Failure to Appear

Feb 01, 2013 16:37

Title: Failure To Appear
Summary: All human AU set in the future. Derek is a bounty hunter & Stiles failed to appear on his court date. Derek accepts the job of tracking down Stiles; despite their history together.
Warnings: None 
Rating: Mature 
Chapters: 4/?
Notes: No beta, so mistakes are mine as per usual.


Chapters: 1| 2| 3|


“Get up, get up” Stiles announced when he barged into his guest room where Derek had been sleeping as he opened the curtains. “Rise and shine! Lots to do today!”

“What time is it?” Derek muttered throwing the covers off of him and sitting up in the bed.

“8:00” Stiles answered turning around coming face-to-face with Derek dressed only in his boxers - and what a sight that was. Stiles tried to avert his eyes to look Derek in the face, or look anywhere else in the room. Only his eyes lingered on the outline of Derek’s cock in his perfectly fitted black underwear - only black, Stiles had tried to buy him colourful boxers before and Derek had thrown a fit. His eyes raked up Derek’s torso, taking in his happy trail, defined abs, and chest not so much sprinkled but covered in hair which Stiles loved. Stiles had forgotten just how much that used to turn him on - only now he wasn’t supposed to get turned on, Derek wasn’t his anymore.

“What the fuck do you have to do at 8 am?” Derek asked rubbing his eyes although he didn’t miss the way Stiles was looking at him - and if he happened to flex a little it was completely unintentional.

“Uhh, work stuff. Y’know? For the paper, article to write, words to be typed” Stiles stammered out shifting in place. “I’ll just let you get dressed” he continued heading for the door.

“Why can’t you write it here?” Derek asked.

“Because we’re going on a road trip!” Stiles divulged shutting the door immediately.

“I need to go to my apartment to get a change of clothes” Derek mentioned when he exited from the guest bedroom in the previous days clothes.

“I’m driving” said Stiles.

“Dream on.”


Derek and Stiles got into Derek’s truck, opting to leave the Camaro in the parking garage for now - Derek could always get it later now that he had the keys. They made their way back onto the Williamsburg Bridge heading towards Derek’s apartment. If Stiles didn’t already know that Derek lived in Brooklyn he didn’t mention it just kept his eyes glued out the window taking in all the scenery.

“Wait here” ordered Derek as he parked his car down yet another side street.

“What, why?” whined Stiles. “You can’t leave me here. That guy is looking at me funnily” Stiles pointed out eyeing a man walking down the opposite side of the street pushing a shopping cart full of old shopping bags with what Stiles presumed was garbage. “And I have to pee.”

“Why didn’t you go before we left?” growled Derek.

“Almost ten years together and you still don’t know the answer to that?” huffed Stiles opening the door to the truck to get out.

Derek sighed leading the way to the front of his apartment building, opening the door - the one that’s glass wasn’t shattered and covered up with boarding, letting it shut behind him; not holding it open for Stiles. He took the stairs two at a time as he heard Stiles trying to keep up, already running out of breath - how Stiles managed to get away from Derek yesterday he had no idea.

Once they’d reached the fourth floor Derek continued on to the end of the hallway opening the last door. Stiles took his time really trying to take in the wonderful décor that was the hallway - with the peeling greeny-yellow paint that he swore would just flake away if he looked at it hard enough, to the tacky wood that panelled the bottom half of the wall. He didn’t even want to think about the smell, he held his breath as he continued down the hallway following after Derek.

If there was one thing Stiles was pleased about when he entered Derek’s apartment, it definitely wasn’t the décor but the fact that at least Derek’s apartment didn’t smell like day old piss. While Derek’s walls weren’t painted that horrible greeny-yellow, it was pained what he thought was supposed to be a cream colour, but with time it had gotten an ashy look that was not at all a attractive sight.

“I love what you’ve done with the place; think you could give me the name of your decorator?” Stiles commented.

“Shut up Stiles” Derek grunted placing his keys and phone on the counter - removing his shirt as he walked to his dresser.

“Such a sour puss” mused Stiles “It can’t be because you didn’t have a good enough sleep last night. That bed cost $800 and is heavenly.”

“Goes to show money doesn’t buy good taste.”

