesting crimes that went on in Beacon Hills, and he already had a job lined up. As for Mr Gilmore losing his best crime reporter; well he’d just have to deal.

Derek was giving up his job as a bounty hunter. There wasn’t much call for one in Beacon Hills; there was however an upcoming position as Sheriff thanks to Stiles’ dad retiring. Even if Derek didn’t get the Sheriff position, someone else would be promoted and there would be a job opening and Derek had every intention of taking it. Everyone on the police force already knew Derek was interested, so he was pretty much guaranteed a job.

“Don’t act like this is my entire stuff buddy, see that box over there?” Stiles asked pointing his finger at the stack of boxes, so Derek had no idea what box he was actually talking about, “that is full of sports stuff, definitely not my shit.” But Stiles can’t really concentrate, not when Derek is shirtless, sweat glistening over the planes of his abs, slick from moving all the boxes. It’s really distracting and Derek shouldn’t be allowed to look like that, unless he wanted trouble.

“You’re the one that wanted me to teach Isaac how to play sports,” Derek shrugs, moving closer to Stiles. He grabs hold of the waist of Stiles’ jeans, pulling him in closer until they’re face to face. “We have a good half an hour or so, before we have to pick Isaac up,” Derek murmurs, latching his lips to the side of Stiles’ neck. He runs his tongue over the pulse point, sucking just hard enough to leave a trace of a tiny mark, nothing too visible.

Stiles sighs bringing his hands up to Derek’s shoulders, running his hands down his arms, tilting his head to the side allowing Derek better access. His hands run down the smooth skin of Derek’s back, sliding into the back of Derek’s jeans so he has a handful of Derek’s ass covered by his boxers. He squeezes gently, nails digging in before he speaks again, “please tell me you didn’t pack the lube.”

“Strip,” Derek commands unlatching himself from Stiles’ neck, walking away to dig through some boxes.

Stiles obeys immediately shucking out of his jeans and pulling his t-shirt over in a haste, letting it pile on the ground, he’s just out of his boxers when Derek turns back around, bottle of lube in hand.

Derek’s hands are on Stiles pushing him until his back hits the now bare walls, “wish we could take this slow,” rumbles Derek dropping to his knees. He grips Stiles’ semi-hard cock giving it a few strokes before he’s slicking up one of his fingers, reaching around to circle Stiles’ hole.

“Wish I could spread you out on the couch one last time, licking you open until you’re soaking and begging me to finally fuck you. Just like the first time we christened the couch.”

Stiles keens, hips bucking forward as Derek breaches, one finger inside of Stiles. Derek opens his mouth, letting the tip of Stiles’ cock past his lips into the warmth of his mouth. Derek wraps his lips around the head, swirling his tongue around before Stiles starts thrusting his hips. Derek lets him, lets Stiles set the pace as he thrusts his cock into Derek’s mouth, farther with each thrust until he’s hitting the back of Derek’s throat. He continues to open Stiles’ up, a finger at a time until he’s satisfied his husband is open enough, ready for Derek’s cock.

“Fuck. We can,” Stiles breathe hitches, “we can christen the new place. Every room. Every position.”

Derek hums his agreement, brings the hand that was opening Stiles up around and pushes at Stiles’ hips until he’s flush against the wall. Derek gives one last swipe along the underside of Stiles’ cock before he’s standing up and unzipping his jeans, bringing them and his boxers down.

He adds lube to his own dick, making sure there’s enough and grabs hold of Stiles waist, hoisting him up in the air. Stiles immediately wraps his leg around Derek, hands fastening together around the back of Derek’s neck.

“Good?” Derek asks, bringing his lips to Stiles, not bothering with an answer. The kiss is slow, a slide of tongue against tongue, nibbling and pulling of lips until they’re both chapped and red. Stiles can’t help constantly buck up as they kiss, feeling his cock slide against Derek’s stomach, slide smoothly along the sweat from packing boxes.

Derek pulls away from the kiss, as Stiles tries to chase his mouth forward to keep his lips on Derek. Derek laughs, looks down the length of their bodies, and grabs hold of his cock, lining it up against Stiles’ hole slowly pushing in. Stiles lets his head fall against Derek’s shoulder, biting down when he feels the slide of Derek’s cock in him.