“Harsh” pouted Stiles, sitting down on one of the two bar stools in the kitchen area.

Stiles started rocking back and forth on the barstool growing impatient waiting for Derek. There wasn’t much to look at in the apartment so it only distracted him for a few minutes before he grew bored again - tapping his fingers. That’s when Derek’s cell phone started to ring and Stiles saw the name “Simon” pop up, there was no picture to accompany the name though. Not that Stiles wanted to snoop or anything.

“Simon’s calling” Stiles yelled only to be startled as he saw Derek appear next to him snatching up the phone and hitting ignore. “If you need to answer its fine, I know you still have to work.”

“It’s not work” Derek commented.

“Oh.” Stiles began. “Well I can just step out if it’s personal.”

“It’s fine.”

“I don’t mind rea-”

“I said it’s fine” Derek restated growing frustrated.

“Um right, well I’ll go pee. I take it that’s the bathroom?” Stiles asked pointing to the only other room with a door in the apartment as he made his way over.

Stiles had no idea who Simon was and he knew it wasn’t any of his business. Derek was allowed to do what he pleased just as Stiles was. That didn’t stop Stiles from spending a little longer than necessary in the bathroom not only to get himself back under control; hide the hurt he felt just thinking about Derek with someone else. But also to snoop around - he tried to see if there were any duplicates of stuff in the bathroom. There was only the one bar of soap, one towel but Stiles saw two toothbrushes confirming his suspicions. Derek was dating. Derek had moved on.

If there was one thing Stiles was good at, it was hiding the hurt. He’d learned to do it a long time ago, from an age where he should have been care free not having to deal with the loss of a parent and trying to look after another. He quickly washed his hands, wiping them off on his jeans emerging from the bathroom with the same old happy face announcing he was ready to leave.


Derek cursed himself as he snatched the phone away from the counter, out of Stiles view. Why had he left his phone in plain sight it’s not like he intentionally wanted to announce to Stiles he was fucking around. When Stiles excused himself to go to the bathroom Derek sent a quick text to Simon telling him he’d call him later, something came up. He knew Simon wouldn’t be thrilled considering this was the one weekend his wife was away with the kids - Derek pretty much had free access to Simon and his cock but instead he was spending it with his ex.

He wondered what the hell was taking Stiles so long in the bathroom. He didn’t think he’d left anything in there worthy of scandal considering he kept the condoms by his bed - which he thankfully tucked away discreetly as he was picking out a new set of clothes to wear. Soon enough Stiles was out of the bathroom ready to go.

“Where are we going?” Derek questioned.

“Adirondack Park” grinned Stiles.

“I don’t even know where the hell that is”

“Well either do I, technically. But that’s what phones and GPS’s are for right?”

“How far?” sighed Derek.

“Couple of hours.”

“You’re a pain in my ass” Derek whispered grabbing the car keys and heading out the front door Stiles in tow.

Once back in the car, Derek driving of course he waited for Stiles to get the directions on his phone, guiding Derek on to the freeway. Stiles was soon absorbed looking through his notepad, scratching stuff out, rewriting things and highlighting about half the pages. He made little noises, talking to himself as he wrote which only served to annoy Derek by the minute.

“Do I even want to know what this is for?” Derek conceded after about half an hour on the road.

“Only the biggest story ever!” Stiles exclaimed looking up from his papers.

Derek side-eyed him in his silent “continue on”.

“There’s this secret group or cult - whatever you want to call it; Blood Moon Pack. They live in and around Adirondack Park and they’re rumoured to deal drugs and hold these sacrifices and everything! But they live off the land in their own little tribe or whatever; so there hasn’t really been any record of them or actual criminal convictions. But I want to prove they exist!”

“So you don’t actually know that this… Group exists so we’re going on a wild chase?”

“You’re a bounty hunter! I thought you liked the thrill of the chase” Stiles argued. “You chased me.”

“When I’m getting paid for it” he emphasized. “And I didn’t chase you. You showed up at the mechanics at least once a week rambling about how your jeep was broken, oil stains on your shirt from whatever you were doing to fuck your car up, when it was fine in the first place. You stalked me by having Scott try and get to know me.”

“Semantics” Stiles replied waving his hand, because okay yeah maybe in high school he got a glimpse of Derek when he had been working part time at the mechanics while in police academy, and was he ever a sight. Then when the Sheriff invited Derek over for dinner that one night talking about Derek’s future as a cop, Stiles nearly creamed his pants right there. “Besides I believe you’re getting paid $2500, I might as well make you work for it” Stiles jested.

“This is ridiculous” Derek muttered.

“Dude, they apparently dress up in these wolf masks and everything. You can’t tell me this isn’t interesting?” Stiles bantered on. “I saw you watching that wolf documentary one time.”

“Says the one who has porn hidden behind their DVD collection.”

“YOU SNOOPED” screeched Stiles face burning bright, only to have Derek shrug his shoulders.

So sue Stiles, he’s been a little lonely since the separation. Adriano had been the first guy he’s slept with since Derek, the second guy ever. Not something he wants to advertise to the world.


“The turn should be up here somewhere” Stiles suggested interrupting Derek out of his daze a few hours later.

Derek kept his eyes peeled for the turning off now that they were on a more secluded road leading to the park. He turned right at the sign that read “Adirondack Park” driving up to a patrol station with a barrier blocking their progression.

“Howdy y’all” a park ranger greeted the boys’ as their car idled at the station. “You here for the day or planning on camping?”

“Day” Derek said at the same time Stiles said “Camping.”

“Need a minute to think about that?” the ranger laughed.

“No need to think, camping it is” Stiles interjected before Derek could speak up.

“Any particular park?” the ranger queried.

“Um yeah actually…” Stiles trailed off, looking through his notes “Alger Island?” Stiles finished ignoring Derek’s growl of frustration.

“Either of you have a boating licence? It’s boat only access, or canoe.”

Stiles eyed Derek waiting for him to pipe in - he did remember something about Derek going camping with his family when he was younger.

“Yes. I do” Derek replied clipped.

“Perfect!” the ranger said “That’ll be $18 and some paper work to fill out.”

“Pay the lovely man Derek” Stiles advised studiously pretending he was busy with the lose papers he was currently holding.

Derek shot Stiles a murderous look then finally took his wallet out handing the ranger $20 and took the papers the ranger handed him, only half listening as he explained the directions to get to the camp ground, where to get their boat and other tidbits. The ranger explained that they would need to turn around and follow a set of directions he had written down to get to the correct entrance to the park, so that they were closer to the island and where they could park.

“What the fuck are you thinking?” roared Derek as he backed his truck up to get back on the main road towards the correct park entrance. “Camping? You failed to mention that - not to mention we don’t have any camping supplies.”

“Like if I told you, you would have agreed” Stiles answered rolling his eyes. “Besides you heard the guy he said there was a supply store. We can buy everything we need.”

“We? WE?” Derek yelled “I’m not paying for jack shit in fact I should charge you more for this bullshit.”

“Eh, if we make it out alive I’ll think about adding a tip.”

Half an hour later after driving down winding dirt roads barely large enough to fit a VW Beetle let alone a pick-up truck Derek and Stiles made it to the right park entrance showing yet another park ranger their pass before the security bar was lifted allowing them to drive through. Derek followed the directions to the nearest car park.

“We don’t exactly have camping attire on do we?” Derek noted as he exited the car in a huff.

“We’ll make do” Stiles shrugged.

“You’re wearing loafers for fuck sakes.”

“Well call me damned. I’m touched that you care for my orthopaedic needs” Stiles cracked slinging his bag over his shoulder. He didn’t wait for Derek to reply, instead following the path that led to the nearest camping store ready to buy supplies.

Not even five minutes after the boys’ entered the log-cabin supply store did Stiles have an arm full of goods; picking up sleeping bags, thermal underwear and socks, flashlights, food and whatever else he could possibly carry. Soon enough Derek’s arms were full with even more goods, half of which they probably weren’t even going to need - Derek wondered why in God’s name they’d need a whistle.

“How do you expect to fit this all in the boat?” Derek mused.

“That’s why we have the boat in the first place” quipped Stiles. “We’re not swimming across the lake. Now shut up and quit complaining already.”