Derek doesn’t move much at first, bottoming out and jerking his hips in minute movements, until Stiles bites down harder starting to whine, his thighs squeezing tighter around Derek’s waist.

“Half an hour,” Stiles reminds Derek.

Derek grunts his hand gripping harder on Stiles as he starts to move in and out.  He thrusts in harder each time, Stiles head hitting the wall but Stiles doesn’t even have it in him to care, he just holds on and enjoys the ride - well enjoys the fuck. Derek moves in closer, his tongue dipping into the sweat collecting around Stiles’ neck, running his lips along.

“Stiles,” Derek warms, his thrusts becoming more brunt and erratic than before and Stiles grips Derek’s shoulder, getting one hand in between them to give his cock a few strokes before he’s coming, making a mess of Derek’s stomach and his hands, the come dripping down between them. Derek comes soon after, his head resting on Stiles’ shoulder, trying to get his breathing under control.

Derek taps his hand on Stiles’ ass and Stiles unhooks his legs, as Derek’s softening cock slips of Stiles’ hole, his feet hitting the ground again. Stiles can already feel the come starting to leak, and while Derek usually loves the part, wanting to keep it all in, or watching it come out, they don’t have time for that, not today at least.

“Probably should have used a condom,” Stiles sighs looking at the mess they’ve both created.

Derek shrugs, they hate using condoms, only using it when they’re in a hurry and don’t want to have to deal with even more cleaning up. “We’re out.”

“You want clean up duty or Isaac duty?” Stiles asked picking up his clothes scattered on the floor.

“Isaac duty,” Derek said almost too quickly, hurrying towards the bathroom to clean off the come about to dry on his stomach. Stiles rolls his eyes, he should have known that would be his answer, but if he’s being honest he really needs a shower right now anyway.


The movers are at their apartment early the next morning, at 6:30 am, grabbing the boxes and taking them down the service elevator to the waiting moving van. They hired a company to move all their stuff back to Beacon Hills for them, so that they could all drive back down together.

Once the moving van is packed and Isaac is standing between his two fathers waving at the retreating van, sad to see most of his toys leaving do they bundle into the Camaro and start their drive. They’re going in a mini get away, a stay-cation since they’re staying in the same State - before they head back to the West Coast.

Derek remembers the first time they made this very drive; Stiles had suckered him in to tagging along by dangling the keys to the Camaro in front of him and offering money. He thought it would be an easy job, accompany Stiles, let him do his thing and then hand him in to the police station, easy task, double the money. How wrong he had been.

But also how right it had all been. Despite their disastrous start to the journey, building a campsite - one they never even spent any time in, to rowing across a lake and getting stuck in a mesh net and fearing that they were actually going to die. They thought they were going to survive, once they’d met the tribe and accepted the offer of playing lacrosse - only to get abandoned in the woods again, sans the netting. Despite it all and looking back at it now, Derek knows it’s what saved their relationship in some round about, ass backwards way it’s what brought them back together. They have the Blood Moon Pack to thanks for that.

A few hours into their drive, Isaac was passed out in the back seat having grown tired of playing I Spy with Stiles when they pulled up to the entrance to Adirondack Park, paid their admission fees and were strapping into life jackets.

“Boat, like my bed!” Isaac exclaimed pointing at the canoe they were going to be getting into soon.

“Not as grand as your bed, but fully functional,” Stiles noted as Derek double checked that Isaac’s life jacket was snug and in place and hoisted him up and placed him into the canoe. Derek and Stiles getting in right behind him.

“You going to help dad row?” Derek asked as Isaac looked at the paddle Stiles was holding. Stiles with a frown on his face like he remembered the last time he had to use the stupid paddle.

Isaac nodded eagerly and Stiles positioned him so that he was seated in between Stiles legs so his little hands could grip the hilt of the paddle. Derek knew that Isaac and Stiles weren’t going to be much help, but Isaac look so pleased to be holding the paddle, squealing excitedly as the canoe started to move down stream like he were actually happening, that it didn’t really matter.