Although Derek was normally one able to keep his mouth shut, Stiles was pushing him to his wits end and he was seriously going to need a mouth guard in the future by the way he was grinding his teeth, jaw clenched to keep quiet.

“I’m not paying for this shit.” Derek stated.

“We’re still legally married - what’s mine is yours and all that” Stiles smirked.

“I signed the papers” growled Derek dropping the pile of goods he was carrying on top of a rack.

“What?” Stiles asked face falling. “When?”

“You had the papers couriered over to me” bellowed Derek. “No heads up or anything. I signed the papers a few days ago and sent it to the lawyers. You should be getting your copy soon.”

“Oh” Stiles whispered looking deflated. “Okay.”

Derek had enough; he shouldn’t feel bad for telling Stiles he signed the papers that Stiles had sent to him in the first place. It’s not as if it should come as a surprise to Stiles, he was the one that initiated the divorce after all. So why would Stiles act as if he was hurt or surprised? Derek refused to feel bad; he ground his teeth and turned on his heels walking out the store. He needed a few minutes to cool off; he sat on the bumper of his truck waiting for Stiles to re-emerge.


Stiles carried the camping supplies he already held to the register, dropping everything on the counter grateful there were no long lines. He was the only customer in the store. He walked back to try and pick up all the goods Derek had dropped in a haste on a rack, carrying those back over to the counter. The store clerk rung everything up and bagged them for Stiles, all the while talking about all the great places Stiles should check out - he wasn’t paying attention though.

Stiles had known that the divorce was pending; he knew that Derek was going to sign the papers sooner or later. He just never actually stopped to think about it, and what it meant. He was a fan of ignoring problems until they were swept away with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Hearing that your husband, now to be ex-husband had signed the divorce papers when the two of them were supposed to be camping, in the wilderness with minimal distractions - well that was the opposite of ignoring the problem.

He carried as many bags as he could on both of his arms as they dangled hitting one another, while dragging the remaining bags behind him along the dirt ground as he made his way outside. He saw Derek sitting on the bumper, arms crossed staring off into space; glanced at Stiles carrying all the bags and then looked back away. Stiles let out a huff, and continued along dumping the bags at Derek’s feet.

“We might as well head to the boat depot now” he muttered.

“Fine” Derek replied snatching a few of the bags at his feet and a few more off of Stiles arms and stormed off leaving Stiles to follow behind.

Alright, so maybe Derek had a point they didn’t have a boat so much as a canoe - a tiny wooden canoe with two benches on opposite ends and the wooden support beams in the middle. How they were going to fit all their bags in the canoe, Stiles had no idea.

“So uh I guess we can make two trips?” Stiles tried.

Derek didn’t bother answer; grunting in response as he placed some of the bags in the canoe, placing some in the back, in the middle and in the front trying to even out the weight. He didn’t bother trying to be gentle, cramming the bags into every nook and cranny until the canoe was filled with white plastic bags only the two benches visible. He grabbed a paddle and shoved one into Stiles’ hand while he grabbed the other getting into the stern end of the boat, nodding his head for Stiles to get in the bow end.

“Wait” Stiles gulped standing on the safety of solid ground looking out at the lake, slightly worried. “So I’ve never actually done this before y’know?” Stiles asked hands flying about towards the canoe and the water.

“When has that ever stopped you?” Derek sighed.

“Aren’t there life jackets? You know so we don’t end up capsizing and end up going over a waterfall or something? Not how I imagined meeting my death. I was kind of counting on just dying in my sleep - in my old age.”

“Stiles, just get in. We’re not going to capsize. I have done this before” Derek said trying to reassure Stiles.

“Oh God, okay. Okay” he breathed, inhaling and exhaling as he stepped into the canoe. Stiles had barely gotten one foot in when Derek rocked the canoe from side to side just to see Stiles’ arms flail about as he tried to balance himself hurling himself into the safety of the canoe.


Derek smirked, obviously pleased with himself.

Once Stiles was settled in he turned around to see Derek stand up to push the canoe farther into the water, as they started floating in a wayward direction.

“Oh my God! What’s happening, I don’t know how to steer!” Stiles exclaimed as he thrashed around in the canoe which only caused it to float more wayward threatening to topple over.

“Jesus Stiles just sit there!” boomed Derek. “I’ll steer it, just move the paddle in the water and don’t fucking move.”

“Okay, sheesh. Wouldn’t want to tip over and mess up your hair.” Stiles muttered as he put the paddle in the water and tried to move it like he saw people do in movies.

He didn’t know if he was actually contributing to the moving of the canoe or if Derek was really the one doing it but nonetheless he was glad to see that the canoe had finally set course, moving in a straight line towards an island in the distance lined with trees and pebbles. Stiles thought he could totally have a future as an Olympic canoer (was there even canoeing in the Olympics?) only to realise that after 10 minutes of paddling his arms were starting to grow tired. He apparently didn’t think this plan through; so he let his paddle drag through the water pretending to move it as Derek continued paddling hurtling the canoe along. If Derek noticed Stiles’ lack of help he didn’t say anything, probably still angry.

After what felt like hours of paddling (on Derek’s part) - but more along the lines of 10-15 minutes the two men finally arrived at Alger Island, pulling the canoe up on the shore so they could get their supplies and tie their canoe to stop it from floating away. Stiles took a quick survey of what parts of the island he could see, which wasn’t much - trees among trees, dirt, pebbles, birds and not a single other person in sight, no tents no smoke indicating a fire; nothing.

“You think it would have been busier considering it’s a long weekend” Stiles observed.

“What kind of idiot wants to camp on an island in complete isolation?” Derek sarcastically pointed out.

“You” Stiles shrugged. “You’re not Mr Personality of the year are you?”

Derek wouldn’t give Stiles the satisfaction of agreeing; because if this were any other time, for example when he was younger and camping with his family, they used to camp in places like these. Away from people, because after all camping was an escape from reality and an escape from everyday life. The Hale’s didn’t find sitting around a camp fire with other amateur campers - who in Derek’s humble opinion were amateurs because many of them camped in caravans and trailers rather than a tent - singing camp songs was relaxing.

He batted Stiles’ hand away as he attempted to open up the tent and set it up in the first spot he could find. Clearly Stiles fell into the amateur camper category. He ordered Stiles to sit still while he put the tent together because he knew Stiles would only hinder his progress than actually provide any help; all the while Stiles sat pouting.

“What now?” Derek huffed as he straightened up, finished building the tent.

“We find the Blood Man Pack” Stiles shrugged eyes scanning over a map spread out across his lap. “By getting to… Big Moose Lake; or so my sources tell me.”

“How the hell do you plan on getting there?” enquired Derek.

Derek watched Stiles jump up from where he was perched to rummage around the multiple bags of shopping he’d bought earlier on, searching for something - Derek didn’t know what for.

“Ah-ha! With this” Stiles exclaimed holding up a large enough device to fit in the palm of Stiles’ hand that boasted a large screen with a few buttons and little joy stick at the bottom. “This bad boy is going to get us to Big Moose Lake; and not end up in Canada somewhere, although I could use some maple syrup.”

“How much did you even pay for that?” Derek ridiculed; he was no idiot he knew the price range those GPS devices could reach, especially ones that were equipped to take people on a trek through a large reserve, none of which had any actual roads to be accessed by.

“That’s beside the point” Stiles answered. “Now I just need to figure out how to use this thing” he finished, scrunching his face up as he read the back of the box the GPS came in.

“Give me that” Derek sighed snatching the GPS out of Stiles’ hand to turn it on and program it.

“Oh why thank you Mr Cave Man” Stiles quipped banging his hands on his chest - trying to impersonate a cave man, as he watched Derek play around with the GPS. Stiles wondered how the hell Derek even knew how to use that thing considering when they first met back when Stiles was in high school Derek hardly knew how to use a computer and didn’t own a TV with more than 3 or 4 channels.

“What the hell would you have done if I weren’t here?” Derek asked grabbing and slinging a backpack on walking back towards their canoe. “This is costing you extra.”

Stiles scrambled to grab his own backpack shoving in a few more essentials, along with his notes and other work before running to keep up with Derek - who was already pushing the canoe back into the water.

Chapter 5|

stiles stilinski, sterek, derek hale

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