Derek is surprised he even remembers where he’s going, this time they don’t have their fancy GPS, this time carrying as little as they need. A few change of clothes for the three of them, some snacks, a lighter and other little bits they’d need. Not the mass of stuff they bought last time they were here.

They were soon paddling up the familiar obscure island just off of Big Moose Lake, where Stiles jumped out, carrying Isaac with him and leaving Derek to pull the canoe up onto the shore. Stiles noted the familiar “No Trespassers” sign that was still lopsided and couldn’t help but laugh.

Stiles shrugged on his backpack, putting Isaac’s little one on his back and Derek bent down so that Isaac could jump on his back, to have a piggy back, Derek holding his backpack in hand. The last thing they needed was Isaac running off in front of them as they navigated through the forest, and get stuck up in any netting. They weren’t sure if the Tribe had set up more traps after the ones they’d disrupted and were not about to find out. Stiles followed closely behind in Derek’s footsteps.

It took longer than it should have between Isaac pointing at every bird or animal scurrying away that they saw, and the amount of times he said he had to pee. Every time Isaac had to pee, miraculously Stiles needed to pee as well, so there they stood marking their territory at the base of different trees as Derek stood around impatiently tapping his foot.

Derek saw the clearing of trees, becoming less condensed and they knew they’d made it. They entered the clearing, just as they had last time, this time they weren’t bound and being led, poked and prodded by spears of the tribesmen. It was a familiar sight, children running around, some of the people doing work and others just talking. They all looked up as the three stood just at the edge of the clearing.

“We’re back!” Stiles beamed.

Scar looked startled before he groaned. While Adahy stood up, clapping his hands together looking more than pleased, Aiyana mirroring her husband’s reaction. Derek set Isaac down, as the children all ran around to see the new little boy who’d just arrived. Adahy came and grasped both men in a three-way hug, before letting go and Aiyana hugged them individually.

“And who’s this little one?” Adahy beamed looking at Isaac who was clutching Derek’s leg as the kids started talking to him.

“This is Isaac, our son,” Derek announced. “Say hello Isaac.”

Isaac said hello, and gingerly extended his hand when Adahy bent down to say his hello’s a big smile on his face. “Do you want to play with the other kids?” he asked and Isaac nodded and let himself be pulled along with the children, running around.

“C’mere Scar, you know you wanna give Stiles a big ol’ hug,” Stiles beamed making his way towards Scar.

Scar pretended to look affronted, but relented brought Stiles into a bear hug and then doing the same with Derek, telling them to sit down as one of the other members of the Tribe went and fetched them some food and something to drink.

“So Isaac?” Scar asked, raising his eyebrow and glancing at where Isaac was chasing after a little girl.

“Our son,” Stiles nodded.

“Together? As in you two managed to work your shit out.”

“It would appear that way,” Aiyana scoffed smacking Scar on the back of the head.

“I guess you were right,” Stiles conceded to Scar, “when you mentioned something about paradise and never wanting to leave and all that. We worked it out.”

“You were right about my pride,” Derek nodded in Aiyana’s direction, she just rolled her eyes - she knew that already, the men just needed to figure it out on their own.

They were quiet for a while just watching their children running around, throwing balls and laughing. Not having a care in the world, it was something Derek envied, being a kid and not having a worry in the world. He still worried that he was a horrible dad, going to mess up with Isaac or somehow lose Stiles again. He worried about bills, and him and Stiles trying to pick schools, and even what to have for dinner. Then again, growing up had its advantages when he felt Stiles snake his arm around Derek’s waist and holding on lightly, his fingers grazing over Derek’s side tracing random patterns.

“Dad, dad! Look!” Isaac yelled running up to his parents sitting on one of the log benches, “Tad said we can play lacrosse,” he was swinging a miniature lacrosse stick in the air.

“Is Tad going to teach you how to play?” Derek asked.

“Yeah! Can I play?”

“Of course you can,” Stiles said watching as Isaac ran back in the direction of the children, lacrosse stick swinging in the air.

“You old men up for a game?” Scar said an evident smirk on his face.

Derek snorted, remembering the last time they played and what happened. “I’m game,” Derek agreed looking at Stiles a questioning look in his eyes.

“There is no way I’m on Derek’s team though. If I’m going to tackle his ass it’s going to be because we’re on different teams,” Stiles exclaimed.

“One time,” Derek rolled his eyes, but they all stood up heading towards the tipi that housed all the sporting equipment. They divided up into their teams, Stiles with Scar and some other men and Derek with Adahy and the rest of the men. The horn started and they were off and running.

An hour and a half later the familiar horn was blown and the men made their way back to the clearing where the smell of cooking food wafted in their direction, making their stomachs grumble.

“Take that sucker! I won!” Stiles exclaimed waving his lacrosse stick at Derek’s chest.

“You? It’s a team sport,” Derek rolled his eyes batting Stiles’ crosse away from him.

“And you hardly did anything,” Scar joked.

“I call bull on that, I scored twice,” Stiles scoffed.

“Glad to see you men still have it in you,” Adahy laughed dropping the lacrosse stick on the ground in a pile of others.

“Us? You’re older!”

“But apparently in better shape,” Adahy said narrowing his eyes at Stiles, and yeah Stiles had to admit these guys were fit. Even more fit than Derek and he doesn’t know how that he even happens. Maybe meditation or the whole mind over matter mentality.

Derek and Stiles slumped back on the log, out of breath and thankful when they were served even more food. Isaac was sitting in a circle with the other children, gobbling up the food that Aiyana had served him. He looked happy, sharing his food with the other kids, trading what he didn’t like for stuff that he did like. Normally, Stiles and Derek made him eat a little of everything on his plate so that he expanded his taste pallet but they were on their stay-cation, so they allowed it.

The tribe talked about any and everything as they sat around a blazing fire as the sun was setting, talking about what Stiles and Derek had been up to these past three years, aside from getting a son. They were sad to hear that they were moving back to California, but glad that they at least came back to visit, and that they were happy they got back together and even happier that they got to meet Isaac.

They talked until the moon was high in the sky, the children already tucked into bed. Stiles and Derek not wanting to go to bed just yet, and the rest of the tribe not seeming to want to go to sleep either. Derek knew that when they woke up the following morning their lives would go back to reality, they’d start their journey back to Beacon Hills, settling in for a long drive.

Derek was secretly looking forward to it though, going back to his old family home. Being around Stiles’ dad who adored Derek, Stiles even joked that he was convinced Papa Stilinski loved Isaac more than he loved Stiles. Papa Stilinski had scoffed saying of course he loved his perfect grandson more, humour reaching his eyes.

But Derek liked it here, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a good group of men and woman. It wasn’t where it all started for him and Stiles, but it was where it was all restarted. If they’d never come here, never gotten into the heap of trouble that they did, didn’t get stuck in a net and be forced to confront their feelings from the past year and finally, finally realise they still cared for each other - they never would have gotten back together.

Derek would still be a bounty hunter, living in Brooklyn in a crappy studio apartment, sleeping with a married man and hating himself. Stiles would have been successful as ever in his job, content with his career but unfulfilled in every other aspect of his life. Merging their lives together, again, was what they both needed.

Isaac filled a hole in Derek’s heart, the part of him that always wanted children. And Isaac created an Isaac shaped space in Stiles’ heart, he was no longer the selfish man who wanted the high paying job, nice apartment with fancy gadgets and a hot husband. He wanted a family, like the one his dad, mom and him used to make. Now he has that. They have each other.

Finished! :)


Finally finished! Okay, so I forgot to add before (and someone already asked about Camden, Isaac’s brother) and for the purpose of this story I only pictured Isaac (shame on me, I know!) but I just wanted it to be the three of them, like Stiles when it was him, his dad and mom.

I also wanted them to move back to Beacon Hills, because the whole “you always end up going home” thing (I know not always) but I just thought of New York as a chapter of their life, when it was just Stiles and Derek. As far as raising a child - Beacon Hills was the way to go (in my opinion), besides they’ll be around Stiles’ dad, and Scott and his kids (who was only briefly mentioned in the story).

Thanks for reading and actually giving it a chance, I knew where I wanted it to end I just wasn’t sure I was going to get there - and then all the craziness happened!
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